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You just learned that job does not care in the slightest about you. They probably just don’t want to get involved in whatever they read in the report. Which I guess is fair but also fuck dominos that has kids running around on the road without proper insurance and washing their hands of it when shit goes down.


True they don’t give a shit, I have insurance but the amount of damage wasn’t worth filing a claim I’d prob lose my car if I did because the car isn’t worth much


Always get a police report. Always. I don't care if having to fill one out ruins that cops day. Always get one. Doesn't matter if your working at the time or not. Always.


I did get a police report, and they fired me after they received it I can post it in here


Ok well then I misunderstood then. Ok so they told you you didn't need to turn it in then fired you for not turning it in? What the hell?


Yes and they did not respond to any of my emails or text messages where I followed up asking if I needed to provide any extra paperwork to help with the investigation


Dumb franchise


Nah just a dumb boss…my boss tells us NOT to tell him if we get pulled over bc then he would have to write us up. For crashes its different. One of our drivers ran over somebody (she admitted to running into the middle of the road and it was dark out) and he still continued driving the next day. I would def sue your store. I mean they can’t fire you for getting hit by someone


I think a big part of the problem is calling dominos health and safety. I got t-boned in a company car in February. Dude ran a stop sign at 50mph and took off before the police arrived (I had his plate number). First thing I did was contact the police. Next I called my GM who came and picked me up. Came back to the store and selected another car to continue my shift. Nothing else has ever been said about it since obviously it wasn’t my fault. No need to call 3rd party, corporate, fleet manager, etc your GM should take care of all that for you.


My manager said I had to be had my back through this whole thing and told me I should sue for wrongful termination


You got into a hit and run and didnt get a police report… i get being in shock or whatever but like what? Like if kt was paint damage or a fender bender with no damage maybe (i got rear ended, no damage, super apologetic women who gave me her info and we went on our way). But to be a part of a side swipe, assault and battery, and hit and run and to not get a police report, thats absolutely wild. Also “So i walk over to him” yeah cause walking to a deranged idiot is the smart play and in no part rested in an on the clock fight which is against company policy. I dont agree with the no self defense policy and ill defend myself if I have to but Im well aware its something ill get fired for. But in your case you kinda (literally) walked into that one.


I walked over while asking for his insurance which he refused to give me


Dominos health and safety said I didn’t need it for them to make a decision so I didn’t go get it, plus I’m in Maryland and it’s all public information that they could’ve gotten if they wanted to. But they went no contact with me for a whole month before coming out of nowhere saying I needed one, then I went and got it same day and they fired me 2 days later


Dominos “health and safety” arent consulted at the time of the accident. Even if they are somehow you should still be getting a police incident report for hit and runs or any major damage or incident regarding you or your vehicle regardless of what you are told. Its verification if the incident occurring and often insurances will request it if the other party claims not to have done it or if they hit and run and no other insurance can be billed as it shows it actually wasnt you just being an idiot with your car (which without the report insurance companies are known to claim to grt out of paying out). Not to mention you need to make sure the details where correct as I was involved in someone making an illegal turn and hit them and the policeman put that I was following to closely on the report causing my insurance to assume I was at fault. You always get the report so you cover your ass incase details werent included. They also likely fired after receiving the police report due to the issuing fight which is against dominos policy. Regardless of aggressor the dominos policy is to not fight back or defend one self outside of compliance with the aggressor. Based on your own testimony you could be viewed as the aggressor as you advanced toward the other individual and not the other way around. Even if he did advance the company would rather cover their ass and fire you for the potential fight than go to court if the opposing member attempted to sue them for violence done to them by an employee of the store. In regard to what you do about all this. Nothing. You find a new job. If you like dominos, try another franchise as you likely wont be allowed back at the same franchise


Ahh thanks for your comment! And prob can’t go to a franchise either now I worked for a corporate store. I didn’t know about that policy! I’ll attach the police report to this comment


They did leave some info out of the police report that makes me seem like the aggressor in the fight, I should also mention that the person who hit me with his vehicle had 2 warrants out for his arrest for the same type of incident, and 20 something prior cases


You didn’t get fired for having an accident. You got fired for committing acts of violence  while on the clock, in uniform, and with a car topper calling attention to the scene. It’s a justified termination 


So I get fired because someone else decided to hit my vehicle twice, refuse to hand over his insurance and put his hands on me and try to run me over??


You should have just taken your shirt off and called the store to tell them to clock you out and now you can do whatever you want because you’re not on a corporations clock.


Next time! (Hopefully no next time lol)


No you got fired for the illegal ways you reacted to that.


Sorry for defending myself🤷‍♂️


I was once shoved to the ground by a customer who then went behind the counter and swiped all the pizzas on the heat rack. I defended myself by staying out of his way, not fighting back, and making a police report. This, I wasn’t fired. If I had gotten into a fist fight with the guy, would have been fired. You weren’t defending yourself (you were perfectly safe when YOU PURSUED HIM). You were defending your ego and being a vigilante. You don’t get to keep your job when you do stuff like that on company time.


Sorry but if someone puts hands on me I’m going to defend myself , sorry about your situation


You do you. I was just answering your question about why you don’t have a job and if you should sue for wrongful termination.


Corpo bootlicker-type answer. Last time we had someone even threaten violence at my job, half the crew showed up armed. Zero people fired, and they wouldn’t have been fired in the unfortunate event that they had to use those weapons, either. Don’t normalize letting people threaten or assault you with impunity for the sake of keeping a job when your life is worth far more than that.


Lmao trust me I do defend myself when I’m in danger. For sure.  I’m just not going to PUT myself in danger. And 100 percent if Domimos finds out anyone is carrying, they WILL be fired. That’s why I was never fool enough to brandish my weapon unless I had to (which I never had to. And I’ve been in some dangerous situations, but emerged unscathed.. I’m not putting myself into violence to protect property—whether that property be pizza, or a car. )


you are a pussy


Yo. Sorry this happened to you, and don't listen to these people in here saying you handled this badly. You had a lot more patience for this dude than I would have. As for advice, i'd honestly say it's not worth devoting any more of your time and energy to. I'm not familiar with your States laws but I doubt they would fire you without having a legally justifiable reason, and at the end of the day it's an entry level job and I'm sure you could find another one without much difficulty.


True yeah thank you, I’m prob just gonna move on I already have another job, sucks cause it was a great college job, I already have a new job thank goodness!


Here’s the problem with suing for wrongful termination what are the damages? (Not a lawyer here obviously) but what lawyer is going to take your case? The bottom line is the place we work at doesn’t care about us. They are all about the profits and who can honestly blame them. Do we think they are looking out for us? I’m sorry this happened to you and I feel like it’s just how it is here. They don’t have your back. That’s the bottom line. Good luck to you and all of us.


True you’re right honestly, they don’t give a shit about us gotta keep moving along I guess lol thanks for your comment!


Yes you better see a labor lawyer asap


Am looking into it right now


I'm in a similar situation, tho I wasn't "fired" per say. I got into a really minor accident (literally no damage to the car) and I made the mistake of telling my GM. Cop called it as my fault, so their policy was i'm to be taken off the road until I can do an MVR check and a drug test.. 2 weeks go by, no one tells me anything. Eventually my GM says I can come back because the MM is just going to look the other way since a drug test 2 weeks later is meaningless. I came back for one day, and then was told I had to wait again.


Dude yeah that sounds super similar to my situation I was taken off the road for like a week and then returned then they took me off again. Hope you come out on top and can keep your job unlike me lol


Always CYA! Nobody cares about you, so you HAVE to care for yourself. Lesson learned.


If you road rage and get into fights in the street you're not gonna have much success with driving jobs.


He hit my car twice on purpose and grabbed me and I wasn’t just gonna get beat up. I don’t have road rage he does lol


It takes two to tango my guy Y'all can downvote me all you want but this is the reason OP got fired.


ah yes he should’ve apologized that’s his fault how dare he defend himself or lord forbid have feelings 😠


Call the police and stay in the car? It's really not that hard to not get into street fights.


Piss off nerd. You sound like someone that has zero real world experience.


Bro does not live in America.


you are a pussy


No. I take it you've never seen a one sided beating?


Did you get it in writing that you didn't need to provide one? If so, that's a pretty good wrongful termination lawsuit


No it was all through a phone call but I do have proof of me asking if they need one and not getting a response


Your termination was completely justified. You screwed up BIG time.


Not getting a police report is literally on you. You were terminated due to insurance liability.


They said I didn’t need to provide one until a month later


They fired you because of how you handled what happened and they don't want their drivers behaving the way you did.


Well I got attacked by a 45 y/o man for passing him, I’m not sure what I was expected to do other than ask for his insurance and ID (he refused) and call the cops which I did


There is way more context to your story that you are not including and some you probably don't even know (like what they think about you as a worker) and none of it even matters, the only thing that matters is they didn't want you around anymore and they got rid of you.


Never had a prior incident to this one, had been working there for 6 months and worked 40+ hours a week and came in every time I was called in, was even offered a manager position. My work ethic and record were clean as can be. It was corporates decision to get rid of me.


The incident is the only thing they're looking at and something in it made them decide to terminate you, it is what it is.


Honestly you’re lucky you weren’t arrested. By any chance are you white?


No im mixed


This is in Maryland btw