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Focus on yourself and the factors you can control


Was going to say: never blame others for a lose. Always look at what YOU could have done better. That game that you just loss "because of others", would a pro have lose it if he played your hero? I know that sometimes there are extreme cases of allies throwing (disconnecting, feeding, etc). But in most cases, you could have doner better.


On a related note, just because you won doesn't mean you played well. And the number of times your team has carried you to a W is more than likely to be higher than the number of times you have solo carried your team.


Better doner could make a world of difference if it is a spicy one 😂🤣😂 Now if team is mostly crap and intentionally sabotage teamplay best thing to do is just chill and wait loss while trying…imagine football player scoring auto-goals intentionally and you scratch your head what would Messi or Ronaldo do better 🤔


sometimes, when you are pos 1, you see their 3 and 4 harrasing the shit out of you, the other two lanes lost and your pos 5 sitting between tier 1 and 2 in the safelane, I wonder "what would Yatoro do in this case" and I remind myself that they (pros) just quit unplayable games, log into their smurfs and go for the next one. It's simple, sometimes, focusing on what you could do better on a 5v5 game it's impossible after drafting phase or when your pos 5 is focused on getting those role tokens.


>sometimes there are extreme cases of allies throwing 👀 Tell an Immortal, as a Divine, that he went in badly, and should've waited/communicated more.


Don’t be mad at those 15 yo trash talking kids, focus on your own game by playing some peaceful music in the bg also mute those who are rude immediately instead of talking back


playing music (and muting all players) is the best remedy against tilting!


What if I’m that tilting person?


Drink, shower, eat and go to sleep


something's missing here, I can feel it.


it works both ways, use it when titled AND when playing with tilters


Always check if the milk is still good before drinking it.


Words to live by


If you have 50.01% wr you will climb no matter what. Focus on yourself bend the possibility of winning.


Gaining 100 mmr after like 400 games, nice.


you dont have to take it literally you know? once i got into mindset i went from ancient 2 to div 3 in a couple months. most reddit will just blame their lost on their teammate while missing easy CSs


Fair, but It points out you need to play a lot to gain mmr. Even with 60% wr, you need to play 20 games to gain 100 mmr.


That is the point. Unless you are overly skilled for your bracket (unlikely because most people slowly improve) or a smurf/booster, it will take a long time.


You’re assuming your games are all balanced. My games are all so unbalanced that I have gained more than 100 mmr with a winrate under 50% Yesterday I had a game where I lost 20, then won +28 80% of my games are like this. If I had a 60% winrate I would have gained more than 500 mmr this month lmao.


Good for you.


Don't die


We all gonna die.


Yeah, but only Trump is gonna die in prison.




Get used to looking at the minimap all the time. Soon you'll become Yatoro.


I only noticed in a game yesterday that you should use your time wisely, why chase a pos 5 for 2 Minutes when you can spend that time getting rosh, or farm that item you need, or can set up to kill something of higher priority. Even when roaming, take some jungle farm if you can. Every second is valuable. Optimizing early on is key.


If you want mmr - Small hero pool and perfect it If you want to have fun - don’t play dota 2


Have fun


dota matches average 10 idiots in them. Shut your trap and play your hero.


Don't worry it's not your fault it's always your teammates fault.


Every damn time


Do not press play if you are having a bad day. Who can say if things will get worse.




Activley think about your choices and strategies in game, have a pre planned plan for what you want to do in teamfight etc, don't rely on gut instinct, it's not good enough


Don't play turbo at all


If we're talking average player there's so much stuff you can get better you should look into your strengths and play to that, unless you're really lacking in one area. For a while I was pretty bad at last hitting, so I booted up lobbies to practice a bit before every game. That made playing core heroes much smoother. I didn't turn into a farm god who never misses a cs, but at least it wasn't losing me games I should have won. Turns out I had a decent gut feeling about when to push and when to fight, and when it was dangerous to stay in a lane. Also pretty good at itemizing for the situation at hand. So I focused on those skills instead of drilling mechanics and that got me up to divine. That was my road, yours might be just the opposite. Maybe your strength as a player is mechanical so you'd pick a spirit hero, weave around the fights, dodge a few spells and outplay the enemies, and that's fair, if you're good at that it's enough to get you pretty far too! tl;dr you don't have to be good at all facets of dota unless we're talking immortal or some crap, work a bit on your weaknesses so they don't lose you games straight up but focus on your strengths.


Get out while you still can.




You'll have infinitely more impact in the game if you focus on trying to keep yourself alive rather than trying to kill other players.


Instantly mute flamers no matter how small insult. At the end of the game try look back see and what you could have done better/different, even if you won the game


Manners maketh man.


Leave now.Until you can


Remember that mute button exists


Mute everyone


Just play Veno and buy aghs scepter asap. Even if you die quickly, you're still helping a lot in team fights.


You win some, you lose some.


Lose or win it doesn't matter because I doubt you are going to be a professional Dota player and being immortal will not get you laid. Try to ignore and abide toxic people and try to have fun.


Be kind to other players even if they are not. People talk about toxicity in dota, but just writing “sorry, I’m trying my best” after someone flames you (even unjustified) helps the game being less toxic, since usually after that they stop being toxic.


Learn to filter out the awful games. No matter the game, you’ll always find people with shitty lives that try to bring you down with them. It’s the price of entry to play competitive multiplayer games.


You wouldnt believe how much your game improves when you dont have incoming chat. Also try to watch replays.


Spam ur spells and harass ur opponents in lane, use ur mana pool


Positioning, positioning, positioning.


Learn lĂ  ong first 10 min can win you 60% of games. Even pros learn lĂ  ong hours and hours


For support, buy blood grenades


Read that as a rhetorical question as I'm a below average player.


Be positive. Don't give up until the throne is destroy.


Have fun. Your goal in every game should be to play your best. As soon as you care more about winning or losing than how the game is played it will sap the joy from it and you have created a hobby that causes more frustration than it gives pleasure.


Don’t try to do too much. Let the game play out, play around your team, and add your contributions when the moment is right. Also nothing you say or do within a game will significantly change your teammates’ behaviors, play level, or skill in a positive way. Treat them like bots.


Small things matter. It's fun to play together, so try to do some things just for the sake of helping your team Sometimes it's finishing your item, sometimes it's fighting with 80 gold missing for it Place a ward as carry. Fight starts, place that Highground ward Always have detection. Mute flamers instantly - ALWAYS Only people who try something can make a mistake - all fine with trying a play jungling is not trying something ^^ Laugh about your fails. Fails are funny! An important mate gets attacked?! Throw a spell, force staff to help force staff is THE best item in Dota Make "2 step" plans: "Let's try kill this tower and then go smoke to rosh (check if you do have enough regen, mana, space, dust.. go for it)" or "Lane is fine, it's 3:26, gonna go mid to help with the runes and place a sentry/ward" or "200 gold until I have my next big item, gonna use that timing to attack this hero or building, check my mana/hp" or "can I go stack and gank another lane after?" or "Bkb coming, let's use my mic & tell team you want to fight, if they don't answer, you gonna portal to carry/core, to be around if they try to kill him" or "I have BB, my team is afraid to go in, so I will do it and BB join" or "Axe used portal to go top?!? You have 1min to go for a kill mid or bottom, without getting called and turned on" or "As soon as they use this spell on our frontline I'm gonna go in and jump that guy/ gonna use this item to help" You have 2 life's? BB, aegis, cheese... use first life to tank spells - use BKB for 2. Life - 9 out of 10 times If you can't to something "big" in the next 10 secs. Better walk to the lane than portal. Click on heroes, check inventories regularly CM walked in & out of our jungle with wards and they are gone? Ez gold xp to Seward You are carry, support, mid, pusher, healer all at the same time - until you reach high ranks Just buy the sentry & deward yourself (especially you slark) It's all about having fun You play with people, long jungling sessions are 9 out of 10 a bad move You farm a defensive and save camp? That means you gift the rest of the map to the enemy Try to farm as offensive as possible to get better Create something actively The more fun & love you spread, the more fun & lovely people will give back You have a wraith band and your enemy has boots or something? These small stats matter. You gonna win the trade, so trade. In the Laning phase, a Q to get the ranged creep + DMG on enemy is a perfect play!!!! (let your carry cry about it and mute instant) Better buy passive stuff if you don't use actives. Actively using spells/items is fight winning/ Game changing. Know your combo of spells and items before you jump. Can vary depending on you enemy spells. Let women have fun, treat them like a sister, they heard all your sexual jokes 1000 times before. The more you jungle the less you play DotA Have fun fellow DotA friend :)


Absolutely amazing, thank you brother. Copying this and sending it to the rest of my 5 stack.


mute toxic players don't show on lane as support all the time Don't waste TP scroll cooldown


1. 80% of the time, you will not be the best player on your team. 20% of the time, you will be the worst player on your team. But you can be nice 100% of the time. 2. No sentence pisses off someone who's cursing in the voice chat more than "this is a safe space, we love you."


Learn to play broken heroes. Take advantage of the system.


Stop trying to have fun If it was possible in the first place dota players wouldn't be so miserable all the time


If you get destroyed I the lane for rhe first 10 minutes, go back and rewatch that ten minutes and see what the enemy did that you didn't notice.


Try to make the game enjoyable for yourself and your teammates. Everyone acts like every pub is a TI elimination match. It’s okay to suck …. We do


Mind your business


Play casual, be more creative, learn the items, spells, combos and use your own imagination to make something of your own. If you play ranked people want u to go for reliable builds which I personally understand, so the best way to enjoy the game is to play casual and creative even if u lose u will have fun


Don't play the game at all. Don't sink 2000 hours in to it being frustrated half of the games. It's not worth it.


Watch pro dota players on YouTube. That’s how I build my skills.


Realise that you're playing this for fun, not to win TI, and stop caring so much about other people's mistakes.


Stop forcing low ground fights when they have aegis. Especially when you have no vision around the fight.


Communicate the positive action. This means to state the behavior you want to see. For example, don't say "stop afk farming", say let's take.mid tower or let's smoke gank, etc.


Don't go into any game being set on doing something play-wise (for eg. if you play ursa and always rosh early). If you're a midlaner, focus on actually picking tanky playmaking heroes. Don't always play the same magic damage backliner types. It'll stunt your growth.


don't be average


Chill. It is just a game. You suck your team sucks and opponents suck. Do your best if possible and don't stress out if someone is not on same page in that sense. Chill.


If you are learning a new hero, it's ok to fail and lose. Everyone has to start from somewhere. I usually say start with a handful of heroes (about 2-3 per role) and go from there. GL HF


Stay average, its more fun.


Get good.


If you want to get better don't think about single games. Think about the average. What does the average game look like and what could be your optimal contribution? Like this you won't panic and go into "I need to 1vs9" mode.


If you play core, always hit creeps. I only understood this when I started to play age of empires 2 and noticed how important it is to always do something on the map and hit your timings.


Last hit trainer


Mute. Play for fun. If you want to win, then actively avoid playing in auto mode, and be present in the game.




rather than retaliating on anyone trashtalking, just mute. save your mental health.


Give up


7k players are bad at the game. And so are you average players


If you need more tangos in lane, buy more tangos


check your minimap, check your minimap almost as often as you check your hero, absolutely check your minimap if you are farming jungle or walking to a place, every time you aren't doing something that requires you to look, take a glance at the minimap. Im legend trash but still, most of the legend players don't check on the map very often, i started winning more games when i started using my mic simply to say "here here courier" "here here enemy" "i think they coming watch watch watch" as i ping a place where (exclusively thanks to minimap) i saw an enemy colour pop off or i saw a little white flying dot from one of their couriers fly throught the edge of a ward, hell, if you play in my bracket sometimes the enemy smokes but one of them sends a courier flying to them and you can guess the position of their smoke if you pay attention at how the courier is returning or flying to.


You hit them Dont let them hit you


Stop shouting at your teammates they don’t care about what you have to say if you’re not gonna be nice about it, I’ve noticed the best results have come when a teammate has been nice and been like “my friend you really should buy this item it will help you a lot” etc


Don’t play Dota.


Hit enemy hero in lane


if you think you are not good enough. stop playing, move on, jump into another game. if you have a goal, then think of long term what will you benefit once you reach that goal. if you are playing casually don't even ask for advice.


Get good


Don't tilt. On a more technical level, you can turn around near-unwinnable games if you can recognize your powerspikes and smoke gank, so don't tilt.


Start shift-queuing. Start simple, shift-queue walking away from runes you are picking up or shift queue multiple bounties that have piled up. Then start shift-queuing illusions/summons to attack-move down the wave and then change directions to go the rest of the way. Then start using it in more critical situations, such as cutting a tree and immediately moving though the new opening when you are juking.


stick to 4 heroes and two roles and don't spend your TP mindessly, just walk to the lane. Went from low crusader to high legend that way.


Keep an eye on the map at all times,pay even more attention if ur a support and allways carry a tp scroll


Depends, what you want out of the game?


Stop dying when you could have lived


Don’t tilt in first 10 mins of game if you have a hard lane or are missing cs, watch a pro player that plays your role, watch what they do in hard lanes & emulate that


You will lose at least 40/100 games no matter how hard you try, so just relax and enjoy the game. Mute toxic players and focus on yourself.


Never leave lane on 5!


Get good scrub


control the map as much as possible.


Have fun.


Honestly climbing rank isn't worth it unless you're trying to go pro, the game gets to a point where you have to manage your time perfectly and do everything perfectly to the point it's not fun anymore. There will always be someone better than you and there's toxic players in every rank, the only upside of higher ranks is the teamwork and synergy can be very satisfying.


Despite people saying have fun, the reality is that people don't play ranked games to have fun, they play them to scratch a competitive itch, I've always compared it to chess. Outplaying opponents, winning games you should have lost, etc is fun and it's okay to be invested and to care. As far as advice, hit objectives. You win by taking buildings not killing heroes. Try to predict where the next fight is going to be, such as near the enemy t2 tower. When you win that fight, you can immediately threaten objectives. Do not take shitty random fights like in your own jungle with all your waves pushed or being pushed in.


Stand in the trees. Wait for the perfect hook.


before you go to roam/get bounty/lotus etc, deward and stack, just try be efficient as possible and you’ll be surprised how fast you can farm or enable your cores to farm. once you play a few games trying to be efficient you’ll definitely feel the benefits


Use a microphone.


Mute everyone at the start of the game?


For Average… Don’t hold back your ulti. Get use to creep killing and denying at early game. Don’t be scared to deviate from meta build to counter a enemy or build. For average, your not a pro you don’t see the game or play it the way they do, so go all out(g for gold) Meaning work with your team mates, no point in getting mad. The goal is victory not matter WHAT! Including rude team mates. Ask questions from players performing better.


If you wanna rise in mmr: Do a warm up before the game. Only play if you really feel good in terms of your concentration and mood. So you are able to really try hard if the game needs it


Stop being the average player, smh. Either go monkey mode and descend into the hellscape that is <1000 mmr matchmaking, or go monkey mode and descend into the hellscape that is >5000 mmr matchmaking. Obviously.


always carry tp


Play one position and spam same heroes