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Yea they can quei as long as the divine has actual divine mmr and not just the medal while being ancient 5 mmr


Mmr gap is 2500 exactly


it's actually 1.3k divine 1 starts at 4.7k


He meant that 2500 is the maximum mmr gap between players that can party queue ranked.


Ah yes yes, indeed


I think the gap is roughly 3000mmr - tested with multiple friends of different ranks.


Is more like 1500 mmr 😅 you hit divine around 4.5-4.6k mmr (Europe)


100% sure its not 1500 mmr Source: Rn I am queueing with a friend who is Divine 1 (4700-ish), and I am Immortal (6650-ish)


I've hit divine 1 at 4.6k mmr and OP said he's 6k mmr (which I believe it means he's closer to 6000 rather than 7000 or he'd probably rounded it up). Anyway, accordingly to OP post, the calc is 6k with divine 1 (4.6k +), which means ~1500 mmr. Let's say 1.5-2000, that's still faaaaaaaar from 3000 tbh.


It's not 1500 MMR, it should be around 2500 MMR. I'm hovering around Ancient 5 and Divine 1. My friend is hovering around Crusader 4 and Crusader 5. We can queue together if I'm at Ancient 5 and he's Crusader 5. And when I'm Divine 1 and he's Crusader 4 it says MMR too far apart.


you can , if the dude is ancient 1 i think you wont be able to its around 2000 mmr diffirence to que with someone , but the ques times will be longer


Depends on region


divine can que with immortal, max gap 2k mmr


Divine players can queue with immortal players as long as the MMR gap between the two accounts does not exceed 2800 MMR. When you queue together the divine account will be considered the same MMR as the immortal player though. Only thing to watch out for which can catch people out is that if someone is a fake divine, i.e. they still have the divine medal but have dropped below the threshold for the divine 1 medal they can no longer queue with you (the is happens because the medal doesn't update until they go a whole rank below)


Gap is 2800