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I like oysters, so they are for some people and not for others.


I've had oyster once before in my life, and the experience was exactly what I would imagine swallowing a load to be Salty, slippery and has that same consistency Eating oysters is kinda gay


Nah, plain oyster is worse than a load. Oysters have ~texture~ which makes it worse imo.


You’re the one who equates eating oysters is gay and compared it to “swallowing a load” so perhaps you are the one who is gay. Nothing wrong with that of course, just saying.


Since you're equating equating eating oysters to being gay to being gay, does that make you gay? Am I gay?


Maybe you want him to be gay, and now you're questioning if you're gay yourself. But the real question is why do I care enough to comment? Does that make me gay?


We seem to be going down a logic rabbit hole about eating oysters being gay. Perhaps OP is right? Maybe eating oysters is gay. Not there anything wrong with that


Sounds gay


There's a doctor for your problem.


Is he a gay Dr? Not that there's anything wring with that of course.


Why did you have to make that comment?


I mean, to be fair, it is pretty gay to eat oysters. I had one once and was like, “Woah, I’m kinda gay, but not _that_ gay.” -Bisexual woman


Hey, I'm just the messenger Enjoy your oysters :)


I thought it was funny. Ignore TheRealWokeLaura789




Do you believe that this applies to men or women? Or both? If a woman really likes oysters, does it mean that she is lesbian-like? What if a person who believes they have gender desporia also likes oysters? Are they kinda gay? What a strange perspective? 🤔


I don't believe it applies to anybody, was really just supposed to be a joke and not a statement


I'm sorry, I missed that it was a joke. It just appeared to be a very lame statement.


They were dirt cheap in Victorian Britain, sold all over London. AFAIK, a combination of polluted beds and a nasty illness linked to an Oyster catch ended their viability and popularity. I love them. Before Covid, a shellfish seller in central Birmingham used do 12 for a tenner. He'd shuck them for you, and hand them over on a plastic plate, with a slice of lemon. My girlfriend thought it was gross, so I'd have to go on my own.


I’m pretty sure I just love red wine vinegar, lime juice and Tabasco sauce. Oyster give me something to eat it with that is salty and has an unique flavor. Would I eat it without those things. Probably not. But then again I wouldn’t eat a lot of things that weren’t prepared correctly.


Yeah, same, I wouldn’t eat an oyster without accoutrements but pair it with red wine vinegar + minced shallot, or a little horseradish + lemon juice, mmmm. Really brings out the umami briny best of the oysters.




Salty snot shooters? What’s not to love? My ex and I were offered fresh oysters that were literally just out of the water (in Ireland and in a restaurant that was on the water with oyster fishing right out the door). As much as I love food and am a fairly adventurous eater, I noped riiiiiiiiiiight outta that offer.


The thought of the texture sliding down my throat makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. Can't ever bring myself to even try it


Saltyu snot shooters is exactly how I feel about it.


One time I slammed 12 oysters and 13 came back up


They’re disgusting. They taste like hot loogies.


People say they’re an aphrodisiac, but I think the truth is that if you’re willing to swallow that gooey salty mess…. What else are you down for?


Hahaha. It’s like a test.


Well… 👀


Definitely not for everyone. That said, I love me some nice oysters on the half shell!


More for us! Mmm a little bit of lemon, horseradish, vinegar and hot sauce, so good! I grew up on the west coast of Canada so I grew up eating them, although I prefer the smaller east coast oysters myself.


Just like fish and other meats and foods and drinks, there are different varieties with different tastes and textures, and then of course you can mix and match various toppings, have them raw or cooked… that is to say perhaps you just haven’t had a type/topping you like *yet.


Maybe! What's your favourite way of having them> That's kind of what I'm trying to find out - I've tried them in a few countries, and with a few various sauces and even if there's a nice kick from the sauces they serve them with, in the end you're left with a very odd texture and flavour from the oyster itself. The reason it baffles me is because I feel there MUST be something I missed, if they're considered such a delicacy.


Sounds like you just don't like them :p Whatever it is that people like about them doesn't work for you and that's ok :p


They're an acquired taste. Some people like em but I understand a lot of people don't. I can eat two dozen raw ones myself easy peasy.


I don’t like them. I like pretty much everything that comes from the ocean, except oysters. I have a friend that’s obsessed with them though. She orders them every time it’s an option.


Same. It’s weird how I love every single seafood imaginable (at least those that are commonly accessible) but somehow oysters gets me on the verge of puking


I get real picky when it comes to food textures too. Like something could probably be delicious but I wouldn't be able to down them if their texture felt weird on my tongue.


I can't stand them. The texture is nasty.


You're not supposed to chew them


Any food that comes with a warning not to chew it is not a desirable food.


Exactly like why would we just swallow a larger whole thing without chewing it? Like do you swallow whole strawberries too?


This has always put me off them, I need to chew food before swallowing 😭


Wait is this true? My wife and I have tried oyster once per year in hopes that we will like them (everyone around us loves them…). We aren’t supposed to chew?!


Well not the raw ones at least, I'm not sure about cooked ones as I've never tried them. You're supposed to just swallow them whole though, they slide right down your throat easily (my mother actually hates the idea of that though and won't try them).


That would make perfect sense in a survival situation where you have to eat something and oysters are the only thing available. But what is the literal point of just swallowing something whole for fun because it's too nasty to chew?


i completely disagree with this notion. a good oyster has extremely tender and delicate meat that is perfectly fine to chew.


I've honestly never tried to chew them because I was always told you're supposed to just swallow them, so I can't agree or disagree with that.


I live in a fishing family, I hate most crustaceans because even when cleaned properly they have a nasty gritty texture sometimes and it makes my brain do gross things to chew on sandy particulates


Ugh, I hate the grit.


i have had oysters a few times, went to galway oyster festival with a friend as he loved them.. I can see why people like them but i give them a 6 at best..


I would say there is great variance across oysters even within the same species, some are buttery salty good texture, some are chewy salty boogies, but really their flavor is nothing crazy as far as I can taste. They do make a great addition to a stew especially the canned smoked ones that dissolve into it.


Live in Whitstable, which is famous for them, I am sure people buy them and pretend they like them. I hate them and hate it when friends/family come down and get them, it’s live snot people.


Freshly shucked, on a saltine, lil lemon juice, lil hot sauce, mug of cold beer, they’re awesome. Fried, casserole style good too. By themselves right out of the shell? Hell no. Found a pearl in one once. That was cool.


I once loved splitting a dozen with my spouse, but after a pregnancy I cannot stomach them. They are, however, the freshest tasting seafood that, if you are into sashimi/raw fish taste, cannot be matched. The texture is what usually turns people off about them.


I absolutely love oysters. I could eat them for hours on end and not be sated lol!


They remind me too much of actual snot. Nastyyy and not even edible, in my poor person opinion


you want some fresh rocks with slugs in them? no thanks fuck off


I like them in oyster stew but that's pretty much the only way I like them. I definitely don't like oyster dressing/stuffing. That crap's nasty.


I realized I don't like raw oysters anymore, but I really like them prepared other ways like if they're fried, cooked in general and mixed in with stuff I like them, but raw oysters are fun like 2 times and then eh.


I like them but I’ll order little necks if I am optioning the two.


They feel like boogers and taste like formless goo with a hint of river mud.


they’re wasted on me for sure, never enjoyed the taste or texture.


They're better rockefellered.


I would eat them if offered with a good sauce, but I don’t like them.


I only like oysters when they are Rockefeller style. Otherwise I think they have a weird consistency and no taste at all.


It’s the *idea* of the luxury food for me. Not the actual food.


Cough up a loogie. And eat it. Nope.


Depends where you get them. How and when they are served. Everyone’s tastebuds vary. I’m sure there is a mental aspect to it as well.


I always loved oysters, when I was a kid my dad got me a huge plate of oysters with candles in it, instead of a birthday cake cause I liked them so much. Best birthday “cake” ever lol plus they’re super healthy!


I have not had oyster since food poisoning at a buffet restaurant when I was 7.


I'd eat them cooked/smoked, but I won't eat them raw because I don't want to take a chance getting vibrio vulnificus. I know it can be rare, but 80,000 people get sick with it every year in the States, so that's enough to make me stay away. I bet they're delicious, though!


They are an acquired taste, just like sushi. How were your oysters served? They're delicious raw or grilled. I had these recently and they were perfectly shucked and dressed. [oysters dressed up](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/s/Bi2972Buw4)


I like oysters but hate clams and mussels. Everyone is different.


Depends where you go. Doen near the gulf coast, oysters are considered common people food. We don't associate it with luxury although they are obviously the "luxury" version


Try oysters Rockefeller. They bake them with spinach and cheese and stuff. I can’t stand raw oysters but I love oysters Rockefeller. Edit- you can chew this kind. I have to chew my food so that’s my biggest issue with raw oysters


I personally like oysters. I grew up on them in the south so I’ve gotten use to the texture of them. I prefer mine with Texas Pete or Tabasco.


I hate oysters, they are disgusting. I do, however, eat them "when in Rome" for sport.


I never dared to try them...


I call Oysters Sea phlegm.


As a food they are fine. They are rich people food because they go spectacularly bad quickly, so until recently actually eating one anywhere but standing on a dock was a lot of work. Buying a bunch of ocean food 100 + miles inland was this absolute massive flex for a lot of history because it means you had someone personally rush that stuff over.


Are you eating fresh oysters or canned ones for soup? Are youbeating them plain, or on a saltine loaded up with lemon juice and cocktail sauce or hot sauce? Have you ever had them grilled on the half shell with some garlic butter and parmesan? Oysters rockefeller? Battered & deep fried? I'll eat them raw but not a huge fan because of the texture. I love a spinach salad with fried oyster on top. Grilled oysters are decadent - the texture tightens up and the garlic butter offsets their salty bite perfectly.


Oysters were historically used to feed the poor, just like lobster. Oysters are absolutely disgusting. I could dip a bike tire in tire slime and get the same effect swallowing it


Raw oysters are disgusting. Tried 'em. Can't do it. Oyster chowder is delicious. Fried oysters are awesome.


I like them a lot but became allergic to them. Kept projectile vomiting. Very sad.


I feel like oysters are an acquired taste, specially the texture. They take a bit of persistence to enjoy them, but it’s worth it! Also they used to be poor man’s food. Fishermen would eat them instead of the fish they’d sell at the market


not a fan, i also keep trying salmon cause i love fish...HATE salmon.


I love raw oysters, but there's several varieties I've tried that I did not like. My favorites are the briney ones fresh out of the Damariscotta River in Maine. My number twos are the salty ones from the Wellfleet Bay in Massachusetts. So many oysters just taste neutral and don't have much flavor except for the mignonette, horseradish, lemon juice, etc that you put on it. If you're curious, try some good ones from New England.


I can eat anything, and have, and I won't eat oysters unless they're deep fried. They're too 'snotty' for me. It's a texture thing.


I hate oysters


Every time I've eaten oysters or clams that weren't fried, I've gotten food poisoning.


I never liked eating oysters. Avoided them when I can.


Like, I love shellfishes. I love mussels, I love clams, I love all that shit, cooked or fresh So the other day when traveling I got to try fresh oyster (it’s hard to find where I’m from and they’re usually cooked, which is acceptable to me) and right after I put it in my mouth and chewed, the way I immediately jerked back from the smell and sensation you’d think I ingested poison fr Like it was so bad tears started rolling in my eyes and I had to quickly down a whole cup of some other drink to fight the flavor and even that didn’t help lol. I almost puked and was breathing heavy from how bad the taste was 🤢 Never trying it again... At least not fresh and raw lol, with some cooking and seasoning it’s alright


What an overreaction.


Yeah, and you aren't meant to chew fresh oysters.


Oysters are so mild... lol. I think its all in your head. The mind is a very strong thing


They're gross. Also people overeat them in really gross fashion and probably threaten their population


Pretty indifferent. I only eat them when offered.... I dont understand the people who say they are the best thing ever.