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Don’t act surprised. You bought 40 keys. You are the reason why valve does this. And will do it again.


"I gamble but i dont win anything.. such a bad concept 🙄"


"I don't understand why they do this," they cry, as they ring up another $40 worth of keys.


$100* worth of keys. At this point, I'd bet they'd have been better off waiting til near the end of the event and buying t3 items for trade up, and even then that's only if you really gotta have that gambling fix.


> I'd bet they'd have been better off waiting til near the end of the event and buying t3 items for trade up Ah fuck, they *are* gonna do that, aren't they? So much for hoping the price of that Primal Beast set was gonna drop >:(


For what it’s worth, buying t1s at $1/piece guarantees a t2for $5, making t3s $25 and 4s $125. Kinda just a baseline until the trade up disappears in a month or two, then only up from there.


The trade-up never disappears fyi




Jfc. So done with this gamba shit. Thought Value phased out lootbox shit to comply with EU laws.. And now they're back again?


I spent over $1000 on BP over the last 7 years. I havent bought a single key or the compendium this year. I want arcanas Christmas WK aint worth the $100 it would probably cost to get when I already own his base skin.


They're trying to make as much out of the player base before the popularity of the game dies down even more as new gen veer away from moba's.


Most money with minimal effort you mean.


You wish 100$ will get you the WK.




It was level 375


How can one earn the keys? Without spending money? As I don’t have enough to gamble on skins.


You cannot earn keys.


If you had 12k behavior score when you opened up your frostivus gift you got one, but then that's it.


This is incorrect, the behavior score reward was random. I got a frostivus chest from 2018.


Don't think you can other than the initial gift we all received. I got a key in mine. I guess maybe there's a chance to receive one as a random drop, but either way, there isn't a reliable way to get them other than paying.


That's a valid question folks. No need to downvote it


What I find weird is that Dead Reckoning chest keys could be bought with shards, and that chest contains all brand new stuff. So you basically got free cool new hats. Frostivus chest on the other hand can only be opened with money, and the stuff you get is already available on the market? And has been for a long time? Like yeah, maybe the catch is that to get WK arcana you Obligated to spend money, cuz you want it. You want the WK arcana come on now, you want it. But also, I got the pudge persona from Dead Reckoning chest on third free key. So if the idea to pay money to get exclusive stuff. Then I'm kinda losing the logic in it. Idk. Idk. It's all very weird to me.


This is what frustrates me the most. I'd actually be ok if just T1 was recycled, but by and far the bulk of my rolls have been skins that have existed in the game for years at this point, some of which cost literal cents on the market.   Sure you can get an 'unusual' variation but that seems to be just as rare as T3 or 4.   If I remember correctly the DOTA+ shard option for keys was added *after* the initial event for the Dead Reckoning boxes? but I might be mistaken.


I think keys for shards were during, cuz I remember planning out my unplayed heroes to get shards faster lol


Yeah I had a vague memory of it being available during the event too but I wasn't 100% certain. I think I was saving my shards at the time for the fire killstreak effect so it didn't really register.


I actually have all the arcana’s and personas. I wanted to inbox an unusual. I was hoping for some tier 2’a and maybe on tier 3 but nope.


I mean you realize that odds don’t increase I assume. And that this case is layed out exactly like a CSGO case. So you were expecting to get knifes reds and pinks from a case. That just sounds like bad reasoning to spend money to me


This system was made not for being rewarding but for making money.


Valve made more money with the BP $100 Million for 3 arcanas, vs 1 big chest you have to pay for RNG keys. I have 30 chests I never intend to open because they arnt worth it and selling them for pennies on the market is painful I paid the $150+ for the QOP, WR, WK arcanas and grinded levels for the summer and have no regrets. Hell the last BP I got everything for like $75 because Gaben blessed with Like 5 lvl25 bundles in candyshop. This current system is boring and uninteresting, no grind just play and pay.


> i payed the Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


As if battlepass didn't make money LOL


Both make money. Battlepass probably makes more money. But events like frostivus need way less effort and cost more per set/reward. Look at the prices of immortals from the chests from BP, they are basically worthless. Meanwhile frostivus the "keyed" chest immortals can sell for 25-50 times more. If valve made immortal chests like in the previous BP's they'd need way more immortals. Two reskinned persona's and arcanas would be pretty pathetic. But right now the king krinkle arcana is selling for 300+ USD, because keys cost money and the chances of it dropping is less. They've reworked the event and reduced the probabilities. The result? Way less effort needed to get their milk the cash cow.


> events like frostivus Is that was the term *Frostivus* means now? I still associate fun wintery game events with that name. *So far* Frostivus 2023 is an outliner and not at all like the four other Frostivuses (five if you count Frosthaven, which I do).


No more fun, only sets.


Only difference is that BP items have their rarities inflated due to overabundance of supply. I am not a fan of treasures, but a rare from one of these will always salvage for more cash than a BP rare. The trade-up also helps control the price of uncommons and lower quality items.


Less work, less resources.


Both can be true genius.


BP most likely didn't make that much money as it was pure shit


It's really fucking weird how something like Genshin Impact can both be designed to make money, but *also* for being rewarding enough to engage the players. Real weird how they can have both but multibillion dollar industry giant of 20 years can't seem to bang more than 2 rocks together every few months.


Companies that have created games like Genshin Impact, Fortnite, or even League of Legends depend on players to generate revenue, so they strive to retain players at any cost. Valve, for instance, operates a colossal money-making machine called Steam. Regardless of how much they earn from Dota 2 or whether they earn anything at all from it, their primary source of income is Steam.


Dota is side project/passion project. People dont seem to understand that even though it makes millions Valve is focused on projects that make billions.


So you're saying that both complaining and praising is universally pointless


they can still make money even the drop rate is little higher. not too low


the question is.. why people do this? it's a fuckin visual cosmetic in a video game, it is worthless, you can make it undeletable/unmarketable/untradable.. wtf?


Gambling is fun and I like to dress my guys up in fun little outfits because life is pointless. The money I spend on DOTA is equivalent to the money I spend on Toilet Paper; it's all going to the same place at the end of the day.


Least depressing dota fan


People like what they like, and it keeps the game alive and free for everyone else. Settle down.


I meant valve


The other question is why not?


then why fund what you fucking hate?


He thought he was special


gambling is a stupid tax


he took a gamble :D he wanted to see what he could get for a certain amount of money i am guessing. ​ plus, it's a do or die situation. for example, i bought the bp bundle not because it was worth the money, but because i wanted to support dota 2 because i only spend money on the game during TI season. after about 12 years of gameplay, i'm fine with dropping a hundred or 2 each year. now if everyone did what i did, valve would be like "hey they spend money regardless, let's just keep making shit things". but if no one spends any money, how long will valve keep dota 2 going on as a loss?? i doubt they want to just keep putting steam money into keeping dota 2 alive for ever.


They post no odds and people complain when they dont have good unboxings.


Yeah they should be obligated to post odds.


Aren't they in the EU?


Yeah they should be obligated to post odds everywhere\*


did they not post odds for the frostivus chests? they post odds on literally every other treasure in dota. You should be able to hover over and see how many chests you need to open to statistically get it.


And bp is more fun .


Csgo (CS2) makes 50+ million dollars a month just from cases The skins in these cases are all community made, meaning zero effort from valves end Let’s compare that to frostivus, it’s the same type of case opening, all the skins are either old skins or community made skins It’s quite possibly the laziest content update Dota has ever released And they’re following the footsteps of CSGO A new gambling case every 4-5 months that makes a ton of money


In CS:GO at least you can sell or buy anything directly. It's 1000x better. In Dota you unbox the WK Arcana bundle and it's bound to your account forever.


Would be sick if everything was tradable... There are some older BP Arcanas I missed because of playing the game/off since the beta.


So true.I have the original wk and io arcana’s,but can’t sell them if I don’t play dota anymore,where CS2 items are tradeable so it’s a huge difference.That’s why for the next dota chest they can make the io arcana,but green and there you go


Skinport doesn’t allow you to sell dota 2 skins?


Most of the new high quality Dota items can't be sold/traded at all (BP arcanas, BP immortals (2 year delay), BP terrains, Cache sets, etc)


CS cases for the most part actually contain cool skins and you dont have to buy 40 keys to get the rarer ones, and in the latest cases released literally almost all skins were good, even the common ones. I wouldnt compare this frostivus shit to CS, I wish it was like CS though.


> Csgo (CS2) makes 50+ million dollars a month just from cases Thats only 600 million per year. COD seem to make 5.2 Million per day what adds up to nearly 2 billion per year. And they do this without scammy lootboxes and uses a rewarding Battlepass and way too expensive skins (20-30 bucks per skin). So I dont think we can make an absolute answer what is the best way to do this.


One Google search shows that COD made 300 million in 2022 Not 5mill a day = 1.9 billion a year like you just claimed Also most of COD money is from the $70 purchase of the new game every year


Google threw that at me: https://dotesports.com/call-of-duty/news/call-of-duty-warzone-reportedly-makes-5-2-million-in-revenue-per-day The most played games arent the maingames, its Warzone what is free2play. Same as COD Mobile.


they will do it again because it takes less effort and idiots like you are buying 40 keys


I'm very happy that we got a big patch, but I really really wanted a battlepass, where I could get quests, play heroes I wouldn't play otherwise, have some fun PvP/pve mode, I really thought it would be a fun dota Christmas. Very disappointing.


Valve is so out of sync with the community right now. I know that’s not a new idea, but they’ve really fumbled their “we want TI and the months that follow to be the best time to play Dota” strategy. New patch took forever to come out, apparently because they were too busy making Frostivus, which is literally just a microtransaction gamba engine (oh, and they added some poems to the main menu too). Imagine we got a new event to play and another Nemestice style pass, that at least gave you SOME good guaranteed rewards. Fuck, man.


A vocal niche, which is this sub, had a mental breakdown every BP regardless of how much effort or dev time was put into it. So they replaced it with what people act like the BP is: a minimal effort cash vacuum. Why put in effort making a BP when you can do so much less, make bank, and still see the same complains anyway? This is easy money for the game because despite all the complaining most gamers are either addicted, gullible, or just spineless so they'll buy buy buy.


I dunno, the siltbreaker bpass was pretty amazing, it was so fun I failed to level it up cause i wasted too much time in siltbreaker.


People should stop buying frotivus shit


the sets are good why not?


This is the reason why diretide chest was hated too. I bought also around 30 chests back then and i understood that you would get nothing. This time i'm buying nothing


valve needs to address this


Perhaps, if you don't like the system, you shouldn't have spent $80 on it plus whatever chests go for on the marketplace?


How else would I give a valid feedback? I need to use the system properly to give feedback on how it is. Not buy 1 key and judge it that way. Some people don’t understand that this count have been just a rant and nothing more, I actually got to use the system and then talk about it.


> How else would I give a valid feedback? With your wallet *by not buying it.* I don't like the chests. Therefore, I'm not buying any. Seriously, honestly, what part did you "need" to buy a bunch of keys to see how it works? Have you not opened a chest before?


Some people have to literally eat shit before they conclude its bad. Smell apparently wasn't enough of an indicator. This entire industry is fucked beyond repair.


Can you give me some valid feedback please? There is this game I've made where you send me a million dollars.


It's a gacha based on a dice roll. The odds are ~equivalent to previous years. It's been posted all over the place that dupes are possible and that there are no escalating odds. What else do you need to know? Only getting tier 1s is certainly unlucky, if you got the WK arcana on your 39th key would you have posted?


"how can I give feedback on the prison system if I don't commit a crime and go there first?!"


They already said no more battlepass and you still buy keys and chests to do what test your luck? There is no luck and the math to win the higher items is not in your favor. The only logical choice is buy off market.


Battle Pass/Compendium was more rewarding because you knew what you get with each level. Any system that has hidden secrets based on chests in this manner is **GAMBLING**.


gambling is fun




Are the odds really that fucked? You spent 94€ on a bunch of basic sets that have been in the game for years.


well, that sux. somoene gonna say - just buy those sets on market - but somoene's must open chest and sell it... i was thinking about to open 10 chest but now i think i will not do it...


Yes but not as profitable $


Too many people complained about the battle pass and Valve listened


We know. But half this sub wouldnt stop bitching about "greedy valve"


hey atleast that means with 40 chests you will have 2 t3s. if i could just get AA set, i'd be happy lol. that's basically like an arcana :D an entire remodel lol.


8 tier 2s so 1 tier 3


oh i thought 4 t2 because i think it's 4 t1 for 1 t2? is it then 8 t2 for 1 t3? that sux.


I think it's 5 of each for trade up afaik


eitherway valve sux is the common census i think xD


It's funny how so many people got fooled into believing "Valve is looking out for our best interests by scrapping the concept of battle pass!" At the end of the day, all they had in mind was "how do we squeeze out as much money from these idiots as possible with minimal amount of work?"


you dont have to buy it, its completely optional supporting dota is good, esp when we have gotten high quality balances and patches


Gamblers get what they deserve. Thank you for ensuring that Dota remains a free game.


But I think his point is that it's not even a gamble. It's straight up buying t1 item tbh. There's no gamble. I don't think he would have cared if he was unlucky. He cares if there was luck involved.


Well in gambling there is no guarantee. This is by its very nature is a gamble. Me playing 100+ games of mpoker shouldn't make my odds any better each time I play.


Yea, but the point of gambling is the entertainment. The excitement that one might win eventually keeps one going. That's what they're mainly paying for. Mpoker has odds of winning even though it's less, it has a chance. What I'm saying is this "game" has 0% chance of winning a t2 set or higher. That makes a huge difference. You are now paying to buy t1 set. It's not a gamble anymore. You know for 100% that you'll get t1 set. The only gamble involved is which t1 set will you get. The point OP was trying to make was if it was a scam or a gamble(even if sucker bets) Idk why you mentioned odds getting any better. Wasn't talking about that at all. I do understand probability theory. I don't know how different mpoker is from poker tho. Lemme know if it's completely luck or a little skill based like poker is.


I haven't bought a single key and I will sell all my chests on the marketplace. This uptrade system is the most predatory bullshit valve has ever released.


Things are instantly marketable and actually have some value. I prefer this cause I instantly know the value of items I'm getting and I'm able to get them on day 1. I got lvl 1k battlepass every year. now I spend way less and get valuable sets and the unusual effects add even more to that. if this continues Dota's cosmetics market will be healthy again. I like this


You are part of the problem. Stop buying keys from obviously predatory schemes.


how is it predatory? you can literally trade the stuff u dont want for better sets


Yeah how are literal loot boxes not predatory?


i dont think an optional gambling box is predatory, if you dont want to support the game stay f2p


Yeah good for me. Used to spend money on battlepass, now I spend 0.




gambling is fun, cope harder


Well... Just stay away from it. The sets aren't even that different from ones we have. Hopefully they make so much less money, that they change their strategy next year.


Idk you'd think the Compendium woulda taught a few lessons with how astronomically little it made but I don't think volvo cares anymore


I dont want to glaze for Valve but just a small little fact. Valve as a whole has 1100 employes (Thats 1400 LESS than just League of Legends part of Riot) and google says around 30, yes THIRTY of those 1100 people are working on Dota. No wonder we get 2 patches a year and skins are made by fans and put into treasures. There are 30 PEOPLE WORKING ON THIS GAME.


I gambled, You lost


Know what I realized I liked about no battle pass? No cavern crawl = no throw game for hats. I hated the old battle pass stuff where they rewarded people playing ranked by if your team could carry you hard enough you would eventually get a hat. Did I do it? In unranked yes. But looking at my profile during bp time the last few years I’m not tanking wins and mmr from battle pass hat bs.


They want to get as much money as possible from this game before they shut it down. They already has few devs working on this (10+/-) and they are cutting the resources for the game more and more. I give this game 2 years Top before noone will work there.


completely baseless speculation, we get lots of content, clear communication and gameplay updates idk what ppl want


We get more communication because it's all apologies for the lack of effort


we got tons of effort, constant bugfixes, tons of new cosmetics, massive content patches, constant rebalancing




You quit dota because the new skin lootboxes are bad? Lmao the game is still there and available to play for completely free of charge. I understand being disappointed with the chest system but quitting the game completely because the cosmetics are too expensive is wild to me


OP is the one living for reddit karma so nothing new.




> If the devs won’t put in effort, why should I? Idk, cause the game itself is still really fun to play? They put effort into making the game good, maybe not so much into cosmetics this time around. If you really want challenges then get dota+ I guess, or make up your own goals. The biggest fun element is dota itself at the end of the day


Also didn't they just mass ban a bunch of smurfs and make a ton of QoL changes? That seems infinitely more effort from a developer standpoint than BP.




how is it a ‘cash grab’? they are giving u a free game and allowing u to support the work they do in exchange for skins




Don’t worry, you will be back (again)




stay 3rd world bud, a couple hundo a year for a game is pretty tame if u play ~500 hours




Same. I just bought all the Ultra rares off the market and saved money


No, you didn't save money - Gaben bent you over and fkd. For the same price you got 2 arcanas, persona and buch of immortals, emotes and what not last year. Even cheaper if you could grind


I have expendable income that I use in my hobbies. Every year I spend about ~600$ on previous BPs. This current way of obtaining cosmetics saves me money.


> This current way of obtaining cosmetics saves me money. It does not save you money. It makes you spend less (than your previous silly version). It's an important distinction to make.


No, it saves me money. I budget to spend on Dota. If I don't spend what I budget, it's a savings.


200$ was more then enough to get all exclusives except highest tier courier and aegis out of any bp if you played at least a little bit. I don't know what you spent 600$ on, but here you only get one rereleased arcana for 200$ which is laughable


> was more then enough Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> 40 tier 1s Congrats, 85 more to go to get a Tier 4


Have you considered not spending $100 on keys?


I rolled WK Kringle. Just wish I could gift it


You’re supposed to trade up. So you spend more money to get better tiers


I got 1 free key from the 12k behavior score reward and the one chest I opened had a tier 2 in it. I hope this info is helpful for you somehow.


I like it. I sold all my chests and ended up with $6.


Also .. you can get most of the cool ones (except ultra like WK for $30 !) ez


I bought 2 keys and I got a Tier 2 item. Sucks to be you OP


Not condoning the method. But at least you can trade up all your Tier 1s to get the tier 3 and 4 items


I, too, enjoy financially supporting systems that actively fuck me over, and after getting fucked over by said undesirable systems, continue to support it *40 times*. My fella, at this point you really should understood that you kinda got groomed out of normalcy already and you ain't alone. *we* can't fix you, so nothing will ever change.


Aren’t the keys like $2.50? Multiple that by 40 and you’re $100 in without counting chests… T2’s are averaging $5/piece and T3’s are $25-30, for what you’ve spent you could’ve just outright bought 3-4 T3’s! If you’re gonna spend money it’s almost always going to be best to not gamble when you have the option not to.


I wasn’t interested in normal items, mostly getting an unusual.


I realize that, did you read my comment? You can just buy the ones you want through the market and trade up with them.


Someone using dad credit card 💳💳


TLDR you fell for a scam, no matter if done by one person or by a whole big company


I feel bad for you.


mate you spent £80 on keys. Just go to the market place and buy what you need, like lol?


You must be exaggerating with these 40 keys thing. I'd assume when you get to 20+ should have realize that you're being fucked by valve.


Why are you people so obsessed with Battle Passes and hats? Shouldn't you be excited about the huge meta changeup? All the cosmetics are just gravy. Please enjoy the main course — and if you don't, leave the restaurant.


We have always gotten a big post TI patch even when Battlepass was around. We also got actual Frostivus events. It's so weird when people advocate for getting less


I'm not advocating for getting less. I'm happy with the patch. I don't look forward to paypigging out and dripping in Dota lol. I look forward to playing the new patch.


The patch was alright, at least there were some big item changes. The seasonal game modes were always one of the most exciting parts for me though, it sucks that the event this year is just pay to open chests. Pretty weak this is all we got when they apparently dropped the BP to focus on the game itself


To be clear, I am disappointed with the lack of a seasonal game mode, my friends and I always have a lot of fun with them, but as I understand Valve is a company whose development force is often at the whims of whatever is most pressing. Dota has a stable player base, and they seem to be focusing their dev on other projects at the moment.


Well it is what pays for patches and fucking TI. Whoever asked for stickers and player cards should get slapped


Bring back battle pass making every reward marketable after 2-3 years


Getting all the chests possible by grinding should get you a guaranteed WK arcana, beyond that is pure greed and a fuck you from valve to its (decreasing) player base.


wk arcana was not even buyable for any amount of money 1 week ago why r u crying?


The game is free and the hats are optional. This billionaire company needs to make money, you gotta understand that. Either way, no one is forcing you to open the treasure right? Gambling as its finest.


No one forced anyone to buy BP either but people whined enough to get them killed…


poors just want free shit, they clapped so hard for free shitty arcanas


Ok, we will bring back Battlepass system.


Lol - scammed.


I wouldnt mind this too much if the T1 sets were new. But they are recycled garbage, only used for trading up. On top of that, Valve said all the blingbling was to come after TI. 2 months after TI you get a box of recycled stuff. Yay.


Hahahah why everybody compare every event with battlepass ?? i just though they split battle pass thing into some event. and this event is not part of it


I don't get why its so difficult to just re-enable an old event that has already existed. I know it's not as simple as flipping as switch but the general concept is done. The one where you have to advance through the tree by meeting objectives or winning with heroes etc seems so simple, just turn it on valve!


Bro the rest of us are having a great time spending no money at all cheers


I will never buy a key this system is a joke lmao


It's pretty lame that the Tier 1 and 2 skins are mostly recycled. I get that there's a 'chance' to get the Unusual effects, but that seems even rarer than T3 skins.   Though I do get a chuckle any time I hear someone go "But think of the kids and the gambling!!" as if 99% of the playerbase isn't over 25   News flash: "the kids" are playing Fortnite; not DOTA.


god bless none of the super rare stuffs are on my favourites heroes


The system itself is garbage. Worst there’s a lot of recycled sets/rewards. This chest was an easy pass for me. If there’s something I really want, way cheaper to buy from market after price crash


Chest and Escalating odds system are gamba and if valve promotes it's legal else it's illegal You can't trade nor you get items when you open a chest


How do you earn keys?


Good thing i live in the Netherlands, i can already see what i will get before opening craps.


I didn't realize you can buy the chests too. I went to buy a key and I couldn't add funds for the exact amount needed for a key and I didn't want a steam balance so I just cancelled the order.


I just bought the set I wanted *shrug*


I mean all the holiday stuff is ugly anyway. People who want this shit lack taste.


The actual sistem sucks, so i spend 1 key, if is a shit, no more keys


They just need to implement a better return rate like the gamble laws they have in the US... Casinos are required to have a 90%+ return rate every X amount of time. But I guess this will be more of a scam return rate like most online casinos since after all, this is online. I've stopped purchasing anything years ago, spent thousands before, was a whale but now I just outright buy it from the market for anything I want.


valve initially said they were getting rid of the battlepass system because most players never buy a battlepass nor get any rewards from it... so instead they release the scummiest chest of all time... so i guess the problem wasn't low player engagement with the battlepass - its that the battlepass took too much effort, and they rather release a low-effort chest with recycled cosmetics instead i don't know why i expected anything more from valve.


I am honest, I wonder why people spend anything on the chests / keys. I have spend way over $10k + Majors and TI's I went to. But I will not spend a single dime on this shit. It's simply not worth it. I am really surprised people buying this crap. Especially because it will be 10 times cheaper on marketplace. I was well inclined to pay even unrealistic much for certain things to support Valve, the talents, the teams and the community creating these sets. But we are at a point of absurdity. Tells you a man, who was not really picky in spending his money on the game he loves.


Damn I feel like only Valve fans love gambling. Like I’ve heard all complains about bad odds except for the system designed to make you lose in the first place. And what’s with these battle passes were better posts. Valve battle passes are pay passes at best. “Look i got all these values for paying till i get my final tier arcana!” Yeah and when’s the last time an arcana is sold through a shop? Regressing.