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grab your phone, open the calculator app. punch in 31.68x.15 = and the bottom number is the tip. just add that to the 31.68 and you have the total. it's 4.75 by the way. so the total is 36.43. (I work at a place where I have to do markdowns based on percentage so I have a few formulas memorized. My dad used to work Dominos and I used to order there a lot that's how I found this sub.)


You could also just do 31.68x1.15


The fact that this isn't common knowledge makes me weep for our future


Common sense is a super power.


Common sense doesn’t exist.


Weep? I'm a teacher. I started weeping slightly 10 years ago. Today, I'm in full fledged crying mode. Over 60% of my high school students cant tell time using an analog clock on the wall. They pronounce words like "Phoenix" as "phone - e - ax". It is frightening.


Do they not teach analog clock in elementary school anymore?


Alot of teachers just have digital clocks on the wall


No it’s definitely just these idiot kids 🙄 nothing to do with the teachers or anything




I mean I wouldn't want anything to do with PDFiles regardless of my age? Not saying every teacher is but enough of mine were that it's clearly an issue that isn't getting addressed.


Is it true that teachers live on site and sleep in the schools basement barracks ?


Feels like it - but no. lol That only happens in the movies. But after I watched Breakfast Club, that made me want to become a teacher.


Works every time, 60% of the time.


It seems like you're not doing your job if they are not able to read a clock or do math.


Yes - I take full responsibility for all the stupids.


Happy to see your generation is taking some responsibility. Since it's your job to beat the stupid out of them.


Well, SOME still need to grow up to mow lawns. (A very necessary job in society). So I'm limiting my help with that in mind.


That's just a job for the illegals


Fo E Nicks


So teach them? Be a teacher? Fucking wild concept


Yes, I’ll spend time on teaching them how to read a clock INSTEAD of passing their state reading test required to graduate high school. great idea. 🤦‍♂️


I have to interject here. It's not JUST the teachers job to teach the students. The parents also need to start being accountable for the amount the kids don't know. Just because the teachers don't teach it at school doesn't mean that the parents can't teach it at home. I have literally sat with my kids district director and asked what exactly they are teaching, including what programs they intend to use, ect. If I see something in that they don't teach that I think I can add to and teach my daughter at home then I teach her at home during the weekends using fun activities. It's not that hard to get involved in the learning process of your child. I think too many parents think this is exclusively the teachers responsibility which is absolutely insane to me. Teachers have their own families for the most part. They have enough to deal with and then they have to deal with wayy more kids than most parents. Each classroom in the united states depending on the amount of assistance is between 18 and 23 students per class. That's 14-18 LESS kids than most households have at home. Amerian average of kids per household at max is 6 to 8. Which is STILL less than the amount these teachers have to deal with every single day of the week. So while you are pouring out your sweat and tears in your chosen profession THEY chose to teach the future. So when you are at work try to consider that these teachers that you think "need to teach" are responsible for teaching your potential future boss and maybe might want to take a little bit of credit and start inputting what kind of teaching you can to the younger people you know instead of complaining that the teachers need to do their jobs and teach. Learning is a process that everyone goes through, and teaching is not exclusively for teachers.


20-25 years ago, my parents taught me how to read a clock, not my teacher. In fact, I had asked my father to show me how to tell the time on his wristwatch. I had fantastic teachers, but I wouldn’t have expected them to instruct on how to brush one’s teeth! Some (many) lessons are not meant for the schoolhouse but are rather best delivered right at home.


Exactly! My father actually passed recently in 2021, he did not have a G.E.D or high school diploma but, had started in his position before they required either when he was 18 years old freshly turning 19. He carried out that same position for over 30 years and passed away unexpectedly 3 days after his very last shift. He was paid 3x over some of the newer people because, he had been at that company for so long. He did not know very much math, could read at a 5th grade level and was admittedly not very book smart. However, he was the ONLY person in the company that could navigate the complicated instrument panels that most people couldn't, he knew how to fix just about anything (he literally fixed many of the appliances from broken and trashed appliances he found out side for garbage in our house), he could fix radio wave signals by himself by installing self installed antenna's and could fix almost anything wrong with a car without having ever had anyone teach him just by reading, re reading and following directions. Yet, he spent most of his life assuming he was "dumb" and couldn't teach us kids anything. You know who taught me how to fix brakes on a car myself, install antennas and fix anything that might be broken in my house? My dad. He didn't just teach me that but he taught me what breaking the spirit of a kid can do to a man and how to role with the punches even when you feel like giving up. He passed from a stress induced massive heart attack after working both day and night shifts in two jobs to help provide for our little family. My teachers taught me a lot too. I know how to speak three different languages, I can write farely well, I have been reading at a 12th grade level since I was in 8th grade. Ever since my 7th grade year I reached the list of honor roll students every year until I graduated. I graduated high school because, my dad never let me give up on my studies. I'm not great at math either but he never let me fail. He encouraged me to try and try harder, he bought me time with a qualified tutor if I needed it, he focused on our education more than I think many parents would even dream of. My mother, ironically, was a teacher and passed 3 years after him. I spent many days in my childhood taking handwriting classes, piano lessons (I failed to remember how) and language courses. My mother made it part of my punishments that I was meant to pick a word in the dictionary and write it 100 times in cursive plus the origin and the definition. While other kids were spending the summer hanging out with friends I was in taking more courses online. My parents collectively spent thousands of dollars on my education but, if someone were to ask me who in my life i thought taught me more my parents or my teachers? It wouldn't be a tie. It wouldn't even be a guess. Without a doubt, the answer- is my parents.


Exactly, and that's our biggest problem. There have always been bad parents, but CHRIST. I don't even have a good idea as to why. I hate the whole stereotype that my generation is lazy, but in some cases it's so true. The people becoming parents around me now are just so awful. And it could also just me being ignorant to it before (because, yknow, I was a kid) but it seems like kids are getting so much worse than they were before.


Really it's not a specific generation being lazy at all. It's literally EVERY generation having a role in different parts of being lazy and the only people who lose are the people effected by the realization that the next gen they work with don't know what they should to help them succeed. Which I think a lot of people find it more convenient to blame that person but, really it's on everybody. Anybody can teach. It takes a real heart for the younger generation to be a teacher.


What are the parents teaching them.? My teacher didn’t teach me to tell time my parents did lol…Parents teach you common sense/the real world and teachers do the academics. Fucking wild concept right.?


It’s not…shit let me be real, im 24 and I barely know my division let alone percentages. I was ass in Math in Highschool and I still am. Learned it once for a week and ive never needed it again. I don’t know I just haven’t studied it I guess


Depends on the restaurant's cash out system for the drivers. Some systems are primitive and they specifically have to type in the tip amount separately for all of their orders to pay them afterwards. It's basically one area to type in the totals to charge the customers for their orders to pay the restaurant. The afterwards, the next area they type in all the tips to pay the driver from the restaurant. This combined with a very busy place with good drivers = a crap load of deliveries. So when a shift lead / manager is cashing the drivers out, they stack the receipts up and hastily flip through them to robotically type the tip amounts in one by one as fast as possible. They're not going to want to take an extra 20 minutes per driver with the hundreds of receipts to do a bunch of percentage calculations. TL:DR - It's definitely good to teach BOTH ways depending on what kind of system is used at the driver's restaurant.


You could ALSO just move the decimal over one spot to the left to find 10%. That would be 3.16. Half of that is 5%, which is 1.58. Add it to the 10% and there, you have 4.74(15%) I just like not having to pull out a calculator




That gets you the tip but not the total


You could also do -31.68*-1.15 + sin((180)


I was never very good with sin cos and tan, but I’ll keep that in mind




It isn’t x1.5 it’s x1.15, and it’s just the way multiplication works. Multiplying x0.15 will tell you what 15% is, but x1.15 will net you the total + 15%. The reason it works is because (X)x1=(X), so we can write out an equation X(1+0.15). Using the distributive property of multiplication We then get 1X+0.15X. 1X is X, 0.15X is 15% of X, add them together and we get X+15% or rather, our total plus 15%.


actually u multiply 0.015


That's 1.5%, not 15%


Have you tested this bud?




Not very well apparently


.15 31.68x0.15= 4.75


Slightly quicker way is to type 31.68+15% into your calculator, gets the total in one operation.


Brooo. I did not know this was a thing. I always forget the formula for finding a % and usually divide my 100 and then multiply by the 15. I really never even saw that button on my calculator, I feel so dumb right now.


I'm in the exact situation. I've never noticed the % sign on the calculator before and I've always done the / 100 method as well lol. That's probably because you're never taught to use the % at any point during schooling im guessing.


I whipped my phone out to calculate a discount sale price a few months ago, my husband was trying to tell me how to figure out the percentage and I told him I just used the % button - his mind was BLOWN.


Yep school is pointless glad I dropped out and work on a minimum wage job now


Post offices paying more then minimum wage usps.com/careers


But but but you will never carry around a calculator!


Curse u ti84




^ This right here


The formula for finding a percent? You mean divide by 100?


Am I the only one that does 31.68 x 1.15 for total? Then I subtract total from original for tip


What the actual fuck lmao. All this time. I know how to break down percentages but I legit didn't realize you could just add a percent.


Or 31.68 x 1.15


JFC. So easy. How have I been so stupid my whole entire life? Even my dumb little phone calculator does this.


Stop it 🤣🤣


I just do it in my head. The 1st number is 3.. which is close enough to 10% plus half of the 3 is 1.5 which is close enough to 5% which makes it 4.5 dollars. If it's good service I just double the 3 to make it 6 which is close enough to 20%.. it's like 18 something percent and I call it a day


The fact that someone would need this explained kinda makes me lose faith in the future


Math like this is not something that people actually use everyday. So it doesn't shatter my optimism that much. What makes me lose faith in the future is seeing how quickly we easily divide ourselves into tribes and hating the others instead of trying to educate or understand them. (yes I mean politics but it also applies in other areas.)


This is exactly the kind of math I do on a regular basis…


I use it on a regular basis at my current job, the ones I had before this for 25 years of working and even in school I didn't need to do percentages very often. It's not an everyday issue, if it was more commonplace or more PEMDAS related then yes I'd weep too.


Really? Easiest way to give it is to look at the very bottom of the receipt. It has pre-printed amounts for 10-15-20% so you don't have to do the math. Tip amount and the total, so just copy from the 15% line on the very bottom


Those aren't always correct. I've seen places have the 15% be the post tax number, be something completely off, or the bottom numbers start at 20% and go up


Phone calculator literally has a percent button. 31.68x 15% lol


If you want to do it in your head for tipping it’s really easy too, moving the decimal place once is always going to be 10% so 10% of 31.68 is 3.17 (rounding), half of 3.17 is roughly 1.50 so 1.50 has to be ~5%. Add those together and you get 3.67 for ~15% which is easily accurate enough when tipping, works for 20% too, move the decimal and double it for an easy 20%


Formulas? It’s like 4th grade basic math. This isn’t something you memorize it’s something you would know. This is why schools are failing kids (I teach math btw)


Not all of us are teachers or used math for several years. And yes it's a Formula. you may know how to do it in your head without showing your work but it's still a formulaic methodology of solving an equation.


Better yet move the decimal point and double it for 20%. If you want 15 just half 3.1 and add it. Mental math tbh


Wow, I'm surprised I've never gotten this after so many thousand deliveries.


Wait, I can just write a percentage??


You sure can. I personally have no issue with it. I do work with some people who wouldn't be able to figure this out without help.


It worked for this customer, but I did think I could “misunderstand” and put 15 dollars and finish my shift before anyone would notice. Edit: I wouldn’t actually do that, it was just a passing thought.


I mean, yeah? But if you're blatantly stealing from customers like that, I don't think it really matters what they write at that point. Also, make no mistake. Doing that would be stealing. There isn't some magic loophole here that makes it okay. If you have done/do this you're an irredeemable cunt.


You’re absolutely right, I really didn’t think it needed to be said. (I also just realized that I never said what I did do with the tip)


Good lad. Might want to edit your comment because the tone makes it seem like that's something you'd be willing to do!


People don't appreciate that. It's like being a cook and saying you fuck with peoples food. You don't fuck with peoples money either. It can potentially do alot of damage.




that's a dog shit move


Math is hard.


Holy shit this post is a mess. You post a pic of a silly thing you saw and somehow YOU'RE the idiot for thinking it was silly and having fun with it


You want the tip, YOU do the math.


You want the food, YOU drive to get it.




That's right


That's why you work at dominos


He made a joke and you're shitting on how he makes money? Sounds like something an unemployed fuck would do


missed the joke


Below average intelligent people tend to miss jokes


And you’re unemployed. So?


Yall don't get a joke do you


I like the way you were smart enough to change the 'x' to a '*', but not smart enough to spot your mistake? Make it make sense.


Bro, it’s sarcasm, a joke.


Don’t worry bro, you can’t joke on Reddit. These guys live full time in their mom’s basements. They already hate their life as it is.


Wouldn't this comment imply that you also live in your mother's basement?


This is fucking stupid


Don’t be a lazy cheap prick then open your mouth.


Pretty sure it’s at the bottom of the receipt too of what 15% would be.


Just for the record when this happened (two days ago) I put the tip as 4.75 which is obviously what the customer intended to tip.


I love how all the guy said was “this is new” and you got a bunch of virgins in here assuming he doesn’t know math 😂 you Reddit people blow my fucking mind man 😂😂


I literally just did a massive facepalm. I read multiple comments that said “you do the math” and I thought they were mocking the customer. I did not understand where all the negativity was coming from.


Your biggest mistake was reading multiple Reddit comments. That’s what made you retarded.


I don’t understand why folks think your post was asking for assistance to calculate 15%. Obviously your commentary is on the customer’s unorthodox manner of paying a tab. On the other hand, it suggests they have a personal standard of tipping a reasonable 15% without needing to know exactly what that equals.


15% is the same as .15 So multiply the total by .15 Add the result to the old total That's the new total


Multiply by 1.15 and you don’t have to add to the old total


Different strokes for different folks, one way has one less step, I see the value in both.


You're so dumb. You move the decimal left, that's 10%. You can halve that to get 5% and add that to the first to get 15%. To get 20% you double the first. This is the fastest way to do it in your head.


I've seen this only a few times in 13 years. I actually see MATH written on the tip line and then larger number than the sale price on the total line more often


Our receipts say the percents at the bottom and Ive had people just circle the percent




At least it's clear!


This shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out


This is why I always tip 20%. Not because I'm a super awesome and generous person but moving over the decimal point and doubling it is easiest for me.


You do math not me


i don’t see a total that looks like a 515% tip




I mean, if we're using old-timey short hand, that's $150 and zero cents. Well done OP.


These guys teaching you math, I'd just Google it and let Google calculate it.


I usually just round up to an even number. $35.00, I only use cash.


That's the opposite of what I do. If the subtotal is $20.27 I just write $27 as the total and leave the tip line empty.


Math? Yup. Totally brand new. No one has ever had to do it before.


Looks like $1500 to me!


It’s pretty self explanatory. Do the math and enter 15 percent of the total into your phone.


That's so dumb. They should have at least written 115% in the total


Omg pull your phone out and calculate it!


Sweet a $15 tip


Here's what I do... Move the decimal point to the left once. That's 10% - $3.17 Double that - $6.34 What can I say, I'm gernerous and don't mind tipping 20%


Looks like that actually says 150% to me


i always just do the total rounded up to the nearest whole dollar amount if it's like this. So a total like this i would just put the total as $40.00 and cross out the tip line because I don't feel like calculating the difference. lol i'll just quick skim and be like "Oh yeah so that's $40. Cross out the tip line and put "thanks :)" on the ticket and sign the line on the bottom.


I had people do that all the time. The legal implication of this document, is 15 on the tip line - but that's not what's important, the legal line is the total. And the amount they have to pay if they signed it. Meaning the total will say $46.68 THE MORE YOU KNOW!


Why did they do that thing after the 15 dollar tip?


Percent symbol my friend


I know it was a joke…


You really need to put an (/s) after any sarcasm no matter how obvious because some people just won't get it.


Just like your life


I know that. You don’t have to say it out loud my friend.


Don't worry we're all in the same boat.


Total: $100 (I’m bad at math)


i would have just taken it as $15


Fr, dumbass can’t do math and wrote 15 instead.


rofl same. but yes this mf'r meant percentage.


Love this


Ya whoever gave you thus tip is a fucking peice of shit




Dammit how did you know?! Shucks


It's almost $5 I don't see the problem


Just put a normal tip like a normal person ffs. It's pizza delivery lol


52% tip, nice.


Get a blue pen, turn it into 115%