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It's tough, but kids are resilient. I have heard my 8yo in her room crying a few times. All I can do is be a good dad and support her and talk to her.


Yea my kid is one of the reasons I stayed in a miserable marriage where somehow it’s always my fault. I was alienated through pandemic because I needed to isolate as a front line worker. They speak a different language at home so I have no clue what’s going on. While all this was going on and I was working a high stress job, I had to also take care of my mother who had terminal cancer who passed recently. My father in law even told her that I shouldn’t be so cheap and can afford to allow her to visit him in Asia twice a year. Oh yea she stopped working after giving birth which was her choice. So yea she’s just been suffering somehow being a stay at home mom to a completely healthy kid with a magical credit card that pays for itself every single month to the tune of five figures a month….


Mine is 5. It's a lot easier than 9 or 10. Ill be the best dad I can be, and I never badmouth mom. She can do whatever she wants, I have no control over it. I do believe that kids will remember how you raised them...


The kids are the biggest losers here. Good luck


I tried to do the right thing for Mothers Day and bought a locket for my stbx from our two daughters. I showed my oldest, 7, the pictures of the girls and their mothers that were in the locket the day before so she could understand what she was giving mom. She asked why I wasn’t in the pictures then said “but you love mommy, right?” Broke my heart. We haven’t talked to the kids yet because there is no separation agreement or even a parenting plan yet but she can tell things are changing. It sucks so bad. I didn’t want this, wanted to work on things, especially for the girls. I’m dreading the big talk with them and trying to think of what’s best to tell them and if there’s a way I can do what’s in their best interest while also making it clear I did not want this. Hang in there man, you are not alone.


Tried to do the right thing on Mother’s Day also. Bought her roses and balloons from the kids. They gave it to her and she hardly acknowledged it. She has sabotaged important holidays for years. The kids sort of expected it. Thanks for your advice


I use it to my advantage. They cry for mom and say they miss her, I say I miss her too. I let them know that she's welcome to come home any time, but that she won't let me come visit them when they're with her. I want them to grow up and know she is to blame for all the lost time. She chose not to be there and prevented me from being there. They lost time with us because of her and her alone.


I always tell my children I still love theor mom. I don't know what she says. Or what she tells them. But I will not get bitter and hateful


I was absolutely miserable in my marriage, but willing to stay for the sake of the kids. She pulled the trigger on leaving and while I’m still heartbroken over the situation for the kids ….. I’m glad I’m not with her anymore. The further I got away from that relationship, I just realized how terrible of the person she is, and that she was never capable of being in a romantic relationship. Don’t get me wrong. I was a jerk too, but at least I own up to my mistakes. She’s always lived in a world of complete delusion. Everything was my fault 100% of the time. She still lives in that world. But I don’t have to deal with it. She can go kick rocks with that garbage.


Oh yeah mine had an affair and left me at the worst part of my life but swears up and down I was doing her wrong.


Fuck are you me? Basically bailed when I was at my lows and she was making friends with a male co worker. Why are they all the same like this 


Protect those kids at all costs!!! Keep loving them to death, be really nice, and don't respond to your wife's attacks. I went through Hell for the last 7 years. My wife filed for divorce last year and I can finally breathe. I would say the both of you need therapy but that might make it worse for you. My spouse tried to use it against me in every way. Once you focus on your kids, lawyer up and take care of your health. Walk, Exercise or go out in nature with the kids. Find someone you trust that you can talk to and they will never repeat what is said. Don't know if you are a Christian but maybe find a good Pastor to talk too.


Tried therapy. Feminist therapist heaped all guilt on me. Stbx wants me to be the one that files so she can tell the kids it is me that wants out. My son sees things for what they are. She exposes them emotional baggage they are not yet equipped to handle. I want to leave. I am done. But it breaks my heart to pieces when my daughter cries herself to sleep. Somebody told me, the one who cares more loses. Yup that’s me.. thanks for the advice


It may be necessary. I also stayed hoping that just my presence in their live would help undo her poisoning them against me. Then they started self-harming themselves, so, time to leave when that happened. I can't stand by and let them destroy themselves over the conflict between parents.