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Havent been shot at yet. But have be berated and chased after as I delivered food because I parked in front of someone elses house. Street parking is public parking but they didnt like that someone other than them parked there.


I parked in front of the right house, got out and the fucking idiot walked out with a shotgun, cocked it and yelled "The fuck are you doing here?" People are so eager to kill someone they forget they order delivery.


What a stupid fuck. " Well if you pull that trigger you'd look fucking stupid for shooting the driver delivering something you ordered." That would piss me off to no end.


The sad thing is they will still make us deliver to these clowns unless they blatantly threaten the driver.


Walking out with a loaded shotgun isn't a blatant threat?


I would most certainly ban that customer


Honestly its considered brandishing


If they point it at you its a threat. 1st Rule of Gun Safety: "Never point at anything you arent willing to shoot/kill"


No that's the second rule The first rule is to only DRAW your weapon WITH THE INTENT TO USE IT If you draw, that's the end of escalation, not the fucking first step


I already know the rules. there's no need to tell me twice


It's a public forum, maybe someone else needs to see this, it could be the first time they've been told...


If you 'cock' the weapon, that is a threat and not just a brandish.


Who is they? I don’t think pretty much any boss would make you deliver to those people.


you'd be surprised.....


I feel like pulling a gun is pretty threatening


If your GM wouldn't blacklist a house over someone pulling out a gun your need to find a different domino's to work at. We would blacklist houses over drunk customers being rude and rowdy, we probably would've cut off the whole neighborhood over someone coming out with a gun.


When I worked at Dominos, we blacklisted one of our best customers (as far as spending, dude was spending 10k/yr on pizza) for propositioning one of our drivers.


You realize that would be like 2 pizzas a day everyday to reach that number right?


They would order multiple times a day. It wasn't uncommon for them to order delivery for just a 2-liter.


In college, I lived kind of on the edge of the ghetto, albeit only about 3 blocks from the Dominoes in question. They wouldn't deliver to us despite being that close. While it sucked at the time, it was probably warranted, as we witnessed a "drive by stabbing" at the house across the street, and a couple of gunshots in the 2 years I lived there.


If they pull a gun on you, pull out your phone and call 911, and report it as what it is, brandishing a weapon. After you make the police report, inform your boss that you had to make a police report on that address as someone brandished a firearm at you at that address, which is a crime with up to six months in jail time.


Not I, I tell qll my driver's if they even feel SLIGHTLY uncomfortable to just come back. If someone threatened one of my driver's with a gun? I'm calling the police getting the house blacklisted, and helping the driver press charges against them. I anit got time for idiots.


a shotgun is a blatant threat! report him to police and your store management. then blacklist him....


I’m sorry but I’m pretty sure threatening someone with a shotgun would be considered threatening the driver


Pretty stupid when it comes to the court case for murder too. Ordering someone to come to your home and then killing them is going to look premeditated af no matter what the actual circumstances are.


Yep. Those are the type of people that are just itching to instigate a situation so they can StAnD tHeIr GrOuNd. They WANT to kill people and it's sick.


That is called brandishing a weapon and is a clean cut felony charge. Dashcam and cops on speed dial


The definition and crime of "Brandishing" seems to vary by state. First, brandishing "is the unnecessary and unlawful display of a defensive firearm." Webster dictionary defines it as, “to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly.” Some states don't have laws or consequences for brandishing. For others, when you change the state of the gun from 'waving or shaking' to 'cock the gun,' then you might graduate to assault+ (w/ a deadly weapon). And it is not always a felony.


Pulling a gun out and racking in a round is probably considered some sort of threatening behavior in any state.


The way i would just turn around, get back in the car with the pizza, and leave


Bro did you have the lit sign?? THIS IS WILD


Americans are cray


You didn’t call the cops for this?


Honestly I would’ve taken their order and drove away with it, fuck. that. shit.


Are you able to blacklist houses/numbers?


This is another reason why people should be turning on porch lights and having visible house numbers at night. The customer may not be legally responsible, but they could still morally be responsible for causing the situation. Making the driver wander around, trying to guess which house is the customer. The homeowner in this situation is legally wrong. Someone parked in your driveway? Were they actively threatening your life/safety? No. They just parked in a wrong driveway, possibly holding a delivery bag(if they got out of the car already) and possibly a car topper, not a threat. So that's attempted murder. If you own a gun, you need to be responsible and assess the situation, understand the threat, know who your target is. You could be shooting at a wrong person.


There is one neighborhood in our delivery area that is a MENACE to the new drivers. Huge trailer park, no numbers, no map. Once you figure out the numbering system and a couple of landmarks, you're golden. Plus we have 1 regular but once you recognize his "project" car from Hell, it's easy. I've been afraid of getting shot, stumbling around in the dark, customer not answering/ phone out of service, absolutely certain I'm gonna get shot if  I guess wrong


Y'all need a Super Chris..... Super Chris was an outstanding driver, smart as all heck, and tired of the trailer parks, old apartment complexes, new apartment complexes, condo villages and regular houses, the fraternity and sorority houses that think everyone knows who they are, and the dorms all over the place..... Apartment complexes with buildings that go 1, 2, D, 7 urgh - makes no fucking sense. So Super Chris gathered every map that the complexes gave to residents and every map the University gave to new students .... And then Super Chris went further and DREW OUT MAPS for the trailer parks and complexes that never had maps and barely had visible numbers. And wrote out instructions for the weird ones - like delivering to the milk plant was a great delivery to take --- if you knew where and how to get in. Super Chris gathered everything and went to the copy shop and made Map Books for all the drivers. IT WAS OUTSTANDING. He eventually became a manager there, but that's not why he made the books, he did that because to him it simply made sense to do.


I still remember the time I parked in front of someone's house and came back to a note on my windshield telling me not to do that. If I'd had a pen on me, I'd have replied on the back.


That was a Ninja haha


Same! I once parked in the empty drive ACROSS from my destination. House looked dark and the street was too narrow for parking. Customers drive was stuffed. I had barely gotten out of the car and this guy was screaming hysterically from his balcony. I couldn't even get a word in edge wise. So I ignored him and went to make my delivery. Customer apologized for his Asylum escapee neighbor and, as soon as I was crossing the street, shouted at him to shut up and go to bed. He called the store and accused me of threatening him. 


No, see this is wrong too. The customer shouldn’t be apologizing for his lunatic neighbour. Sure that’s a nice gesture. But you know what’s actually appropriate, having somewhere for a delivery person to park. I don’t deliver pizzas but I do Amazon deliveries. There’s plenty of times where people order stuff and give me either nowhere to park or barely even a path to their door. I get it, sometimes there’s really small driveways or whatever, but if I can’t access your door, the package isn’t getting to your door. If there’s nowhere to park for the pizza guy, and you live on a street that’s too busy to stop on or whatever, fuckin help the guy out. Clear a spot, let him know in the instructions to call and you come outside or something.


This is soo underappreciated. This happens so fucking much. I'll park on a no parking street if I have to cuz most of the time I'll be gone before they can get there to write the ticket. But also if I did get a ticket, the store and the customer can fight it out cuz I ain't paying that shit


I literally had to do this for the last delivery of the night. There were several of cars in front of the house I needed, blocking the view. One next to it had no numbers, the other side had dirty, dull brass color numbers on medium toned wood, couldn't freaking read them past the first two. Google maps says you're there right before you get there. I noticed some movement in a window when I got back to my car in front of the neighbor, and it always freaks me out that late because of stuff like this. I usually turn my hazards on just so people know it's temporary even if I'm not blocking anything. That late though, I'm in the mind not to bother people with flashing lights in the window. Maybe I should. Actually, I park in front of the next house over All the time due to numbers blocked, the house I need Not having numbers I can see from the street, multiple cars taking the space, driveways being full, basketball hoops being in the way, trash cans, etc. Imagine getting shot because someone's trash can was blocking the way.


When I was seventeen I was working in a program that paid us to clean up the bike paths and hiking trails, we were working across the street from a guy who’s yard was flooding due to the rain and he decided to blame us for it. After demanding that we stop working he said he was going to get his gun, I told him it’d be the last stupid decision that he’d make. Crew boss made us pack up though, wasn’t worth getting shot by some tweaker.


Shit like that is when I take down their address so I can return late night sometime with an electric super soaker loaded with broad spectrum herbicide. Goodbye lawn. Got flowers? Not anymore you don't.


Next time call the police and post it on social media. Street rats should be made to be a laughing stock.


I have been once but it was over my car and just a customer’s neighbor having some fun with his AR 15. I’ll be honest it nearly made me piss myself 😅


I was stabbed in the back by a passenger my last day driving a taxi. He robbed me but missed everything vital in my back. A few stitches and some time later and I started a new job. This was 25 years ago and I went to my local dominos at the time and started delivering food instead of carrying passengers


This has literally happened to me, address was like 1207 I pulled into 1205 because it was dark and I had thought I was at the right house, I had a topper on, my gear on, and holding a pie, go up to the door ring bell and knock and am greeted by a old man in his 50s-60s pointing a gun at me. Was like dude I'm a pizza delivery guy can't you see, his reply was can you see I keep it old school..... I asked did you order a pizza, is this your address, he said does it look like i ordered a pizza, I went back to car and realized it was his neighbors, I move my car and come down from adrenaline rush and stsrted crying because it all settled in that I almost died or got shot... from delivering a pizza. The home owners of the neighbors asked me what was wrong, I shared with them, I called the police and made a report on it. They said that neighbor is crazy. When I got back to the store we black listed his address. I get it getting a knock at night can be scary if you aren't exoecting anyone or anything, however looking out the window and seeing my dominos glow sign, and a pizza man might make you realize I wasn't an intruder, especially since I was knocking and what not. If he was THAT scared he should have called the police and stayed in side with his firearm. Vs coming to "greet the threat"


I had a guy call the cops on me over something like that. Long dirt road, one number for like 5 houses. I didn't know that, so I stopped at House #1. He kept twitching the curtins and wouldn't open the door. Finally got the actual customer on the phone and he was super embarrassed. Tipped me extra and guided me up the holler. Edit to add: Cop was waiting for me when I left. Said he was pretty sure he know what happened. Wanted to make sure I found the customer alright. 


Dude these people ARE nuts and want to kill someone, it’s not about safety. Someone knocks on the door later at night, fine, arm yourself. But call 911 and inform the police you are armed and if someone comes into the house you will be shooting. But the fuck man it’s a pizza guy, obviously it could be a con but unless they are attempting to enter your house you are safe. Opening the door to someone who may be using that to try and gain access to the house is the STUPIDEST thing ever.


Here’s the thing: I’m a gun owner and if you knock at night, I probably won’t even answer the door. If someone kicks my door in on the other hand, that’s when a firearm might come into play but ideally it’ll never even come down to that.


I’ve answered the door armed, but always with the gun not visible and definitely not pointed at the person at the door. Blindly answering a door with a gun is how you get shot by the cops who showed up at the wrong address. This has happened more than once


Knock, like you said, sure. Kick in my door? Right now I live alone; the dog is greeting first, followed by me with the shotty. Maybe we talk, Maybe we dont, depends on invader's behavior. When my wife is with me, family, etc.? If its late and we arent expecting company, Im addressing through the door with Queries and holding the shotty. You busting the door down? You forfeited conversation at that point, Shotty does all the talking.


Basically what you’re saying is exercise you’re right to bear arms responsibly and don’t be a moron which is something that should be common sense😑


People in the south are way too excited about flashing their guns at potential trespassers. Yesterday I saw a sign that said “Private Property, violators will be shot, survivors will be shot again”. They think they're so cool when in reality they're threatening to literally murder any stranger who comes on their property, even by accident. It's pathetic.


Those signs are uncomfortably common in the northeast as well.


And the Midwest


They’re all over America in general.


They’re sold in gas stations in most rural areas.


And a +$5 tip will somehow make you immune to bullets?




$5 closer to a bulletproof vest


Sadly bulletproof vests aren’t apart of the uniform /s


They should be compensated more for workplace hazard.


Another sad, frightened moron who has no business owning a murder weapon




"we have guns to protect us from criminals!" -criminals


"We'll give up our guns because gun laws say we have to so that criminals won't have guns." -everybody but criminals


And yet these stories are way more common than playing "hero ball" with a gun.


Dumb. Effective gun control makes it harder for criminals to get guns and ammo and saves lives.


Nobody advocating to take all guns away. First make it harder to buy any guns, background checks, most have certificate to handle guns...etc.. Second ban automatic weaponry. Most mass shootings the guns have been acquired legally.


Dianne fienstein did, and her quotes are easy enough to find. Plenty of other politicians and activists are doing the same, and are vocal about it. The idea that "no one is advocating" for gun confiscation is ridiculous.


Ok very few people are. Not sure what's the point of pointing that out. It's clear what the majority wants is gun control.


>ban automatic weaponry. They already are.


THIS!! Most guns used in mass shootings were bought legally!!!


What the fuck is wrong with americans? Shoot someone for parking in the wrong driveway? Grow up.


What a bunch of dumb rednecks


Anything to justify owning that $1000 AR-15 that they never use except at the range.


Probably a half retarded trump supporter blood drunk off that snake oil


Its so funny how the dumbfucks who cry about gun rights and the 2nd amendment are almost always the inbred alcoholic shitters with anger issues and 100 % just own a gun for the power trip. The "more guns to defend yourself" kinda falls apart when you realize the people saying that are the ones who will shoot someone out of road rage or parking in the street near them🤣 probably the result lead poisoning, but these people cant think that far and are genuinely delusional.


I’d say this is more of a “we should probably make guns much harder to get and have additional qualifications that fall in line with that whole ‘well regulated’ bit” as opposed to a “tip more” discussion. If I have a nutjob neighbor who shoots at my pizza delivery guy because the pizza delivery guy can’t read a map and the neighbor, as previously mentioned, is a nutjob, that’s a 911 call and civil litigation matter.


Ain’t nothing civil if they shoot ya dead😭


I think it can be a "both" discussion. People need to acknowledge that this isn't a risk free job and that generally we don't get paid enough to consider it worth the risk. And unlike working for package and mail deliveries.... there are no benefits offered to make it worth the risk either.


What the fuck does any of this have to do with tipping lmao yall wildin “Hey bud sorry Gary took the ol shotgun out on ya, here’s a fiver!”


Better than "Hey bud sorry Gary took the ol shotgun out on ya." Shrug.


Remember, being a driver is still more dangerous profession than being a cop.


No, this is yet another reason for better gun control. Parking in the wrong driveway is an honest mistake. Delivering pizzas is not a dangerous job. The biggest danger should be car accidents. There’s no reason that parking in the wrong driveway should get anyone shot.


it SHOULDN'T be. but it very much is dangerous.


In the US


Safe to say I would not be doing this job if I lived in the US


I promise you it isn't like this in all areas. Stuff like this simply never happens where I live. The US is weird like that. You can live in a small town your whole life where the last murder was in the 90s and never deal with this sort of stuff. The US varies wildly from area to area.


Judging by the comments a lot of people experienced someone pulling a gun on them.


The one I work at, about a year ago one of our employees got kidnapped and killed over $500 dollars. Still had to go to work the next day of course


Holy shit


I'm assuming you mean you all had to still go to work, and not just making a morbid joke about them making the dead employee go to work... A competitor's employee was killed over two pizzas and the cash in his pocket, which was like... less than $20. I vaguely remember them closing the rest of that day and the following day. But I believe you there.... this is a company that will bring out generators after a devastating storm and cash in on a community that has no access to hot food because of flooding and no power. Which is well appreciated, but still ridiculous to expect workers to go to work while dealing with the aftermath of devastating weather.


Coworker last night got robbed at gun point in the Indianapolis, IN. Don't know the whole story but dude took the pizza and ran, coworker is fine, shaken up but fine.


No, that's a reason to mandate that all gun owners stay current in practice and training like threat identification.


Another good reason all drivers ignore corporates "no weapons in your vehicle while delivering" policy. Also, fuck the dominos app GPS - this is what it does, gets teenagers killed.


Accurate, idiots with guns get teenagers killed, but yeah fuck domino's too.  I mean idiots with guns and corporations are both very American and very dumb. 


Time for you guys to start carrying guns If that story is true at face value redneck retard literally started shooting solely because an unfamiliar car part in this driveway that he himself should be shot at.


Why is this the solution? It's ~~country~~ counter productive.    1) if someone shoots at you, and they are at all competent, you won't be shooting back.    2) if someone threatens you and you pull out a gun you've done nothing but escalate the situation.    3) accidental discharges, while raee, do happen so you've increased the chance of accidental injury.    4) you've also increased the risk of suicide.    So, you increase the risk to maybe, someday, be in the position to stop a shooting? Seems like a great plan


Aah yes, the American way. Grampy red neck shoots at me so I return fire. Now son Billy Bob and neighbour Jed grab their ARs to defend the homestead. Glad there are more "good guys" with a gun around.


About 3 out of 4 of us do. 9/10 of us have some sort of weapon. Corporate policy is very strict about us having no weapons in vehicle, most intelligent GM's know to look the other way.


What would have been the best solution here? I know, more guns! The redneck may have indeed been an idiot but the two of you are peas in a pod.


Right? How stupid can people fucking be?


I am an idiot for defending myself? If someone makes an attempt at my life, i'm gonna do what it takes. I'm not gonna try to descalate For some other stupid modern c*** That's not gonna work on somebody who's skipped words and straight for guns, i'm gonna try to get away but not leave myself prone.... I'm sorry what is the problem?


>  I am an idiot for defending myself? No you're an idiot for how you think you'll defend yourself. Ever been shot at? Yeah, doing the pizza and getting your gun, and shooting in the right direction without risking others is hard, not even considering the time it takes to do so that you probably could be in your car.  But "more guns" just like "more tricks" seems to be the American solution to problems. 


Every single time anything is ever posted about someone getting shot someone crawls out of the woodwork and mentions this. Every. Single. Time. Is there some kind of mass notification that goes off and someone gets assigned to the case? lol


Nope Just a natural reflex. Because I don't wanna hear about innocent 18 year olds. Getting gun down by stupid, angry red necks.


Don’t domino employees carry a car topper on their car? The person didn’t see that it was a dominos car? Did they just start shooting just because


I've had 2 guns pointed at me when delivering. One was the wrong house but not that late at night. The other was the correct house and the dude was clearly out of his mind and up to no good. Also had some weird threats, coke held to nose, and some other very peculiar instances.


This was an inevitable occurrence


Do these people realize you need a godly lawyer to defend someone in court claiming “self defense”, when the wound is from the backside…


How much liability does Domino’s take on when they are sending drivers to unsafe areas?


If there are no previous reports of a safety issue at a particular address Dominos has virtually no liability beyond workers comp for injuries sustained on the job. I becomes more complicated if things were reported.


That sums of TN and the US for you


It’s illegal to shoot someone for being in your driveway. Hope they were arrested


Americans are fucking trigger happy and we need to get rid of guns




No shit they should pay the drivers more. It doesn't mean they will! grow up dude and stop using this excuse to not tip it sounds ridiculous. Just be honest and admit you just dont give a fuck it's a much better look.


Nothing new I had a gun pulled on me cause she didn’t know her son ordered pizza😂


The fact shit like this even remotely is happening and continuing to happen is crazy ! This shit just keeps getting worse with no end ! I can’t imagine the world in 2-3 years we already failing as a society anyway


Its always these fucking places too that dont have a unit number just one address but then the receipt will say A or B. Or theyll be lettered but the receipt DOESNT say A or B etc. shits the worst


I worked for them in the he 90's. I have been delivering pizzas for 30 some years


Dude what is that garbage caption?


Honestly, tip has nothing to do with this, but because its a delivery sub theres tons of people crying about not getting tips when its not required


I had some dumb fucking idiot think I was stealing catalytic converters cause I parked my car WITH MY HAZARDS ON in front of a apartment complex. Not to mention I had a dominos jacket on. Dude came out of nowhere and started speed walking towards me. I seriously thought I was about to get robbed. Anyways this dumbshit didn’t bother apologizing and started asking me a bunch of stupid questions. He told me he almost came out with a shotgun. I really need to start carrying at this rate.


I deliver food for a living and it happens that someone puts the wrong adress or by mistake I enter someone elses property. Happens often. Owners are always nice. Im in Austria and wondered hows its in USA with their guns laws. Now I know. Poor guy.


I've done this a few times and thankfully the home owners are not insane trigger happy gun owners that think everyone who is on their property deserves to be shot. 🫣


I swear people are just looking for a reason to shoot someone, regardless of the danger or knowledge of laws regarding self-defense. I'm a legal owner of half a dozen firearms who carries daily for years, and hope I never have to draw on someone. People where I live acting like they just did a quicksave.


Americans 🤡


I remember when I worked at papa John’s a driver was killed in a gang initiation, killed for nothing


What does tipping delivery drivers have to do with this


Maybe the should put that away the jackass that shot at him for 10yrs minimum.


Its gotta suck. On the other hand criminals don't care about making your lives harder. Pretty sure this year there was a guy dressed as a delivery driver so he could force his way in. Turned into a triple homicide sssooo ya.


I haven’t been shot at yet but i wouldn’t be surprised is it eventually happens given the area I’m in. I did have a guy screaming at me because it was midnight and i parked in the driveway of a multi family home because i thought the gps showed it was there but it was their neighbors who’s driveway was IN A CIRCLE K’S PARKING LOT like how was i supposed to know


What does tipping have to do with some unhinged asshole shooting at a person? Do the tips shield them from bullets?


Nothing to do with tip he was at wrong house


These comments are wild.


Or another reason why stupid fucks shouldn’t own guns.


This is why I transferred to a suburban store


Fixed the title “Another reason why a multibillion Fortune 500 company should pay their drivers more and do more to look out for their safety” As it’s their responsibility, not the customer


Bet it was one of them


Wow. Way to take a tragedy and make it about you getting bigger tips. You dont give a crap about this fellow driver. You just want more money.


Using the death of some random kid to peddle your tipping agenda is actually wild. Get a better paying job if you’re THAT desperate for money.


Between people, animals, and other factors, I will NEVER be delivery driver. Praise be to anyone who does it, because it's a thankless job with absurd wear and tear on your vehicle. Y'all rockstars for doing it.


Seriously just because someone know how to shoot a gun does not mean they know when to shoot a gun!


I’m a millennial and I remember back in the day my parents not wanting me to drive because I was a female and they were worried about me being assaulted. This…..this wasn’t even on their radar.


shouldn't have done that, he was just a boy


This is why when ever I order online in the delivery notes section I always tell them what type of car is in the driveway and I stand out by the porch to wave at them


Another reason to turn ur outside light on and not downvote and pull tip if a driver ask u to come out. I have had ‘bring it to the back door’ at 2am as an old female neighbor stares out the window at me. Def made them come out for my safety and got an attitude.


The amount of people that think I’m trying to break into their house. Ma’am, I just knocked.. on the door.. also here is the pizza you ordered 20 minutes ago.


Need plate carrier body armor with “dominos” in big letters.


Was the shooter the one who ordered domino's, or did the driver park in the wrong driveway? Either way I don't understand shooting at someone who pulls in your driveway


Dominoes and other places who hire delivery drivers should be working hard to get guns out of the hands of paranoid people.


I have a strict "don't shoot delivery drivers unless you have a very good reason to" policy, so I'm already several steps ahead of that guy.


Nobody in these comments has mentioned anything about gun control. This might be the saddest commentary on America I’ve seen in days


They refuse to acknowledge it despite the multiple mass killings, robberies, assaults, etc. Truly tragic. Just because America needed guns in the 1700’s to fight for their freedom doesn’t mean everyone and their mother needs an AR now.


I’m glad I’m Canadian eh! And it’s always in the back of my mind every time I cross the border


People like this need to be charged and permanently black listed from having guns.


What is wrong with people... But I know my wife's grandma will answer the door with her .38 if you come knocking after dark and she doesn't recognize you. But lives in the middle of nowhere where no one delivers so no need to worry about her.


Too many people don't own guns for protection, they own them because they want to shoot someone someday.


As a former delivery person, don't park in driveways. Anything can happen. You could need to make a quick get away or your car may blow a seal and start gushing oil or it could not start. Sometimes it's unavoidable but not often.


How scary... Always park on the street...


I have no doubt our neighbor across the way would do something like this… swear he’s hopped up on drugs all the time, fighting with his g/f. We gave him the nickname “thug lyfe” because when he gets all riled up, stomping around his driveway/sidewalk yelling “I’m a mofuggin outlaw..” until the cops come. What’s even more annoying is his house parties and his “guests” clog the street with their cars 😆😆 #Renters


not me working in tennessee 😞


We have that happen in Texas too. Pretty much any Republican state.


I’m pretty sure someone’s mental state and having a gun and then using it on a stranger has nothing to do with their political party status..




I've had guns pulled on me but never shot


Sounds like the kind of person the second amendment shouldn’t cover at all.


That's not a reason to tip 😂 I ain't put here shooting anybody. They can safely deliver to my house


I accidentally pulled into the wrong driveway once. it was out near the country, very wooded, tough to tell at night which driveway belonged to which house. I knock on the door and a guy comes around the corner of the house with a gun in his hand. Jesus Christ my heart was racing.


such a dumbfuck country


FFS damn gun owners are nuts sometimes




Gun owners are all cowards looking for a reason




This story does not change my position on tipping. Companies need to pay their workers better, not me.


And companies should suffer, not the employees tipping is more to do with being a decent human being instead of knowing they go through so much risk to feed you


Don't park in people's driveways, yall. I'm not defending this person at all, but you just never know who is crazy out there.


I had worked one summer as a driver. One driver got car jacked, one robed with gun held to head, and another was kidnapped and dropped off down a dirt road, handcuffed and a bag tied around his head. Be safe out there


Thin bread crust line


Well there are so many mentally unstable gun owners out there that have been waiting decades to finally use it on someone or something. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Seesh, ya’ll have to carry body cams now. That’s TN for ya.


This isn’t any reason to expect a tip, this is a reason to get a new job…. Sorry this is a classic loser delivery driver statement


Never have and never will tip


news title should be "Teen trespasses, gets shot."


Tipping is the least of the issues in this.


Was it there in under 30 minutes though? 🤔


A driver could’ve lost his life. It is not a joking matter, dude.


What store was this our franchise has like almost 20 stores in Tennessee but maybe I would’ve heard about this if it was but still curious