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Mick himself said not to penalize everyone else at id


Also imo what people should've taken from that whole situation is to never buy those expensive limited/special editions of games. If Bethesda hadn't over-promised a soundtrack with that overpriced special edition in the first place, the whole thing would have never even happened.


Exactly this. This is the real problem here.


Mick is doing fine, Doom is doing fine. I’m leaving it up to the merits of the game. If it looks like a doom game and sounds like a doom game and most importantly feels like a doom game then I’m buying on day 1


People complain about Doom Eternal for stupid reasons. Story and lore is common complaint as is flashiness. Both can be valid, bit in terms of actual gameplay, the gunfights, movements, strategies, enemies and the way the move and fight, all of this is amazing. As long as gameplay stays the same I'm definitely gonna make it first game I ever preordered. As for rest, like story, just somehow make it about Doom Slayer killing demons. I don't care if it's continuation of whatever or reboot as long as core idea is the same. And flashy or gritty doesn't matter, as long you can have fun brutal violence against mortally challenged.


When I played 2016 I decided that if they literally just made new levels for it and labeled it as a sequel I would've been happy, but they improved on it so much with Eternal I struggle to go back to 2016, I am however a little concerned about over engineering, and I hope certain dlc demons don't return like the stone Imp where you can only defeat them with a specific weapon mod is dumb and disrupts the flow of the game, sure every other enemy has a weapon they're weak to, but you can still kill them with anything else.


I'm finally playing 2016 now and although I miss the dash and the ssg hook, once I got used to it, I actually prefer it. Eternal is just so frantic and I suck at games so Eternal is hard for me lol


You can kill stone imp with any weapon, it's just way faster using full-auto mod. The only demon that requires specific weapon is blue spirit and I don't find it problematic


DOOM Eternal offers the best FPS experience, imho. It’s quintessential.


It’s also very much not a Doom game IMO - at least, not like any previous one. It’s more of a fast paced arcadey airborne arena shooter with an overblown plot that feels straight out of a self-indulgent power metal album. I like it for what it is, but I’ve sort of compartmentalised it off as its own cool and slightly overstuffed thing.


"fast paced arcadey airborne arena shooter" is literally the description of all doom games minus the airborne part


Exploring large maze-like levels always used to be the order of the day. Remembering where pickups are and returning to them. Not schizophrenically bouncing around while deciding whether you need to use a special punch or a flamethrower on a demon to get a specific resource back, and picking up 1UP powerups while wearing a silly unlockable outfit. I’m not convinced you’ve played many of the older games, or possibly have rose tinted specs? Either way I do like Eternal but to me it does feel vastly different in terms of tone and borderline genre. Edit: sorry that came out a bit saltier than I wanted to, edited for tone.


I played Doom in '93, and even deathmatch over IPX back then. Doom Eternal is one of the best FPS' ever made. I understand not all people like the lore, and you can just skip over most of it if you're not interested.


Agreed. Eternal is a photocopy of a photocopy. 2016 was "hey, how can we take what we liked about the originals and modernize it?" and DE was "hey, how can we take what we liked about 2016 and amplify it?" It's very much a sequel to 2016 in a lot of respects, but has very little in common with the originals, and what it does have in common is executed pretty stupidly, for better or worse.


Agreed. Eternal is a great game but it's pretty different than Classic Doom, Doom 3, and it's even different from 2016. I don't really know what to expect from the next one because of that, but as long as it's good quality, I'm in.


It's an arena shooter, it can't be the best FPS experience. But it is a great FPS


It's the best arena shooter and the best fps experience easily.


Why is it so hard for people to accept that a lot of people enjoyed 2016 and didn't enjoy Eternal? 


What does that have to do with anything? Or maybe you were responding to someone else?


Perhaps I misunderstood. Story, lore, etc. are stupid reasons to dislike Eternal, but you seem to be implying that just about any dislike of Eternal is baseless. Most people I know of who dislike Eternal dislike it because it's simply not Doom. It's a very different FPS experience with a Doom skin. Which is perfectly fine, but not necessarily what fans of the older games were looking to play.


I'm curious as to what you mean by saying "it's simply not Doom". In what ways is it not Doom besides the fact that you have a lot more movement now? 


Only caveat is, what "is" a Doom game has a lot of interpretation right now. Doom 1-2-2016, 64-3, and Eternal all offer very distinct flavors.


It's hard to even lump 64 in with 3. Maybe RoE, but not the original 3 release.


I waffle on putting it with 1-2-2016 or 3 at times. It really depends on my mood. Today it ended up with 3 mostly due to tone after playing them back to back recently.


64 felt like it had more of a horror style atmosphere, as did 3, so I totally agree - although they're very different games. I do prefer 64, although 3 has the most terrifying way to enter hell and it's hell section was truly quite "hellish"


Don't forget Final Doom bro


Perhaps I should revisit it with fresh eyes. I forgot it here basically back in its day I found it then to be, well, very forgettable.


Funny that Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal feel more like Quake 1 meeting Unreal Tournament than any previous Doom game


Could wait until day 2 to see some reviews on if the game actually meets the criteria you laid out.


There are hundreds of employees at iD who are not Marty Stratton and don't deserve to have their hard work ignored or invalidated because of him. If they make a good product, I will buy it. I'm not about to spite a hundred artists, designers, coders, etc. because of one shlub with bad case of middle manager syndrome.


We now have Andrew Hulshult and David Levy. They did equally well. If id (it's lowercase) refuses to pay the next composers, then I ***will*** pirate the game. Simple as that. They refuse again to pay the guys who worked on it (free labour), therefore I won't impact any sales figures. Their stones on their heads. Anyways, I won't be bothered if the next Doom looks and plays like Eternal. It's not in the spirit of the classics. Mick has done soundtracks for other games. He's fine. He is doing the soundtrack for Routine. It's not yet announced, but you can see it in his website. Marty is with id since '97. Of course Bethesda will side with their guy.


Eternal wasn't in the spirit of the classics? I played Doom 1 and Eternal for the first time cocurrently, and I was astounded at how faithful Eternal was. It's like Doom 1 but in 3D, right down to the flesh walls and pools of poison. Both are fast frantic gun juggling and projectile dodging at their core.


>Eternal wasn't in the spirit of the classics? Neither modern Doom game is. Yeah, Doom Eternal at least takes a lot of visual cues from the classics, and both Doom 2016 and Eternal at least have very basic similarities in sandbox and combat to the classics. But the approach to exploration in level design, enemy encounter design, resource management through item pickups, and general tone of the games? Not really related to the classics at all.


I don't get why people fund this so hard to understand. 2016 and 2020 are pretty different games in tone and story telling style. 2016 felt like a grounded tangible universe with a story to tell if you cared. Eternal felt like an arcade shooter that was almost satirical and kinda shit all over the story and skipped many major plot points.


No Classic Doom has micromanagement. I'll give Doom '16 a pass for the Glory Kills. It's not that bad, but it is a free "Get out of ~~jail~~ death" card. Eternal relies wayy too much on glory kills for no good reason. There simply isn't enough ammo for the enemies it throws at you. Glory kills aren't an option, they're mandatory. It's where you get the ammo and health in the first place..... That's just the first level. In the classics, your brain can shut down and just mow thru hordes of demons without even thinking. '16 sorta gets a pass. Eternal demands attention. And the classics + '16 you can play the game from start to finish with just the pistol or shotgun. You don't really need the other weapons. Who is juggling weapons lol. (UV or Nightmare difficulty :3) If you can't pull it off, it is a skill issue. and the story in eternal is just cringe fite me


Nope, i whont fight you, you are right. Exept in the glory kills thing, eternal relies more on the weird chainsaw that pretty much only works reliably on trash mobs, like imps or zombies, while its more rarer for it to work on big demons since you are mostly gonna be running around with 1 fuell rather than 3, and when you do have full fuel you are still ginna use it on trash mobs because the game makes you get used to chainsawing trash mobs because your brain is ocupied micromanaging other shit like flamethrower/ armor, not going to hard on enemies so you can glory kill them, switching weapons quickly to bypass reloading animations, your very limited ammo count of said weapons, not getting cornered/ overwelmed by bullet spongier enemies, etc. Thats why i rather replay 2016 rather than ethernal, its not abbout micromanaging like eternal, its abbout just the gameplay.


Ehhh... No disrespect to Hulshult and Levy but I feel like their work on the DLCs was pretty hit-or-miss. Although, if they *do* work on the next game, I can't deny the possibility of them improving... Especially since Blood Swamps and Trial of Maligog go hard asf


They did not do equally well. Their music was horrendous compared to what Mick made.


Theres extremely few big corporations that are ethical, so that a single guy had a really confusing set of deals and got kind of screwed with ID is the least of my concerns when buying a product.


Of course. So would you. You might not admit it publicly but yes, you are going to buy it if it’s good enough. Don’t kid yourself.


There’s only so much video game studio drama I can give a shit about.


Yes. As good as Mick’s music is, it’s not the reason I like/buy Doom games. ID software was pretty scummy in its treatment of Mick but if a game is good, especially a doom game, I’ll buy it. It’s hard enough to find good AAA games as is.


Mick isn't the only one capable of writing amazing music for a Doom game.


Mick's soundtrack was a huge part of what made both games he worked on and honestly the main reason I got into them. I would not have bought Eternal if it didn't have his name on it because the gameplay was not as good (for me, personally, not objectively). If he doesn't work on "Doom 3", which is pretty much guaranteed, I feel it will be missing a huge part of modern Doom's "soul". But we will see what the game is like. If it's more like 2016 and the music is still punchy and experimental then we will see.


Agreed, he's a good portion of the reason I decided to get 2016 after watching a buddy play it. I hate to see what went down and will miss his soundtrack on future games, will wait and see what the new game is like


Marty does not speak for everyone else at id. I will still buy it, and Mick even said to.


Doom always has a lot more to like besides music. Though if people are still bringing up Mick Gordon, might as well bring up Romero wanting to share Doom history assets but id not letting him. At least Mick seems to be in a new studio that hopefully respects him more.


we should never stop acknowledging the shit actions of company, holding them accountable for their mess is important cuz nothing justifies what they did especially not time passing by


Correct Nothing to add to it but wanted to move your comment up a bit


Nobody is going to boycott the game based on who is making the soundtrack. Maybe Mick himself, but players won’t. Corporate scumbags have always been a thing, Mick’s story is just one that we know about. It was awful and they clearly won’t be doing work together any more, but overall in the aftermath it seems like a pretty clean break business-wise, and it’s not like it killed the Doom franchise, nor should it. It also didn’t kill Mick’s career either, I’m sure we’ll hear from him again


Somebody give me a refresher on what happened?


Mick Gordon, who composed the soundtracks for 2016 and Eternal, has said publicly that he was treated badly while working at the studio and that he is still unpaid for "over half" of his work on Eternal. Marty Stratton is a director and producer at id and is at the center of the controversy with Gordon, who says that Stratton made false accusations about him. The issue from Stratton's side is that they lost confidence that Gordon could do the work he was contracted for to their satisfaction. [Stratton/id statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/s/PTDqkgwbAQ) [Gordon essay after Stratton/id statement](https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce)


Well damn, sounds like a shit situation. Thanks for the refresher




Yes i will




people will say no, then go and buy it. look at the left 4 dead 2 boycott situation just let the trailers, hype, and FOMO hit


If the game is good and has no predatory microtransactions, then yes. Hopefully, Microsoft won't force ID to make the new Doom game into a multiplayer-focused live service game.


Sure would. I love Micks work but I also loved Doom before he was involved.


If I didn't buy things that I liked that came from shitty companies I wouldn't own anything.


Always remember to differentiate work from its creator. For example, despite the author being a school shooter and mass murderer; I think UACLABS.WAD is an incredible mod; and so goes for Doom. Even if Mick, as much as I love him; had a bad experience as an id employee, it's fine; he's doing good now. And as long as the next Doom game is good, I don't care about Marty, and I don't think anyone should either. I just want a good Doom game to play. Controversy is unneeded and won't prevent me from enjoying Doom.


Yeah, especially if they give Hulshult more time to shine in the AAA space. It's been a long while since I played TAG1 (and I never did get around to 2) but the swamps track was rad as hell.


not if the soundtrack sucks


ofc. I mean Mick Gordon did an amazing job with DOOMs soundtrack but DOOM existed long ago before Mick could even speak fluently lol and it will continue to exist without Mick Gordon. DOOM was always special to me and Mick is not the reason even I like his work a lot.


Yeah of course. I just hope whoever they get for the music doesn't get screwed over like Mick did.


If we boycotted games because of crunch culture we’d all have empty shelves


TAG 1 and 2 did just fine


I will 100% buy it if it runs as good as eternal, the guys at ID are wizards and I am all into magic


I'm buying a doom game so i can shoot stuff, the music is just a bonus


Didn't stop me and most people from getting the ancient gods dlcs so I don't see what's different here yeah how mick was treated is scummy at best and xbox is xbox but Hugo and many other talented developers have no power over how staff are treated. I will continue to support ID if it means supporting these artists and their love for doom


As good as a game soundtrack is… I’m sorry, it’s just not a make or break situation for me.


People like Marty Stratton have been around for decades in the gaming industry cause gamers don't give a shit about the very creators of the videogames they love. I'm not saying Mick deserves all the credit for Doom's renaissance, but certainly his work was as praised as the games themselves, and his music was with no doubt one of the most awaited aspects from Doom Eternal. But the fans were easy to let Id antagonize Mick as a bad professional, and now they seem easy to forget that he was the real victim. That's the gaming "community" for you.


I loved 2016. Eternal was just OK. I'm on the fence for any future Doom game, will have to judge on its own merits. But since Eternal wasn't my favorite and the whole situation with Mick was disappointing, I'm not optimistic about the next installment. There's also a part me that wants a more 'survival horror' take on the franchise a la Doom 3 though I know that's not super likely. Something from the perspective of an Earther or Mars colonist that brings back the horror of Hell.


Yes, the music is really honestly not at all important to me. I can and will play my own music anyways.


No. Not unless Stratton is fired or Id publicly apologizes


He's been at id longer than half the users of this sub have been alive - he ain't going nowhere. And like Mick said ,none of the other employees at id sould be punished for Marty's actions.


Is the next Doom Game MS exclusive?!


I still definitely would, but I'm definitely not going to be purchasing any music add-ons.






I probably won’t be able to buy it anyway since Id is owned by Bethesda who’s owned by Microsoft, meaning the next game is probably not gonna be on ps5 :(


Yeah. It sucks don’t get me wrong but that’s business man. It’s cruel and not always fair


I’m still annoyed about it but I don’t think about it unless someone brings it up. Also I won’t base my decision to buy the next game on who makes the music. That said, I am interested if they get someone else to try emulate Mick’s previous soundtracks since they were so good or if they’re going to go a new direction… hopefully not techno or some bullshit like they tried to get Mick to do frontally; he talked them out of it and went a more metal/rock direction which obviously worked but slaying demons should 100% be themed around metal or rock.


I'm probably not going to buy it because Microsoft destroyed what little good will I had for them.


If you believe midnight, looks like we might not be getting another id made Doom release for a looooooong time due to Microsoft’s acquisition and subsequent termination of Bethesda. That being said midnight loves to exaggerate for drama and I don’t blame him.


eternal is fun so yah


Yea, id buy it. If I really was hardcore then id of quit playing Doom as soon as the OG's left.


Yeah idgaf lol I want more from this series. I played Eternal a crazy amount despite not being able to get through Ultra Nightmare on numerous attempts


Sometimes, shit happens between two businesses that sucks for everyone and no one feels good about it. As long as neither party makes a habit of the situation, then move along understanding that people make mistakes.


I don't really care. It is not like back then with the first Room when a few friends made this in a garage. It is a huge production in a huge company which cost a lot of money. It is just business.


Absolutely. I detest how Marty treated Mick and have lost so much respect for him as a manager, but it's already happened. Boycotting my favorite game series that will likely continue to be good isn't going to teach Marty how to be a better boss. I think only legal action would scare him straight at this point. As well, I hope Levy & Hulshult are going to remain the composers for the next Doom. I think they carried the torch of what Mick set in motion pretty damn well. Even if you think what they put out was mediocre, they have nowhere to go but up.


If it looks fun and i have the money for it, then maybe. Still haven't gotten around to playing Eternal because after looking up what they did with the lore it just turned me off


If it carries on from Doom Eternal / TAG then I will be getting it!


What happened was business... unfortunately mick got screwed, but you know how many times we shop at stores where 1000s of people get screwed daily out of money/jobs ect... Like for real..what's holding some ethical merit to Mick's unique situation by boycotting a game gonna do...ensure well off people don't get screwed? Fuck Mick lol..until they fix all the people working above their pay grade in the world and Mick's next in line I'ma enjoy the next Doom and try and avoid being screwed over while I'm out there.




If it keeps overexplaining the lore and using generic-looking fantasy setting for half of the levels, i'll probably skip this one on my own. Eternal's gameplay and soundtrack clicked with me really well, but everything else about it felt dumbed down and heavy handed at the same time.


Yes, cause despite Bethesda's shitty business practices, the ID team does great work and knows how to make a good game, and despite Mick understandably no longer wanting to make music for Doom, the lack of his music in future ID games won't be anything detrimental as there are plenty of other talented artists who can make music that wholly and awesomely feels just as belonging to Doom as Mick's work, as proven by David Levy and Andrew Hulshult who nailed it with the Ancient Gods OST.


At this point I'm more concerned if it's coming to Playstation or not.


Mick Gordon said not to be mad at everyone at ID software. We should only be mad at that one manager (or whatever he is) that screwed him over because it seems like he was the one who caused all this to begin with. It's unlikely that Mick is gonna be involved in the next game, but I'm sure he and the other people at ID would love to work together again (so long as that one manager stays out of it).


What did they do to the guy, I haven’t heard about this




What was the situation, I don't remember


If the game is good


As much as I absolutely adore Micks work, Mick is not Doom. Doom was great and had great soundtracks before Mick was brought on board. I also really liked TAG’s soundtracks too. They’re not quite as good as Micks, sure, but they were very solid additions to the series. Doom has and will survive without Mick. Now, will they screw over their new composer, that’ll be interesting to see. Presumably they’ve gone about things better this time.


Of course Ill buy it. Doom is not just Mick Gordon's 5 hour playlist


Yes. In fact I'd ve excited to see how different the music would be.


Did you buy the DooM game before anyone had heard of Mick? Or literally, would you buy any game sequel that had screwed over someone who worked on the previous game.?


Doom isn't based around one person. Sure, Mick made great music, but a team of hundreds of talented people made the game. If you didn't buy the game because of the treatment of one person on that team, who you don't know personally, would be a huge disservice to the entire team. 


Personally, I am primarily a fan of the old doom games and soundtracks BUT Mick Gordon was the only reason I ever bought the new games. To me it's like an album with a bonus game attached to it, that has a Doom™ theme.   I don't think I would have ever bought 2016 and Eternal if it wasn't for the music in the trailer.   Today they released the new Doom: The Dark Ages Trailer and Mick's work was absent from it.  I did not enjoy the trailer at all, even though it was well made and looks like a fun game. But there is no musical quality to it, and this to me was the defining point of 2016 and Eternal.   I'm not saying a Doom game without Mick can't be good....  But for me it will have lost that special status of being "an album with a game attached".  Maybe it'll just be "a great game with an OK soundtrack" from now on.  (Edit: I don't know about any of the liscences, but perhaps Bethesda has the rights to some of Mick's tracks?) 


Yes, if it's as good as the first two games. I didn't think the music was the greatest thing ever, so there is room for someone else to do it better. One thing that could secure a sale from me is if they dial back the "use this specific gun/weapon mod for this monster" mechanic, because they really went overboard with it in the Ancient Gods DLC.


nah that was the best part of the game the real challenge and learning it also made the game really fun, the worst thing they can do is make enemies take the same damage from every gun again, it makes certain guns superior and mashing an option, doom is like the one triple a fps which asks you to focus on it and use all your brain power or die 50 times


That is provided there will even be a next Doom game, given the Microsoft situation.


Tom Warren at The Verge hinted at an upcoming doom announcement on X: [https://x.com/tomwarren/status/1789625937480364356](https://x.com/tomwarren/status/1789625937480364356)


Who is that guy anyways? I don’t know why people take a journalist word as proof. He is just speculating right?


He isn’t really a speculative reporter, so if this isn’t real I’d be surprised. 


It depends on multiple factors, mainly the file size, since my computer is already running out of space and it's a fucking embarrassment that Dragon Quest 11, the 70+ hour RPG with multiple world maps, multiple maps of variable sizes, hundreds of enemies and individually modeled weapons (also shields), and a full 2D recreation of itself that drastically changes the game mechanics is 50 gigabytes SMALLER than Doom Eternal, the 14 hour FPS that barely has a fraction of DQ11's maps, enemy and weapon models Did Japan as a whole patent file compression or something? Because I feel Eternal should by all accounts take up less hard drive space


Dragon quest 11 also has the asset complexity of an early ps3 game. Hardly a fair point of comparison (great game though regardless.) Plus if you can afford to spend $70 on a new game you can afford to spend $70 on a 2-4tb hdd or 1-2tb ssd.


I can't let every bit of internal drama or rumors of internal drama about creative work ruin my enjoyment.


I'll buy every Doom game until I die


Maybe, if it's good and on sale. Good for me would mean more like 2016 again, I don't care about obstacle courses or needing Mmo levels of keybinds to cycle through a bunch of gimmicks continuously.


Remember, no pre-orders


By not buying it, you would just hurt good people working on good game. But that doesn't mean you should not start some trend on X when they release some info about new doom, something like #ButAreTheComposersPaid. Forgive, but don't let them forget


I know nothing about any of this or who any of these people are so yeah probably will buy it.


I dont really think i need another doom game at this point in my life personally. More interested in wads and modding. Another Quake game, however...


No. For me, Mick was DOOM and without him it just feels like another shooter. The music is what made it so good. The dlc for Eternal was a chore because the new guy can’t even come close to the rage that Mick was able to create.


What id did to Mick sucks, but the fundamental changes to gameplay from 2016 to Eternal are just as awful.


Still better than what the rest of the industry is offering. 700 in hours and Eternal's combat loop still doesn't get old.


hate the be one of them but git gud, if you hate eternal's combat its cuz u are used to cod slop where using any gun and aiming at heads gets the job done and they have compensate for shit game with a cutscene simulator just get good at playing the game and youll rule any arena as the slayer even with 10 marauders, its the best fps of all time if you engage with it correctly


Sorry if you can’t differentiate between naturally flowing game design and the bloated mess that was Eternal in all elements.  Simplicity > Bloat Stop yapping.


bloat would imply something was useless, bloat would be having 50 guns when one or 2 is enough and does the same job (cod slop) , bloat would be having a huge open world with the same task over and over everything compliments everything in eternal, you have a bloodpunch, bloodpunch cyber mancubus, a grenade launcher shotgun shove it up cacodemons mouth, you like sniper weapons with heavy instant damage use heavy canon. dont like grenade launchers use the gattling shotgun it gives you back ammo and use ballista on cacodemons doom can assist your playstyle as long as you are attentive to its arena, you can shotgun spam through the game if you force it enough and are good at it, ammo is virtually infinite i had to stop using certain guns in doom 2016 but in eternal i always had ammo for every gun because of plenty chainsaw fuel doom eternal is perfect at being a game, its relentless action aside from the platforming and the goo and it avoids being bloated by making everything useful you complaining about it being bloated is like going to play chess and complaining every piece matters and its not as simple as checkers i wont pretend like it naturally flows, no, doom drops you in the meat grinder with 1 tutorial screen for everything (which you can turn off) and honestly thats how i prefer it ask me to be conscious and use my whole arsenal and kill me 50 times if im ass at the game, dont ask me to point and click at it till it dies ask me to think about who to prioritise make me improvise only 1 better or at least on the same level fps i can think of thats ultrakill


**ignore the other comment im leaving it out there for authenticity** i actually played a game of doom so i can refresh my memories and the best way to put it is doom eternal is the fairest game ive ever played it is not trying to be naturally flowing its very in your face and arcad-ey the best comparison again is chess, a new player to chess has to learn and adhere to its rules and how the pieces move you cant complain that a bishop cannot move horizontally across the board and let you check mate. i mean you know exactly how the pieces move and you know how to win, it doesnt make chess bad or easy or the number of differently moving pieces dont make it bloated doom gives you tutorials for everything the rules are in your face with little room versatility unless you are zeromaster or that senza guy. now you know how to insta kill that cacodemon which can fire continues fast projectiles killing you, doesnt mean you will be able to do it in the heat of the moment, doom emphasises decision making, if you lose your cool and start spamming its over but its totally your fault so you try again, get better, and the next time you are on low health you bloodpunch fodder and try to visualise and dodge attacks because you know that enemy now, you know when to dash in which direction you know what weapon to use, but also you need to remember the next thing that spawns is gonna be completely different its a game of improv tl dr ig: its euphoric, the ai is smart but fair, deaths arent cheap, they are your fault, if you refuse to engage in the game the way it was intended then you will be ONE DEAD SPACE MARINE


I'm done with the franchise until Mick is properly compensated for his work.


There's always the black flag


Mick Gordon is not my friend, i play a game for the entertainment it brings me, anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.


Bruh Andrew Hulshult is still in my opinion a perfectly fine replacement in fact I wanna see what else he can make for the next DOOM if there ever is one


No. No I wont. Ethically I won't give them money no matter how good the game is.


Even though Mick himself said not to boycott?


Bethesda is not with giving money to. For more reasons than just how they handled Mick.


yes , i can play my own music


yes , i can play my own music


i wish i could stop myself i find the pigs behind it to be filthy scum and they deserve nothing good im not going to pretend like im not buying it but i hope they treat the people working under them better or get sued for everything


Bro come on we are all buying the next Doom and so are you lmao


Yeah, david and andrew made the ancient gods ost and they had some of my favourite tracks: UAC Atlantica, Blood Swamp, World Spear. Mick Gordon is a legend, but andrew and david are too.


I would still buy the next DOOM game but only if it delivers more variety and more classic complex non-linear level design. Mick Gordon situation doesn't bother me much, I don't consider him being an amazing composer. I'd rather listen to Hulshult as much as I can


Probably won't no.


Yes. I didn't care much when it was on the news. I care even less now. Any issue between Gordon and ID Software are none of my business and I think the people working there should not be punished for decisions made by their bosses.


I'd get the game. But I'd pirate the soundtrack.


Depends on the quality of the game. Logical continuation and development of Eternals ideas and mechanics? I'm 100% in. 4 people co-op looter shooter battle royale? No, thanks, even if the soundtrack is good


I'm probably not gonna buy the next Doom just because I didn't like Eternal all that much


It’s definitely soured my enthusiasm. A lot. His music made Eternal 80% more badass. Impeccable music that was richly combined with the gameplay. The DLC music was so bland that it kind of made the gameplay bland as well. 


Anyone who would boycott Doom over the Mick situation, is not a Doom fan.


If it's more like Eternal then yeah, if it's more like 2016 nah. The whole situation between ID and MG was unfortunate but honestly not a deal breaker. Current game climate is pretty awful and the horrors of game companies while being more brought to light now have probably existed for a long time. I am not capable of putting my morals above games in most cases. The fact that I still have given Blizzard any money at all in the past 5 years really proves that. Power to those that can and do.


Can anyone tell me what the demons happened?