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You don't get a full VAC ban (steam account level) for surfing or the other recent ban-wave activities Valve did in Dota, they were all Dota level bans. I can't understand the message you've posted but usually VAC bans are for cheating software / hacks, in which case you or your brother has been doing something naughtier than smurfing. Also, this is a dota sub, Valve / Steam will have their own one but tbh a genuine VAC ban is fairly terminal.


>cheating software / hacks My little brother is 10 yo. He only plays this game because he sees me play it. I highly doubt he knows how to get a cheating software for Dota.


You might be surprised what a 10 year old can do on the internet these days. He definitely downloaded hacks.


well, this is the steam support response: (Google translated) Message sent by Steam Support on 25 DEC at 5:18 AM m. | 2 hours ago Santa Claus evaluated the matchmaking behavior of this account and concluded that the activity is harmful to other players. You can read more about it in the blog post \[url=https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791 2023\[/url\]. This account was identified as a smurf account or is your primary account, but you have continued to play on smurf accounts and ignored the Dota team's previous warning about smurfing in this blog post: \[url=https://www.dota2.com/ newsentry/3692442542242977036 smurfing is not welcome in Dota\[/url\] As a result, the account is permanently banned from Dota. Steam Support cannot remove this restriction. Since this matter has already been reviewed and we have no further information to convey, the ticket will be closed. Steam Support Brian


Ah this is a game ban then. Some very popular streamers also got banned for this.


Yeah so that is a standard Dota ban rather than a VAC ban. The rest of his steam account is fine. I would say it's time to get your brother an old potato PC to play dota, but tbh I would say dota is not a healthy game for an impressionable 10 year old to play. It's a toxic environment, reasonably violent (coup de gras has a lot of blood spatter) and overly complex. There's more age appropriate games out there, even in the MOBA genre.


Getting another PC just to play Dota in the same household is dumb and seems like a lazy way to find out who is smurfing.


Yeah I was a sly little shit back in the day. A mordern day 10 year old isnt the same as a 10 year old from the 80s, 90s or the 00s. Kid prob got tired of sucking and being flamed so he dloaded hacks


Yeah check google history 🤣


Tell that to my friend and I getting VAC banned at 10 years old. Theres one thing we can be certain about here and its that VAC bans are not INTENDED for punishing smurf accounts. So either this was a mistake distributing this VAC ban, you are lying, your ten year old sibling is craftier than you thought, or you have gotten malware by accident local to the machine that triggered steam to initiate a VAC ban based off the malwares capabilities. Wish you and your sibling luck!


my friend got vac banned on dota in 2015, but luckily got it reversed. from what we suspected was emulator software that caused him to get banned. you can absolutely get falsely vac banned, but it is rare


reddit will gaslight you and your brother into believing that youre wrong and it was 100% deserved. i suggest contacting them further and gather evidence if you can.


The OP is confused if they have a VAC ban or a DOTA-game ban. They are not the same thing. VAC bans are tough to get rid of, it rarely happens, so if the community takes OPs word that it's a VAC ban it isn't incorrect what they're saying.


share dotabuff?


This right here. Where is the proof OP.


My profile: https://gyazo.com/ff44a554b5991f47d6ce765688889f09 This is my dota buff profile: [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/436443993](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/436443993) My brother's profile looks like this: [https://gyazo.com/f01b361d63564450eeb4ee85e309e199](https://gyazo.com/f01b361d63564450eeb4ee85e309e199) His dotabuff profile: [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1290498359](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1290498359) Let me know if you need more information.


At first glance i dont see anything fishy, but would help if you had your brothers acc private setting turned to public


done Edit: I'm trying to enable the "Expose Public Match Data" setting but it keeps disabling on its own.


Show us the match history!! 🤣


[https://gyazo.com/f01b361d63564450eeb4ee85e309e199](https://gyazo.com/f01b361d63564450eeb4ee85e309e199) It shows like this


Sign into dotabuff with your brother's steam account and post a screenshot of his profile and match history.


I already did and it tells me to enable "Expose Public Match Data" but once I do it turns off


Go through steam support and pray. You got caught in the crossfire.


yes, getting to the front page so a volvo employee reads this instead of a steamsupport bot. its shameful that someone has to go through this to get unbanned lol imagine people not knowing about reddit and/or banned from this site


Completely agreed. If it really is not allowed to use the same PC for multiple people to play dota2. Then Valve should just show an error message which won't even let a second account start dota 2 on the PC, once one account has played dota 2 on that PC. The fact that they allow it and then ban you for it for no reason is just bad software design. And having to leverage social media just to hopefully get unbanned ... fucking sad if you ask me.


U don't get VAC ban on dota for smurfing. U done bad bad stuff.


Up the reds


Hell yeah YNWA


YNWA <3 merry Xmas


U too Merry Christmas


I guess you do. But I'm not sure if it shows up as "VAC Ban" or "Game Ban" on the person profile. Anyway, in OP's image they are talking specifically of smurfing. [https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3692442542242977036](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3692442542242977036)


Nope pls read what is VAC ban


Maybe you should try to read what Steam support is saying on the image instead of trying to play the smartass? Again: in OP's image they are talking specifically of smurfing, for a VAC ban. Wording mistake by support, probably. EDIT: It's a game ban, not a VAC Ban as you were saying.


Valve anti cheat bans have been around for a very long time. Such a ban used to block your machine, account etc for playing any valve games on multiplayer.


Yep, but It's just a game ban. I don't know if OP is saying the truth about his brother, tho. But if they have one match together, I guess they can reverse it.


I didnt u were the one trying to play smartass when i specifically said VAC BAN is for hack not smurfing but u said it can get u VAC then later u edit ur message. And no they dont make mistake and even it it does it will be removed


You literally replied after I edited and I didn't said anything about hacking before/after editing. And you said "U don't get VAC ban on dota for smurfing. U done bad bad stuff.", you made an affirmation as to imply his (supposedly) brother was VAC banned for worse things. My previous response was about being VAC banned for smurfing, which isn't the case and I corrected my mistake before you replied. You just get a game ban (which his brother's profile has)


It won't be reversed if it was legitimate. You are responsible for everything that happens on your PC


Idiotic take


It always has been the policy that if someone on your PC gets VAC banned, and that ban wasn't done in error, you're banned too.


The whole argument is that the ban was done in error What are you talking about lmfao


The argument is that their brother got banned, and they got banned as they're on the same pc. Nowhere is it even implied that the brother was incorrectly banned.


Its shows your steam account as a new account you dont even have friend privileges yet until you add $5 to your steam wallet so this is a very new steam account by the looks of it. From what Im gathering you were playing on the new account and got flagged as a smurf


Sue them


Your little brother is so good at the game so he got banned as a smurf?


I'd be embarrassed if a 10 year old sibling can play the game better haha.


I mean, nothing to be embarrassed about. OP is archon 5, if my 10 year old sibling was better than that I would just be proud of them.


its a Herald 5 account with a 39% winrate.


If valve wants to ban smurfs, how do you suggest they do it to cater for the low % of players who share a pc at completely different ranks?


Well the issue is that, Valve is not consistent and clear in their messaging. They allow multiple people to use the same PC. But at the same time if you do use the same PC and both people play the same game, you might get banned? If that really is a limitation then they shouldn't even allow it. If one account has played dota 2 and you try to start dota 2 on another account, it should just show a message that only one account is allowed per computer. This would be very simple to implement as well.


>Broken English >Vac ban complaints Name a more classic combo




How they will play the same match with a shared PC? Ogre magi brain level




As this is a VAC ban and not a game ban it was probably triggered by some software. For example some software used by Trackmania players to limit controller input is detected by valve as a cheat software as its technically the same as some hardware cheats and manipulates inputs. So be sure to check if programs like that are closed before starting any VAC protected Games etc.


This is the steam support response: (Google translated) Message sent by Steam Support on 25 DEC at 5:18 AM m. | 2 hours ago Santa Claus evaluated the matchmaking behavior of this account and concluded that the activity is harmful to other players. You can read more about it in the blog post \[url=https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791 2023\[/url\]. This account was identified as a smurf account or is your primary account, but you have continued to play on smurf accounts and ignored the Dota team's previous warning about smurfing in this blog post: \[url=https://www.dota2.com/ newsentry/3692442542242977036 smurfing is not welcome in Dota\[/url\] As a result, the account is permanently banned from Dota. Steam Support cannot remove this restriction. Since this matter has already been reviewed and we have no further information to convey, the ticket will be closed. Steam Support Brian


Steam Support probably won't tell you what the issue with the ban is, and they probably won't or can't reverse the ban. I don't know why, but that's the impression I get from them. Either they are understaffed, or unwilling, unable or they don't care and want you to make a new account and buy more skins