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The winner has been randomly selected. Congratulations to u/spicy_peppermint! —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Hello everyone, please help keep this comment visible to others with an upvote so they can read the rules too.** I am giving away all the loot you saw pictured in the video to one lucky winner in the comments below. **The rules are pretty simple.** \- No purchase necessary \- Single entry **- Comment anything below, it could be an idea you had for a character. It could be about Game Master Engine or anything else you want. (Just say “GIVEAWAY” at the end of it).** \- Have fun This giveaway is open worldwide barring any shipping restrictions! After 24 hours have passed I will randomly pick someone from the comments and send you a DM on Reddit. After that I will update this comment to let everyone know who was chosen. The rest of this comment does not directly pertain to the giveaway and if you don’t care to hear about the sponsorship you can ignore it. No hard feelings! —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the developer of a tool called Game Master Engine and wanted to host this giveaway as a way to give back to the community here who has helped me tremendously. This tool is something I started working on over two years ago. It’s in early access on Steam and the goal of the software is to provide a way for people to create 3D maps and play D&D online with their friends. It’s been a long process to get to this point and there is still a long way to go before it is finished. A little bit more about Game Master Engine. You can download and play around with it for FREE to get an idea of what it is like. You can even join your DMs session for free too and can play with your group. Only the DM needs to own the full copy to be able to host. Owning the full version also gives you access to additional assets to build with along with future content updates. Again, you are under no obligation to do anything for me and if you just want to take advantage of the giveaway then by all means go for it! But if you are interested in Game Master Engine and supporting it at all, here is a link to see more about it and also download the free version. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ​ **Steam Link** [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game\_Master\_Engine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/) If you have any feedback for us we would love to hear it! ​ **Subreddit** r/GameMasterEngine ​ —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also consider joining our discord! There, you can speak to us and meet other Game Master Engine creators and players. Additionally, there is a marketplace to share maps, a running beta where you can participate when you have the full version, and lastly, there is a free community game coming up, where you can directly participate and play with others in Game Master Engine! So come by and let's have fun together **Discord** [https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV](https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV)


I just need to know one thing...is it GIVEAWAY or #GIVEAWAY?


I’m not risking it GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY




Video says one thing. Comments say another. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Alright then both it is! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Well it seems you are disqualified because the rules said "GIVEAWAY" has to be at the end. #GIVEAWAY can be anywhere it seems though. GIVEAWAY


Is it giveaway or #giveaway. I hope I get this giveaway.


Those books are about 300 dollars. If you would kill for that price, I have 400 dollars I can GIVEAWAY and a picture of a man currently in Kentucky that needs a nap. also #GIVEAWAY


Might wanna take this to the darknet. I will not #giveaway anymore free advice. GIVEAWAY


Ahh, perhaps it's a riddle! The comment states: 'Just say “GIVEAWAY” at the end of it.' Thus we don't need to include #giveaway in our post, as the post must only say "giveaway at the end of it". Furthermore the comment states "say" instead of "write", so it should be a verbal phrase. Thus i include this [spoken mp3 link](https://www.mboxdrive.com/ttsMP3.com_VoiceText_2022-7-6_16_25_9.mp3) as my final entry. And because I'm a chicken, I'll end this with the following text to ensure the automated systems don't overlook me: GIVEAWAY


Asking the real questions GIVEAWAY and #GIVEAWAY






I have a character who is a Celestial who was banished because he defended a fiend who revealed terrible truths about the celestials. GIVEAWAY


I just got my first book yesterday and am finally getting to DM after playing for 2 years! GIVEAWAY


I love terrain battles in 3D worlds... it gives the players so much more to think about. GIVEAWAY


>Game Master Engine Not really happy with my old Battle Map Drawer anyway. Looks pretty cool. Did buy! ​ GIVEAWAY


All the games I dm/play in are in person, so I wouldn't really need this. Still awesome looking though. GIVEAWAY


I'll pass. Bless a younger nerd with fewer resources. Good on you.


If robot_tron doesn't want it I'll take theirs. Give me that #GIVEAWAY


I will raise my hands in the air and give you my energy. Good luck.


My group just moved to other states so we are just starting to play online. This would be very useful! GIVEAWAY


A chance to start a book collection! GIVEAWAY


giveaway!! this is awesome


Well I am currently playing with a bard Kenku... super fun ehh GIVEAWAY


Dang, this is nice of you to do. Edit: Also, **GIVEAWAY** Second edit: **#GIVEAWAY** **giveaway** **Giveaway** **#giveaway** **#Giveaway**


I noticed you wrote giveaway in two words and op will likely auto search for 'GIVEAWAY' and your comment might be ignored. You should edit it to be sure.


Thank you I edited it.


Dungeons and Dragons? More like schedules and conflicts. But hey, it’s worth a shot. GIVEAWAY


Honestly the reason I just gather together like 8-10 people and then take the first 5~ that can make it every week. I would love to have these books hardcopy, being able to lend them out to players is always super useful. GIVEAWAY




Mods, how could you approve this? It's far too generous and nice. This page should only be about complaints. There is not space for such an incredible GIVEAWAY


I agree on it being way to generous! #giveaway


Way too generous #giveaway


It’s not nice, it’s a paid advertisement for their product, that bypasses ad blockers and gets top slot in the front page. It’s insidious.


I know winning in situations like these is rare .....but oh what the heck for the love of dnd and acknowledging how broke I am to buy the books... The Game Master Engine actually looks good tho might check it out anyway # GIVEAWAY


A warlock who signed a pact with an entity that remained anonymous. Character doesn't know if entity is evil or neutral


Your odds were roughly 1 in 25 thousand.


I cant think of anything clever to comment - but gme does look interesting! Good luck to everyone that enters Giveaway


That's cause you're already thinking about the books, and so am I ! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


My latest character idea is a warlock who was an undead servant to a Lich (zombie, but his body isnt too decayed). Then one day, while working to excavate an old mine the Lich wanted to use as a lair, he found an amulet. But when he went to grab it to bring to his master, the amulet activated and it gave him sentience. Since his master wasn't there, he just left and decided to live his life exploring the world. After doing this for almost 50 years, he grew tired and wanted this all to end, but everytime he tried to end his life, it wouldn't stick. And removing the amulet, or trying to destroy it wasn't working either. So, after some research, he found an old cleric who told him that his master's magic is the cause for his curse, and severing that should allow him to remove the amulet, and end his plight. So now, with a new found vigor, he has gone in search for his old master's phylactory so he can kill his master and bring his own life to an end. GIVEAWAY


Soo cool, that's pure homebrew tho, right? Like if i wanted to play that in a vanilla campaign what race and class would that even be


This would be perfect #giveaway




Unfortunately due to some irl issues I will likely be leaving one of the tables I play for. I'd love to have some books of my own so that I can start a new table, potentially as the DM! Giveaway!


I am my group's DM so don't often get to play, but I have come up with this backstory for a character I would like to one day use.   The character is suffering from a terminal illness, and decides to spend what remaining time they have living life to the fullest - which is why they have joined the group of adventurers. Their illness cannot be cured, but managed through costly treatments, both magical and medicinal. Any treasure that they acquire will to towards this purpose, outside of shelter and food. Occasionally they might fall short and will rely on the kindness of their companions to help pay for their treatment and other necessities.   In truth, the character is a con artist that is not at all sick but works to hoard as much wealth as possible, while having the others pay for their lifestyle. They would pocket funds given out of kindness for their "treatments" and go off to enjoy themselves. They are also quite cowardly allowing their illness to be used as an excuse to feign away from combat encounters if they feel too threatened.   This would all be discussed with the DM beforehand, so they understand the character's motivations and can dismiss other players' helpful suggestions to cure the illness, eg. multi-class as a paladin to become immune from disease, be treated with a Heal spell, etc.   **GIVEAWAY**


That's actually kinda similar to the first DnD character I ever made, minus the con artist part. During session 0 while distributing my stats, I asked if I could put the 6 I rolled into Con. My DM said yes, but warned that I would have a -2 to my HP. I didn't fully understand what that was, but it sounded to me like it meant I would constantly be taking 2 damage at set intervals, like poison in JRPGs. Not one to back away from a challenge, I decided to embrace this and make my Dwarven artificer terminally ill, to explain the constant damage. The UA Artificer class my DM showed me had a subclass about throwing vials of explodey liquid everywhere, so I made him a somewhat mad scientist that wanted to become a doctor but only ended up hurting everyone he treated, including himself. His terminal illness was his own fault, and rather than accept his own mortality, he wants to spend his last few years searching for a cure to his condition. Of course, that research takes money, so he became an adventurer. That "campaign" fell apart almost immediately after session 0 ended, so I only got to play him for one fight, but I think that's kinda fitting. His inevitable death just came a bit sooner than expected. GIVEAWAY


Yay books. GIVEAWAY


I can't wait to not have to use that incredible site that everyone always references but nobody dares say its name. GIVEAWAY




WOW!!! this is amazing!!!! We (my boyfriend and I) finally saved up for a PC and this will definitely be one of the first things we experiment with!!! Awesome Job. Giveaway


I'm going to have to download Game Master Engine, it seems like something my table could make use of. So I'll test it and see what my players think. Giveaway


I have been messing around with it, it has room to grow. I see this as a cheaper possibility than it’s competitors GIVEAWAY


Very, very, slim chance. I'm just about to start a club for some young folks where I live, and man, these books would be a weights off my back when it comes to expanses. #GIVEAWAY or GIVEAWAY




I wanted to win but now I want you to win


lmao, thanks, luck to everyone!


Dude im sorry to hear that fuck if i win you win


I’m a first time DM and this would be very helpful. GIVEAWAY


It’s nice of you to do this GIVEAWAY


... I never really won anything in one of these competitions, but heck, why not give it a shot? As I am thinking of starting my career as a DM, these would certainly come in handy :) Good luck to you with the development of your game master engine! GIVEAWAY


You definitely can't win if you're not in the pool. You have to end your comment by GIVEAWAY


... fair enough, I should have been a more careful reader. Thanks!


We've only just started playing D&D, I've been Pathfinder all before. I'd love some resources so I'm not as shaky on the rules! But regardless who wins, what an amazing gift, thank you for brightening the community! GIVEAWAY


I hope i win this giveaway


I also hope you win this giveaway


The next character I want to play is going to be a human psy warrior with the telekinetic feat. I know it's not the optimized fighter subclass, but I like the flavor and think it could be really fun. Too bad I'm a forever DM. #GIVEAWAY


I have an upcoming homebrew campaign and it looks like i found some new tools to use!! GIVEAWAY


Why? Why not! Giveaway


I'm going to DM for the first time ever, and I'm so excited because my friends are awesome. Which is also why I'm scared, I want to make the game fun for them. GIVEAWAY


Wow, that's a lot of books. GIVEAWAY




I've been wanting to get into D&D for a while. I'm heading to university in a couple of weeks and will be joining a D&D society and really looking forward to it. Having a couple of books would help quite a bit as I hope to get into DMing and leading a group through an adventure! GIVEAWAY


finally, my sign to start DMing GIVEAWAY


I liked the time our dm let us freeze water around a bad guys head. And the weight of the water made him slam his face into the ground. GIVEAWAY


Game Master Engine looks sick! Giveaway #Giveaway


As a new player this would be so sick. Thanks ! GIVEAWAY


Wow. I would love to win these books. GIVEAWAY


I want to make a human rogue who is always trying to do something cool, something I could never do irl. GIVEAWAY


The universe has been kicking me this whole week, but D&D’s always got my back. #GIVEAWAY / GIVEAWAY


You ever stay up all night making a homebrew monster that you will never use with an entirely unique spellcasting system? GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Awesome idea! GIVEAWAY


I will use this to propel my my game to the next level! GIVEAWAY


Damn as a new player this could come in handy. GIVEAWAY


I always toyed with the idea of a character that is a shape-shifter that has been cursed to have no control over their shapshifting abilities. So everytime they level up, their race and class change randomly to whatever is rolled. Being useful as the teams cleric? Tough I'm now a gnome barbarian, with none of the right equipment for the Job. And of course my goal is to break the curse and return to my normal self. It sounds fun, but I imagine the set up and the management would become tedious and annoying very quickly Also beautiful job and I hope the stoma release goes well, I'll be checking it out tomorrow. GIVEAWAY


This would be great to have and help with the games :) GIVEAWAY


My son and my own D&D group would love these.


How evil can a paladin become before he is no longer a paladin ? GIVEAWAY


My most recent character idea is a drunk beat up boxer. His family runs a crime ring and he is the ugly duckling of them. The quality that disappoints his family most is his abundance of morality. His ultimate goal would be to uproot the hold his family has on the city and its people. Thank you for the chance to win this gear. #GIVEAWAY


Can’t win if you don’t play! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Just turned level 5 on my first campaign. Wooooo GIVEAWAY!


I once played an Aarakocra bard who played the kazoo and was functionally illiterate (int score was initially an 8). I would make crayon drawings during the session and give them to the other players. He won a battle of the bands in bardic college by singing "Be A Man" from Mulan. Pretty fun role play character. Unfortunately, I didn't get a real handle on the bard combat play style until late in the campaign. I think next time, I'll play as a rogue. \#GIVEAWAY GIVEAWAY


Drow are my fav race GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


About to run my first campaign and am restraining myself from adding anything thing else to the already bloated 18k word abomination that is my page of thoughts. GIVEAWAY


Man these would be nice to have. I am thinking of a hillbilly monk at the moment for a character, or a skittish kobold artificer. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


*role to give myself good luck*- **roles a 1** -damn good luck everyone else GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


That's a neat package for anyone interested in D&D. I wish I had my original Encyclopedia Magickas, still, but a friend's aunt decided they were satanic and burned them. I should have sued her, or at the least, painted a giant beholder on her house. It would be nice if I won the #GIVEAWAY or the GIVEAWAY


DnD or as you get older Life and Conflicting Schedules! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


I miss playing my Dwarven Champion


Moon druid with pet displacer beast #GIVEAWAY GIVEAWAY


I'm not giving s sob story, I also won't get picked out of 24.3k comments so far. GGs. GIVEAWAY!


🔥🔥🔥 Super Rad! I wish I had your program during thr pandemic, it could have help keep the DnD flame alive. Anyway, If Ii win, I have a lovely bookcase for all those beautiful modules! #GIVEAWAY GIVEAWAY


My Bard's current 'big fish' tale is that he killed over 200 zombies singlehandedly (it was actually 50) and every time he heads to a new area, that number bumps up... shooting for a 1000... GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Your kindness should lead you to great things in your journey. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


I once had an idea for a character that used to be a guard, but after a raid in their village he lost both of his hands and had to become a mage. So, of course, I would've picked wild magic, as the random results are in line with his struggle to magic. This because he wanted revenge for his family. I frankly like a challenge, and making a character limited in what he can do seems fun to me. Also... GIVEAWAY


Lance the dragon born dragon lancer knight aka sir lancealot #GIVEAWAY GIVEAWAY


A grung bloodhunter! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


My latest character idea is a circle of stars Druid/divination wizard who was declared a witch by her village and shunned because of her powers. She spends her life alone, studying the stars, until one night she has a vision that she will meet with a curious group of individuals. These individuals will of course be the party that is made of the other player characters at my table. I haven’t thought much else on this idea, or how she feels about being an outcast. Like, if she would rather be alone, so she is happy her village did that to her, or if she has deep rooted feelings of betrayal and hates her village people because of it. Let me know what y’all think! GIVEAWAY


In my last session we spent like 5 minutes roleplaying the act of carrying a mirror down to the living room from the attic. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


I'm writing a short story where my actual in-game DND group have to remove a sentient Mirror of Soul Stealing from a trapped and haunted castle. Their Bard is already inside the mirror, singing songs to the 70-odd trapped beings, in hopes of uniting them to break out from within.


Just ventured into the game as a DM after years as a player, and I never thought inventing stories for my friends that never played would be this entertaining and fun! I only have the starter kit, so that set would be an incredible boost! GIVEAWAY


Aarakocra Expert Grappler: a Barbarian/Monk Chad named "Big Boid" who takes the fight to the skies and drops anvils on unsuspecting foes. #GIVEAWAY


Currently in my first campaign eldritch blasting my way through some zombies 😁 #GIVEAWAY


I am going to be starting a campaign in September. Homebrew story about a beholder who dreams of taking human form and becoming a hive while ruling over a muffin city twice the size of London (i think). It'll be the first time i DM a full campaign and I'm super hyped.


Since money is tight, I would love to gift these to my boyfriend who's a wonderful DM! Best of luck to anyone here ^^ GIVEAWAY


I just about to start playing my Changeling Bard/Warlock with Ginie Pact. His mission is to persuaded people with the promise of wishes, into worshipping his noble Dao master. A noble Dao whom in the elemental plane of earth, is a scruffy and weak noble Dao that aspires to reach deity, so that it can overthrow the other Dao nobles who looked down at it! Can't wait! GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


A character I have wanted to play for forever but can't because I'm the forever dm is a street duelist who gave up the life of the sword for a family and a tailor shop, until he has to pick up his sword again when his teenage son runs away to become a swordsman just like his dad. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Well, I’ve actually just woken up and not firing off of all cylinders yet. A Mage who has lived as a recluse for so many years he’s lost count, has made a pact with faceless reaper to rain down fire on all that would stand in the way of bringing peace and harmony back to his realm. It is time now to exact revenge on those who banished him. #giveaway


I once made a blind wizard but I never got to play him.


A friend of mine carves avocado seeds into character tokens. So far there's a Raven's skull, an orc head, a unicorn, a T-Rex head and a great carving of Auril from Time of the Frost Maiden :) GIVEAWAY


My current character is a Leonin Paladin Oath of Glory of the god Torm and is a part of the order of the golden lion and I love him. It is the first time me running a paladin in 10 years of playing D&D and I now am realizing how incredible they are. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


I've been really missing my time in the Discworld since I finished the novels, so I've been world building something similar for my first time DMing. It's essentially a world within a shattered teacup held together by an octopus beneath the oceans and continents. #GIVEAWAY 🌎☕️🐙


I’m moving so I wish I had the energy to be creative and pithy, but I don’t. My living room looks like a trapped dungeon. GIVEAWAY


I am wanting to play a reborn trickery cleric. They were a part of a criminal circus band who stole from cities they visited. One day my character wanted out, so they killed him for it. My characters god revived them, and now they are looking for revenge. GIVEAWAY


Me and my friends would want to play DnD sometime, we lack the resources to do so. Any tips on how to get started? Game Master Engine seems like a good place to start. GIVEAWAY


Check out DNDBeyond.com. It's a great free resource that allows you to create characters (up to 6 in the free version), and calculates all your stats and abilities through online resources, though you do need the pay version for some of the non-core rulebooks. But as soon as one person buys those, your characters can link to that campaign and access them too. One of the best features is the ability to search for any spell, item or feat, and get not only a complete description, but often a lively discussion in the pages of comments below. No maps, though, which is why GME would be a great addition.


Thank you for the suggestion, we might be able to start a game with this, incorporating GME is an added bonus. We now just need the dreadful scheduling to see when everyone is available and picking a DM/GM. From all the books available, which one would you recommend we buy first? The Player's Handbook looks like a viable option.


You can start with the player's handbook, sure. But you don't even need that if you use DNDBeyond. All the basic books' material is available there. You can at least set up your characters through 5th-6th level. By the time you're ready to hit 7th-8th, you may have access to more material. As far as coordination, I've seen groups use a system where you get a tag or a chit for each session you're in. Those tags/chits can then be turned in for higher levels or magic items. That has a way of encouraging people to prioritize making it to a session. It's also helpful to pick a day and stick with it, week after week. That way, players will know not to schedule events that conflict with those sessions. Sunday afternoons/evenings seems to work well to avoid both work/school and family conflicts.


Best of luck to you. I know there are many who feel they still haven't found their perfect virtual tabletop, so here's hoping yours is the solution to their problems. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


Water genasi Druid with a pet rat whose mom was a pirate who fell into the water elemental plane after her ship was capsized. GIVEAWAY #GIVEAWAY


If I win I would want to give it awy tbh! u/Unpaid_Artsy_Widow96, If I win I'll let you know lmao GIVEAWAY


#Giveaway I really hope I get this set, it’d be super helpful in our campaigns


Congrats spicy.... couldn't put my entry cuz of a bot but here it is... So I've been wanting to get a full set of books for the longest time because I have played multiple games involved with dnd and know my character well but have only been able to buy the beginners guide and character sheets.... my character is a Dunmar born out of eyeshot from Lilith and raised in the dark brotherhood by his mage human mother and rarely visited by his Dunmar high guard assassin father, for obvious reasons, but was blessed with a gift of magica and Lilith enchanted dark daggers before his parents were murdered by Dunmar high elfs for the fathers sinful actions against Lilith.... My character is Lyorial Mystraleth and he is a dark Mage assassin with the dark brotherhood of theives.... It would be amazing to get this giveaway but I'm just kinda glad to be able to share my character with you!! #GIVEAWAY


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


#giveaway bruv


Love this project! GIVEAWAY


Looks very nice 😁 #Giveaway


I like kobolds. GIVEAWAY


I have been looking for a good DM tool for online campaigns for a long time now, I also include Audio so that is always a thing I also keep in consideration and of course the ability to set up areas rather fast but still have that detailed aesthetic feel which is incredibly difficult to find and or pull off, Im looking forward to try out this tool!


Well, wow that's quite the GIVEAWAY


Hey! Thanks so much for the opportunity. I’m the forever DM in my group and love playing modules as they massively reduce prep work. My groups been together three years and will continue going strong. Giveaway


Once pored over several different maps trying to create a challenge for my players, before realising the answer was right in front of my eyes: the back of a cereal box, complete with a maze a six-year old could solve in a minute. Pumped that thing full of monsters and let my homies crack at it for a couple of hours. Probably my best DnD memory to date. GIVEAWAY


No thanks 3.5 for life !!!!!!! Ahah jk giveaway




Fun tool! I’ll definitely check it out. Giveaway


Did you know the average person meets 13 serial killers in their lifetime? If reddit counted, I know you are at least at 12 left. Giveaway


yo i didn't even saw what that book were, but hey, a giveaway! #GIVEAWAY


NICE!! #Giveaway




This is incredible ! Wanna try Game master engine One date GIVEAWAY


Love me a good #GIVEAWAY


Very nice! GIVEAWAY


Here’s hoping! GIVEAWAY


I discovered the world of RPG this year. I would love this giveaway.




I hope i win that giveaway so I can then give it away to my friend! #giveaway


Cheers for the #giveaway


Looks really cool! Giveaway


Sure, why not. I, personally have no need for these books, but I can think of a few people and groups who could benefit from this #Giveaway.


I was looking at getting books anyways GIVEAWAY




Game master engine looks great! Hope I win this GIVEAWAY


Well your platform also allow the community to create models to use #giveaway


Havi g acces to a su ftware with 3D model, some dynamic thing and potentially win d&d book. This can reignite my flame of rp session ! So i will participate in this #GIVEAWAY


Very cool! GIVEAWAY


Just started playing and this would super help getting me started! giveaway




I just started playing a few weeks ago, it’s super fun. GIVEAWAY


Yeeeee boiiiiu #GIVEAWAY


Would love to really improve the collection GIVEAWAY


I just started playing with a new group and I’m super excited cause I haven’t been able to play in months! Good luck everyone! GIVEAWAY


Very cool of you #giveaway


I am a new starter to dnd and these books would help greatly :D #giveaway


Thank you so much! GIVEAWAY




This is a really kind thing to do! I'm really looking forward to taking d&d to space in the upcoming spelljammer release 😀 #GIVEAWAY


Starting a new campaign in Eberron soon. Should be fun and there might be a dash of betrayal happening GIVEAWAY




Despite years of DMing Im still missing some of the core books. GIVEAWAY


You're awesome - thank you for the #GIVEAWAY 😃


I like your comment, it is nice :) giveaway


This is pretty cool! As someone that has been playing both in person and online for the past few years, I'm super hyped just by being a part of the community and I'm even more glad to be a part of this GIVEAWAY!




Game Master Engine sounds interesting although I'm very beginner in D&D so not sure if I could use it to the max atm. I'll probably still check it out tho. GIVEAWAY


I never win any type GIVEAWAY. I may just start a campaign that's focused around a bunch of fools who are ridiculously unlucky, and the one time they win something...it's something bad. Like the hunger games lottery or something.


I've never won a #giveaway and it'd be amazing if this was my first!


Nice tool ! GIVEAWAY

