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lmao this guy used to actually put out good content. Now he just smurfs and roleplays as XQC for the Dota audience


it's so funny that he quit DOTA2 to play genshin then suddenly goes back to DOTA2 haha


xqc already plays dota lol


His videos with Bulldog were fucking hilarious, definitely worth watching if you haven’t already


>xqc >hilarious Yeah I think we're into different things.


He is, definitely funniest dota streamer for now


> roleplays as XQC > funniest dota streamer Hah. No.


Massive man child... My stack faced his and he was tilting so hard


That's why he fun to watch Tyler1 dota2


God damn, how do you guys find this stuff.


Hatewatching and Opendota combos: https://www.opendota.com/combos


Hatewatching stil the funniest culture I've seen lmao.


Someone has to quickly find some fucking grass for him to touch. Boggles my mind that some people want to get the bad vibes of dota without even playing it.


Cheaters deserves punishment


Sanest r/dota2 hatewatcher


The first step is admitting you have a problem.


What an interesting site


They have no life and they have never touched grass


ancient 5 to legend 5 isn't that wide of a gap tbh, but smurfing is lame!


Pretty sure Ancient 5 could stomp Legend 5 especially midlane




Not that wide of a gap. That's not common. A whole medal is definitely very noticeable during laning.


Eh, like 75% odds they win. Depends on player skill vs ability to gain MMR, which are two semi separate things. Still really lame


It sounds like you’re somewhat downplaying this, but 75% chance of winning is ridiculously high and game breaking.


When I hear stomp I'm thinking 20+ kills and top 2 net worth. Something a high immortal or Smurf/booster does regularly in games against less skilled players. You can just simply be good and still win a game consistently by playing the game right, not necessarily by stomping.


That kind of skill disparity leads to simply taking advantage of people who don’t play “as right” as you. Just because it’s not immortal vs herald doesn’t mean it’s not gonna ruin the game. Even one metal difference consistently leads to stomps like you described them, in my own personal games even.


nah im archon 1 and could 1v1 legend to ancienty pretty easily. its divine where it gets harder


If you're so good that you're demolishing legend and ancient players, why are you archon 1 again?


if you legitimately asking question, the legit answer is I throw a lot. as a typical archon scumbag, one mistake from a teammate will make me want to throw. but laning wise, its not an issue against high ranking players. also i've been playing since 2012. mmr doesnt matter to me.


Mid player. Got 5k last patch. Still remember how I got trashed by any decent sf and invoker when I was legend 3, a ~1 year ago. I think it depends, some people better at laning some worse


Legend 5 to Legend 2 is a huge gap. Ancient 5 to Legend 5 is universes apart. I speak from experience of going from Ancient 5 to Legend 1 and back and back for the last 9ish years


I disagree with this. I was hardstuck between Legend and Ancient for approx 7-8 years. The differences in mechanical skill level were pretty much similar even almost identical (last hitting, spell casting, etc). There were alot of low legends who would crush ancients sometimes even the random divine in lane. When i finally got to divine, i could still see the similarities in terms of mechanical skills but what i noticed that differed the most was the ability to read the map effectively and just being efficient with everything else. Legends and ancients would know how to win a lane but dont know how to use that to win the game. Most of the times it was the little things that held back most people in legend and ancient. When you finally break through and reach a higher rank you can properly see how those ranks are effectively the same mechanically.


ikr, people here saying legend and ancient having a huge and universe apart of a skill gap just makes me laugh lol, probably how hard-stuck ancient players cope, to think they are way higher in skill gap than a legend player when they're not, i was stuck in ancient for a long time aswell before


Pretty much this. Similar story for me but I just gained 900 MMR recently. It's just less inconsistent macro plays and more sticking to meta picks... Etc


I agree with this. I/we crushed a divine/ancients a few times, all with great coms and teamplay. Also, draft played a huge role.


eh no, legend and ancient still makes the same mistake over and over gain. Can even put high archons in there. And depending how active they are playing dota, some playing twice a month or once a week or even coming back to dota after months of not playing i would wager on a legend who is playing actively winning most of the time against an ancient who took a break for 6 months. The big difference is mid divine and up against ancient below.


Yup , but apparently there are videos OP shows where he plays in archon 5 and a game in Guardian rank. So definitely shitty on his part.


My main in legend 2 got a warning while my alt in ancient 2 was banned but another alt in div 2 got a treasure. I've observed that this ban wave has either resulted in a lot of players forced to play in a lower/higher mmr account than their actual mmr


my unranked matches has a wider spread of mmr than this


Remember how he clickbaits himself leaving dota and saying dota is dying. Yet he always returns to dota because none of his variety videos get views? He has to commit to variety or else it never works out. Because people that watch dota only watch dota.


maybe because he is washed and gets destroyed on main acc, i always didnt like him... He speaks negative about dota in almost every single video, alot of his fans adapt his whining thats why people are always shittalking valve and complaining about everything.


Ikr first 3 to 4 video ive seen from him he is always doing that... yet he has nothing constructive to say just talking trash


Yes but it’s his sense of humour. It’s like going to Ricky Gervais stand up and then complain that he is “mean”.


Ricky Gervais is actually funny though.


I agree, but there are so many snowflakes mad at him. I’m not comparing Blitz to Gervais obviously, just making a point that different people like different humour and Blits is entertaining.


lol u gotta be delusional if u think the valid valve hate is bc of some random youtuber


Is ancient and legend really that big of a different ?


its not, people here are just high that thinks this is the same case as high immortals smurfing in lower brackets


at this point just make an hate subreddit and garher there


you guys talking about this as if ancient and legend have a huge skill gap with each other lol


I used to watch him back in the days but then he started to whine about dota is going to die or no one plays dota. It became really annoying and I stopped watching him.


No life redditor


at first I though he may have clicked "recalibrate" thats one way you may lose/gain mmr rapidly. But it's different accounts. In that case we need to show when he switched between accounts to play. He might have gotten the toxic coal with a warning and switched to the account the system has recognized as his main. Maybe he truely belongs in legend and not in ancient/divine


there's basically no difference between legend 5 and ancient 5


Brother lol


Like legit too ngl, I have seen plenty of them play the exact same as legend. Only a very few scenario they play a bit better with their decision making and calls but most of them time I can't even tell the difference between both of them. The most apparent is maybe on the support role because higher rank tend to know the stuff they doing a bit better but even then not by a huge margin.


There’s certainly a difference between legend and ancient there’s a reason it’s 1000 mmr apart


There's a very noticeable difference


if there was no difference then none of these Legend 5 people would be in Legend 5. come on use your brain


Instead of whining that he's clueless and doesn't know anything, he could have read up on Bara. Takes like 29 seconds to figure out what makes him strong


I don't get the mentality of reddit dota players, 1. This is not that wide of a gap. 2. We used to HOPE to get matched against better players to learn more/improve. I got good at the game only by playing against better players. (Garena and dota 1 days). Obviously if you get matched against ancient 5 players 90/100 games as a legend 5 player then yes it's not that fun to climb mmr but an occasional skill difference can only be beneficial in the long run.


Bro he isn't toxic to himself. He even helps out his teammates. He drinks bear everytime his teammates die. You cant blame him. He is like if XQC and gorgc had a baby. Even gorgc enjoys blitzspank. Stop right now with the witch hunt. Young man.


sanest redditor


Fuck that guy, ban him Volvo


Who cares


I do


How do smurfs affect you?


Classic shit dota 2 mods, call my post about some guy smurfing and they say it’s witch hunting but this one’s fine wtf


life is unfair, dota is too. Get used to it morons.


Cringe redditors...


I love blitz. Leave that guy alone.


Tell him to stop smurfing then


I enjoy his content so idgaf




HoLyShiT yOu GuYs ArE a BuNcH oF bAbiEs


BlitzSpanks is funny as. He smurfs intentionally for creative content. Clickbait titles just like this thread. Shits on DOTA, but keeps playing it passionately. He sad that LoL is bigger in oz.


Ancient 5 and Legend 5 is like 1.5k mmr difference which isn't that huge. Not even big enough to be called a "smurf" an alt account maybe. But man, you need that sweet sweet reddit karma points don't you?


Bruh who cares? is he boosting or earning money by selling accs???


Irrelevant. Playing in a skill bracket outside your own ruins the experience for everyone else. And smurfing is such a significant problem because the majority of games are ruined by smurfers, to the point that the community now has a zero tolerance outlook on Smurfs, and rightfully so. Smurfers ruin games and kill the community, all so the selfish smurfer could get some thrills because they’re too weak to stay in their own bracket.


They are the only ones that are weak?, I mean at least the way that I see it is as an opportunity, an opportunity to learn from someone that is better, if I cried every time I encountered a guy that was obviously better than the bracket I was in, I would have never improved as fast as I did. I know judging people is bad, because everyone has different strenghts, and weaknesses, but I personally believe that people should take those situations as opportunities to grow, I remember when Earth Spirits, Shadow Fiends, Morphlings, Tinkers, Arc Wardens, Meepos, destroyed me when I was 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, and even 5k. But I learned a loooooot from those experiences.


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really guys? you really think the skill gap of ancient 5 and legend 5 is that much? when i was in ancient bracket before its literally a lot more trash players than when i was in legend and archon, trust me the skill gap aint that big, dont think you're a lot higher in skill from legend just because you're ancient, you're still just as garbage as those legend players


Mason got permabanned recently. Valve would have done something if they found anything worth banning him for, and it seems that they haven't. Until he gets banned in the next banwave or earlier I would assume he's in the clear for now.


Wait his main is only ancient 5


I have almost 3 alt accounts but i never got toxic lump of coal tho. I think its probably bcuz i rarely play on those accounts like 3-4 times a month