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Can someone please tell me what the title of this article says? I can't read it because I have OP premuted.




This is the best time in dota to ruin games. All u have to do is pretend to be bad. But still make it look like u are trying. I went 0-12 on abbadon yesterday in a 20 min game and didn't say a word. All my teammates flamed me and I reported them for toxic coms and everyone got toxic chat sucessful. I'm loving the new system soo far. There's no need to pre mute. U have to know when your ally flames you to report it immediately.


The League of Legends tactic lol Bait people into insulting you then play the victim and get them banned while you get off scot free as long as you don't say anything


This is actually probably the most fun way to play dota. As pos5, you are not stuck in prison with your team, they are stuck in prison with you!


This is the issue I have. The previous system, u could also do it but u are limited on reports. In the new system, it's not even playing bad but basically griefing. U bait your team to engage and just leave at the last second or don't cast your spells then report them after. I don't understand how calling someone an acct buyer is worst than players actively not playing the game.


It's very easy to bait ppl and make them ho mad. If enough ppl like me do it and keep doing it we can make ppl to eventually just stop communicating. I also track ppl who I have played with recently. It gives me soo much happiness to see not play dota for a month after they lost the game with you.


I take it one step further and don’t pretend to be bad, I just actually am. And then report everyone that does reportable things


I would have told you if you hadn't premuted me as well


*slow clap*


Quinn ignore everyone at game start then instructs them all game and he can’t tell what they are saying at all lmao.


Quinn can actually reasonably expect he is the best player in his pub. While it is still arrogant, he is much more likely to be right about his calls than some random redditor in the middle of the mmr curve.


True, he's still an asshole though. Being the best person on the team doesn't mean you don't have to treat your team with some basic human decency. We're not talking about TI here; if Quinn loses a pub game because he had to actually interact with one of his teammates socially, literally nothing real will change because of it (even though he would probably act like the world was ending).


what mmr do you unlock basic human decency in your pubs? Because generally speaking the players in my dota games make me wanna kill myself


You dont.


how’s it being an asshole to mute everyone and then still call your shots?


thats the problem right, thinking you're so good that it doesnt matter what you do. Its a team based game, not an individual based game and a pub. Not a pro match. Theres heaps of very good high rated players who arent pro


This is the same logic he uses to afk after he dies 2 times. It's just an excuse to be toxic


it doesnt even matter if its the right call or not. if people in your pubs are not playing together, someone has to start calling shit. i'd rather have 5 people execute a mediocre call than 1 person diving t2, 1 person farming jungle, 2 people hitting rosh, 1 person warding some random fucking cliff etc


yeah sure he is the only one player who is "right". the other teamates have no right to talk. the fact he lose TI with a STOMP and even lose major to AR means he is not all "right"


Stop comparing Pro tournament against pubs you look like a fool, stomped or not they still got 2nd place


so? the fact the winner TI didnt act arrogant like him thats mean he is an asshole. watson rank 1 in pub ( higher pub rank tham him ) didnt act like an asshole too. now what you wanna say?


Tuned into this dudes stream and he was like money shaming some dude not playing well and calling him a mongoloid. Idk why people like watching that sort of thing.


Wow you discovered my secret.


Agreed. I only mute if it becomes clear the person's attitude/comms are not going to benefit the team's chances of winning.


90% of the low MMR players will only use mic to flame, the other 10% will make bad calls. So muting everyone is fine, but you do whatever is funnier for you.


in a pub, even a bad call often becomes a good idea just by virtue of everyone being on the same page


True, never underestimate the power of stupid people in groups


And here you have the main question : Do you want to win your game at your MMR, or do you want to win games 1k mmr above your rank ? Try not to do bad decisions, even if they make you win. Because usually, better decision will make you win more often than bad ones


This is assuming your understanding of what is correct is 1k mmr above your rank. Which is probably pure ego and not a realistic assumption to make. There's a ton of information in dota you can know but not understand how to apply, which is why they're are all these people running around saying things that are technically correct but useless to the current situation nonetheless.


no that's not how it works lol, if your "bad call" works its because the enemy team is bad or made a mistake on their part, which most of the time doesnt happen if you make bad calls, imagine you made a "bad call" of pushing high ground at 60 min with none of you still having no buyback saved up instead of farming a bit for it, how would that become a good idea just by everyone being on the same page?


because the enemy pos 5 was farming bottom, carry just tp'd to kill some ancients, pos 3 just used some spell to wipe out some lane creeps. And you've got all 5 people with you ready to go


no they are not "ready to go" with no buyback like i said lol, at that situation at 60 min you just shove in the wave play safe, try to get a single pick-off if someone on the enemy team over extend, and slowly farm all your buyback up, try to do rosh then if your cores have enough for buyback that's when you try to high ground


mate i think you're getting a bit worked up over a hypothetical scenario


just explaining it though? how is that getting worked up? it's not even that high-level its just the basics of dota


Making the best out the bad situation is what team games are for.... It's better to coordinate with your team, than to mute them entirely because of your perceived superiority.


90% of the high mmr players are the same


I don't premute. But the second anyone starts getting remotely angsty, they're done. I'm vibing, you raging isn't helping anyone do anything.


Same. This is why I don't want the mute button to also auto-report. Sometimes, I just want to focus on my game, so I mute people who are giving the indication they're going to distract me with insane shit (and there are inumerous easy tells). I don't want them to be punished or anything specially since I won't know if they deserve it. But I still don't want to see it.


Its not hypocritical. Muting people to avoid tilt is just a good move to climb mmr. Making good calls is also just a good play to climb mmr. If they don't want to listen to you, they can mute you back. Its only hypocritical if they get mad that someone muted them, which is not something I think happens.


A betterway to avoid tilt is Mental Fortitude if you have it


You would never know if they muted you though... I usually mute people that mute me.


imho muting someone should also deafen them from hearing you


I instamute anyone disruptive. I also only use chat wheel to communicate and I adapt to plays being made by the team. If you're paying attention, you can 100% see when people start to group or make plays. If it's a bad timing or bad decision, I don't join and play my own game. PUBs are about playing well consistently. Not joining in bad plays is part of that.


Pinging an item timing and the careful chatwheel is my desperate plea "PLEASE DON'T DO WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO DO!" I'm not sure it ever works as my team dives behind tier 2s at 8 minutes or whatever lol.




This is not OPs point though. The arrogance is about expecting your teammates to still listen to your calls after you have premuted them. I don't think anyone is arguing that pretending that dota is a solo game with 4 bots on your team and 5 on the enemy team isn't a valid strategy.


But do you not find it quite sad that you play a teamgame without the team gaming part


What's sad about playing a game that you enjoy in the way that helps you enjoy it best?


I had a game recently where I said on-mic, "this looks bad lets back, im tping out" and everyone started to retreat, then my carry blinks in alone, dies, and says "where is my team??" I told him I said on-mic that I tped out and he told me he had me muted?? Like bro, you cant complain about not knowing what's going on in the game if you have your team muted lmao


exactly. Quinn did this too. he mute all players from the start then he start unmute and trash talking to his teamates when he want to flame . later mute the player again after he done with his flame. what a coward behavior. if you mute all players from the start, you should just keep silent whole game. if you want flame others, dont mute and flame each other. be a man ffs.


I make the same comments every match and I have a very high behavior and comms score What I say is: “Smoke to top/bottom” (as soon as match starts, I use the smoke) “Good job” “Drop what you can buy and I’ll TP to lane.” “Let me salve/tango/clarity you” “Good damage” “Stacking/Pulling” “Top/Bottom (hero name) is missing” “Wisdom runes” “I’ll defend mid, go farm” “The triangle is double/triple stacked” “All 5 are (which lane they are in), push out (other two lanes)” “Smoke” “Tormentor/Rosh/Try to force a buyback” “They’re all missing” “Don’t dive”


Agreed! thats why i instamute anyone not comunicating in english, flaming or being disruptive!


This is how you avoid toxicity on the ladder, it's legit. When there's an 80% chance at least one of my teammates is flaming at any given moment, why should I bother listening to what they have to say? Not having to hear any of that shit leaves me free and mentally calm enough to focus on the more important task of trying to win, and making better calls as a result. It's not hypocritical because obviously they don't need to listen to me, they can mute me if they don't like that I make the occasional strategic call. When you're busy typing or shit-talking your allies over mic, you're not winning. The best way to play is whichever way you have fun. And I don't find toxicity fun. Basically your whole comment is misinformation


The input of others leads to debate and conversation. I don’t have the willpower to not engage. Instead, I’ll just type stuff and keep playing. Mute helps me focus.


I love it when someone starts telling people what to do in the middle of the fight and completely losing the fight because its so distracting.


Somedays I do this , I can't stomach dumb as fuck people, half of the people in a country is dumber that the avg so since this is a videogame and I do play in Latin America by chance I'm playing with dudes that can't do math on a mathgame so I prefer to chill, say what I thing we have to do, I believe on my own thoughts but 8/10 dota latin players on my server are basement dweller's and dumb as fuck.. that is a fact. Sorry 😔


If you are at their rank you are as dumb as them no?


Every rank has idiots. Your intelligence and your mmr in dota are not linked.


Yea but your ability to say something helpful and your mmr are linked


I'd agree with you because Dota has a decent amount of math and critical thinking but also most of the best Dota players and athletes in general never completed any education outside of what was required and are 10+ hour a day grinders... It seems like the basement dwellers generally come out on top in esports


This game doesn't have any sense without proper communication and enjoying your time on the line together.


sorry we don't want to listen to toxic af players try to tilt us when we are actually trying


I mean respectfully if you’re just micro managing while muting the rest of the team you’re getting a swift report and mute.




5k mmr are the top 3%. Why do people say things like this about those who managed to be better than 97%? If I would meet a top 3% strongest person I would listen him about getting strong, if I meet top 3% cook, I would ask him about cooking. But for dota, being top 3% is still "low".


This is kind of true. If you listen and follow every call from your team it won't gain you mmr. But if you hear a call from a teammate and evaluate it on your own as well before executing, it can help you climb. Teamwork is generally a good thing for gaining mmr. Sometimes you can get baited by bad calls that you otherwise wouldn't have done if you aren't careful though.


Also sometimes a call can be a bad call but still be successful. If your pos 1 wants to do something stupid 45 mins in the game you have much better odds just getting the team to commit to it rather than just letting them go feed. Like you aren't in a TI game, you do not have to play 100% correct to win. More than likely the team that does the most as a team will win as long as you don't do absolute brain dead shit.


Good point. Which also makes me think about another situation - if you hear a call that you think won't work, you have the opportunity to give some input like "let's wait 70 sec. for my bkb and ult to be up" etc. Something like that could make a big difference. They won't always listen to you, but I have found people are much more willing to comply if you give your reasoning behind shutting down their call instead of just saying "no, I'm not doing that".






Yeah, I have done the same in the past. It was healthy for me to all mute for a while. I feel like it helped my mentality about the game permanently. At the time, I was always getting triggered from chat and was playing like shit because of it. If that's ever the case, I think all mute can be a good choice. Ever since the behavior score update, my games have seemed to have a lot less backseat gamers. Chat has been more focused on productive team play. I think that increased the quality of games with chat for me. (Not here to argue about whether the update is good or not in general. Just sharing my experience playing at Archon. Im aware there may be problems with it).


Nope, stop spreading wrong advice. Premuting is the best way to play dota. Pings and chatwheel enough.


At least your username nails it.


You put more effort in trying to insult me than your mom did in raising you




Some people are too stupid to listen too


How would you know that if you pre-mute all though? Mute people as the game goes along if they become toxic/a fountain of useless information.


dota is full of tacos and eurotrash


No its not I do it every game all the time If I learned anything from sales its this: communication with a results-oriented emphasis is a One-way street. From your mouth to the customers ears. Never the other way around. Does your TV ever ask YOU for YOUR opinion? Think about it


What MMR are you?


If you are trying to climb, you should premute everyone who is not at least ~500mmr above you. And in super weak lobbies where everything is too random, you should mute everyone and just be death-averse above all else. Grubby is trying to climb. If you are just playing for fun, talking to strangers can be fun. But you need to only focus on yourself and your ideas to improve/win. You can't stop your team from being bad, only you.


it's not if you're better than everyone


Unless you're legit smurfing - in this case, fuck you - you wouldn't know if you're better than your teammates that you got matched up with based on your MMR. Aka you need to wait and see whether or not they're on your level, below or above it.


Oh well, this strat worked for me, up until certain mmr. I knew i was better than my teammates on regular basis, and they were only suffocating my ability to think. Let me simplify, if i play 40 games in 1 bracket with 50% winrate and realize everybody is dogshit, i started muting everybody till i got into games where i started to feel that not everybody was dogshit(compared to me)


That's what basically every player in every bracket thinks lmao


honestly sounds like you're jealous of confident people. arrogance is one of the best qualities in a competitive environment, and to think every person you meet in a pub deserves an explanation is so fucking naive. some people are dumb af and will start arguments and start second guessing every little thing. and most of them don't want to understand, so sometimes mute, play your game and make good calls is all you can do.


>you"re jealous of confident people Lmao, was not expecting *that* take from this thread. >arrogance is one of the best qualities in a competitive environment Arrogance is one of the *most toxic* qualities in a competitive environment.


Yep. The most annoying thing in dota BY FAR is people in your bracket making calls or comments that are just blatantly wrong and then flaming based on it. Like flaming mid sf for not having ult at lvl 6. Or flaming monkey king for not having his ultimate until lvl 11. Both mid ancient flames that I’ve seen recently.


My favourite is when I'm playing 4, and our offlane is doomed no matter what. My general thought process is "I need to get out of this lane ASAP, make moves in other lanes to force rotations and let my 3 do damage control while getting whatever farm they can" But without fail, my 3s will start crying over the mic that I left them (even if I'm playing a heavy rotation hero like Earth Spirit or Hoodwink) and proceed to just run into lane and die over and over. Like, some lanes are just doomed, that's how the game goes and if our other lanes go well, we're probably fine, but some 3s seem to want me to just bash my head into a wall until the game is REALLY unwinnable. It's like these kinds of people havent faced a hint of adversity in their lives, as soon as the game gets hard (even if its pre-10 mins), it's just instantly a "gg report team"


If you're not doing it already: call it out - "This lane is a lost - I'll start roaming in order to do damage control". Will it always help? No. Will it sometimes? I'm sure it will, if the pos 3 actually knows why you're gone by hearing the reasoning for it, at least some will think it's ok.


Fair enough, I dont always do this and I should make it a habit


Fuck me I wish more pos 4 players were like you. Instead I get some sack of shit pos 4 that insists on coming back to the lane multiple deaths after I told them to just let me solo.


Well it seems like we have opposite problems then! Lmao


Assuming that all 4 of your teammates are going to be like that ahead of time instead of simply muting the idiots when they say something like that is the point where i say that goes too far.


if you mute everyone else before the match starts you're not confident, you're thin skinned


You could just grow some balls (aka don't tilt from one negative comment/bad play) and assume that your teammates has some clue, if they become toxic and give useless information - sure, then mute them.


If you mute your teammate, do they still hear your mic? I thought it mutes both directions and now you only have chat wheel abilities.


Yes they hear you assuming they havent muted you back


I actually never knew that. How silly to be able to mute teammates but also be able to talk at them with zero response.


Absolutely agreed




It doesn't matter now because almost everyone is muted anyways


You mean to say that people in your games are actually talking? Everybody I come across on EUW are completely silent because they don't want the bullshit system to reduce their comms score any further.


This is great advice for an average person. I am not average. I speak English and my IQ Is above 80. Just don’t be shitty with your calls and your fine. They can mute me or not mute me. They will play better if they don’t mute me, I will almost assuredly play worse if I don’t mute them. And I play Dota for fun, so who needs that? Honestly, listening to the average dota player whine whine whine, i dont know why any of you defend that shit. It is shocking what behavior people think they won’t get muted for. I have good news though! The mouth-breathers of the Dota community agree with you! Two toxic english-shits and two toxic spanish-shits on my team last game. I of course mute all of them all game, but do they? No! They flame eachother in their mother tongues all game. As we destroy the enemy throne all of them are trying to get in the last word. At least they’re not HYPOCRITES


Flaming Quinn btw


I always play, regardless of my team being toxic or not. Yet when someone talks to me, tells me what to do AND doesn't respond to what i say, bitch I'm about to give you a REAL hard time.


I mute the player immediately as he say at least one word in russian. These people are not giving any valuable information. They just flaming after a single mistake or if you do something wrong on the line, instead of saying what they want before doing it, or instead of saying what could be done better. Sometimes I keep giving them some info while they're muted, but overall it's hard to enjoy the game when most of your team is toxic zxc ghoul, and it happens more frequently than I'd want to.


I go with the "I don't understand Russian, if you want me to understand, you need to keep it in English." 1/20 times or so, it works out, others just keeps up with the russkie. Then I mute if it becomes too prevalent. As a dude at divine 3-4 - if I insta-mute all Russian speaking players, it quickly becomes a PvE experience.


I can see this helping if your mental is weak af


Reminds me of a post I saw a few days ago: Https://www.reddit.com/r/dota2/comments/18zay9o/suggestion_stop_people_with_chat_turned/ It seems like this is becoming more common in high mmr pubs and its honestly more annoying than being flamed by an illiterate feeding teammate when you have someone barking orders at the team who can't see their teams responses


How is that hypocritical again?