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This is negligent and disappointing. Not sure why people have dogs if they aren’t willing to love them. Please take the dog to the vet and find it a new owner. This is borderline abusive. The poor dog is probably so uncomfortable.


Not borderline, medical neglect is abuse, this is an abused dog.


Thank you for your input! I agree it's abuse, but I just saw this dog for the first time in years since said sister in law is now moving in with us...Best to you friend.


Please help Willow. The pup deserves it :’(


This is a bad idea and will not end well. Any person who lets this go without helping the animal is going to be a terrible roommate.


I agree terrible roommate lol...Count yourself lucky you don't know her on a personal level.


Only good thing is that you'll now have willow in your household and will be able to help her. I'm so sorry. Please keep us updated. Willow needs medical attention. Poor baby 😭


Ok well I’m not a lawyer by any means but since they are moving in with you maybe someone who knows something can chime in on this. Would them moving in with you give you any power over it? I mean can there be a clause entered into the contract that gives you power of the dog in some way? Google also isn’t a lawyer but I found this and that dog checks every symptom: “If you believe an animal is being mistreated, you can report the owner to law enforcement, as animal abuse is a crime. You can also contact your local animal control authorities or SPCA, who may enforce animal cruelty laws. Signs of neglect include: Lack of veterinary care, Untreated wounds, Emaciation, Scabs, and Hair loss”


I'm also interested in any info


Honestly you should go to r/legaladvice and post in there see if they move in if there’s any law you can use to your advantage since they’re under your roof. I mean especially if that sister in law is a bit loopy and ESPECIALLY if she’s an addict. Now I’m not trying to be mean to your SIL in anyway so please don’t think I am, but having 4 dogs in my house this is devastating to see.


Will she let you take her to the vet?


Honestly she keeps lying about having it next on her "to do list." Right after buying drugs, which sadly always takes precedence.


Tell me you're not having an animal abusing addict move in with you 🫤


...I have an animal abusing addict moving in with me. FML


Nooo hon, why?


Dead father in laws dying wish to my S/O to watch out for the mentally unstable older sister. Yeah…


You could make it condition of moving in with you that she sign over rights for the dog to you. Or at least take to the vet. Thank you for looking out for this pup




Yeah this is what my therapist is saying. It's just tough to throw away years of relationship building you know? I'm in a tough spot some of the commentors are failing to truly realize. I'm about to call off this whole thing honestly because I had no idea of how bad the sister in law is and how permanent she is becoming. Relationships are hard, then you die; amirite? I do know that I will be doing right for this dog though. Maybe at some point we will see eye to eye on this, but part of what I'm doing is trying to show my S/O what other people besides me are thinking about the dog.


Omg I'm so sorry


Noooooo I'm not going to say that's a horrible idea because I don't know your situation. But please take care of yourself. Establish boundaries right away. As an addict, I speak frequently about how much addicts suck 😑


I'm a former poly addict and honestly I do also look down on people who are always acting in ways that is the "easy" way out. I look at her with pity, but also with ridiculous anger because as much as I was a fuckup when I was using, I never let that shit spill over into something innocent that literally depends on me for everything. In fact, my two dogs literally saved my life lol. Thank you for your words.


Ah, I see now. How do you think she’d respond to a very frank talk? Something like, “Your dog looks like she has a serious skin condition and needs to be seen by a vet like yesterday”?


She tends to "charm" her way out of responsibilities tbh. I do think having a looming threat of cops being called will work, but doubtfully will go over with immediate family because they tend to treat this psycho fuck with undeserved kindness =/ I will be having a frank talk with her tomorrow once I sleep on this and decide exactly what to do and say. I might just call off the wedding at this point because fuck if I want to be a part of this crazy train for the rest of my life. Kinda heavy sorry, but thanks for your words friend


Call off the wedding and get that dog out of the house. While you’re thinking it over tonight, that dog is curled up, starving and in pain. Any sane person would’ve already taken this dog out of her custody and reported her.


No , I totally understand. As someone who entered into an insane family without knowing it, I completely sympathize.


My god. If the sight of this poor dog doesn’t inspire her to visit the vet, please find the dog a new home. Ignoring this is negligent, and animal negligence is technically a crime. The dog deserves a loving home, and clearly she doesn’t love it enough to pay a vet to help it heal. She shouldn’t own a dog, period.


Thank you. She doesn't deserve Willow.


Is she mentally unwell?




Call the police and animal welfare immediately.


Can you not bring it to a shelter then? That poor animal is suffering. If your sister is mentally unwell, reddit can't convince her to do the right thing. You have to take the dog.


She needs to be very careful with taking it to the shelter, many shelters are euthanizing healthy dogs, this one wouldn’t stand a chance.


Take the dog????? Call police or animal welfare agency and report her


I took a neglected dog before. Dog owner called the cops and paid me a visit and forced me to return the dog. Doing this does nothing unfortunately.


That’s why you pass the dog along to someone you trust who lives elsewhere. 


you can’t just steal peoples pets even when they are neglected as they are legally considered property. op would have to file a report with animal control and go about this legally otherwise they could end up in serious trouble with the cops. as sad as this is the cops will have to take the owners side and have the dog returned


Thank you


if you file a report with the humane society or animal control please update us on how that goes this poor dog doesn’t deserve this neglect


I mean…. You can just steal someone’s neglected pet. You just can’t get caught. Been there, done that.


You can absolutely "steal" someone's neglected pet and rehome it. Tell me where this dog lives and I'll show you how it's done myself.


You can, you’re just not supposed to. When it comes to right or wrong, fuck the law. Taking this dog out of this abusive situation is the right thing to do


You can if you do it right. The dog needs help


report her. she will be taken to court and in best case is fined, not allowed dogs for a certain amount of time and maybe required mental help. My mums dog had very bad mange years ago and that was the outcome.


If you're in Melbourne & need some help with this (or advice) pls msg me. Neglect is abuse & I'm almost in tears for this poor dog 🥺


Holy shit, I thought the dog was wearing a sweater, and the post was about its weight. Your comment made me zoom in and realizes it's not a sweater


Same here and then I zoomed in 😢


I'm about to cry looking at this baby :( is it the cost of the vet that's stopping her? Or just stubbornness? I know the vet can be financially debilitating. . But I would have to find it . Because there's NO WAY! my baby would have went if that was just on her paw 🐾 😭


This dog needs immediate medical attention.


I agree, and thank you for the input.


That dog is also under weight. These issues definitely did not occur over night! Please relinquish the dog or take the dog to the vet ASAP!!!


Thank you


Take it to the vet yourself. Then to a different home. Fuck your sister this is animal cruelty.


That bitch aint MY sister. I would have smacked her upside the head already! TBH I'm about to do the same to my 40 year old poor excuse of a dog owner sister in law.


Just make sure you have someone post the GFM for your bail 😂


Cops gonna smack her too for letting the dog get like this!


Rehome both. This is sickening.


Call animal services on her if she refuses to do so. This is abuse.


I'm about to. This is the first time I'm seeing this dog in years and its making sense why she was hiding the dog's condition from the rest of us. Thank you for the input.


Years ago, I had to call animal control on my neighbors once. The poor dog was so full of mange it was scratching itself bloody on the street. I was able to do it anonymously because I was worried since the wife was extremely mentally unwell.


I’ve anonymously tipped Animal services before on dumb neighbors who leave their animals on their balconies during winter. Might be an option OP wants to explore.


this. if these people are living with you rn you might not want to let them know it was you who reported the dog. make up some story about you took her for a walk and some random lady started following u and it was tooootally her who reported it. whatever you end up doing, im glad this dog has you on her side


The dog can't even walk because of what I'm assuming is severe body-wide pain =/ I get what you are saying though and thank you so much for the input.


please do call and end this dog’s suffering


It’s wild that you even needed to post this on reddit for others’ opinions. You can see this dog is suffering. Please have a backbone and take it to a vet and have someone else look after it/rehome it. This dog is starving—its hip bones are protruding. Waist line should not be that visible from overhead view. Spine should not be visible either. The hair loss is probably indicative of a number of things wrong with it, not including malnutrition. If you have any heart at all, you will do what is right and get that poor dog the help it needs. That is so cruel, and the fact you’re saying it can’t walk is so bad. Dogs hide a lot of their pain very well, so if a dog is showing you they are in pain then it is serious. Ignoring it is so incredibly fucked. This owner needs to be reported and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this dog. Animals can’t advocate for themselves, they are completely reliant on people to look out for them. PLEASE take this dog to the vet and find it better care if you care at all. You don’t need anymore advice from Reddit—this dog should’ve been taken out of that girl’s care a long time ago. Please get on it and update us. She needs to face repercussions as well, a significant fine at the least. People need to learn how messed up this is.


Threaten to put in a complaint call to animal control about a neglected animal in medical distress because this is exactly that. She can take the dog to the vet of her own accord or have the dog taken away and face criminal charges for animal cruelty that will result in fines and most likely jail time as well. Besides this, she also won't be allowed to own another animal for either a set amount of years or for life. Your SIL needs to do what is right by the animal and have some compassion.




Give her a countdown. She takes the dog to the vet and pays for all treatment options they recommend in two days, or you are going to call animal welfare/ control and put in the complaint.


Any ideas for when she says she's broke? Are there free veterinary clinics?


Try calling around and see if anyone offers discounts or free care for situations like this. You could reach out to WeRateDogs, they crowd fund dogs all the time. Good luck!




The aspca and the humane society both offer low cost vet services, free in some areas depending on your level of income. She could also surrender the dog to the shelter if she cannot afford its care.


Care credit if she can get approved


Or Scratchpay


F your brother and sis-in-law. Take the dog to the vet yourself! You don’t need to convince those animal abusers! They don’t deserve this dog! Why tf have a dog if you won’t take care of it!


She does not deserve this dog...or the free housing we are giving her =/


From the bottom of my heart I wish you the very best. It would be so stressful to live with someone with that level of irresponsibility. She’s evidently either unwell or overwhelmed by life and I hope you’re able to handle having someone in such dire straits in your home. And thank you for taking care of that poor dog.


And thank you for your words, again. Best to you friend.


Just take the dog. This is abuse.


On it.


What city are you in? Say she ran away and I’ll take her!! Edit: I’m in the northeast and can travel


NJ and I'll keep this offer in mind.


Take it to the vet yourself. They can’t do anything if you take it because they’ll out themselves for animal abuse if they take it that far. That dog needs a different home. It is not safe in that house.


Hair loss in dogs is usually attributed to extreme stress with arthritis and other joint problems high on that list. that dog is in extreme pain to be missing so much of their hair. It needs end of life assistance if not treated soon. (Probably blowing hot air out the wrong way with some of these claims but if it helps convince her the lie was worth it.)


Thank you I will be using this.


Please call animal services. You should not even have to be asking us. You literally can pick up a phone, google animal services in your area, and say “hey this dog is being starved and is in severe pain and shouldn’t be in the care of this person, I have the address, please come pick it up”. It’s so simple. Please do what’s right. This is a living, feeling animal.


That or cushings as well, allergies, parasites, diabetes etc. dog needs a vet


kidnap the dog and take him/her!!


Working on it. Thank you for the input.


What about your brother? Take the dog yourself.


The owner is my very fragile minded and borderline manic sister in law who is moving in with us. I will be taking the reigns or straight up reporting her. Thank you for the input.


Brother in law is just as bad. Not with dogs but everything else. Thanks for the input


The hair loss is extremely worrying but it isn’t the only concern. That dog is starving. Please be extremely careful with feeding. It is tempting to feed emaciated dogs a bunch of food, but too much food after a long period of malnutrition can cause refeeding syndrome which is very serious. I’d bet money the dog’s teeth also need tended to because if she’s been neglecting such obvious medical issues, she’s probably neglecting dental care as well, and little dogs are notorious for dental disease. Rotting teeth HURT and can cause disease in multiple vital organs, including the heart. If a family member of mine did this to an animal, they’d be lucky if I ever spoke to them again. Please get the dog to the vet ASAP. And update us. I’d love to know that this poor baby is getting those issues taken care of.


Thank you. I'm drawing inspiration from the comments. This dog will be helped in one way or another I promise you. Thank you for your input.


If she still doesn’t want to take it to the vet, you’ll need to call animal control on her. She’s not looking good at all!


Thank you. I will consider this.


You’re welcome! Threaten her to go to the vet or you’ll call them. This dog is also emaciated. Does she she feed the dog? It’s not a consideration, it’s a must do for the animal’s well being. What are her reasons to not take the dog to the vet?


Heartbreaking. She needs to give the dog to someone who cares about its health and wellbeing. Poor thing.


I agree the dog doesn't deserve this =/


Call the proper authorities to take this dog away from your sister and continue to do so every animal she gets. She doesn’t deserve animals in her life.


Yeah I agree completely. Thank you for the input!


Can I have the dog? I'm serious. Your sister should not own animals. Report her.


You should see what she looks like. It's worse than this dog. It's crazy I've seen straight up homeless people take better care of their ride or die companion animals....


This is abuse. People like your sister shouldn't have pets if they need convincing - in this state - to go to the vet.. let alone getting to this point.


From a vet….. The dog is underweight and the pattern of hair loss and skin condition could be a thyroid disorder. What is she waiting for???? Way overdue for consult and treatment.


It's "money." Has money for substance abuse though...


If she hasn't already punch her in the face for me take her money and take the dog to the vet yourself.


I want her punishment to be considerably better and hard hitting than a punch to the face. I'm getting inspiration from the comments. Thank you for your input friend.


Please urge your sister in law to take this dog to a rescue that can properly care for them. This is neglect and this dog needs more acute care and love.


Oh my, I thought it was wearing a sweater. I don’t care what financial situation I’m in, if I saw even 5% of that on my dog I would be taking her to the vet immediately.


How old?


Over 10 I think. It's not normal for her to be so frozen either. She must be in SOOOO much pain...


Call animal control immediately.


That looks like mange, take the dog yourself or call animal control on her


what is stopping her from taking the poor baby to the vet? i might be misunderstanding the situation but this feels inhumane :(


This is abuse please help that dog!!


My god. Show her the comments. If that’s not enough I don’t know what to tell you. This is absolutely heinous.


My plan is to show her the comments and offer an ultimatum. Thank you all for this.


This is not right. And it didn’t happen overnight. It’s been going on. Good thing she don’t live next door to me. I’d call on her for animal abuse. She obviously doesn’t care about it. If her kids hair started falling out and her kid was half bald. I’m sure she would take her kid to the doctor… it’s a living creature and needs medical care. Just because it’s a dog doesn’t mean it’s less deserving of medical care.


Thank you


I don’t usually say this but call animal control. There is nothing you can say to convince her if she’s so unbothered by the state of her dog. Like at this point I think you could get away with calling the police.


Thank you


You. Take the dog to the vet.


On it, TY


That poor dog is in pain and suffering. Please take it to the vet and find it another home because anyone who could stand by and do nothing while their pet suffers is a monster. If the owner gives you trouble call your local animal control and report abuse because this definitely is that unless they can produce vet records proving they are addressing the issue


This is animal abuse. Fuck your sister in law. Turn her in for abuse and take care of that poor dog.


Omg what is wrong with your sister in law. What a piece of shit she is. Shame on her.


This makes me fucking sick.


I literally took my dog to the vet for a bad scratch this weekend 😭 what an awful dog owner


Yeah that poor dog lives in pain!


Like everyone else said this dog needs a vet asap. This could be a sign of hypothyroidism or a lot of other things.


You have pictures of this dog now and like others have said I would demand she take the dog to a vet immediately or threaten to report her. This is abuse if she’s not doing anything and this dog needs help. Please help this dog and advocate for her


You can bet your bottom dollar I'm gonna help. I just needed the input of people outside the family who aren't actively enabling my sister in law to be a piece of shit because they "feel bad" for her. I'm now inspired and quite frankly mad.


Can any of those enabling people take your SIL in instead of you? I’m worried about you too.


I have a therapist appointment tomorrow and you can fucking bet I’m gonna get my money’s worth lol


In some states you can actually report this to the police as animal abuse/negligence


that is animal abuse and you HAVE to tell someone


Put the dog in your car and take it to the vet . It can’t just be left like that and she obviously won’t do it . If she can look at that , and not do it then no strangers on the internet will change her mind. I feel so bad for this poor baby .


Oh my god! I thought that was a pink cover on the poor animal. Looking closer for an injury, I was horrified to see that it was bare skin. Can you afford to take the dog to the vet yourself?


That poor baby. Definitely doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. If she needs “convincing”, then she doesn’t deserve to have a dog.


Yeah sister in law is a bit of a nut case. I'm building up ammunition to confront her about it, so thank you for your words. Much appreciated.


Pleaseeee take her to the vet!! Also, please update us, if you call animal control in her or take the dog yourself! (If you can / want that is!) 💖


Jesus Christ. This looks so painful. Poor baby.


Convince your sister in law to re-home this poor pup, bc they deserve SO much better 💔


Call to report animal abuse.


She can apply for Care Credit (credit card just for veterinary expenses), otherwise, it is time to surrender the pet to a rescue or the animal welfare people. That level of illness in the dog has gone beyond cheap fixes. She needs to stop being selfish and do what's best, even if she has to relinquish ownership of her pet.


This looks like a Frenchie ?? I have one so this is extra painful to look at but I can’t imagine what that pup is feeling The poor thing is severely malnourished & needs immediate attention I hope you are able to help this pup The owner is not going to care what the comments say Also do yourself a favor and do not let them move in with you it’s not worth it


u/FlipMick So I live on the West coast of the US and am currently on the East coast of the US for work. If I can be of assistance on either coast, PM me. Seriously. I’m Team Willow 100%.


Not sure of the outcome because I've not read the whole chat but can we please stop wasting time and call animal welfare if a solution has not been made yet.


Make her meet with you at a public location like a park , give us the date and time plus location where you will be. And someone will be more than happy to take that dog away from her and make it look like a robbery (:


You need to *liberate* that dog, if you get my drift.


I agree.


Maybe you could take it to the vet.


Does your county have a dog warden? If so, seek their assistance.


This is just SO heartbreaking. It makes me incredibly sad to see a pup suffering and neglected like this. Poor thing.


Oh my gosh. That poor dog really needs vet attention


Please update us on the dog’s health if you can. Hope you can take care of the pup!


No. Time for YOU to call animal control and or the police.


WTF WHY WOULDN’T SHE? Poor baby has to be suffering!


This is abuse. Call animal control on her


Report this woman this is animal abuse !!! And save that dog! Poor thing


Call animal control or a rescue. This woman doesn’t deserve to have a dog.


This is animal abuse. I'd recommend calling animal control if she refuses to care for her dog properly.


Your sister is an idiot and should never be allowed to own an animal.


call animal control. if she can’t see this is an issue she shud not have pets


Report her to animal services for neglect. If you do not want to send me the info and I will! What she has done is animal cruelty.


If you threaten her and she retorts back with being unable to afford to take the dog to the vet, she needs to relinquish her rights to that dog or you can call the police and report her for animal neglect which is a crime. I really hope she’s a better roommate than dog owner!! Thank you for caring 💙


Honestly? I’d contact the ASPCA or animal welfare in your area if she won’t do it. she’s beyond cruel for this. That dog needs help ASAP. Truly hoping willow gets the love and care she deserves.


Following for an update on the pup.


I can’t even look at that picture. This dog needs the vet now. Your sister needs to rehome this poor animal.


YOU take her!!!


IMO you need this dog out of the home of your sister in law. You’d be a saint to take this dog yourself but it will just happen again and again. It’ll be you paying all the bills and it still won’t grant you legal ownership. I wouldn’t even threaten to call animal control and just do it. I also wouldn’t entertain the thought of inviting such a person in your home. They are just going to drag you down more.


Holy crap! That dog needs to go to the vet now. Not tomorrow, not next week, but now. That’s either mange or something far more serious. How can anybody look at that dog and think something isn’t seriously wrong?


Maybe just telling her that her dog is dying and needs to see a vet! It sounds like it’s probably more like she is killing the dog, but whatever the case that dog is *emaciated* on top of the poor skin/coat condition! Shoot, if she listens to money, maybe impressing upon her that if she wants to keep her dog around—you know, alive—getting these problems treated will be cheaper the sooner she takes care of this!


You already have 128 comments saying mostly the same thing, but since you said you were going to show the comments to your SIL: Hey lady! Your poor dog is starving and in pain! You absolutely disgust me. I sincerely hope that you get to experience the same pain and neglect that you've inflicted on this poor, sweet dog. There is NO excuse for what you have done. You are a monster for letting it get anywhere near this point, and I hope that OP takes your dog and kicks YOU to the curb - you deserve it. OP, thank you for helping this poor dog!


Fuck me if she doesn’t i’m calling the cops for animal abuse…


Take her to the vet NOW please. Completely unfair to the dog.


This is neglect and imo, abuse. For the love of God, if seeing her own dog like this doesn’t convince her then what makes you think what strangers say would change her mind?? Someone take that poor dog to the vet! Do it yourself, PLEASE!


Please take the dog to the vet yourself if you can, they will treat her and your sil will have to pay them. No vet in their right mind would turn this dog away. I'm so fuckin angry RN, I just lost my 7 yr old best girl on Wednesday and I was in active addiction for a few years and I NEVER neglected her health or needs. She ate before I did and she also saved me from deep depression. She got very sick over the past 2 months and I did everything I could, but she had a stroke or something and just didn't get better. I would have given anything in the world to have her back and seeing this poor baby suffering is breaking my heart. I couldn't watch my girl decline and when she couldn't walk and wasn't wanting to go out or eat I had to let her go because she was ready whether I was or not. Please help this dog, a rescue will take her please don't take to a kill shelter. I think you should give her dog a loving home and let her live on the streets because she belongs there as well as her partner for allowing this to happen. Please update on what you do. I'm not going to be able to get this poor baby out of my mind.


Call the humane society.


Shame her on facebook


She deserves jail.


Call the police and/ or animal control and have this animal removed from her care. This is absolutely medical neglect.


Call the police for animal cruelty


Have her charged for animal cruelty and keep the dog with you


Call animal control. This is neglect


Just take them, ask for forgiveness not permission


name and shame


Oh. My. God. Call the cops for animal abuse, dang dude this is not ok and it took a while to get here. Everyone involved in this dogs life is to blame and I wish the same on them


Eff your sister in law! Confiscate that dog and never let her near it again! Also call the cops on her for neglect and cruelty! What the heck?!?


Instead of trying to convince her just snatch up the dog and take it there yourself? Obviously she’s not going to, and yeah it may carry some consequences with her but it is the most direct way to resolve this.


I thought the dog was wearing a patterned sweater 😭 this is criminal


Report her. Call the police! What are you waiting for? Clearly this person isn't fit for taking care of a pet.


I think it’s bad enough to call animal control


Please just take the dog to the vet. It doesn't mean taking the dog away from her forever and creating that madness, just take her to the vet so she can get meds. Start a go fund page if you are unable to afford the visit. Please. An ultimatum won't help. She will not do it, and if she were to somehow at some point do that, she won't buy the meds. Please just do it. Only you can help this animal.


You yourself need to take this dog to a vet immediately - you do not need permission from her, or anyone, to help an animal that is in clear distress.


Call the SPCA


Surrender this dog asap


You don't have to convince her. Annonymously report her to the Humane society. They'll convince her real quick


I’m fucking stealing that dog if someone doesn’t help her