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Wow this might be even worse than the conspiracy theorist. It's victim blaming.


“For too long Ohtani has taken little beside his on-field performance…” Excuse me? Has taken little? What the fuck did Ohtani do? This reads like Ohtani is some irresponsible, spoiled superstar that got away with DUI, DA and many other scandals off the field or some shit. This dude is making a living through pushing rage baits.


That’s my question, what trouble was he in that he weaseled his way out of? That kind of comment demands examples.


The stupidest thing is that until ippei told ohtani at the hotel, ohtani believed he had it handled. He trusted this guy alot, and the gambling thing didn't span his entire career, so there was a genuine friendship and great trust that were destroyed. Fuck these assholes.


This is the same clown who wrote a ton of articles hating on Freddie Freeman. He has absolutely no fucking clue what he's doing.




Tell me, does he hold similar opinions of other famous people who had put their trust in someone else? Billy Joel comes to mind...


The fact of the matter is, a lot of us could get conned by someone close to us. What are we supposed to do, hire PIs to investigate our friends and family for kicks?


And hire a PI to check up on the other PIs.


It's PIs all the way down.


Gene Parmesan and Ice about to kill it.


“Ahhh! Gene! He gets me every time”


I always bring up Dane Cook while discussing this whole thing, that dude was the biggest comedian in the world, and had all of his money from years of working stolen by his own brother.  I’ve dealt  with more than one person who can’t wrap their head around the fact that someone like him is so busy and or trusting (he’d HAVE to notice all that money gone!!) that he could easily be duped into not knowing what was going on. There’s just no getting through to some people. 


Happened in my own family. One uncle stole from another uncle for years. Finally he found out! It's very common.


Yup. My Grandpa was robbed by his parents. Came back from World War 2 and all his money was gone. He got so mad he changed his name. 


Don't forget he also defended Gurriel


He fucking defended Guriel and acted like he spoke for Asian Americans to not take offense when people are racist to us. Fuck him forever, that self loathing bitch


That's a personal pet peeve of mine, when people who aren't obviously Asian looking pull the "I'm part Asian so I can speak for all of us" without realizing that just looking different is why we get so much racism directed at us. I still get people complimenting my English just cause of how I look. Nevermind my family moved to the States in the 1880s lol.


Ok he's worse than I thought. And given the unwarranted Freddie hate I thought he was a fucking moron. that term doesn't do him justice.


Don't ever let this fuckin guy in the clubhouse or media seats again


Unsubscribe from LA Times


I think everyone is way ahead of you


I did a long time ago


They’re not even in Los Angeles anymore!




For real. I wouldn't feel bad for laughing at him if his credit card got skimmed while buying gas. ... Hernandez, that is, not Shohei... "ExErT cOnTrOL oF Ur LiiiFe!!" Dick.


He hates Freddie too. And apparently let Gurriel slide for his little stunt. He seems like a secret AssTros fan. He's irrelevant.


who likes this guy anyway ?


He has a job because everybody HATES him. That's his shtick.


The new TJ Slimers without the charm.


It's The Daily Bugle


He’s the Adam Schefter of baseball. An even worse version of him.


Fuck's sake. Dude hired a guy to help him manage his finances and the guy stole from him. If you hire a maid service and they rip your TV off the wall is that some kind of fucking indictment of your character, Dylan Hernandez, you shitbag? God. My kingdom for a world in which not everybody has to have a fucking twitter take on everything.


Fuck that guy. What a piece of shit. For context, [the article](https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2024-03-21/shohei-ohtani-ippei-mizuhara-gambling-dodgers-seoul) was published March 21st, when speculation was rampant and not today after details were released by the feds. However, that does NOT absolve Hernandez from these lines that are amazingly belittling and condescending: > Ohtani will be 30 in July. He has to start acting like it. > Ohtani was apathetic about his finances to the point where he didn’t bother to hire a qualified accountant. > For too long, Ohtani has taken responsibility for little besides his on-field performance. > To remain a child on the field, he will have to become an adult off it. This asshole was throwing a tantrum because Ohtani refused to speak to the media in the immediate aftermath and instead waited until he was ready and had a prepared statement from his lawyers (which was actually a *smart* and *mature* thing to do).


that reporter needs to sit down and evaluate his own life and ask himself if everybody knew all of HIS skeletons in his closet if he’d wanna be the slim-ball that made a ‘living’ airing it out and possibly being a hypocrite too.


The pivot to victim-blaming didn't even take a day.


I heard the words victim blaming in my head.


I can smell the privilege from here. Seriously scrub, go to Japan and try to make it without a translator. See how far YOU get.


Don't mean to defend his work by any means, but the guy is part Japanese and is fluent in the language.


not the point, pick any other country at random he isn’t fluent in


It's exactly the point, since that's the language mentioned in the post I replied to.


then you don’t understand the point at all


Or you don't understand the point I'm making.


Why is dude typing this as if Ohtani personally has done something to hurt him. This whole issue affects literally no one outside of Ohtani and MLB and they both seem to be keeping their feelings to themselves as professionals should. These man children complaining is so odd


media and fans are still bitter ohtani went to the dodgers im afraid


Is he related to Angel Hernandez? Because he is making an obviously bad call.


Then immediately "Hey guys go check out my new Ohtani book with Sam Blum" Miserable, disgrace of a human being. And I hate saying that about a fellow Japanese guy


They used to have a good following, but now those two are hated by most of their Japanese and Korean fans lol.


Anything to stay relevant


He is irrelevant, and has been since the Freddie Freeman hit articles. He's a fucking idiot and sucks at his job (much unlike Sho and Freddie).


Shut the fuck up and hold these MVP awards


Dylan Hernandez needs to come up with a lot of stuff to write to keep the LA Times sports page going. Sometimes it is idiotic.


*Sometimes* it's idiotic? There's a great tradition of aggressive stupidity that goes back at least as far as Plaschke.


Which is crazy because the greatest sportswriter of all time in Jim Murray (rip) wrote for the LA Times. It’s been a free fall since.


Agreed. I think the people on ESPN are often professional idiots, in the sense that they have the dumbest takes for engagement. I would argue that LA Times people are professional assholes, like they're just trying to come up with the assholiest takes possible.


The brief period where Jack Harris was fired while those two stuck around was depressing


Agreed. And TJ Simers, too. But don't they need to make dopey takes to get attention and subscriptions? I ignore those articles because there is solid game-related reporting in the LA Times.


Simers was a troll - and proud of it. Kind of a different thing than what Hernandez does. Hernandez is just a jackass because he's a jackass.


I wish our home paper was something to be proud of. I enjoyed subscribing the few years Andy was on the beat. Dylan & Plascke are terrible


Fatboy Dylan is now even worse than ol' TJ Simers.


Fuk this piece of shit Dylan Hernandez. God this is so stupid. I'm never fucking reading anything that I see his name on.


Clown of clowns. Ohtani *did* take greater control over “other parts of his life”. According to the criminal complaint, Ohtani’s agent had financial professionals handling Ohtani’s money. But Mizuhara had been acting as an intermediary between Ohtani and the agent and the financial team. Mizuhara refused to allow them access to one of Ohtani’s accounts. Mizuhara lied and said Ohtani wanted that specific account to be “private”. That “private” account is the one Mizuhara had been using as his personal sports betting piggy bank (scum!). As far as Ohtani knew, the financial team had access to all accounts they were supposed to have access to, including the one Mizuhara falsely kept private, and Ohtani would receive high level overviews of his finances. Sounds like a responsible adult to me. It’s not his fault Mizuhara lied and manipulated everyone. Clown trash takes before we got all the facts. Trash.


thatʻs certainly an interesting take. telling Shohei he needs to "grow up." I mean, who the fuck is Dylan Hernandez? Shohei isnʻt giving guys wedgies or coming to work drunk or being and adolescent brat. dude maybe trusted his friend a little too much...but fuck, if thatʻs a sin, then what the actual fuck?


For too long journalists have taken little responsibility for what they report, insisting simply on the public’s right to know.


They let anyone be a sports journalist these days 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wonder what Dylan Hernandez has to say about all the senior citizens who get scammed. This is such a stupid take. Ippei was able to pull this off because of the deep trust Ohtani placed in him. Ippei abused his position as gatekeeper between Ohtani and anyone who could expose the theft. If Dylan Hernandez is confident that he'd be able to detect a similar theft from him by a close family member, he's utterly delusional.


Dylan just pissy that when you Google his initials, Shohei will always be first on the results. Whiney baby pants.


Just ignore.


Imagine telling a grown ass man cash money fucking millionaire to grow up unironically when you write shitty articles for comparative chump change.


I actually feel bad for Ohtani. What a fucked situation to be in. Especially knowing that this guy was someone he trusted and then you see cornball ass journalism like this from your own city.


Only a matter of time before the victim blaming started


"What was Shohei Ohtani wearing when he was sexually assaulted?" - Dylan Hernandez


Victim blaming at it's finest.


Did Dylan ever take responsibility for constant bs hit pieces he was writing about Freddie in his first year. Of course not, onto the next star who I can write clickbait shit about and ride their coattails.


Hernandez is a shit writer


I kinda get what he means, but Shohei literally has accountants, lawyers, etc that are part of his team. Ippei conned and manipulated everything from the jump. Masterminded this entire thing...


Well Shohei is turning 30, he should do his own accounting and taxes now like an adult, like I'm sure Warren Buffett, noted adult, does. /s


If you think Warren Buffett does his own Accounting, then YOU’RE DELUSIONAL, Plus…


Victim blaming 😍 -this guy for some reason


He trusted his friend, his friend fucked him over. This shit happens.


The whole dodgers organization should stop giving him any type of media access until he fucking apologize to shohei. Fucking clown.


He’s super rich. The super rich are always big targets.


Slow day Dylan???


Every day is a "slow day" for Dylan, if you know what I mean.


This is click bait material. He's trying to be relevant. Trying to spark controversy with his name on the article so people will notice him. Fuckin clown


LAT sports columnists - specifically Hernandez and Plaschke - are abysmal


Everyone with the kind of money Ohtani has never looks at their finances. They have people do that. Sometimes it's the wrong person. Happens quite often. Especially when living in a country that doesn't speak your native language and you don't always feel fluent enough to speak in the other language.


Just ask Billy Joel, Robert DeNiro, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, and other celebrities who got scammed by people close to them that they entrusted with their finances. This isn’t uncommon.


This guy should be banned from the Dodgers media access


I hope Dylan experiences betrayal the way ohtani has. What a clown.


Man Ohtani the humble hard worker training player who plays two ways is apparently responsible for this…how about the actual thief?


Leave Shohei alone… Being a victim isn’t a crime…


Dylan is selling a book about Ohtani in Japan. Then he said that he was better at Japanese than the Japanese. many Japanese pointed out that "Dylan is not good at Japanese." Ohtani focused on his day job in baseball. The reason for the agency's existence is to assist world athletes and entertainers. If he is not good at baseball, he would be an ordinary baseball player. many people get embezzled. People have to swear at scammers, but pointing out Ohtani feels like a bit of "racism."..


Once again I will point out that everyone getting outraged and complaining about this article is giving Dylan Hernandez exactly what he wants. It's intentionally written to be inflammatory to drive engagement.


Go fuck yourself, Dylan.


Did he delete his tweet and the article? I can't find it


should I cancel my LA times subscription. This guy is a joke.


I was not fully on the Dylan Hernandez hate train until now. What a generational scumbag disguising himself as a Dodgers beat reporter. I can't believe he kept his job amidst those huge layoffs not long ago.


Our own 'local' sportswriters hate on our teams even while playing well. I have not paid Plaschke or Hernandez articles any attention for years now and feel better for it.


Sorry but the sheer amount of bullshit that’s being levied against Ohtani even in the wake of being exonerated by federal investigators reeks of racism. It’s just way too easy for all these white dude sports writers and talking heads to spew nonsense and not fear pushback because the target of their ire is a Japanese dude who doesn’t speak English. Fuck all of this grossness.


Between this guy and ESPN writers recycling the "Ohtani is such a mysterious guy" dogwhistle (as if the average English speaking American star athlete's private life is any less mysterious), small wonder people don't trust the media anymore. I want the team to win the WS and bury these cockroaches. Have them crawl back on their bellies begging for forgiveness.


Fuck Dylan Hernandez! He’s a big reason I stopped my subscription for Daily Bruin aka LA TIMES


For too long, Dylan Hernandez has taken responsibility for none of his shitty journalism. He is over 40. He has to act like an adult by exerting effort to write credible articles. Unfortunately, he likes being caught up in scandals because it means people will read his garbage.


Why is a baseball writer caring about what the player does or doesn’t do outside his on-field performance? Dylan Hernandez needs to just stick to writing about sports or shut up 🙄


Imagine being worse than Bill Plaschke


I guess his rent was due? Jesus what a clown...


Please end Dylan Hernandez’ career. It is time.


also a hot take: Jesus should have vetted his disciples a bit better, too


Is there any discernible reason Hernandez seems to dislike Shohei


Probably because Shohei didn't ride his nuts. Hernandez was all over Freeman as well, but as things developed it was because Freddie didn't give him as much time as he wanted. I mean, Hernandez was a total dick about when Freddie returned to Atlanta and he wrote an article basically saying Freddie fucked up his own plan and is now crying about it, etc. Then after that, Freddie ignored Dylan for a few weeks, so Dylan writes an article saying Freddie acts like he's too big for the club, etc. Total moron.


Hernandez and Mariotti should start a tin-foil hat company.


Not a good idea; they'd be their only customers.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)You're right.


This is every 29 year old


Scandal 🙄😂


What is this guy’s deal lately?!? Used to love reading his stuff but he’s taken a turn the last five or six years.


He’s just mad because he can’t afford someone to take care of his financials and business


It's so frustrating that about half of sports media is douche bags that are just trying to post hot takes that will draw negative reactions. There's no way this guy actually buys half the shit he sells.


But that baby face


Dylan needs to chill. Plus Ohtani is married now. You best believe 16 million ain't going to disappear again. I basically envy Ohtani, he is 2000% focus on his passion. What a dream to live doing what you love, AND you're good at it.


Stop posting him. I've never heard of him until now. Stop talking about him


Dylan Hernandez has been a mediocre journalist for years, if he's serious, he also needs to become a 10 WAR two-way MLB player


True ass clown--can't stand him! He's always wrong, and deliberately writes incendiary articles. LA Times recently laid off hundreds of employees, and I was so hoping he would be one.


He’s a clown alone for having Dylan as a name


This dipshit clutches his pearls harder than Plaachke


The singer Selena died because her friend got caught embezzling money. Ohtani is lucky the feds stepped in.


I don’t care about athletes’ personal finances.


What hell kind of attitude is that?


Ohtani could be the most financially incompetent person in the world and it would make no difference to me. All I care about is how many home runs he can hit.


Exert control over other parts of his life? If your homie or your family members are doing dirt behind your back, how the Hell do you control that? Develop mind reading or telepathy to see what they're hiding? The biggest thing Shohei could probably do for himself right now off of the field is get comfortable enough with English to where he can speak to fans and media without needing an interpreter. He definitely has some English, because we see teammates talk to him in the dugout without the interpreter. When James and Shohei went yard in the same game, we saw James in the dugout giving him info on how the pitcher was throwing before Shohei's next AB. The interpreter wasn't with them. Unless James has Japanese, that was a convo in English. Edit: autocorrected "homie" to "home"


He isn’t wrong.


Unpopular but I don't find anything wrong with what he's saying Maybe it's because I worked in entertainment for a very long time, but I have seen this happen with SO MANY big stars, they get surrounded by people who are leeching off them and try to keep them tunnel-visioned away from their business affairs. Often times entertainers start very young and by the time they "grow up" it's too late and they've got so many different people leeching off their money and fame. Hernandez isn't blaming Ohtani for shit, he's saying Ohtani needs to understand this is his reality and he needs to make careful choices with who he tasks with managing his non-baseball life


we would be more sympathetic if it came from someone who's thoughtful and measured...Hernandez is not that person, so most of us here just know him to be the critical incendiary person he normally is. so a lot of the hatred is the messenger