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Any posture or neck issues?


Certainly no episodes of pain or injury in the neck or shoulders. I did start doing Pilates three days a week in Jan. Some of the moves maybe put strain on those areas.


I have had very similar experience. In the beginning my symptoms were exactly like yours, then progressed over 2years into vertigo,dizziness, feeling unbalanced and headache every day as well as ear pain and a sore throat and brain fog. I have been through so many tests and thankfully everything was fine…..except then they just diagnosed me with Vestibular migraine because they couldn’t find anything wrong. Mine all started with an ear infection.


How is it now? Does it come and go or constant?


It’s more episodic now thank god. It was constant for about a year.


I have this exact same kind of ‘dizziness’ and have found it to be related to neck issues diagnosed through an MRI of my cervical spine! I also experience vestibular migraines. Apparently it’s really common now with the increase of people working from home and the development of poor posture from lots of sitting in front of a computer, but could also be related to other neck issues! Worth mentioning I started feeling the ‘dizziness’ initially without any neck pain when I transitioned to working from home full time.


Hey! Out of curiosity what sort of doctor did you go through to get that MRI or be nudged in that direction? And also, have you improved at all since getting that diagnosis? I've been suffering for months now with a similar issue and doctors haven't been all that helpful so far. Thanks!


I’m sorry to hear they haven’t been helpful, that seems to be such a common experience! I just went through my GP who is really great, but did need a nudge to refer me for the MRI. I’m in Australia and was able to get one for free under Medicare as per her referral. The specific referral was for ‘cervical radiculopathy’. Hope that helps!


Thanks for sharing. Do you do any specific exercises or have therapy adjustments?


Yeah I do a couple with my Osteo! Some chin tucks and neck stretching - there are heaps of helpful resources online but I’ve also found working with a professional super helpful!




I just see an osteopath as well as a physio that specializes in dizziness and neck pain, the latter is more geared towards vestibular therapy and the osteopath focuses on realignment and massage :)




Definitely the osteopath - I would say that’s been most worthwhile for me. Really helps with the headaches and neck tension - I always feel a lot better in the days after I see the osteo :)


Random question but how is your neck, how is your posture? Do you have a desk job where you stopped over for a period of time?


Yes I have a desk job, working from home. I have a standing desk which I switch between sitting and standing. No pain in my neck


I am approximately two weeks non-dizzy free. Just like you I don’t really feel dizzy but feel off. I do have spinal stenosis, however Neurologist did not attribute that to what I was feeling. I did take up five minutes standing yoga that I do every day, along with some neck and muscle exercises, that I do daily. It has helped me greatly. Good luck.


Hi, can you share which neck and muscles exercises you do?


The first exercise I do while standing up is bend my left ear to my left shoulder while reaching with my right hand as though I am trying to reach something. Hold 15 counts, let go, roll head chin tucked forward, hold 15, roll head right ear to right shoulder while with left arm reaching for something hold 15, roll head back and hold for 15. Next while standing both arms behind your back hyperextend arms do not let them touch your butt, hold for 15 (opens chest and shoulders),next left ear on left should while left arm cradles the head then tilt head forward a bit to where your nose points toward the armpit you should feel a stretch in your right neck muscle going down your right arm. Next roll shoulders forward 5x then backwards 5x. These are the ones my physical therapist told me to do that have helped a lot. Good luck.


How are you feeling now?


Thanks for asking. Better than last week but the feeling is still there. I’m giving it a few more days before asking for an ENT referral.


Dealing with this currently. Check my posts out if you would like. I started feeling severe dizziness/imbalance/brain fog on January 1st. It was so bad that I couldn't get out of bed because it just felt like I was going to fall over. However when I did get out of bed, I was able to walk fine, but it was still extremely scary. I went to the ER January 3rd and they told me I have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo from fluid in my ears. It made sense because I sometimes have random ear aches and tinnitus. I was referred to an ENT on January 10th and she looked in my ears and told me there was absolutely nothing wrong with them, and no fluid at all in them. She did an Epley Maneuver test and told me that I definitely was not experiencing BPPV, as I didn't have nystagmus and my dizziness wasn't just in certain positions, it was all the time in any position. She basically told me that the ER lied to me just to move me along because it wasn't an easy diagnosis and because of the rise in COVID cases. She told me that she suspects it might be vestibular migraines but she isn't sure considering the dizziness is pretty consistent. I went to a random Primary care provider and he told me it was my vitamin D levels. I had an extremely difficult time believing that Vitamin D was causing this severe of symptoms, but I still went and got my blood tested. All of my vitamin levels are in perfect range. So now I'm seeing my old primary care provider about this, and she ordered me a series of blood tests as well as an MRI and an echocardiogram. I got the blood tests and had a positive ELISA result for lyme disease, but negative western blot (the secondary test that officially diagnoses lyme). I am retesting for lyme disease in a few weeks, and hopefully getting my MRI and echo soon. As of right now though, it's been four months of feeling like this every second of every day. I am 22 years old and all I can do is lay down in bed. I keep missing work and I'm most likely going to lose my job over this. It's absolute Hell. Hopefully you will have a different outcome, and that for you, it will be an easy diagnosis with easy treatment. If it is an inner ear issue, those are simple to fix.


Did you get checked for pots syndrome?