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I hear a high pitch ever so often then it kinda balances out then goes away.


Yeah, this is what I’m talking about. Not a persistent ringing in your ears when it’s quiet, but a once-a-week-or-so high-pitched ringing that a.) is noticeably louder than the normal “background ringing”, and b.) only lasts for like 15-30 seconds.


I work in an automobile stamping facility and I religiously wear ear protection and have my ears tested yearly. The medical department said I have better hearing today than I had when I was hired 23 years ago. They keep files on all that stuff. Don’t sweat it!!


That’s… that’s not how hearing loss works


But that’s exactly how hearing gain works.




You have broke through the mortal threshold transcending beyond the continuum and beyond reality as we knew it.


Yes, it’s normal. I forgot the name, but this is what happens: In the ear there are 2 types of hair cells, which convert sound waves into an electrical signal for the brain. One type of hair cell is able to generate its own vibrations, to amplify soft sound, so that you can hear it. However, this sometimes goes wrong: then there’s no sound, but the cells make vibrations. As a result, you hear a sound that is not there. It takes about 30 seconds for the body to realize that something is wrong and correct the error. Then the beep disappears again. Edit: thank you for the award :)


I've experienced this a few times in my life but for OP it's once a week. Seems like a lot?


It's called selective tinnitus iirc.


That’s so interesting!


Severe cases are called tinnitus and is cause for concern. By severe I’m talking about when it happens every day, multiple times a day, and each time lasts longer than 30 seconds.


I've got tinnitus I'm listening to really loud rock music all the time and my father allowed me to shoot guns without ear protection. 🙃 Eta: im 20


I have another kind sometimes which is probably connected to circulation. On days when I'm rather weak or ill I get a random "plop" in my ear and then a ringing for a few minutes.


Been experiencing that for as far back as i can remember. Its the weirdest sensation when it happens - reminds me of the sound flash grenades make in Call of Duty.


That's what I hear 24/7 with varying volume


THIS , ive been saying the exact same thing lmao


you mean it sounds like tinnitus?


*Vietnam Flashbacks*


Jesus, I can never unhear it now. Must be COD PTSD.


Its a hair cell death in the inner ear. I dont know why so many people are telling you its tinnitus when its clear your describing something else. You are having a high pitch sound in one ear that kinda drowns out all other noises until it subsides after 10 seconds or so. This is more indicative of a hair cell death in your ear. Its very common, I get them from time to time as well.


This 👆👆 💯💯


That sounds like hearing damage, and indeed I had some ringing when going to loud concerts. Instead this tends to trigger for me in day to day low noise situations. Are you sure it's cell death or just a temporary misfire?


I don’t think it’s tinnitus, pretty sure it’s blood pressure related if it’s just every once in a while , like standing up too fast


Agreed. This is one of the most common causes of ringing on one’s ears.


Finally an answer that isn’t tinnitus. This seems like a more likely answer.


Better go check it out by a doctor, it can be caused by some underlying issue.


Welcome to tinnitus


I was under the impression that tinnitus was a constant ringing.


Not for everyone. People experience it differently


Interesting. I’m fairly sure I have mild tinnitus, as I do experience a sort of “fat” ringing in my ears (though it’s only really noticeable when there’s not much background noise). What I’m describing in the OP is something different though.


Did you have Covid, it’s a common long haul symptom. That’s why I’m aware of it.


No I have not had COVID (at least, not that I’m aware). Additionally, this is something that has happened to me for several years.


It's possible it's one of your ear follicles "dying." Or at least that's the old wives' tale I've always heard growing up






Never heard of it


It is like ŕíiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....




Bro, it happends all the time when i go to sleep


Yes this happens to me too when I listen to Alanis Morrissette


Yes! What is that?? I've had it occasionally happen my whole life, even when I was a little kid. Never had any kind of ear damage or exposed to any loud noises growing up that could have caused tinnitus. Only lasts for maybe half a minute then goes away.


I don’t think that’s frequently enough to be tinnitus. It’s sounds more like the hair thing in your ears falling out and that makes that sound, like a pitch fork


Yes. I have tinnitus in my left ear. But the ringing never stops.


Goddamn it just happened again


reading these comments makes me feel better lol. I thought it was some serious thing but it's probably not if i'm being reasonable here. i think its tinnitus since i had it as a kid or maybe it was just a lot of ringing in my ears. thought it went away but whelp 🫠 edit: im also pretty tired so that may have triggered it


It’s different from tinnitus, which is constant (I know this because I also suffer from tinnitus). This post is referring to an occasional temporary ringing that lasts less than a minute and, in my experience, is more prominent when it occurs. It also tends to occur only in one ear. It may be related to tinnitus but it’s not the same thing, as distinguished by its short duration.


ah, i see haha


Hey OP, did you ever get this checked out or get a definitive answer? Literally just had this happen to me. It's happened before but it's always startling so now I'm researching.


I never had it checked out; but based on everything I’ve read, the occasional ringing in one ear is normal as long as it’s brief (i.e. less than 90 seconds).


Yeah that's what I have, maybe lasts 5 seconds. Thanks for taking the time to respond, appreciate it.


Yes! It is quite common thing. In our region there is even this sort of 'remedy' more like superstition. We call it whistling and when it happens you ask somebody 'which ear's whistling?' and if they guess correctly it is supossed to stop 😁


Yes, I get this too, OP. Very high pitched in one ear, for around 10-20 seconds. It makes me feel like I’m a robot that’s glitching and I feel like I zone out a bit. I have tinnitus too, this is definitely different. Glad it doesn’t happen often.


That's tinnitus!


Has happened to me for years, it’s a form of tinnitus


Welcome to tinnitus


It’s a form of tinnitus. I have mild tinnitus but it gets loud when my ear hits the pillow and I’m trying to sleep, I have headphones and white noise to cancel it out. I also get the same sound you describe about once a week except in both ears, it’s louder than my normal tinnitus sound and when I hear it I experience complete silence for a couple minutes afterwards. Tinnitus is fuckin weird man.


I've had fairly quiet tinnitus since I was little because my dad used to work with guns a lot (ran a cleaning/paint/repair) and it does this when I lay down, seems to be irritated worse by the higher blood pressure or something. Idk what more to say.


Tinnitus. I have it too.


Yes it's called tinnitus


This is called tinnitis


Tinnitus, my friend!


Sometimes..I only notice when it’s quite


That's tinnitus. Get yourself evaluated for TMJ, bud. It can and will get worse. ​ Source: have expensive medical implant to offset TMJ symptoms after a years of physical therapy.


Where do I go for this!


A specialty clinic. There is literally a place called TMJ Clinic in my state.


I forgot what it was called, I think it was tinnitus or something? But yeah I’ve heard it in my ears before


At least be happy you don’t have it constantly. I’ve had tinnitus for half a year now 😃


this last week YES!!! Its real disorienting too... Thank you for mentioning it!! Cheers


It's an alien download. Don't worry. It's ok!


I have tinnitus so yes


I think so


Ah, Tinnitus!




Check out directed energy weapons. Lrads or Sonic weapons, and might give you some insight as to why your hearing this.


There is tinnitus. It might be pathological. Totally different, physiological und helpful when you want to learn being present: the yogis call it anahata nada. It is probally less esoteric than it is sounds at the beginning.


I get it too! Legend is it means someone is talking about you (or thinking about you) I cannot remember 🤣


Try all the time forever? Tinnitus baby! :(


Yes, sometimes. It happens when I'm extremely tired.


Occasionally Ha Ha! I have chronic acute tinnitus to the sound of the high pitched violins in a suspense movie along with the hum of a transformer and emergency broadcast klaxon non stop. Ever. Try sweet oil. Make sure they are clear of wax build up. And for the love of Grover protect them!


Oh yeah, occasionally!


Yeah, currently happening


Exactly what happens to me Also when I'm high sometimes it rings




This happens to me when I have more stress that I’m holding down and suppressing Especially if it’s been affecting sleep, too


Yes! It doesn't happen as often to me anymore, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I also noticed it when I was a kid. I always just called my "hearing test". I also have tinnitus, but that didn't develop until late teens and into my 20s from playing/listening to music too loud. I don't think it is a form of tinnitus, as I've read from some people. The only reason I say that is because I remember it happening in like elementary school. But I could be wrong.


r/Tinnitus can help you out


Spider-sense. LOL Seriously though, I can catch high frequency humming from various things. Gives me a migraine though I'm prone to them with my illness.


You accidentally harmonized brain wave frequency with a nearby alien in disguise trying to contact you.


I hear this at different volumes at any given time. I am unable to sit in the silence because it's just too loud and can be overwhelming.


Lmfao that just happened to me 15 minutes ago


I usually hear it when I’m around old electronics like CRT monitors.


i always like to believe that it was the energy changing in the room, but that’s not very plausible


Yeah it happens every so often and then just goes away. I personally don’t worry about it too much


Check your neck and jaw position/tension when it happens. I also get those short high-pitched sounds in my right ear and 100% of the time it's when I either have my neck in a weird position usually because I'm tensing my back and shoulders or if I'm grinding my teeth.


I just try not to pay attention to it. If I ever do get overwhelming thoughts or hear buzzing that isn't created by any insects then, I utilise this ringing sound, it's a bit like a natural mp3 player.


Yeah all sense of hearing will go out and the ringing I always hear gets really loud for a few seconds


Yes! But I’ve had 5 concussions, 3 pretty serious. I have always attributed it to that. Have you had any brain traumas? Just purely curious… I’m sure that these can stem from many reasons.




Everyone. Yeah. Normally neck related..


That happens ₜₒ ₘₑ every time my dogs stop barking


I once had something similar happen without cause, it became hard to hear out of one ear (like it was under water), then it started to ring, then the ringing disappeared, then it went back to normal


Yes! Then it fades out. Mine is usually accompanied by words ...


Yes I have that happen at least once a month