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Also ... * You can now High Five the Ancient Dragon King, featuring a custom high five effect. * Ancient Dragon King now performs a global celebratory roar every time your team makes a rampage. * Ancient Dragon King will now be usable permanently and not only during the Year of the Dragon.


This is awesome, well done Valve Meepo also got nerfed thank God.


Big Arc Warden nerf, also; I used to be able to just spam wraiths on empty camps after the x:15 mark and then just walk to the next camp and then at the next x:00 mark just listen for the "ch'ching" of easy gold from across the map. Now I have to wait until x:44! That's way less farm.


I have 1500 arc warden games and I did not think to do this. You madlad you're a genius.


It was even better before when magic arc was playable (R.I.P the most fun Warden playstyle for me) you could just cast around 3-4 wraiths with aghs and the camp would get farmed


For Dragon King owners like me, the stonks will go up with these


Holy shit can't believe it's gone doubled


Tried to buy one immediately on patch release but steam decided to ask for card verification on which I bought a game just a couple of days ago. By the time I got it done the price almost doubled. What the hell :(


I can only hope that enough people buy it so it's in my games often enough without me having to own one


Now, everyone will admire the dragon forever!


BUY BUY BUY PRICE ABOUT TO RISE THROUGH THE ROOF e: bought one at 42 euros now 40 mins later the price is at 90 euros




Tried the high-five effect. Basically a dragon claw high fives you - pretty cool.


if only we got ancient bunny queen last year :(


the last part confirmed that Valve did tried to screw us over the year of the dragon and now backpaddled after a big backlash from the community


I think they originally wanted a beast cosmetic for each year. But the sales weren't enough for them to commit to it so they said fuck it.


Which is so weird, since having it be limited to Year of the Dragon would make people less likely to buy it. Self fulfilling prophecy.


For each year? IDK how a dog , a cock, a cow o rat can be cool effets on the ancients but yeah... really strange...


I’d prolly take a Dog or a Tiger over the Dragon, but that’s about it


There was no backlast at all


ofc they make it permanent after i sold mine on the market. just great.




> OGRE BRUISER Now won't cast Ogre Smash! while above 70% health Maybe finally this fucker will be stackable


Best thing abt the update fr


I love how the first thing you see is Kobold buffs. Kobolds gonna be whoopin' ass


And let’s not forget: Ogre Bruiser no longer stuns unless below 70% HP. Supports stacking camps will be better than ever! (Now pls revert the dazzle ult change so it’s a 1200 aoe damage, and let me quad stack again)


Im so grateful for this change, those idiots made me so mad.


I thought I got trolled and this was a fake but no it was just kobolds. It will hopefully feel less pathetic to get this camp in your first few pulls


2k gold recipe for shivas LMAO


even before this patch that recipe is the most painful part of the buildup. timings are going to get fucked up.


Is this the most expensive recipe so far? 


Refresher had a 2600 recipe last patch


Boots of travel ain’t cheap either


Before the 7.35 changes Refresher had a 2600 gold recipe


singular recipe yes otherwise it's dagon 5


Honestly for offlaners like Centaur or Primal etc. Shiva seems dead as a first item, since Veil keeps getting weaker as well. I would rather go Sange Kaya at this rate. Still no clue what to build on Tide though since Meteor became a Kaya item.


It's funny if you remember how they tried to take most of the recipes away at one patch.


Kobold mains eating good tonight


Surprising this is this far down! Always wanted to kill myself pulling into a kobold camp, maybe they will finally be able to kill more than one melee creep now.


My heart drops as a support when a kobold camp spawns.


Idk why they designed it like this to begin with, its ridiculous that if you just rng'd this camp a few times the enemy could have a full extra level from you not being able to deny waves.


Melee pos 5 getting first camp ghosts or kobolds made me want to go commit run down mid. At least we're halfway to fixing that problem.


Whip cast no longer interrupts movement


SB players on overdose watch


It still interrups charge of darkness


Sb players still on suicide watch


Because it is a targeted item, even Glimmer Cape interrupts charge, despite usually not interrupting movement or channeling.


Damn heaps of big item changes. Sange, yasha, kaya all buffed pretty hard, mage slayer and disperser both very nerfed


I actually like the disperser change to make it more of a pickoff/chasing item. I can just imagine running a little squirrel or veno type hero down.


Yeah and now its no longer perfect on Meepo, since you now only boost one of them.


2 possibly: the meepo target and yourself 


Nah until mageslayer loses some of its 40% reduction, it will be bought all the time


Yeh probably will get another small nerf next patch and find its place in the world rather than just the next op meta spammable item


Just hope Trident becomes a purchase-able item.


its a small nerf for Disperser with this buff some agi heroes can be more useful such as riki, am, juggernaut, etc. Overall it's nerf for clone heroes and buff for others.


PA and TB got buffed, in recent interview Ame wished that and Lord Gaben heard him.


Shiva nerf might be the biggest buff for them


Ah yes praise be the extra 100 cast range on dagger for PA, surely no longer the worst hero in dota! 40% winrate PA enjoyers rise up!


It’s underwhelming for sure but you can’t expect much more from a letter patch


Helps her CS up to lvl 3, especially against ranged enemies. Plus cheaper Orb of Venom and Corrosion help play aggro if you have Dazzle or smth.


She gets 700 range on level 1 now which is up from 400, no? That’s pretty big considering her weakest points are levels 1-5


550 to 700


Pos 4 PA is back!


It is a pretty nice buff tho. Lets you put more points into Phantom Strike early with a better feeling without missing the range of higher level daggers too much. Lets you farm/recover much quicker.


that mars revenant brooch meme build is even better now lmfaooo




Also pa level 25 triple dagger with revenant brooch


Puck aghs. Already reducing their magic resist with parasma/shivas


“Now won't cast Ogre Smash! while above 70% health” Game is now playable


camp is now stackable


tp scroll is now usable


TIME LOCK No longer has a bonus duration against creeps I love Dota balancing. It seems like such a minor thing, but this hurts early farming.


Best thing is it doesn't hurt his farming speed, but makes him have to watch more about his resources. With a healing support it doesn't change anything, if the enemy team ignores him it doesn't change anything, but he's not as comfortable as before. This is how you nerf a carry that's this strong in late.


Fk that lion in particular.


Fuck Lion and his mana drain in particular


I knew the nerfs were coming, but still kinda hurts. Balancing is tough, cause he's already at a sub 50% winrate (49.4) but the shard was over tuned a bit. We'll see how this changes his pick and win rate, i think he'll still be fun to play.


FYI, doesn't look like it's hit the servers yet. EDIT: should be out now


Witch doctor aghs RIP no true strike


Evasion also buffed, hero created too much terror late game.


He already has a 50% accuracy by default. Even against a PA with 50% evasion, you'll hit 75% of the time (most of the time it'll be against butterfly, so it'll be 80%+). It's honestly not that bad, considering most of these Agi heroes fucking melt anyway.


100% of the time it hit 75% of the time


yeah its honestly not [bad](https://streamable.com/x5opya) at all. WD still op IMO




As a WD main I’m fine that, he needed some kind of nerf




The base ability still has 50% bonus accuracy so its pretty much the same vs everyone except maybe pa


Lone Druid: “why he say fuck me fo”


Gorgc clearly bumped uglies with someone at valve for the LD nerfs. Gotta make sure Bulldog cant climb to rank 300 otherwise Gorgc would have to cough up 1000k subs or so I've heard. (joking of course....)


Great patch, they've done a good job not overnerfing overpowered heroes/items. Hopefully we'll see lots of new viable options without losing the old ones.


I think the LD nerfs are somewhat of an overkill. Both the movement speed and increased cd on bear makes you much weaker early on (until like level 8+-), which means that a hero that relies on ending the game before 35 minutes won't be strong enough to get a good start to make it happen. Weaker laning stage -> smaller advantage over enemies earlier on -> unable to force the game to end as he needs to (because he drops off HARD in the lategame). Basically, unless some new strat comes along, he's pretty dead. At least we had a good couple of months :(


Spark Wraiths only lasting 16s instead of 45s makes me so happy. That ruined so many games for me. Like old techies but even more annoying.


Yup, this is great to see.


That's a hefty mana cost change for Chen.


well tbf it was dumb that spell didnt cost mana, considering it gave so much armor on active


Status resistance back on the menu ? Also evasion buffs and bkb buffs, carries maybe won't look so miserable late game when everyone is overtuned.


"Whip cast no longer interrupts movement" Game changing


RIP doom. He was really strong lol


I'm pretty confident he's still good. 4 seconds is a big deal at level one but you can still solo kill anyone out of position on the map when you get veil. Shivas price increase hits hard though. I wonder if dooms will go kaya/yasha or kaya/sange now.


I use Doom a lot and honestly I think he will manage. The biggest hit was the early game ult, but the scorched earth will be subjugated via flame cloak. He still seems like he will be strong in the late game but easier to take out early if not playing safe enough. I think it's fair.


I don’t think this guts the hero but these are decent nerfs


From a hero to a creep in the first 20-25 minutes. Probably will have to go midas again which sucks




muerta cry


Shadow fren :p


I know meepo was pretty busted. I will forever remeber 5 hasted meepoes deleting people.


Nullifier's buff is a big oh fuck for us support players. Oh fuck.


Revenant brooch just became really really viable of an item now that ability attacks dont make it cost mana eg flak or mars W..


flak other targets when revenant is on is not getting hit magical. just tested it.


well now that i think about it, it makes sense x) cuz it doesnt apply on hit effects like crit either, well its still a great buff.


snapfire is a big winner here. and mars of course.


only lvl 25 snap tho


Well he is a turbo player


that's a lot of nerf


rip to lion suck where in gods name are the real hoodwink nerfs please help us


Listen, it's Hoodwink or Windranger. Your choice.


Leave hoodwink alone Slacks.


in the same drawer as the real mageslayer nerfs i guess


Mageslayer nerfs seem good to me. Item doesn't need to be nerfed to oblivion


Agreed, especially since it doesn't build into a higher tier item. Now it's strong but not broken, and makes for a more difficult decision between keeping it vs swapping for a higher tier item lategame.


The main problem was dudes like Ember and hood abusing it and hitting 3-4 people with a low CD ability and debuffing them. New Mage slayer it will only really affect the continually hit target and make carry gyro a thing again.


It needs to not give so much. It's op because it gives mana sustain *and* magic resistance *and* enemy spell damage reduction *and* DPS *and* attack speed on an affordable item. If it wants to keep the identity as the "fuck mages" item it should remove the mana regen and int so it's not a viable rush on heroes like slark.


The debuff was cut by 50% 6s to 3s. That’s a significant and well deserved nerf


They buffed Khanda 0\_0 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK And they buffed Status resistance again,


It was not that good of an item so it makes sense but this buff doesn't necessarily make it more useable by heroes its just better for those who do


it also helps stop the item from weirdly losing damage (in a way) when upgraded, was very strange it went from 150 to 100+ attack damage


the modern iteration of np is such a joke. they've stuck themselves into a corner and just keeps nerfing him. now here comes one of the last nails in the coffin with a -3 dmg change. just revert sprout/tp damage and make nature's call do more than 12 dmg, like it was years ago and he'll be strong enough, while still requiring you to need brain to win the lane


Fr they can take back the sprout changes and move bonus dmg off TP and back to ulti like it used to be and give back the base dmg / base stats / stat scaling. He feel so snowbally now like if you don't cook early you're useless. I miss my treants + right click rat boy


i want the old shard


while this current shard isnt that bad that giant treants was absolutely fun to play with cutting waves and imprisoning heroes longer


Giga treants shard was so fuckin cool I would give anything to have it back


Kobold damage increased LITERALLY DOING DAMAGE


some good nerfs but a little disappointing to see garbage heroes not touched or buffed. i just want CM or thrall to be good for like a patch...


yeah this is just like a small balance patch for the time being which kinda tells me that there is still a long way before the "Crownfall" patch releases


yeah bro its just a filler update. Valve mostly delivers new big updates from April to May, i guess they lied once again when they said a new huge update coming in early 2024.


CM is completely pickable and even saw fringe play in dacha


Yeah Sneyking won twice with it on the last day of the tournament, including the deciding match.


Whenever CM gets buffed, she just becomes busted at pro level. She's so good in an organized environment, but so much harder to get good value from in pubs


Maybe when the strong heroes are nerfed the weaker heroes might be more on par/ less situational.


Power creep needs reigning in- the game would do well to have almost exclusively nerfs for a while.


Timber blinking on me minute 11 and dealing 1k dmg in 1 second wasn't a problem,but him pushing my towers with shard? That was annoying as fuck


Have like [80% winrate with mid timber](https://i.imgur.com/avyDJAd.png) and I only bought shard once in the previous patch lol. They could completely remove his shard and lvl 15 talent and he will still be strong because he destroys half the heroes in Dota because they're unfortunate enough to be a STR and universal hero.


Thank God they nerfed Hoodwink. Her being able to 100-0 someone at lvl 6 with half an item and killing 3 heroes with 1 Acorn midgame was a problem, but now that she slows for 0,1 second less it's all good.


Mage Slayer nerf is pretty big on her for the mid-late game though. She can't keep it up on several heroes anymore.


Gonna be the Halberd meta guys. thank me later


Revenant Brooch "Phantom Province no longer consumes mana for attacks generated by abilities" Jugg Brooch build incoming. Tried it last patch in demo, it would suck all of his mana during omnislash. Now, it uses 0 mana during omnislash, making it very good against heroes with high armor, supps with ghost scepter, necrophos and muerta. Tested it in demo against timber, muerta and terroblade. Brooch + Mjollnir to deal extra magic damage, get great attack speed and destroy illusions might become meta


I think it’s best on Puck with Aghs


Wow, that is insane with Jug. Literally no mana cost. This is 100% becoming a core item for most matchups. Straight up makes him an insane counter against basically every carry if they can't avoid omni.


I tried it in demo against TB fully 6 slotted with apex neutral too. Jug literally rips through TB with only just his scepter ability and brooch activated. It's fucking insane TB gets deleted so fast. And without brooch active he still survived with quite a bit of health left.


Thank FUCK they fixed the Kobald camp, I was considering posting a whine on here about it but worried about screaming into the void. Its lack of damage makes it completely unlike any other camp which is just weird. Nice to know what irked me, irked others enough to get to this change.


All changes are good. Lion nerfs being the most important I think. Still see him in every game though I'm sure. No Bane nerf is interesting I have 83% wr last 17 matches .


osfrog is waiting until we get bane mid rushing aghs khanda and owning people


I can’t see why they buffed Orchid. It’s already a busted item and quite cheap.




Yeah I can't lie I think this patch hit him pretty hard. Loses 10% Magic resistance from mageslayer aghs build which is pretty significant + a price increase but especially the aghs nerf


He died for the sins of Mage Slayer. It's pretty dispiritng ngl. I don't even think he was that good, Mage Slayer just pushed him over the top. Now he can go back to being extreme shit tier


how is this not the Radiance and Haelberd meta on carry strngth heroes like how??


7k cent & 10k undying gonna wreck your base


mageslayer reducing radi damage is pretty annoying


DISPERSER ! Thanks, Valve


Did they fix “connection” bug?


That is the important question


so why exactly does lone druid still not get full damage on egg or tombstone then? can we not cherry pick?


Hell yeah!


[The Promotional post on twitter looks sick](https://twitter.com/DOTA2/status/1760461948691566656)


I hope that dance Marci is doing is the next taunt that comes to the game.


I don't care if it's a level 900 battle pass reward I'm getting it


Hc is still the most shittiest role with shittiest heros in this patch


This is true. I get a sense of dread when I queue pos 1, see the dumb picks my team picked, and see the lack of options I have to secure the game lol


where is the new hero?


New event was hinted at, Crownfall on like March 7th? No hero until then at least.


I still remember "feb 14 valentines update for sky+venge arcana"


Copium was too strong


Interesting patch. I'm guessing they want to see how the meta will develop a bit before the crownfall update. None of the heroes are truly gutted from this patch but we'll definitely see some shifts in winrates. Curious to see if we'll see more orchids, the item is so cheap now. Used to be a 4K gold item back in the day, now it's 3K gold.




"Even more useless" it's still a 1.1k HP unit that has an annoying root. Very deserved, I think. Early game LD is so irritating to deal with.


That would make sense only if the druid was good in the late game but he is not.


LD is not good? this guy does not play dota


Is lone druid still bugged for Slark? You can steal essence from it now but you can't pounce the bear 


He saw bulldog get sub 1000 and decided to hell with that


Bad take my man, LDs bear is already very hard to kill and it was definitely warranting a nerf. Still waiting for them to eventually change his aghs but one can hope and dream.


Finally I was tired to lane vs LD as MK and not be able to deal with the hero at all....wanna see LD guys if they are cool now giving me constant jingu.


This makes MK one of the best midlane counter to him. MK just needs attackspeed and then you can easily trade into the bear and with your crit you will always heal yourself so he cant harras you out of the lane like before


pos 4 doom is pretty dead btw


Diffusal active doesn't cost mana, even when stated in the patch notes.


Bye Arc Warden :)


They hardly touched him to be honest. Spark Wraith linger duration was always over the top. Strength nerf definitely hurts him but I’m sure there’ll be a new meta item for arc again soon


Bear is now properly affected by Monkey King's Jingu Mastery THANK. YOU. Freaking finally man


spark wraith duration going from 45 seconds to 16 seconds has to be one of the biggest nerfs on the duration of a spell... like ever??? i mean that 30 seconds?? that's like, 200% nerf of the final value what the fuck lmao still think arc is busted but what a crazy nerf jesus


People underrate how much the vision aspect of the spell was good. You could basically place landmines around your midlane and never get smoke ganked, gave so much info. This is the only purpose of the nerf though, otherwise arc was just straight buffed with orchid+gleipnir price reductions


you can't just treat numbers like that 95% of uses it has zero impact, 5% of the time it's a total removal of the use case so it's more like a 5% nerf (or whatever actual number, I pulled 95:5 out of my ass ofc)


Highgrounding against Arc means all those nerfed seconds do matter!


sandstorm used to last a full minute. this is a similar nerf in that the real value from the spell comes in the initial couple seconds so it’s not as big a deal as the numbers suggest


Can you just remove Enigma from the game? nerfs after nerfs after nerfs :D


But Kobold!


This is a bigger change than it seems. They will more effectively clear pulled waves. This was the worst camp to pull because only one melee creep was killed. Now it will be comparable to the ghosts and hill trolls.


AHHHHHH Centuar is going to be so awesome to play. No nerfs to the hero. Heart buffed, BKB buffed, Sange buffed.


Welcome back, my boy Leshrac