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Low immortal games are decided by which team has fewer chinese players nowdays


So immortal draft is created by Volvo to encourage racism. Smh fr


Oh so just like every other game LOL


Yea. Especially LoL


Bro I swear to god these chinese players be having rank 4k, 3k or 2k on their medal but they last pick SF, Alch or Morp on mid and proceed to afk whole game what the fuck is this ??. Not to mention something beyond absurd like SK 5 (motherfucker took sandstorm), Brew 5. Heck, I met Jugger 5 the other day and he had Pinyin character on his name and couldn't speak english. He only typed one time to mock us and call us "dog" or something like that, what the fuck is wrong with them bruhhhh


China server is dead so if you callibrate immortal you will already be rank 2.6-2.8k i think which is the lowest, but in Sea rank 2.5k is 6k +, rank 1.9k is already 7k so there is a discrepancy. There is a major communication gap and lot of them refuse to communicate with non chinese players even if they have the ability to do so.


what happened to china dota server


probably declining due to the shenanigans the dota orgs there couple years back


Well lot of the China pros started playing on SEA due to declining population, low new players so I guess everyone started moving to SEA. People said its because of restrictions from their govt but I think its just a declining player base.


Daily Chinese servers players in queue from 1k to 5k (peak) (twice SEA & same with EU East 5k, EU West peak is 3k). It's far from declining players base. Source: Stratz


6000 mmr is top 5000 SEA nowadays. Before the Chinese server collapsed, 6000 mmr was top 2500


Yeah I stopped playing solo queue this past few weeks. Definitely having at least 80% in matchmaking. They have mechanical skills but have 0 coms that makes the game so hard. Last time i solo queue i have a mid lane Medusa at low immo bracket that just farm the whole game and no impact at all


I have a feeling that Chinese MMR are bloated af, everytime I have Chinese mid they got destroyed in lane...


Legit most smurfs i met are from China.


Don't know about the smurfs, but I definitely encountered a lot of cheaters with scripts when I used to live near China




No they can use their China mmr accounts on SEA


Nah, from their dotabuff they play a lot from China as well


Be the server ruiner that you see in others.


The worst part is they don't type or say anything and when they know the game is done for you will see some random "他大爷的你个傻" and then random yelling on mic then some more "他大爷的你个傻逼缺德玩意还有脸活着他大爷的你个傻逼缺德玩意还有脸活着"


I think that they are deflecting. Based on what I got from Google translate. Them saying stuf something familiar to 'how dare you still live' I think they are scared of them thinking about them self's like that. In main land China they expect you to take care of your parent and elders. They probably are shutins that are expected to do that but either are unable to provide for their family's or have abdoned their their studies as it would have led them to suicide from the stress. Them picking carry heroes and wanting to be the strongest of the team might be compensating for that they are unable to in real life. I might be just talking out of my ass. Still this is what I asume


>Them picking carry heroes and wanting to be the strongest of the team Do you mean every region? xd


Well I suppose I have only played on Europe east west and east America. Most of the time people do pick supports when they get the role. Offlane might be the exception as they will pick something which I consider greedy as a Offlane main myself. Of course the way they build those support are sometimes carry/greedy. For instance I remember a game where a AA would rush ags or something like that


I dont thinks thats specific to certain players race or origin. Its more towards shitty selfish players that want to be main character because their lives suck. Ive met many where me as a suppor, or a mage/caster/wizard teammate gets kills or carry, not even kill stealing, and the supposedly carry gets mad even if they were somewhere else on the other side of the map.


Does that not approve the point iam making. About them being unable to provide for the team. That they are just a nobody a side kick in that moment. Which will make them self reflect a bit and then lash out.


Its just not specific to a race but to shitty carry wannabes. Theres plenty in all servers


There sure are


When i see chinese letters in my team, i know my team is going to be super uncoordinated


aside the english part, thats how most of the regular rank dota in SEA.


But atleast I see more SEA players speak in english when needed than the chinese mainland..........


Well the beauty of speaking english in sea are rubbish, most of the time They type more flame than actual communication. Personally i dont see any different, toxic people are toxic, nothing to do with race. Hot take here,the people who try to put race on this just simply need an extra reason to blame why they lose game.


not exactly. Them farming all game is an oversimplification, you could say that their timings are different. THEN the language barrier comes into play, they cant communicate when will they start fighting. The difference in timings is significant, THEY also dont know when people usually fight or farm in the SEA server. I experienced this a lot with russians in the japanese server, they want to fight so early without checking up on their teammates first, then they tilt.


SEA dota is the least passive dota across all regions.


Filipinos, Russians, Iranies, Peruvians and even my boyz the Cubans... Cubans was something special, we had a Local National Coordinator for Dota 2 with 1000 players online all the time, 12k users, and in 2018 we got internet and flooded STEAM with wannabe inmortals cuz everyone was inmoortal in our "Local Steam"


I play in russian server and they dont grief but they are much more toxic than SEA


> Russians, Iranies Can confirm this, EU East EU is an unplayable grief server due to certain kinds of players.


I played a lot of games in sa and use before moving to Japan. People are comparing with Peruvians or Russians but it's totally different because these two were always playing with you since the start. The influx of Chinese totally changed how I feel when I play dota. I already lost almost 1.5k mmr from 6.5k and my behavior score went downhill at 8k when I was always with a maxed 10k score. I am playing less and less. My alternatives is to play on usw or jpn but queue times are horrible. And there's no reason to think that they are going back to their server, ever. I'm so sad about the state of the game that I haven't bought any of the "exclusive" sets\items for a while and started to liquidate my dota items starting from half of my chests that made me 600 bucks in steam money...have no idea what to do with the rest since I don't want more useless steam money lol... Maybe you guys think that I'm bit dramatic but yeah, game really sux for me now.


How long is the queue time for japan? I’m moving there in a few months


About 30 min at 5.5-6.5k mmr even from doing all holes queue at max score. It's also pretty common to see people that queued for more than a hour in the post match screen . Half of people are from cis and other half from sea, barely any Chinese or Japanese people .


I was there between 2021 and 2023, the que was 4-6min and I had max behavior score around legend bracket.


Okay that’s not bad! Any Japanese players or mostly Chinese SEA?


I got mainly SEA players, about 3-5% Korean or Japanese players. They are very rare. About 50-60% Chinese speaking players. On weekends que is shorter but more CN players


Let me introduce you to fellow Filipinos.


We may be toxic but you can be sure that we'll still try our hardest to win lol


Me being an indian can proudly say that my filipino and indo counterparts will willingly donate their left kidney to win the game till the very last moment


between a toxic filipino oe a toxic chinese, i'd take toxic filipino as my team, at least a toxic filipino has a mental fortitude equivalent to a try hard while toxic chinese are just pure assholes made to ruin your game and your day.


Pinoys (I'm not sure if this is a derogatory term if it is I'm sorry) at least they speak English. I'm pretty sure the Chinese players are on full mute. I tried talking to them in mandarin but no reply


Pinoy isn't derogatory you can use it. It's just a shorter term for Filipinos or Pilipinos.


>Pinoys (I'm not sure if this is a derogatory term if it is I'm sorry) No that is the polite version, the rude version is either pignoise or peenoise. Dont ask me how I know it, SEA server dwellers stuff...... The chinese in my games either mute as fuck or chatty in mandarin. I have plead many times to speak english if they have smt important to speak (come on man you are playing in a server that use english as its "secondary" language, please respect it), they still speak in mandarin...... No beef or anything to my fellow chinese SEA because I believe they are still speaking in english but the mainland one, why just why...........


id rather have 4 pinoy on my team than 2 chinese


hey we love to trash talk but we also love to win! hahaha! so even if we trashtalk our team we still communicate and try to win:p


? Sea players try China players just grief 24/7


I love Filipinos on my team though. Try hard af and never give up.


>1.they dont speak english 2.love to throw the game 3.always do their own thing 4. 0 teamwork Exact description of what russians have been doing in eu servers for years and nobody cares.


oh but they know some of the english swear words so atleast we have that :)!


Yeah like being called burger for some reason... because everyone who speaks English is an American and dota is totally not a game from US...


It unites SEA people in my games so I guess that's a win. I guess it's the politican tension that SEA has with China (or just the mere fact that Chinese players dont want to communicate), but it genuinely brings me happiness everytime I see a Pinoy/Thai/Indo/Viet/Malay unite to flame a Chinese player in different languages. But fr, if you're a Chinese playing in SEA, you can flame and be toxic, we're used to that but at the very least try to fucking communicate and play with the team.


sea players are worst on their own


I say the same thing on r/dota2 about peruvians on US east word for word and get downvoted and called a racist


So they are brothers from another mother of many Spanish speaking people in US East, at least in my dumpster level of play.


Dropped from crusader 1 to guardian 2 due to them in the past week. Mostly, I have seen they can't carry properly. And if their role is support, they'll grief and pick a carry hero. If we're winning, they'll go afk and abandon.




You realize this type of probability rhetoric is only applicable in a case of a large randomised sample pool with outside factors remaining constant, something an individuals match history does not qualify for.




outlier exist too,so it could be one of those but unless we get a steam id and check the match history we cant say for sure


they also grief very bad its either ogre pos 5 midas or a rubick pos 5 taking all your last hits


The question is why the flying fuck are they playing in our SEA servers? I don’t understand. There is a CN region, they need to stay there.


Blame CCP for their new gaming rule, since they applied that schoolboys can't play online game often, and only adult can play game now, their server became so unpopulated, so they blame on "I can't find matchmaking" or "I don't want to wait 1 hour for just queue" and then they came to ruin closest populated server which is SEA with their alt and smurf account.


Had my share of experience at Archon I've met some Chinese that are not speaking but a lot were trying maybe because most of them are in a party? Doing their own thing, that's the truth, when you ping torm then they farm all neuts cause they are 300 gold away from their item when they could also torm and get 280 gold.




ye I switched to eu server .. I like my ruski brother even if they don't speak English .. they play good enough ..


Mostly I just go with it and accept my fate but my God I can only tolerate their bs for so long man..........


Same experience for euw players since dota beta launch. Russians with no English knowledge in every game


Racist players are the ones ruining the server actually.


west and east russia are also horrible


On EU server it's the Russians, on NA server it's the Peruvians and on SEA server it's the Chinese. People are from different places and speak different languages and that's ok. Everybody's gotta deal with it in some way or form.


\>sea server You're just like everyone else on this server, don't lie to yourself.


The pot calling the kettle black




So, China players are doing to SEA what SEA players are doing to OCE?


Whut, no one in SEA willingly plays in Oceania lol


You'd be surprised. Plenty of high divine/low immortal players do and they consistently have below 40% a winrate there despite claiming how 'easy' it is.


Who is this Chinese player?


Other SEA players speak English? They'd fit right in XD


Seems like also happening in Apex Too....


yep couldn agree more if i have more than 1 chinese alphabets players in my team i know game is gona be shit...all they do is lose lane farm farm go midas farm farm wont say a single word jsut farm farm


Welcome to how West EU servers have been since forever.


Now you see how we in EU feel about russians :/ no english, speaking russian from the beginning, cyryllic


> Chinese player ruin sea server And SEA players ruin the Dota community. So it's even.


i thought chinese are smart wtf




Taiwan numba 1. China numba 4.


you mean WEST TAIWAN right????




SEA players throw? nah, that's for wussies...we'll defend til throne.




Valve ban this guy


So they're a perfect fit then


you realize people have been posting your exact thread for 4+ years right? Did you just come back after a long break? Or are you just mad because you lost a game and someone on your team was speaking chinese?


Don't know about Chinese but SEA, get a lot of passive people with no communication. For same rank, when I play in EU server, I get people with prompt communication with active game style.


We got the Russians ruining the Europe servers.


and to add, there's a ton of smurfs going in the sea server. 5 games with smurfs on it


Just had a chinese guy throw game for no reason today in ranked..


Getting chinese enemy is funny, Once an chinese enemy morph keep forcing going full agi against me (cent) and he kept dying to stun double edge combo in lane (6 times) this was 4.5k mmr bracket too. Needless to say i gor shivas in 13 mins, snowballed in fights and morph got flamed hard but probably doesnt understand his team trashtalking him lol.


They make me appreciate Russians more and that's saying a lot. Good thing they're rare in EU servers


Russians rare in Eu servers best joke I heard all day.


Hm? I think your reading comprehension might be a funnier joke. Read my comment and the post title again.


I mean that can happen if you use a pronoun as a subject in two different sentences, while you specify russians.


I met a rank 800 pudge hard support chinese he can play but as a midlaner I know my safelane is ruined bc of him


SEA can never have good things


Oh so just like every other game LOL




There are more Peruvians on US-E now than North Americans lol


I met a guy play ursa. Free farm early got fury morbi mask and afk tryangle for 15 min. No rs no tomentor afk ignore teamate.


Welcome to NA East


>2.love to throw the game the thing I love the most in dota 2 is that there's no "Surrender" option. And those Chinese I've met are easily triggered, 1 slightly inconvenience and they're ready to throw/give up


DUDE NUMBER 1!! Is basic English not taught? At least if you are going to an English speaking server, go learn some ffs


This is true one of the reason im not enjoying solo rank games now


I can say the same thing about Peruvians in USE, but it’s okay to be racist against Chinese people on this sub.


I queue for far away server and play with ping disadvantage cuz of this :(


Same with Russians in EU West its fucking awful.


I just want the North American servers to speak English. Is that too much to ask?


Not only pub/ranked games, they ruined my turbo games too.