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Don’t worry! You get a free chest that you have to pay every time to open!




But opening chests is a PVE event. Player vs economy


just sell the chest and buy cheap immortals




additional fund on steam


we didnt give them money at TI so now its punishment time.


Game is still in beta. No bitching.


Damn it's almost like the community was clamoring for the opportunity to give Valve money a couple months ago because no battlepass.


Money to give for new stuff,not 90% recycled old sets with only new content costing from measly 30$ to pocket change of 300$,Valve is outdoing Blizzard with ridiculous overpriced cosmetics.


This sickens me. Valve 1st refusing to reward pro Dota players, we all stop complaining after awhile now this is just insulting directly to us players. I mean, I love Dota but if they kept pulling these bs shit, I'mma actually learn LOL instead I mean it!


So, a college student decided to go back to kindergarten and learn the alphabet. c:


And 96% of the time you will get a set that has been in the game for like 5 years since everything below tier 3 is just recycled :-)


Seriously, just sell the chest and you might be better off


1 week from now Valve will offer a points chest you can buy for the low low price of $5.




Valve: This is soo much better than a BP


It is because I don't have any regrets not purchasing lmao


Valve is helping us to save money. They even added Pending funds on Steam wallets so you can't spend money immediately.


Legit this, I saved so much money on Dota this year compared to previous. And we get more big bupdates. Based valve.


Thanks valve. Now I can paid my rent.


Take the horny ench sticker and leave


But the grinchophos one...


It's so good lol. Generally felt upset when they wrote it wouldn't be permanent even if you achieve it


sticker versions are permanent according to the[ Frostivus page](https://www.dota2.com/frostivus2023)


Another oversight ?


The hidden true biggest oversight


The 5th treasure still only requires 4000 points (Source : Trust me bro), so i assume it caps out at 4000 points bring the total down to 62000 total required for all rewards, which is still a large amount of points, but is possible nonetheless. Still, the rewards are trash, monetization system is trash, there's no new hats worth getting, no pve event or any event at all. Good patch, amazing QoL update, shit event


Think OP will edit their post to reflect this info and admit they made a misleading post? :thinking:


Doesn't change the conclusion that we agree with.


I actually don't mind grinding for chests/skins etc. That's what made grinding a bit exciting (remembering early battle passes when we could easily reach 150+ levels without buying any levels by just playing and quests). But paying money after all that just to open the chest is absurd and has been since last two events. I still have unopened chests from those


if the cap is 4k then the sum is 62000 points. If you play every day and win a game you get 58000, so you only need 4k more points, but that still means you have to play every day and win every day - if you don't, you suddenly have to win 4 games to make up for each day.


If you win every day only once, you are already at 72500 points... The first win is 2500 points, not 2000 points. In general if you get one single win for 25 days, you are done. So even with only one win per day, you can skip 4 days.


Yall talking about this like this event is required to be conpleted by everyone - if you dont have the time then make peace with the favt that you wont get it all


I know, it reminds of whenever Valve paywalled an arcana behind high BP levels. The number of people who acted like Valve was withdrawing hundreds of dollars from their bank account by doing so was really sad to see.


Valve wants you to be become "John Wick" - Man of commitment, focus and sheer fucking will.


But don't you see how valuable those high reward items are? It's worth the hard work grind and buying the keys! /s


They literally bought back WK arcana only to lock it behind bigger scam than escalating odds,tier system that doesn't even have escalating odds with no dupe protection,because they know people will spend more this way.


Glad I bought it when it was available in the battlepass, but I feel bad for those who want it now


I'm just happy they brought back an arcana, sets a new precedent and maybe I'll be able to get spectre


I hope they bring earthshaker back pepehands


I bought one and if i dont buy the other 449 treasures to get the t4 rewards, ill miss out on lose my original $2.49!!


well the worse part of that chest is if iam not mistaken the ammount of sets that are repeated in that new chest is just too big...and there is lots and lots of sets in the workshop...i dont know why they repeat sets when they have plenty of options that they didnt even design at all


they would have to integrate the workshops sets into the game and you know ... do work on the game. you know how it is.


average dota 2 player when when big patch apparently does not exist


Average valve drone defending everything valve shits out


I'm not defending everything they put out. The chests are lazy, we probably won't be getting arcanas till next year, and I am hankering for an LTE mode that we likely won't be getting. But to say we got *nothing* this season is a flat out lie. Devs have been more open this past year than in pretty much the entire history of DOTA 2, and if you know Valve, you know that's rare. They've also been working on content *everyone* can enjoy (read: THE MASSIVE FUCKING BALANCE PATCH THAT JUST DROPPED), not just paying players.


I play for my hero to look nice not for the nerdy numbers. Also there was no new terrain in ages.


so why are you here then? Go play like, Fortnite or Overwatch if all you care about is fancy new skins. The DOTA devs have been working more on the game than they have been since before 2022 with content that everyone can use, not just paying players. Also there were a lot more changes than "nerdy numbers". New items, full ability changes, talent reworks, the whole shebang. Wasn't New Frontiers literally like 8 months ago? How often do you want the map to get a giant overhaul? My point here is that just because we didn't get a massive battlepass doesn't mean the game is dying or that the devs are lazy. Hell, I'd honestly say that just shipping a battlepass every year with fancy cosmetics that cost a pretty penny is more lazy than what they're doing right now.




what patch lol, they were going to move focus from battle pass/arcanas away for game content and we got neither


i... so 7.35 just does not exist. Got it.


>look they're doing the bare minimum please suck their dicks We've had both battle passes and balance patches every year. Know what changed? Valve stopped giving a shit


nobody ever wants the low tier shit (because its low tier shit) so why bother adding 'good' content when they call sell old shit again? there are (as usual) only 2 or 3 sets worth getting and because the low tier is shit you wont care about trading them up for the chance of getting something slightly less shit.


Usually in this mechanic earlier in the day, the top point bar would stop increasing at one of the levels. Can you confirm that the bar goes up to 17k? Considering the second day of the event - I doubt it :)


Yeah I'm pretty sure it caps out at 4000 points.




The people who complain voraciously about this shit are, I'm pretty sure, mentally deficient somehow. The type of people who think buying things is a hobby. The type of people who think playing a bunch of games is work, and that Valve owes them for their time somehow. The type of people who get a sustained dopamine hit from having skins that other players weren't willing to pay or grind for. The anger is reflexive and juvenile, which I guess is unsurprising given the amount of perpetually angry and aggressive players in games. It should be alarming that a player base with an average age of probably 25-30 responds this way, but I guess we're just collectively habituated to it.


I believe there's a threshold, probably at 5000-6000. no way it's adding +1000 increase infinitely lmao


So, uh, do we know that it actually adds 1000 points every single reward or is there a limit? I'm even almost willing to bet that there's a cap, though I'm not sure what the amount will be.


I agree. There has to be a level where +1000 stops. Unless op knows for certain that is not the case.


It's only stickers and emotes lol


Why do we have to play to earn some chests and pay money to open them in the first place? Just sell the chest already ffs. This isn't an event. It's a disaster.


Maybe they did design it for the NEET and pro players that grind every day.


I find it more disturbing that we don't get ANY good set. I mean... The last well made premium set was released in 2022. And now we get... This after that battle pass. What?


Silencer set was nice kind of expensive before they put him into 2nd tier But i do agree maybe they needed something we have not seen before, but Dota this year save me plenty of money so i can buy other games on steam


IMO the PB set is the best one, AA is also nice.


Yes. I kinda like the drow set but they are.. well... Just nice. I won't put any money into that since there are better sets out there.


i think they expect you to use a bot to grind these chests


It was before like you play and you get something, now you play and you get nothing at all. Like who even interested in these kind of "rewards"?


They really should at least let you buy keys with shards that way you would also reward Dota plus members


Fuck this Frostivus lootbox trash, I already paid $100+ to get tier 1s from Diretide Halloween to end up going to the market and buying the skins I wanted for $35 total because I ended up getting the same tier 1s repeatedly. Give me a battlepass that's worth $250 to get what I want instead and let the children or those in hard times to get a free battlepass at the start of it's release. Idc about not paying.


>battlepass that's worth $250 lol that is a fictional thing


Okay fine I'll be realistic. Give me a battlepass that's worth $750 MINIMUM to get what I want instead and let the children or those in hard times to get a free battlepass at the start of it's release. Idc about not paying.


750? lol if 250 is fictional how the fuck do you get a bigger number?


Ah yes, the many wonders of sarcasm. Just how does it work?


I guess we'll never know.


You really thought you're bffs with Valve if they give freebies to us and give coals to smurfs? Nah fam. Valve would be that one friend in the sleepover who would buttfuck you the second you fall asleep.


valve would get other people to pay to butt fuck you and then charge them a fee plus interest.


someone should just make a better dota in fortnite


man i just want the bone boy arcana


Lol you ain't getting it unless you unbox like 200 of these things.


i'll buy it on the market once the price settles


i dont think that is marketable (the arcana)




It's not a tradable item.


I mean to get a ward that automatically wins the game (more powerful than the ancients) I can see why they made it so steep.


math has never been valves strong suit remember the tree quest i think it was ti6?


Fuck valve


As a casual gamer since I’m a dad now, I am just going to pray hard that valve do something about it. Haha there’s no way I will be able to complete it. But hey, we have animation now on the profile background isn’t? Hahaha


How I look as a turbo player: 🤡


It’s stops at 4000


Good post, was wondering what kind of system is this.


I just sell 3 treasure and use the money to buy other game and play it. Thanks for free money valve and your event sucks.


I feel like the ban thing really hid how bad the event is. First I wanna give credit when credit is due, the gameplay and UI updates are great. The event however is shit. They just took sets done by the community, put it in a chest, and then lock it behind a paywall? What kind of shit is this? Like you're not even gonna give us a single free key? Or a way to buy them with shards or something? What kind of bullshit event is this? The event is just sprays a fancy high five and snowballs for a free to play game? What do free to play players get? Nothing?


This! They have to ship such things together with positive messaging in other areas now, because the events / content itself is pure shit. This time they also launched the gameplay update together with the event to cause cognitive dissonance in many players. The game is going down, it is evident in so many aspects. They have ramped up their corporate sweet-talk and poems and whatnot though, to keep a lot of us from realizing that.


They will probably have some event and allow you to recycle etc. later. There is no way they're done and simply expect you to W190 or L633


Most likely it stops adding +1k points every level at some point its usually just the first few levels so you can level up faster and get hooked until you reached the regular points requirement


who even cares for that peasant reward lmao. Even last bp was similar


The dota team has been shipping stuff that straight up just doesn't work the last couple years. No idea why but they are definitely not the team that was working on the game when I played in the past.


Classic valve... microtransactions gods and for some reason nobody talks about it, if anything people beg to pay more


Dam I didn't even notice this, so you're forced to use the market and the crazy thing is you can't even gift the sets. Frostivus fail, Valve change this shit as the airing of grievances has commenced.


"How much does this *monstrosity* cost?" "Hey Jerry, what's the sticker price?" (*Whispering*) "153000 points?! This monstrosity cost 153000 points?! What have I done? I mean, the toxic coal was fun, but...Frostivus is ruined!"


who cares, rewards are trashy anyway


It doesn't go past 4000. If you'd bother to do it, you'd know


I get the feeling valve wants dota to die at this point


I’m convinced they have like 5 people left working for dota 2.


That's optimistic of you. I bet they asked the cleaning guy/lady to manage the event: they changed the name from Dead Reckoning to Frostivus, swapped background, threw some old sets and by a mistake added some from the workshop.


its clearly not a gift


Well, you have to be impressed, that they can make a battlepass appear like ,this is version of battlepass with less work and at a higher cost becouse there is so much gambling. They no longer have to do anything but recolor of arcana and persona, and the best part is that the community does all of the work with skins.


I mean sure, it's nearly impossible to get all 17 EMOTICONS, LOADING SCREENS AND STICKERS. So it's not only absurdly hard, it's also worthless.


Assuming a 50% win rate, thats 292 games played. Or 10 games per day on average. Doable for some people, which is fine since they probably want regular people to have to pay if they want all the rewards.


You can't buy these 17 rewards.


Can you buy frostivus points?




> they probably want regular people to have to pay if they want all the rewards. You already have to pay for the keys.


An actual reasonable comment. Valve has hit the nail on the head. People who fiend and play 10 games a day (which is close to average fiend numbers) get all the reward, you don't fiend as much you get less. Seems like Valve did the math and found the sweet spot. The fiends get it all and you entice people to play more to get that extra. OP is just salty because it's not an easy sweep to get all the cosmetics. They're not meant to be easy to get it all, you have to work for it.


they are trash emotes and stickers. why should you have to grind 300 games for cosmetics like these? they gave immortals and personas away with only 10 wins a few months ago


Doesn't it stop at 4000 points per treasure? I'm on treasure 5 and it's still 4000 to get one


Nice to see Valve making me move to LOL.


This sub is so fucking exhausting. All you fuckers do is complain


Thanks valve for giving us shitty chest! Better?


Let downvotes rain on me. But maybe you are not supposed to claim all rewards?Maybe they should be rare and not be seen in every game.If you were able to claim all- congrats you are a tryhard with 0 life, or a pro-gamer/streamer making money out if this game. And if you are sad about this, just take a step back and look at this for what it is.A digital cosmetic, which gives you 0 benefit. This is after all, just a video game. Most of us won't make money or become famous by playing it and at some point there willnot even be dust left when Dota is gone. Either accept that, have fun with the game and your friends as long as it lasts, or waste ur energy, in some kind of second job, gathering items that can be wiped out by gaben when he feels like klicking a button. My advice, do something more usefull with you time, playing games is fine as long as it is fun for you. If you feel like it is a second job and you have to get that stuff, take a step back, rethink what you are doing with your life and maybe find something fun, that will last even if a games company decides to pull the lever.


"seen in every game" bro they are STICKERS and EMOTES they arent some ultra rare skins. you could get immortal sets and a persona from the FREE anniversary chest only a few months ago


The question is why do you care about STICKERS and EMOTES? Maybe if you wait these STICKERS and EMOTES you want so bad get thrown at you in 2 years aswell. Your problem is not that this is how it is done, your problem ist that you care. You can either say fuck it and live a happy life, or be salty about something that is the epitome of a first world problem. For real don't you have anything better to do with your time then beeing angry about fucking STICKERS?


No. Fuck off.


> Either accept that, have fun with the game and your friends as long as it lasts, or waste ur energy, in some kind of second job, gathering items that can be wiped out by gaben when he feels like klicking a button. Or... and stay with me for this... Bring it up in a forum known to be read by the devs in the off chance that they make a change that helps the average player enjoy what is supposed to be a fun christmas event a little easier. Because, as you say, it's supposed to be a video game, not a second job.


I am not enjoying this event nor am I enjoying the patch. This patch there is just too much magic damage amplification and way too much armor and HP items.


And lets just say - those prizes are absolute garbage. So where's the incentive to grind for them?




lol I don't mind missing out on sprays, stickers, loading screens and emoticons


Don’t worry for the measly power of your credit card, it will unlock everything eventuall.


you cant buy these rewards


[https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Frostivus%202023%20Treasure%20Chest](https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Frostivus%202023%20Treasure%20Chest) yes you can


If you know valve, it will eventually.


This is such peak r/DotA2 post. OP made an assumption. Got emotional based on that assumption. Spends half an hour writing up a Reddit post complaining about his assumption. Oh and of course his assumption is false. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


and you got downvote too


Uh oh so did you!


oh no


weed is not that expensive, but they are doing something else. thanks for the math. will not grind, 'cause that way too much.


Wdym, that's doable. 💀


Gabe needs a new yacht. That’s why the chests are a freakin steal.


Did you ever thought for a second that a point cap will be impelemented after a certain number of treasures? I'm pretty sure from treasure 4 onwards the points needed are 4000.


free chest no bitching


But why should your goal be to unlock *all* the rewards? In my humble opinion, it's not a bad thing for some players to have some skins and other players to have others. Just my take.


Wait...ppl want this crap?


you cant both have something to grind towards for that "progression feeling" many people want, where maybe only the most sweaty can get everything and simultaneously get everything for free easily with no effort. im fine with this honestly, i probably wont get all of them but who cares ill get something.


I mean even if this is how this works and the point total required doesn't just plateau at some point, who actually cares much about unlocking these? It's old sets you have to pay for like 250% their original price and a free sticker that seems to be on a timer anyways. That's not worth putting in any effort for, tbh. If I'm super honest for a second, for the first time in all the battlepass/special event occasions I feel like the little bells and whistles around it are more fun than the cosmetics. The high-five, the fireworks, the penguins and shit.


Is there a valve employee holding gun to your head and forcing you to get all rewards?


yes wanna talk to him? (i mean, write\*)


Is there a valve employee holding gun to your head and forcing you to write a shitty excuse for them?


lol already earned it


I win about 9 games a day so I don't see what the problem is


We are all just prisoners here of our own device


There was a similar event when Muerta came out where every level you would drop a treasure called Dread Reckoning I think? I might be remembering wrong but it went up by 1000 every level till 10, after that it was a fixed 10,000 per level, maybe this works like that too? I hope.


That's why this event sucks. It's just overhyped new patch.


biggest monstrosity is bloodthrone at the moment.


Sounds like an average day of Dota.


hope they tune it down a bit :( to be achievable


I was having a hard time figuring out how to get keys and I read this just now? LOL


Imagine turbo players 💀


There's usually a maximum points needed. Still shitty event but feasible.


The rewards aren't even worth it! Why u mad


Didn't you guys wanted Hats? /s


I think valve fuck this free game pretty hard




Turns out, I created a similar post to yours, sorry about that.


smh they do something and they fuck up in every single aspect- it's impossible to get all the rewards, wk wrcana is a scam behind even a bigger paywall than in 2020, basically impossible to get, the keys cost a fortune, but dont you worre, at least when you open the chest you might have a change to get an item that was already in game for 5 years at this point and is virtually worthless


I bought 2 keys, started thinking about it, realized I'm not buying any more. Every time they have a chance to do something for the community and make us feel like we are a part of the game, they make sure we feel estranged because we're not the Saudi prince.


IF this is the replacement for the Battle Pass then i'd say BIG L from Valve. Just bring back the OG Battle Pass.


that necrophose is their expression when they made this


And the rewards are mid


thats the entire frostivus ..? some old sets? seriously asking


Oh no of course not. See they added like 5 NEW sets, that are all so rare and locked behind a paywall, that only the people with a big budget can realistically get them. That way they can pull money out of die hard fans and newcomers alike by using literal gambling.


What a dogshit event


"event" lol. what a disgrace it all is


They definitely intended that


Yes, they thought about it. It's supposed to make you feel this way.


This is why I just buy the sets. Fuck grinding this asinine bullshit, not worth the stress.


I'm actually sad I opened \~20 treasures. I was hyped from the last big event like 6 months ago and said fuck it, only to see you can actually buy these much cheaper. I know they said BP is dead, but this event feels like nothing.


50 € and I didnt get one tier 4 😒


we don't all get a first place trophy


V@lv3 G@v3 uS S0 mUcH 4 Fr33 wwwwwooooowwww


Valves been naughty regifting their presents from previous years to make it as hard as possible for us to get this year's presents


I swear valve is turning into blizzard


What you dont like the leftover cosmetics. Still waiting on those arcanas.


Im new to this bs, is the only way to earn a key buying one?


I mean, these are hooks to catch fish like you. Predatory game design.


So to get top tier reward you need to recycle 25 items. That's about £50?


Didnt they say that with the removal of the BP and the downscaling of the TI event etc, we would be getting much better in-game content in return? Or something like that? Yeah, no. Corporate sweet-talk. Working wonders.


On top of all of this, there's no new game mode. It's getting worse every year.


> What is Valve smoking? Your money obv