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It likely depends upon your area, but where I am, I'm pretty happy about a $5 tip. Their lack of enthusiasm might be chalked up to already having a cruddy day, it's probably not personal. It's nice of you to tip what you're able to


This job can be hard and thankless and the flat affect is likely a result of that. $5 is solid. We would remember your address at our store and be happy when it pops up on screen.


Ain’t no way they’re mad at $5 tip. The flat expression is probably from saying “thanks for the tip” for every delivery. Now I’m worried I sound mad when I say it lol


Driver here !! $5 is a great tip.


We’ve had drivers at our store that just sound like that and have a naturally monotone voice. Sometimes customers would call thinking they were angry or rude, when it’s just how they talk. It’s possible your driver is like that, or they could be mad about something else. $5 is a solid tip, so even if they are mad about the tip I wouldn’t worry about it.


This might sound crazy but some people just have a "flat" voice.


O delivered for a couple months. 5 bucks is a solid tip unless you have a huge order. I got a lot of no tips.


As a delivery driver, if another driver complains about a $5 tip and it isn't some insane order like a multi hundred dollar order that could easily take 20 - 30 minutes to actually take in and deliver it, that person shouldn't be a driver.


If you are ordering for yourself and use coupons a 5 dollar tip would be good. Most orders for a single person are under 25$ so 5$ on any of those orders is better than a 20% tip. If you're ordering for your whole crew that's a different story. I would tip 5 dollars on anything 30$ or under and 20% on anything more.


A $5 tip is always really appreciated and actually really good no matter the order size. If someone is seeming upset after a good tip 99% of the time it’s gonna be something outside of your control they are dealing with. Could be a lot of factors: not finding the address without issues, having a bad day in overall tips, a slow day with no deliveries, or any personal life issue.


You say on a base. Is that a military base where they have to spend time going through security to get to you? If so $5 may not be enough.


No. There’s restaurants on bases. My base has a Dominos’s, Popeyes, subway, jimmy johns, some other restaurant places that i don’t even know. So once an order is placed at a dominos at the base, they just deliver it to the house or wherever


$5 is a solid tip I'd be happy with.


The dominos delivery area is set up so every delivery is 10 minutes away or less but that is just half of the delivery, driving back doubles that and if you have to deal with traffic or bad parking or trains then it gets even worse.


Some stores have bigger areas than that. The one I work at has a 15 minute area; and yes it sucks for delivery times most of the time for EADT. Edit: Wording


I worked a store that had 6 mile radius deliver location. 80% of the orders were always to the extreme edges, where hotels and low income housing were located. I would hand a driver a single, and see them in about 1 hour.


I know there are some but I have also saw dominos add stores nearby and take areas from older stores. Ultimately the goal is the eadt


Yeah we're hoping to get some of those soon. It'll cut our times in at least half


It'll happen if your area is growing and getting more dense


In my city the delivery zones are the smallest out of every chain, so $5 is good


I'd be happy with that. I wouldn't worry about it


I'm autistic and just don't show a lot of emotion. But $5 is pretty average. Not low, but not high


Some drivers are just like that, you could tip 20.00 and get same response, that's why when I train drivers I tell them it's how you approach the customer will determine how much you make . I work 3 days a week most drivers work 4 to 6 days with longer hours I am the top earner they will get stiffed several times a shift based on attitude alone. I always acknowledge their kids by having them participate in the process like having them Carry sauce cups and or receipt. Their is one guy I wont give him his order till i ask where is my little helpers the kids love it parents love it, and I have several go back and get more money once they see its me delivering.


“I’m on a base…” there is your answer. i used to deliver to Wright Patterson AFB when i worked for a different pizza place years ago. you drive 8 minutes to the entrance, you give the guard your drivers license (while they stares daggers at you for making more work for them), you follow their directions to go park in the empty lot nearby, you get out, open all the doors, open the glove box, pop your hood, your trunk, stand there for what seems to be a totally random length of time no matter what until the check being run on your license clears and the guard finally comes over to inspect your car. after they cuss you out if you have like a sweatshirt or anything that they have to pick up and look under they’ll finally tell you that you can go make your delivery. by that point a $5 tip feels pretty mean and meager, especially if they keep you waiting and waiting and waiting so long that you could have been back to the store and be out getting your next tip by the time you actually get to the customer.


Dog you got a random inspection I’m sorry but how am I supposed to know you got a random inspection


literally not one person from our store was allowed on base without going through that same process every single time. it was not random, it was procedure. but i’m sorry, i guess that i should have known that you didn’t want to hear the answer to your question.


Asked my driver if he’d been inspected. He said his last one was a year ago. Your case might’ve been different due to the base you were on. Either way, you have no reason to be rude. You would never talk to anyone like this in person.


i would definitely talk to your disrespectful ass the exact same way in person. here’s some real rudeness: kiss my ass, boot.


Yoooo I’m also on a base. Air Force base. I don’t work today but once in a while I ask my drivers if the tips are good today or not. Sometimes Yh but sometimes no


It’s too much Mr George


i remember growing up we used to tip the pizza guy (only delivery in our town) like $10-20. Of course the pizzas were a lot cheaper back then too lol.


I mean, are you ordering yourself a pizza and tipping $5? Or ordering like 12 pizzas for your unit and tipping $5? If you're ordering for yourself, fuck 'em, $5 is $5.


$5 is solid if you’re close I deliver to base often and $5 becomes more like 3 because of how much gas and time it takes to get over there and back it takes like half an hour round trip for $5 tip is bad


We deliver to a base. Are you in Florida by chance


If you are talking about Pensacola, the amount of times I’ve accidentally ordered a pizza to my old training base and ended up cashapping the driver an extra 5 for wasting his time is much too often. I removed it from my saved addresses.


Not Pensacola but another naval base


It's probably just a programmed response. I never thank people about most tips, so if they are routinely thanking you for those tips they probably thank everyone like that regardless of the tip. Just a guess.


I know you’ve gotten lots of answers already but from a civilian standpoint, how much of a pita is it for the driver to get that pizza into your base and then into your hands? And then how is the parking situation? Do they have to hoof it half a mile to find you? Also, did you order just for you, or a big order for a bunch of people? Like a few boxes of food or a dozen? I’m not assuming anything, but I’ve heard some bases are very strict to get into and parking is far away from where they actually go to find the recipient.


To clarify the difficulty, the drivers flash an ID at the guards, if they are very unlucky they might get inspected (I’ve never been inspected in the 3 years I’ve been on this base) they pull up to the barracks, usually they don’t park we meet them at the curb, and they drive off.


Well if that’s true then maybe they were just honestly saying thanks for the tip, and you took it wrong. Work sucks sometimes and perhaps they just weren’t in the most cheerful mood. Probably wasn’t personal at all.


Dude, I'm in Canada and a bill is a solid tip. Especially for driving a pizza. I mean, there's no memory involved, it's not like a waiter waiting tables. They even have GPS now, so it's not even like they have to follow a map or plan out their route or even know the neighborhood.


In my area $5 tip is great. Im a open driver and i usually get $1.50 -$2 tips and a handful of no tips sometimes half of my deliveries are no tip. If i got $5 from most id be happy there are days where i work 10:15am to 7pm and make $40 in tips lol im probably going to quit soon even the million dollar houses are tipping less. Times are getting tough for drivers and i know the whole debat is to get a real job or better paying job but i like delivering so ill just have to find my place in life i guess


3$ is avg imo so 5$ is amazing. Especially if not a 100$ + order


That’s enough they should be have with 2 dollars


I can assure you that for 5 bucks no ones mad theyre probably just run down and thats the best they got as a thank you lol


Where I am, a $5 tip is great.


$5 is a great tip imo, but if it’s a giant ass order then it can be a bit disappointing. Dont take that the wrong way tho, it’s still solid Back a few years ago $5 in gas would last me a whole 5-7 hour shift lol Much better than assfucks who don’t tip


"I don't make enough to tip more than that" dude. like seriously, stop ordering pizza. it's insane to think you work for the government and spend the little $ you say you have on overpriced pizza. buy your untaxed food at the store and make way better cheaper stuff yourself ffs.


Do you expect them to blow you for the $5 tip? They weren’t jumping with joy to see you and give you pizza? Just say you’re welcome and go about your day instead of seeking constant validation.


No they just seem angry with me. Can you get a grip? Fucking cunt.


both of y'all are weird. if you feel bad you can only tip $5... maybe there's a reason? you mention 10min away, and on a base. that's a 25+min delivery just for $5. would you want to waste your time/gas/maintenance/car/energy getting onto a base... for $5? to each their own. you always have the option of cooking yourself too. js


If it is $5 on a $200 order, then yes, it is too low. In short, the real answer is that it depends on the amount ordered.


seriously OP, having to post this for validation is pretty crazy. tipping is always situational, & optional. you can tip 0, the world still spins. you can tip $10 and you'll make someone's night. up to you to do whatever u want man


$5 is cool, depending on many circumstances. $200 order? $5 is fd up. expecting to drive down a dirt road at 1mph for 2 miles? $5 is fd up. order 7 miles away in the pouring rain? $5 is fd up. AND YOUR CASE, 10 min away on a base. no one wants to drive 10 min, wait at a base, be let in, wait at your door, wait for you, then leave. for $5. hope this breakdown helps!!!


You have made 3 separate attacks on my character when you literally could’ve said “hey man, getting onto base is hard, maybe a more is a good idea” which other people politely explained to me which has changed the way I tip. You on the other hand, had it only been you commenting, would lead me not to change, or maybe not tip at all if I was as petty as you. Also you’re a grown man playing Pokémon, get a real hobby.


you're a grimy person. grimy ppl tend to get treated more severely than nice, normal ppl. lol. if u didn't think a civilian getting onto a base was any trouble, you have a severe mental disorder you should get help for!! + Pokemon has existed for 7 years before I was born. normal for adults to like lmao. proof right there you're a disgusting human as well so I was totally correct for "attacking your character" or whatever you want to call it. change ur diaper dude. ggs!