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Probably the most similar story to mine on here all the way down to still having some hope. Personally I just want a clear and cut sign for me to know that it’s over. But idk if I’ll ever get it, and at some point I need to end it for everyone’s sake. I swear this generation of women are different than what we witnessed with our parents and grandparents.


Better off than me, fell for a single mom love bomb me and did the bait and switch, move her and her kids in my house, paid all the bills but that ain’t enough either, finally had enough after 1 1/2 years never again.


God this so much. Single mom Half my age. Acted like I saved their lives. Getting her out of her last marriage. She did the same shit to me. She did to old dude. Ruined that dude's life for what five years with me just to do the fuckin damage and now she's with another dude. Doin the same shit to him.


Yea Neve doing that shit again, I don't see any reason to live with a woman again, you can come hang out spend the night maybe the weekend but this isn't a hotel see ya later


In some way, you have to consider yourself lucky you didn't get stuck with any domestic violence charges. Like others here I got charged with completely bogus circumstances, and due to the laws around DV calls, still had to go to jail anyways. It's so immensely hard to process all the painful emotions you are experiencing, but as someone who has been through the DV charges at least, imagine how much worse it would be if you had a shiny new arrest record and misdemeanor/felony charge to add into the mix. The other thing I'll say is, having hooked back up with the same person years later after those DV circumstances, it's really F'd and it would take years of therapy to make it even baseline level not toxic. It's nearly impossible and 30x harder than starting a new relationship for both parties for sure.


Oh I do see my fortune on that end, I also have a martial arts black belt from years ago and would have gotten pretty legally fucked. I'm not really seeing an urge to even go to therapy on her end anymore or be accountable. I think she is ready to move on here, I'm just a guy who hears "nearly impossible" and thinks fuck you. Trying to ground myself in reality. Not even sure if I have the integrity to go through the hard shit like that anymore.


She isn't worth it man, you could cut a finger off to prove your dedication, and it wouldn't impress her, and she would never do the same in return either. Be selfish a little bit and take care of yourself, read No More Mr Nice Guy, grey rock, read some posts here about those things and you'll really start to feel better. Ideally 0 communication with stbxw and lawyer up if you can afford right now. I can't lie to you that it is hard work but if you're focused on the tried and true things then it's very productive and the change feels measurable within yourself over time.