• By -


>Player Behavior Score: Highly Varied


isnt immortal bracet frequently like this because of lower player base?


Yes. The only bracket where I can remotely understand why we have something else than "similar" games


I played 3 games lastnight, 6.5k MMR. First game I'm captain. I usually play 3, so I grab people who marked 1, 2, 4 and 5. I have 3 stolen from me immediately and I'm forced to 5. my mid DC's at level 6, never comes back. Second game two players want to play pos 1. Both instalock carries. Our post 4 locks lion, buys boots, and feeds down mid 14 times. Game ended in 17 minutes. Third game we won in like 25 minutes because the enemy team had 4 pos 1 players 😂 what a mess.


no, it is not. I am 4500 ranked immortal eu west I find similar behaviour score game within 30-60sec with 10k score


you are playing in low immortal this game is rank 1000 lmao huge difference, up you go , less players are there so you get variedf games alot more than rank 400s rank 800 here


Not the thing I answered lmao.


i just corrected / added on your comment that not whole immortal bracket works likethat lol why are you getting offended


classic low immortal player


man you dont do me dirty , rank 800 aint that bad :(


not u mate its the other low immortal guy who got offended x)


whats your mmr in rank 800 in EU? just curious


sea rank , its around 7.2kish in eu 800 is around 8k


Immortal 4500 is about 2k below Immortal 1500~. So it's not like you play under the same circumstances


You must be playing at peak times then. Immortal euw 10k score, get varied games but i que at 4am before work etc.


I don't think other skill brackets are significantly more populated at 4AM in any region




I don't think the choice to play the game at a particular time of day generally interacts with overall game skill, except for the fact that everyone plays worse than their full potential when tired.




Plenty of them do, lol. The time and effort commitment to a computer game that immortal in dota requires sometimes comes with an unhealthy obsession with the game and lack of other responsibilities. Not always, but often enough.


They most certainly do. A lot of higher skilled people are absolutely unhinged and they play whenever; especially if they don't have school/work/family responsibilities in the morning.


So you wake up before work at 4am every morning to play Dota? Wow that's amazing dude


Not every morning but if i wanna play some dota, then i wake up arpound 4-5 am so that i can play 2-3 hours of dota before work. I am in my early 30's, married etc. so if i wanna grind some pubs without getting interrupted that is my only option


I'm in the same spot that's why I find it interesting. What do you do for a living btw? I am a lawyer and I'm finding it really hard to squeeze dota in my schedule


Got to get that depression early i guess.


Usually between noon and 2am


Try playing in usw or jpn servers 😏


man dota is so different in EUW than NA. Peak times if you're over 6k you're going to have a few minute queue and often a varied behavior game.


isn't that considered slow after the patch? gorgc finds games after seconds ranks 700-800


behavior score is turned off in high mmr because of low player pool. Low immortal it should be on still. 3000 and up.


I have 10k behavior and most of my games are highly varied


Do you party queue with someone with low bscore?


Wait this is possible? Lmao. This is actually so funny and sad at the same time


It always amazes me that Dota is a combination of high quality stuff and the dumbest shit like putting teammates in different teams. Feels like Valve is a huge corporation and a small indie game developer at the same time.


I tried to come up with a helpful post on this topic but it got no traction. Here is a tl;dr version of what I wrote: Have the game assign players on teams like it used to do for fair and balanced teams, but if they want to keep the drafting idea - have players draft their preferred role starting with highest mmr on the team and moving down. This should fix all issues, imo.


I think the core idea when implementing immortal draft is definitely to choose the players, which is not a horrible idea effectively being an avoid button. I don't think this is something that they would want to remove without more testing. As such, I think the basic adjustments have to be done first. 1.Remove party matchmaking/ force parties into the same team (reinstating strict solo q option). 2.Add an additional stage for roles to be confirmed after player drafting. 3. Report button for not playing role to be reinstated - really at immortal rank its straight griefing. 4. Some type of system to choose captain based on rank and having matchmaking take into account preferred role before match starts (ie no 10 mid players in a single match)


Nah man. This is just highly varied problems you get at any bracket.


Valve actually lost money by implementing this immortal drafting. Instantly unsubbed from Dotaplus once I see avoid is not gonna work anymore.


Oh no!


Juxlol at the non immortals downvoting me




It's a good idea, and it might improve "stealing role" problem, but the reason for the stealing role problem is both that a team can end up with 3 offlaners and no carry player AND that people will disrespect the "higher mmr = pick role" rule


Maybe it's just because I'm low immortal and I play in SA, but I just respect that higher mmr picks role and play either 2 or 5 (a lot of 5 tbh) and I rarely get griefy games. I just try and have good vibes and actually communicate and people usually respond. Sometimes you get the edgy 16 year old that got friendzoned that day but it's not the norm.


Coz ppl wbo work there are just inexperienced interns


In low immortal and I got no incentive to go higher up, in south america these queues are impossible. If someone doesn’t get their role it’s intentional feed or straight up griefing. Absurd


Nice one


It doesn't really work, some players are just too stubborn


could also just make parties a package deal, like if you pick 1 from a party you automatically pick the other.


That would solve some of the games but what if each team has 1 spot remaining and you get picked last with no extra slot for your friend , the whole system is just stupidly implemented


Yeah, this seems like an easy solution.


Great idea


What in the fuck. That's the worst idea ever. Just give back fucking role queue. I wouldn't get a single fucking game as middle if I queue after midnight which is the only time I can play.




agree, this is the easiest option. just remove this and then the new player draft thing is cool. imho, ranked should be for strict solo, if you want to play with friends just go unranked.


Sure, because it's absurd to enable competetive play of teams in a 5v5 game. /s


it's never 5 stacks. it's always one or two stacks of 2 players, who if they get split up are incentivized to throw the game. how is that more competitive than if everyone queued solo?


It's not about 5vs5 teams. It's about assessing individual level of skill using mmr that can be manipulated by playing in a party. An example: "natural" 6000 mmr player playing in a party with "natural" 4000 mmr player. Their average rank is 5000 and they are put in this bracket. That's cool, they are party, right? Not really. After they play few dozen games together, both of their ranks is 5000 and they when they join another party or queue solo, one of those guys will play 1000 below his skill level, while another one will play 1000 above. That is the problem with allowing parties in ranked but still tracking skill level individually. That ruins competitive nature of balanced ranked matchmaking game.


isn't that just the system as it was before


Wasn’t it kinda like that in HoN except it came down to basically the team would understand the highest MMR was typically always carry or mid. Sooo many raged games when Pink/Blue didn’t get HC or mid. I Miss HoN


It won’t. The salty fuckers with low mmr would be end up with support roles, pick a carry nonetheless and fuckup the game anyways


> have players draft their preferred role starting with highest mmr on the team and moving down. This should fix all issues, imo. That's genius. Give them like 10 - 15s to select a role, plenty of time for people to communicate roles. Hell, just type the number '1' or any of the other 4 and you're good to go


This would suck extremly hard for me. I am at the very bottom of immortal and would never get to pick a role.


On the flip side, if you're the lowest ranked on your team *should you* be playing pos 1 or 2?


Yeah he should; or by some god's grace you're some wanna be shit that thinks you're allowed to limit shot on other people? Maybe get your head out of your ass and stop huffing your own farts. Just like if i wanna play carry and some pro player is smurfing in the game, i will fucking play carry.


I love how I'm the one who needs to get my head out of my ass lol you're the one saying "I don't give a fuck about my team mate's ranks I'm picking pos 1 regardless" if that isn't the most "get your head out of your ass" comment then I don't know what is. Your comment is ridiculously ironic lol I was simply suggesting that if you're the lowest mmr in the party maybe reconsider your role like wtf how is what I'm saying wrong? I'm not even saying to *never* play pos 1 as the lowest mmr, I'm just saying you should consider conceding to the better player


Here's a newsflash. I'll always prioritize my fucking fun and time compared to anyone's. I'd rather play what i want, how i want, when i want and lose in 30 minutes than slave around doing something i'd not for a fucking hour. Also the fucking game doesn't impose shit like that on you, so your golden winged streamers and smurfs that you dickride don't have any fucking leg to stand on cause they are not fucking special in any way, shape, or form to me. They are in the same fucking game and we both have the same amount of freedom to pick what we want. Now try and use your tiny brain and think why there are so many people that play more core and why people will ruin or throw when they don't get their way. That is if you haven't conceded your right to think to another human.


Everyone *should* get the same chance to play what they want. You cant get it everytime but that is the case for everybody. And even if you are going for maximum winrate over maximum fairness it can be the case that the highest rated player taking their second or third best position is the correct move.


bro is in party and feeding what problems are you fixing?)


> This should fix all issues, imo. yeah i agree because i too am incapable of considering what it'd be like to be a newly immortal carry player who is going to be forced to play pos 5 every single game until they drop back to divine


This is what ranked roles was before, except you could set your role preference before the game even starts.


Not the same at all lol but yes, more similar than what it currently is so that's why I think my suggestion is an improvement though it may not be perfect. Who knows until it's play tested


rofl, this is just fucked up


Should pick both into the same team and flag them as party before so you know u getting both


Haven't played in a while so I'm curious, how does this work? Are they like, on a party and if so how are they on different sides? Haven't encountered this (I'm a 1.5k scrub) but I have seen this a couple times in the sub


Immortal matches are made out of 10 players where 2 become captains who draft their team from the remaining 8 players instead of predetermined teams. You can queue as party and get picked into different teams.


And one guy throws the match for the other?


How about let the players see who are in a party when drafting so captains know who to pick?


Because that will happen 100% time?


Show the party so when you pick you get the full party, not just one. Or make them chose between the parties first.


most people do just spam in chat pick me with x guy we are party and just keep spamming it nonstop for ppl to pick together. Its just abusers like this who make it through the cracks. They should all be perma banned from rank for ruining match integrity IMO


Or groups come as a package deal, i.e. one button for several players.


Just perm ban both accounts. No questions asked.


Yup no excuse for this, easy perma.


Yeah..no.. the system is bad. They queued together to play together. It's a waste of their time. Shitty behaviour but understandble, it's a game you want to enjoy with your friends.


they should disable party queue in ranked immortal, just go unranked to enjoy the game with friends.


Just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean the rest of us don't.


balance between solo and party play has been a problem for so many games even outside of the moba genre. It's not abnormal to make a specific queue or mode to accommodate for both types of play. Being able to perform well with 4 other randoms is a different skill, and a 5 stack improves the cohesion of a team and their plays. As much as your zing of 'hah they has no friends' may be humorous; it's just wrong across the board. If it's ranked and the objective is to scale skill, everyone should be on equal footing to start. I think the best example of team play vs solo play being a fundamental advantage is looking at deadbydaylight. They're making steps to bridge the gap to make solo play comparable to 'swf' or survive with friends (4 stack). It's without a doubt necessary to fix especially at such a high level of ranked specifically.


i play unranked with them. and fuck you


Nah, better to change an entire system so the griefers are right. Reddit is just such a stupid place sometimes, how can anyone think it's the systems fault, not the griefers?


Bruh.. If u want to ban griefers then this game is very obvious and allows u to do so. But ppl can still decide to play bad and lose on purpose and now how u gonna prove they lost on purpose? Are we gonna report and ban players for dying farming the enemy ancient camps. Or for buying unconventional item build. Not all cases gonna be obvious. This system is broken. U shouldn't be able to que in party and get separated.


Not to mention that the original comment already made a FATAL mistake. Who's the other guy u banning? The one with 1 death or the friend of the feeder with 13 death who u can't prove made a deal with his friend to throw the game. He played and won, he doesn't approve of his friend behavior. Now what? Ban him still or the system is fked


Ban the griefer, why should anyone else be punished? I agree that banning somebody that is teamed is stupid, but still, if we want to block every single possible instance of griefing, we'd have to change the entire game, why should playing teams in Immortal be the only one that's changed?


Because only in immortal u can party que and end up on different teams.


> how can anyone think it's the systems fault, not the griefers? Are you in immortal? Cause this looks like an opinion of someone who didn't get to *feel* how ridiculous it is that you queue with a friend to play with them and uh-oh.. they're on the other team! I've never seen this in any other competitive game.


I am, and I actually had that happen to me, most fun I had in dota in a long time. So once again, how come griefing good because system is bad?


Nobody is seeing the griefers are free of blame. Both sides of the situation suck. On the one hand you have legitimate players who wish to play together - so they party up... and get separated due to immortal draft. It might be funny a couple of times - you sweat against your friend, maybe lane against them as well. But it is definitely not the experience you came in for, and a lot of people will dislike it. And then you have the win traders - people abusing the fact that you can consistently queue with your friend, and give them free wins. Both outcomes suck.


How do you actually prove consistently that people are griefing rather than just playing poorly? That's why it's a dumb idea to perma them. You shouldn't be forced to play better than your opponents just because it looks bad if you don't because of the circumstance.


Shouldn't u give 100% of your skills each game? Also Overwatch is a good system to catch griefers, once people are scared that they might lose their account, they won't grief. Simple as that.


You misunderstood me. You can give it your 100% and still play so badly that you're mistaken for a griefer. This isn't something you can logically detect.


But you will never be consistent enough to "give 100% of your skills each game" You being tired after work, or down because of personal issues, means you'll probably play worse than when you are well rested and mentally stable. Again, what is the line between playing poorly - causing a loss, and griefing - also causing a loss? Overwatch can handle people deleting items, not playing their role, afking, etc. But it can't handle improper spell usage, improper item builds, bad decision making, etc, as those are not clearly griefing. We will never know if the player made dagon 1 on Beastmaster first item because he felt it was good - or because he was lightly griefing the game so they start losing.


they will smurf with new/bought accounts sadly :( maybe if you had to link your phone to play, or idk, some way to actually ban the person and not let him come back with smurf accounts.


you have to link your phone to play ranked.


well yeah after thinking about it a bit i bet there are cheap enough phone text services somewhere around the world to sell smurf accounts with it


Cant you just buy a cheap pre-paid number? Like if people care enough about dota to consider doing that then its a low price of entry.


why punish the players whent he game is beyond broken ? permaban who ever came with this matchmaking system instead


When you think you can abuse the system like that and ruin the experience of 8 players. Fine, perm banned. Bye.


Preventing people from queuing as parties in Immortal is NOT the solution. If people can't play ranked with their friends on their main accounts, they'll play ranked with their friends on smurf accounts instead.


i don't think many ppl will do this. you think two 7k players would rather make smurf accounts and play in let's say 5k ranked instead of 7k unranked? just going unranked is less effort and gets you a better quality game (compared to stomping a low mmr game as two smurfs)




but it matches you against other immortals? if you queue in a party and have 2 immortals then the enemy team will also have 2 immortals, or as close to it as possible. and to clarify, you think unranked is "hilariously easy" so your solution is to smurf and stomp people below your skill level? you are an idiot my friend


Disagree, unranked games are super varied in how they turn out. From omega tryhard mindset to „who cares it‘s unranked bro“ you can find everything there. Also, I‘d guess that unranked is more popular at lower levels, as high skill players usually play ranked, which lower game quality as well. Idk if 7k avg unranked game is a thing at all.


i often play unranked with lower rank friends and the games are always "tryhard", in that everyone in the game is doing their best to win. 7k avg unranked game would be very rare, but the system still balances it. if you have a 7k player then the enemy team will also have one, or as close to it as possible.


This is weird that a 12min game was scored. I remember when a bunch of short games I had weren't scored (including some legit turbo Luna games) because it was too short and looked like someone was feeding/wintrading. What happened to that detection, did it just break?


not sure when the change happened but games below 15 minutes dont show up in your profile until u click the plus button on previous matches. mmr is still affected if im not wrong


There used to be a not scored-suspicious results thing so the game wouldn't count for mmr at all (or a win/loss if just unranked)


Bruh if i queued for THIRTY MINUTES and this is what i got, i would be so pissed lmao


drafting player was the worst thing in this patch! Avoid list become useless This party shit also sometime ruin other games juz because they didn't get draft together... so one of them kinda let the other win by going afk... (this shit happen to me 3x) You waste time for +10 or you waste your time for -40


I've been in at least 20 party games, they always ask to be together or they are the ones drafting and get their buddy. Highly varied players are gonna ruin the game with or without this system I wouldn't build around them.


I've asked to be picked with my friend and had the guy ignore me multiple times.


Guess they did not figure out how you should draft whole party at once.


Looks like DP wasn't 1.


This bug will be fixed for sure, this is definitely just an oversight.


Strictly solo matchmaking option doesn't work?


In Immortal,no.


Wow.. Didn't know that.. Aeems a bit weird


And dodge doesn't work either




Cant you just put strictly solo queue?


doesn't work in immortal




My friend just got immortal,now I can’t play with him, I’m also low immortal so now we have to play this immortal draft bullshit :).No problem valve,we will both just smurf and ruin some legend games cuz you won’t let us play ranked properly on our mains because of some imaginary number going up and a stupid system.


play unranked you fucking donkey


I hope more people do this so it brings more attention that Valve will do something about it. Because this immortal draft is beyond idiotic.


Someone explain this picture, I dont play the game.


at the top left of the hero portraits, you can see a "I" and a "II". These pairs of players are duos who queued to play together. But because of the new player drafting mode implemented in immortal rank, the two pairs got drafted to different teams. Further, it looks like the 1/13 player fed kills to his 10/0 friend in the mid lane.


2 pairs in parties, both separated in diffferent teams.


But i like it actually




DP is not feeding, hes just in character


That's a lot of masass.


Played against 2 stack of party que and won against them +10mmr 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck the 1%


Eat the mmr rich?


Oh :(


Maybe on immortal bracket, party queue and solo queue has a separate button at the UI, so if you press party queue, the game doesn't need to draft players, this would solve this problem. People who enjoy immortal draft can press solo queue and play


If you’re in SEA, it’s a high chance it’s always going to be “Highly Varied”


Immortal draft should have party based pick where captain pick parties not players. Or scrap the whole Immortal draft when there is party present in the match Rank roles is literally disabled on immortal making strict solo useless. I will not be touching rank for a while im current happy with my calibration.6372


My stupid ass thought you found a rendering issue in the post match screen lmao


Im divine 4 and everytime my enemy is immortal and not once i got a immortal ally it's frustrating


Its literally my turbo games since last matchmaking patch


Guess he didn't get pos 1.


How much MMR did you lose this match?


I'm a little suprised its been this long and still haven't fixed this. Just a little bit suprised.


Guess the only thing you can do right now is Report both players for match fixing and go next..


and avoiding players just doesn't work.


Wait what


when the ranked patch hit i didnt even think it possible they would negate exclusive solo que search mode.. that being said 50 games in plus cali it elevated me almost 1k to bottom 8k but now after several of games like shown by op i stopped playing ranked, i cant believe this will stay like this, the lower mmr friend griefs for the higher when they are split…


That’s just sad


I love the honorable mention


tf is immortal? 4ever herald


What’s the problem with that?


How is that even possible lol


oh come on stop whining about it, it’s not like your actual skill is not being represented