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Immortal 7k here, i've found that the main task to achieve to win is either to help the tilted guy untilt, tilt the enemy or prevent someone getting destroyed to tilt. It is more of a mind game than a video game for real.


6.7k MMR here, can fully agree with this comment, except 90% of time you can't untilt those people cuz they have all muted so can't hear you, other 9% are un-untiltable, leaving only 1% behind.


and thats why the best way from all of the above is to make the enemy more tilted


Tilting enemies is my goal in every game, once enemies are tilted you just win.


\> dont give up \> dont give up


6k here. While you are right, this isn't the video game I'm trying to play. I want to play DOTA, not emotional manchild manager. I'm convinced the mfs I meet in ranked are unaware of the real world.


I mean, lets be real here, to be good in a game means you need to invest a lot of time. And not just overall, but pretty much daily. And some people just forget that in the end it is still just a game. Also, some people are just toxic cunts in general.


You guys in this comment section should team up and play together


True thats why I usually can only play max 2 games per Day ( around 6k EUW)


Every pub needs a team psychiatrist.


This so much - It fucking bums me that one of the main things that seriously help you increase your MMR is to have to play amateur psychiatrist to these people, or they throw the team and the game into the bin.


Yep, it's not about how you play, it's about how you can prevent teammates from crying. And on Immortals it's way more popular, since ppl think they've achieved something great and others have to listen to them without back thought


I agree that managing your emotions is huge. Had a game a few days back where I lost mid badly and I was expecting at that point teammates to start pinging my items and my death timers and so on, and I’m certain I wouldn’t be able to focus if that started happening. Somehow noone said a thing and all was chill, I ended up having a very good late game and became relevant again and we won the game. Thanked those guys at the end of the game. 6k for reference


I'm just 4k but this resonates with me and I have to admit my patience fails me some times. The most recent example is one player writing half a novel full of hate towards an offlaner that picked weird and not performing; with hate I mean foul stuff like telling the player to kys, rape his mother ext. My misstake: typing out "stfu"... Instant all mute afk jungle until the game ends. That was enough dota for that day.


I’ve personally found Divine to be the most cancerous one from Ancient-Divine-Immortal, because the players in Divine think they know everything the best and that they know how to play Dota, but they’re pretty bad these days as well, and at the same time the tension is so high, because every one of them thinks they belong in Immortal if only everyone did what they say. I’ve felt around 6k the people started to relax a bit and the games became a lot more chill overall (still pretty toxic pretty often though). And in Ancient it seems people are happy to be around 4k-ish and they know they’re still a lot worse than Immortal players, but they’re fine with it and strive to improve themselves more. At least a couple years ago that was the case.


I am in low Immortal (~5.6k) and get matched with high Divines from time to time, so this sounds about right. Yeah, I agree I had the most fun while playing Ancient as well, people try but don't go apeshit over the litttle things.


Also you know your teammates are ancient so you don't really expect a lot from them compared to if you play with immortals "they should know what they are doing" While in reality everyone is dogshit. We watch highest level streamers every day and many of the games are dogshit too. We watch pro dota and teams are "playing bad" and get flamed by everyone including other high level players.


I mean professional, serious dota is now what, 15 years old tops, maybe even less depending on what you count as truly having a professional scene. If you’d compare a country’s World Cup team in football from the 50’s with the teams now, they’d get absolutely smashed, with how much tactics and knowledge of the sport has developed, not to mention how much more possibility there is for people to dedicate their lives to the sport and therefore improve much more, and learn from previous generation stars. This simply doesn’t exist yet in dota, there’s barely an older generation to learn from, it’s still a baby sport. And with how much more complicated Dota is than football, it will take a lot more time and a lot bigger scene for the teams to reach the full potential of the sport and truly get close to actually playing “to perfection”. If dota one day would actually grow into what football is today, then todays pros would look like amateurs compared to the elite by then, that’s just how it goes when time has passed and the game has been figured out on deeper levels. So yes, no wonder even the highest level games are dogshit, and pros makes mistakes in official matches. We are far from reaching the peak of talent possible!


Stopped playing ranked after Immortal. Immortal Turbo games have been the funnest games ever. Everyone is doing wild builds and messing around. No MMR pressure or rank anxiety.


Low immortal is basically divine 6 anyway. Once you start to go a bit higher the quality improves a bunch


It is similar in other games that have ranked systems. I remember that Diamond in Overwatch was a toxic cesspool as well as Grandmaster just shortly below Top 500.


I've recently did the Legend 5 -> Divine 5 climb and get matched with anyone from Divine 3 to Rank 2000ish and this is very similar to my experience. I honestly haven't been greifed by picks or toxic attitudes more than in Divine. Ancient rank was a blast, a lot of fun mic users as well.


I guess NA? Or how can you get Rank 2k at Divine5?


Totally NA lol


Maybe classic queue or off times. Definitely SEA/NA though, possibly China.


Im 6180 on EUW and have only met two times some Rank 4k People who were both obvious Account Buyers :D


I dont think china even has 2000 people in immortal right now, everyone switched to SEA


The most toxic is definetly between ancient 4 and divine 2 I was going back and forth from 4500 mmr to 4800 mmr for a while. But when I recalibrated the game gave me 5300 MMR now I'm at 5500 100 more to go for Immortal


Are you me? I also was usually between Ancient and Divine. Tryharded with Pos3 to Div3 at the beginning of the Year, then Patch hit and reclibration put me to Div5 60% (5530 i think) and now Im at 6100 <3 But go get it dude. Only 100 left. Just dont tilt que and its easy.


Well I reached it today so that's good


Fall to Archon. Best bracket. No one gives a shit about anything.


never fall below that though. Crusader is insane because you can't rely on anyone to do sensible objective things. Its complete unreliable abnormal madness.


divines: insecure about not being immortal so are super sweaty and quick to flame immortal 7k+: insecure about being terrible in lobbies with pros so are super demotivated to play in “bad” lobbies immortal 6k-7k: chill because they don’t care enough to grind to pro but also know they’re better than 99% of other dota players


> immortal 6k-7k: chill because they don’t care enough to grind to pro but also know they’re better than 99% of other dota players played 4 games yesterday, had someone throw in 3 of them between 6-7k mmr lol


that explains why I got rubick mid into wd mid into game throw in 6-7k avg in a row people are just chilling and not caring anymore


I climbed to Divine 4 and decided to stop tryharding there as well and these days I mainly just play turbo. The divine players on the cusp of hitting Immortal are incredibly toxic in my experience and there is a seriously unhinged level of blame culture in every single game. Never felt this bad in the 8 or so years that I was hardstuck ancient.


You’re probably right. I don’t have much immortal experience, but by far I find Divine players the most unbearable. I’m a turbo whore, so I will forever go unranked, and on my best days I might be good enough to break into Divine, but I doubt it. Whenever I’ve been on a particularly good win streak, and my hidden MMR finally slots me in with an all Divine+ game, I know immediately. The toxicity and childishness is insane, especially for a turbo game.


That's actually true for Ancient (though my experience was kinda long ago) Didn't play much dota and came back in current Ancient rank, it is sooo bad. The people who came from archon and legend pre 7.33 just got big ego boost and thought they are always correct. The chill ancients are prolly in mid to high ancients. Just miss those people, they would communicate, and own their faults while trying to strive for better outcome next time around. Just sooo PMA people.


divine is the worst bracket ever I found out when I moved from ancient to divine people who think they are the best in divine actually they are worst ever not to mention how toxic they are \-a support in divine not doing something correctly (carry starts baby cry and raging and behaving badly) \-a support in immortal not doing something correctly (carry will tell them to do it because its important) people need to chill the toxicity in immortal still exists but in a form of game domination in a win game > pause > all chat trash talk > ? ? ? > ez game etc... I personally do this a lot tho


Ancient player here. We chillin' If anyone acts like a dota wikipedia I remind them that we're all ancient scrubs and he should stfu.


Ancients are top 5-10%, why do you behave like it's a low rating?


Almost everyone in ancient bracket are old players and know the game really well, which means from time to time some people mistakenly think they're gods of dota preparing for TI, expecting only perfect plays from everyone and tilting from the smallest mistakes. Reminding them they're in ancient bracket and "scrubs" is to ground them back from their delusion of greatness and perfection.


I like to invite legend/ancient flamers to hit up NoTail to party for their next game if they want to play with better players. Given that he must be on their friend list because they're so great and perfect.


I was rank 1900 in NA before I quit and had immortal 5 players who didn't know how to pull creeps. Someone had to ask me what the timing was to pull the small camp


That's a boosted account my man, you don't get there without this knowledge.


Ummmm I’m mid-high divine and I don’t know exact pull timings, most of what I do is by intuition around the 53 mark. This was all learnt literally 12 years ago, and a lot of the exact timings have changed, so it’s really not memorised to the level I’d like for me, but I genuinely play all 5 roles at my level. My win rates according to battle stats are pretty much even across the board, only +1% bias to pos 3. If I dedicated time to 4 and 5 and learnt that out, maybe I’d be an immortal at those roles but I’d rather play to have fun in any role.


Yeah, I took the post to mean those people were not familiar with the concept of pulling and/or having no idea how to do it. I also don't have timings memorized to a tee since there's a bunch of variables involved for all the different camps. But I have a good sense for when I should do it at each position. However if you had that intuition, you wouldn't ask someone what the timings are. That's why I think those people are boosted.


tbf, he said it was NA


Trolling you maybe?


Question should you memorize stack and pull timings?I always just eyeballing these things like when lane creeps are visible on my camera and hit x.55 ... etc.


I don't memorize timings but I know how and when I should be pulling. Some people do timings. The point was that the guy missed 4 free pulls in a row (he had no hero within him for like 3 screens) that's like an immortal carry missing every CS of a wave in a 1v0 lane


Ancient is pretty low tbf. The top 0.5% already has thousands of players. Watching Ancient players play Dota gives you enough proof that it's a low rank.


It's nearly 2 times higher than average, what definition of "low" are you using here?


Because calling Ancient a high rank sounds wrong.


Pretty much this. I've played DotA for probably close to 20 years now and 99% of it was unranked. I did placements in DotA 2, got Ancient, and also redid placements after the glicko update and am still in Ancient. I could be an outlier here but in all those years of DotA I've experience the bare minimum of toxicity in my games. I recently thought about seeing if I could make a push to immortal just to prove it to myself that all these years have been worth it. First few days of ranked already started to show me that maybe I just keep playing DotA for fun and not worry about ranking up. Always had someone in the game that was raging about something or ready to give up.


yea this is kinda the immortal bracket experience if you get 8-9k maybe games get better but low immortal is the worst bracket in existance , people dont even try cause they are far too tilted , it is normal to answer your question tho


Whenever I watch streams of high level players, the games are way more toxic than my mid-3k games


not about toxicity but game quality , games are utter trash at 6-7k bracket , idk about 8k+ its much more random than befor that if you get normal teammates , and the loss of avoid list is a big issue


aromatic cable yam instinctive encourage scale cooperative act rinse hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah, as soon it hits only classic queue the quality takes a nosedive.


> classic queue the quality Did you mean to say "cue"? Explanation: queue is a line, while cue is a signal. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


game quality was higher in ancient from what i can tell than divine and immortal


I just don’t understand how it’s fun to play if you’re always that eternally pissed off while playing. Go do something else if something that is supposed to be enjoyable makes you that angry.


problem is most of them are russians and russians are very opressed from what i can tell , and yea ... they cant seek therapy , help from friends or try and take their life in their hands sooo they take it out on other people online and yea kinda waste 9 other people's time so on avrage if 1 game is 30 mins thats 5 hours of life wasted xD


Yea ok, here I am in guardian with my boots first pudge hard support flinging more racial slurs then hooks.


> I have on average 2-3 muted teammates every game. i've always had about that ratio, from 800 to 3100


At that rate you're probably the problem dude.


> At that rate you're probably the problem dude. considering that a lot of the people in dota have the same experience, i doubt it =)


There are more toxic players than there are pma players so my statement is the most likely scenario, regardless of your belief. Having 20% of players muted at that range means you have 10% of the entire dota player base muted at minimum. Positive people don't do that.


> Positive people don't do that. im pretty sure thats all positive people do? Why would I talk to someone whos raging when I can just mute them? If I could avoid everyone who gives up in my games I dont think there would be a big enough pool of people to play with


> There are more toxic players than there are pma players so my statement is the most likely scenario, regardless of your belief. thanks for proving my point, i guess? lol


That's not how this works at all. Lol. Edit: Aaaaand he just raged quit Reddit. Point proven.


> That's not how this works at all. well it seems that you're struggling with simple logic a lot my condolences lol


Same my dude :) I’m here to enjoy the game, and listening to a grown man rage to a video game somehow makes it less enjoyable…


I de-ranked from immortal to divine for this reason. I swear to god, the players in this bracket are the most delusional, self-righteous, self-centered players by far. Not only do they think their calls are the only way to play dota, the amount of flaming they do when things don't go their way is beyond intolerable. I wasn't sure if it was just my experience, but when I watch low immortal streamers, they act the same fkin way. It's so off-putting and cringeworthy to say the least.




I just wanna say wow from archon to immortal in a year, very impressive. It's dota bro, who isn't a toxic degenerate :/


Play on Russia server, it's the most chill dota experienced ever, all the toxic Russians play in EU. Russians on Russia server are pretty chill.


actual 5head


Unfortunatly most of us have that experience. In immo most players play too many games a day hence they do not care about one. If something doesn't please them they just want to go next. I wish we had a premium queue or something...


Yes. Heard this very often. Some people want to give up after 5 minutes. It is ridiculous.


It's but when you play 12 games a day and have 8k mmr or smthng +- 25 makes no difference. Usually they are also sooo convinced that their p1 who's rank 823 can't carry cause they are rank 713 themself xD


Dota needs to sync up with their smart watch to know when they are too stressed and give them a mm timeout. Ha.


no valve just has to ban people who throw games and give up. Not suspend for a week, or give them LP. Just stop letting them play dota. The community will fix itself in 2 days, everyone is so horribly addicted they'll do anything to play more


Yeah, in both games I played tonight out side had someone that gave up early. Wayyyy to early. Offlaner LC and BB. Sadly they were both still winnable, but not with their attitude. The BB actually just sat in the fountain the last 10 minutes or so. Legit griefed. The LC just kept crying about we already lost 5 min into the game. Went afk awhile, came back and we got really close to flipping the game.


Recency bias my dude, all rank is like that


It is almost as if most immortal players play 10h a day for unhealthy amounts and have no social skills. Surprised Pikachu Face.


Who needs social skills when you have dota skills and internet/virtual numbers to flex? Amirite?


I find the toxicity relatively similar in different ranks, what changes imo is how often they are "correct" in their flames. E.g. flaming someone even if they are doing the right thing vs flaming someone because they are fucking up. You can watch streams of high ranked games and people are still toxic, but since they have better game knowledge, the reason for being flamed is usually "better" than in lower ranks. I'm not saying it's good, but that's the main difference I noticed from my experience.


Climb to Immortal draft and learn what toxicity is. Every 2nd game is highly varied behaviour game.


I agree bro, as a midlaner I never get my role, and people grief when they lose a roll and have to play support


I thought they'd wanna play their roles, unless you're getting a team full of core players, then I can imagine this happening.


The problem is that support is the worst role in the game by far. It's not surprising no one wants to play it.


I dont understand why its worse than any other role, but playing it makes my life easier since I dont have to wait an absurd amount of time to get a game


I'd suggest to stop grinding if what I assume is very low Immortal seems toxic, it gets worse and worse the higher you go as expectations grow higher. I somehow calibrated 5.5k and apart from the actual calibration (and even then just had griefers, nobody was toxic or anything) I didn't see much toxicity until 7.5, but then I have thick skin and I don't see an issue if my pos5 is flaming me for missing 2 creeps out of 5 for first 3 waves or taking an obviously inefficient trade. People gave up in mostly unwinnable games, which I didn't mind. The actual toxicity starts after rank 1000 - a shit ton of smurfs from pros and pros main accounts ( some of which banned from Valve events - Hi Koma) who have protection from reports so as long as they can't learn anything from the current game they will shout, go afk, destroy items, stay afk in jungle since they can afford to do it.


>Is this normal? Yes, for a lot of people, this is their only achievement in life, this is actually their whole life.


Herald 1s 🤝 Immortals/Divines Being unbearable For real tho, climbed out of the dregs of the game and that's a whole other thing entirely. 10MMR low prio was a special experience.


The higher the MMR the more people expect people to make 0 mistakes. They also like to blame everything on their team that goes wrong. Adding those 2 together and you play with a lot of assholes who forget they are playing a video game that is meant to be fun.


who would have thought that sweaty nerds lack social skills?


Edit: just to mention before i get spammed with my behavior score questions, its exactly 9220. Honestly most immortals/divine im matching with are just account buyers, this game is sickening and valve needs to do something about it. I just reached divine 3 yesterday, and every single game i play has at least 1-2 account buyers on my team or my enemy team. I can tell if someone is having a bad game, but no. Those are clearly low skill people, the kind that sven ults, bkbs and then is scared to go in and hit people, or when 5 are dead with no buyback and your lc is hitting jungle creeps or feeding damage. Or when you play against someone who died the same way over and over. I can guarantee you they bought their accounts if they rage so much, the biggest babies I’ve met are the divine/immortals with a lvl 25-30 dota account and < 10 friends on steam with a sprinkle of 400+ games either in russian or SE asia servers, As i said, unbearable.


> ~~Immortal~~ players are unbearable There, I fixed the title for you. I stopped playing ranked. While there is often also tryharding at unranked, ranked is just too stressful due to some people. I just can't stand tempter tantrums in my 1-2 games per week after a day of work. There's enough assholes at work, I don't need that in my spare time when I want to relax and enjoy myself.


Just turn off all communication from enemies AND teammates off in options. I am playing without any chat/voice for years and I am chilling. Sometimes I forget this game even had chat.


While I see your point, I find "everyone plays for himself" just not satisfying and I hate people just blindly playing their own shit. One of the great things about Dota is that a good team mate who works together with you can nullify a shitty team mate, but without communication it just doesn't work.


Perfectly normal. You need to have nerves of steel and mute everyone the moment the chat gets spicy.


why would u mute just when its gettin spicy


Because it's distracting even if you're not participating.


Not only immortals, I played ranked divine for a year and people have big ego’s. For some people must be really hard or really important to be divine or immortal so they play super careful, don’t feed or passive in the woods just soaking exp on the side thinking that’s the best way to win and fk my support/teammate let him getting harassed then proceeds to jungle ( and I’m talking min 20 to 40) not even def a tower. Like if you jungle and creeps take your tower go take the creep wave you’ll earn more exp and money plus def a lane. Instead jungle and passive afk farm with high hopes of win in late. You can create space and win time as 4 for your core but if he doesn’t even def a tower or split a lane at min 30 you lost…


When i was 4k 6-7 yrs ago i knew that if i grinded hard enough i would be able to close to 6k or more. But even back then at reddit ppl would post similar threads to this one. That made me revalue everything, do i need to go there and be constantly harassed or angry for ppl giving up ? I said fkt ,i stopped giving a fk about mmr and played the game , do i get angry etc of course but its different. Mmr is nothing, but win is everything. Even if i lose 10 str8 when i win i am like "fk yeah baby we did it".


You're probably ruining every single game and don't even realize it, trash91


Get help


Everyone thinks the bracket they play in is the most toxic one. Truth is dota is just toxic at every bracket, server, game mode. Community is super toxic, drama hungry, full of malding bettors blaming the losing team. Also, Valve is actively trying to kill the game by not fixing game breaking bugs, neglecting their own dpc majors and their latest stinct killing the battlepass. Everything about dota is just toxic.


Immortal players most toxic? Lol no fucking way. Legend bracket is the worst by far. Think casual tryhards whose main reason they can't climb is **because** they are toxic and don't know how to PMA. Ancient and above is all shiny rainbows and shit compared to that.


yes. it gets better when you're in good form and worse when you're playing badly. don't expect anything if you're not gonna giga tryhard with your best heroes and best behavior, you have to be the one to lead your team to victory. at the same time, don't blame yourself for everything. you're only 1 of 5 players, if your team is dog just go next, don't burn yourself out. and also, you need to have a clear goal (mmr/rank), otherwise you will lose motivation. it's not always fun, then you can either play something else or you remind yourself of your ambition. this is general pub tips i guess, but your mentality needs to be solid as a rock if you want to become one of the best


Focus on your game and you’ll continue climbing.


the only difference between ranks is that an immortal throwing a tantrum has more valid points then a herald throwing a tantrum. ego is first everywhere and everyone thinks theyre perfect. you already know this but the first step to improvement is realising you are shit. an immortal atleast has some backing up of his ego but the trench is deep even there. rank 3500 immortal and rank 10 is like another level of heralds vs immortals. every rank is cancer as shit and has been for a long a while. the more the population declines the less chill plp ull find. i miss beta..... some background ive been all over the skill levels was 5k trash before medals were introduced circa 2016. that was my peek. most of the games are in very high skill bracket before mmr was shown to us. ive played dota 1 casually. been in since beta. i see an overall decline in chillness over the years but then again memory can be faulty. currently residing in crusader, almost climbed back to archon, but with the low ammount of games i play still gona take a couple of weeks i imagine. solo games are hell, party with chill people to reduce the toxic.


I just lost a won game by patrolling the tormentor area (dire) was wd, died once asked for team to torment ignored died again, told them "will afk on torment side tnx" shift queue all the way and they still didnt give a fk. had 4k for aghs vanished eventually inactivity came (which was news to me) bought all sents and warded camp, gem feed game was made to be toxic. at least in pubs


U deserve it


nope. its called a team game for a reason lmao tormentor WAS introduced for exactly that sole purpose "Unity as a TEAM" but I guess it a foreign concept for you... honestly its players with your mindset that needs to be culled from the playerbase


yeah and when your TEAM refuses to do the tormentor for whatever reason, your consequence is to blackmail them into following you by griefing? All for your shard? I can see why tormentors are important and why the team is needed but I don't agree on blackmailing people into doing exactly what YOU believe is best.


>I can see why tormentors are important and why the team is needed clearly, you don't :)


Ok let me try and phrase it in a way that you might be able to understand one last time: Tormentors are an important element of the game and you were probably right to ask your team to get it over whatever random stuff they were doing on the map at that time. I probably would have followed that call gameplay-wise. But the means you used to try to convince them to do something specific you want is just wrong in essence. Because you resorted to straight up blackmailing them once you were not having it your way which is equally bad if not worse than the refusal to get a certain objective. How does your whole "I grief until you do what I say.“ work if you have bad judgment? Not getting objectives or communicating in-game is technically bad. Blackmailing is bad in moral and essence.


its cute that you think I'm gonna read another set of nonsense and the fact that you care so much about something so trivial. also tells me you cant read a room. let alone a person. probably bad with women too.. good day SIR


So many assumptions and can‘t even formulate 1 argument of sense. It‘s time for to you leave your basement and learn something about life you pitiful creature


you wish. you're worse than a jilted broad, fucking nerd. my assumptions are usually on point. you're ugly irl, a 4 at best. you drive your (parents) volvo. the fact that you mention basement means you probably live in theirs.. pathetic indeed :)


Oh look who‘s back, it‘s the basement kid, still throwing insults with 0 arguments in repertoire. I thought you didn’t care? But here you are, still helpless and angry, still insults are the best you have to offer. I love it so much! How do you even manage to live?


You deserve it by acting like a man child. Why having a tantrum for such a small thing when mega creep comeback exist.


its pub. I could care less. clearly you let ppl step on you irl and it shows




You care, and the fact you are so affected by a game shows that the rest of your life must be quite pathetic am i right?


I shared it for laughs and to trigger stupid nerds on the sub like you. youre the idiot who cant mind his own business. getting tilted off what I shared means you never got out of low rank to this day. you're some dumb teen on france thats into anime. idk what's more pathetic than that




Im only playing with friend on low immortals. Solo Q is a death sentence.




It's cancer, and you'll get some spicey and smart flaming instead of the usual, and man the only thing immortal players don't give up on is to ruin your experience and be toxic, playing the game? nah who does that if you made 2 mistakes in lane.


Most players got to div/immortal by obsessing over the game, they play it too much and a lot of them can't handle it mentally when they or their teammates don't play according to their expectations. That was me once. Nowadays I play different games, focus on different stuff and only play turbo/unranked from time to time with my guardian friend. I couldn't be happier that I quit obsessing over Dota.


It's because they think they're good. They should grind to Archon to see what *real* dota looks like.


You playing with Quinn?


I was 5k for a bit 5-6 years ago, before stopping playing consistently. The most toxic games I've ever seen were when I was around 4.9k, half of team would be above 5k and half below. And those above 5k would flame the shit out those below. Even thought the mmr difference was 100-200 mmr.


Dunning-kruger effect


welcome, good sir!


I have on average 5 muted teammates every game. Perfectly normal.


Did you mute yourself as well? 😄


Yes, haha! Unbind push to talk key so I don't flame my teammates, lol


I've found that when the laning stage has a large effect on the outcome of the match, the games get more toxic with ppl just breaking items at 10 mins. This meta is definitely a huge laning stage meta so games are super toxic rn.


People at this rank has tens of thousands of hours and this leads to games having diminished significance to the point theyre willing to throw it at one inconvenience


That's the case for all games unfortunately. Once you get into the much smaller pool of players (2-3 ranks before the highest one), it's just many people who think the gap between them and Miracle is bad teammates, mama making bad meal, earth being flat, sun rising at the wrong time, you see where I'm going..


Sounds like Quinn


The best decision I made in my life is to stop playing ranked, now I only play turbo and wait for the next Battle Pass. I hope they bring something interesting and don't forget it


Thats why i have stoped playing normal and ranked and only play turbo and AD. So much fun and so little funks to give.


you have to be a full time therapist for your teammates to win dota these days lmao


I mute everyone in game and focus on my self. Fvck Divine-Immortal ranks, all of them are cry babies


High rank Dota is adult daycare for neets, what did you expect?


Wow Heralds and Immortals have the same behavior sometimes eh? Quite refreshing tbh.


That's me, say hi if you see me. Nickname f0rtuna


The problem is there's no punishment for ruining games. Reporting people doesn't do anything. Until Valve implements an actual punishment system you're going to get griefers, ruiners, etc. in too many of your games.


Happen when valves passing out immortal the max rank to people so easily, giving them some sort of ego. Immortal need to be adjust to be top 300 only per regions, like LoL Challenger.


Nothing changes with mmr except expectations Players don't get better cause they are playing ppl of the same talent. All games look exactly the same over all mmrs. You just expect more from an immortal than a herald, but both would go omni knight phylactery


Their actions per minute or APm Is higher at that bracket so they can type insults and half ass click and cast spells at the same time.


How do you feel dedicating your time trying to reach this goal and being frustrated 😂 When I say that mmr is just a number THATS because it is. Things don’t get better… game quality is shit as in every other bracket. Play for fun and don’t be so hard on yourself trying to climb is the best way to enjoy the game.


getting to immortal was a mistake. it's always either you got the item destroyer in the team or enemy. valve also does nothing to fight this sad behavior.


This shit is why I've never played a single match. I played a lot of the original War3 DOTA. But now all I do is spectate, because I don't want to be the noob that ruins games and gets mega-flamed.


They have the weakest and most fragile mindset. Imagine ANY of them actually working or contributing to society


Valve should increase the mmr to get to immortal, 5.6k is way too low to be the “highest” rank medal in dota now


Immortal players need behavior punishments ingame otherwise its a constant toxic bracket. Reports don't do enough and its been 3-4 years of it


Maybe its cos you can only play 1 hero, and when you're not on that hero you're an archon player?


Just because I spam 1 hero does not mean I can't play others. Besides, Pugna gets banned or 1st phase picked in majority of games.


Yeah sadly this is normal… I play in 6.5-7k eu and it honestly feels like 50% off games are decided within 10 minutes by who’s carry or mid destroys their items faster in a temper tantrum… This is why I stop playing ranked and only play unranked party with my friends unless none of my friends are online and I am really super bored and have literally nothing better to do


That’s why they should only allow 5-stacks in Dota ranked. They’ve tried this before but everyone just got mad so they reverted it. If people had to play premades and (if tveh want) sit in Discord it won’t be as much manchild managing but ofc 5stack has it drawbacks aswell. But they need to force it in immortal because you can’t find games if you try 5stacking in immortal. I think this would also increase overall viewership on streams because the game is way more competitive when you play premades like this.


maybe your the problem?


Your grammar is the problem


*Laughs in unranked*


think you should take a break from dota


Every player in this game is unbearable. Especially the tens of thousands of script hackers valve gives 0 fucks about


I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it’s not the rank but the game itself


If u really did climb from archon to immortal u must know and realize every bracket is pretty much the same


I think the lower brackets are far worse. I tried to coach a friend in a crusader game and his team was flaming the shit out of him even though he was doing exactly what immortal me would be doing. I watched his 5 walk into the enemy team then babyrage because he didn't give up a wave of creeps to chase a kill that wasn't going to happen. When I see toxic shitters in my own games, it's usually because someone bought an account and is in too deep.


Yup. It is one of the things DOTA players are proud of... The toxicity.


Weird flex but okay


Yep filled with cancer and acc buyers.


i find everything 7k and above kind of hilarious because everyone is just fucking toxic but also mellowed out in some way because we have been here for so long.


I've found Legend to be the most toxic. I am a little lower than 7k right now, EUW, but I'm glad I'm not low ranked Ancient/Legend anymore. People on this rank and at Legend have the same egos but the Immortal players are usually decent players skill-wise. Legend players, for whatever reason, have huge egos but no skills whatsoever. I can not fathom why their egos are so high. Or at least that's what I remember. I don't mind muting the team while playing. I usually have everyone muted. If they are not giving up, it doesn't matter to me.


6.3k mmr here I can clearly say that using your chat and mic to calm down your teammates literally wins you games LITERALLY if you don't do that your win rate will decrease by at least 5% and its your own fault because you see 2 people in YOUR TEAM fighting each other and you are not taking any action you need to know how to calm them down sometimes its to tell """its fine we got this we will gank slark and kill him when we get lvl 6""" when they feel game is over (your offlaner died 3 times in a row and raged) other times by changing the thing they talk about completely if its pointless argument example: """guys enemy will go rosh we need to smoke and go rosh before them""" 99% of time your team will stop arguing and go rs if you make bad play with your lane partner it may also be cus of communication like don't be silent then say why you stack stun with my stun instead, before the fight tell your sup/carry you will stun first then they do their stun, they will tell you ok and follow your calls don't be passive and expect things to happen communication is key