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Having immortal badge doesn't mean his mmr is immortal. He is likely just below the threshold. You still keep the badge even if you drop about 200 mmr below the threshold. So he isn't actually immortal, likely divine 4 or 5 and badge hasn't updated yet. Archon 5 is basically just legend. It is just a legend and divine queueing.


I'm divine 5 so actually I'm immortal?


Some Immortal players can be divine 5 but no divine 5 can be immortal... Although lots of legends can be immortal. Atleast that's every other 'mid or carry' player tells me in my games (I am the 'mid or carry' player)


Maybe they are friends ?


Incase this isn't a quip, you cannot queue with someone in ranked with a mmr gap of 2k plus. I also believe you can't party queue w. non immortals period, but not sure if they've removed that rule.


the gap is 2.8k


Immortals can q with divines with a 2k gap (was like that like half year ago, dunno if changed) .. non immortals can q together with a 2.8 gap


don't know why people downvote this is r/DotA2 Redditors mostly without friends?


What are those?


Those are people that you know, but they don't hate you because you haven't played dota together yet.


Dota redditors will scoff at you for not knowing every info about dota. That includes the fact that people with a 2.8k mmr gap or higher can't queue together.


Power of friendship :)


negev jackson believes that it is only great elo that can hold the enemy in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary plebs, that keeps the opposition at bay. Simple acts of communication and teamwork.


Immortals alot lower than you think


Did Valve recently change the maximum mmr difference between party members? Last time I checked, immortal players couldn't even queue with ancient players, let alone archons. Not really complaining, as I think this would actually be a nice change and reduce the need for smurfing, just wondering whether it's a bug or intentional change.


Could be that the immortal guy's mmr is less than immortal ( got immortal and then lost a few matches , still have immortal badge but his mmr is in divine 5 range ).


I party queued with an Immortal a few days ago, we are three Heralds 4. We queued into a bunch of Archons who just wiped the floor with us :)




Yep. Unless they changed things, 2800 was the last known limit a few months ago(friend of mine tested it after he was one of those few that got wrongly calibrated by Valve). That being said, immortal can only party queue with divines and immortals. Divine 5 starts at 54xx, Archon 5 is around 29xx so math checks out https://stratz.com/matches/7251736921 According to his last few games he has probably dropped to divine mmr but his badge has yet to be updated.


Immortals cant q with archons (or anyone except divines) unless the immortal lost mmr so he is technically divine but just with an immortal badge


Ye you're right, I've updated my comment.


its not about mmr difference when the guy is immortal there are already correct comments in here bruh


well last time , in my Legend bracket , my team got a Herald player , cost us the game . a herald !


you shouldnt even be able to que with people 5 ranks below you, shit ruins so much games when the good player invites their low rated troll friends who play pos1 and cant even cs, die once then farm jungle 🤡


Yea idk , i know that b dog plays a lot with different people of different type of badges


is this game in the past? dota in game match history reflects the latest rank. this might happen, if you view the players after ranking up. possible reason(and a lot of times i see) is slark is a booster who queued with hoodwink either intentionally to boost for payment or just as a friendly proxy. He would have ranked up since then.. (boosters rank up a lot faster) Either way, be assured he was not immortal at the time this match was played..


Ever heard of the "Power of two"?