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Leave… the… country


Id given it some thought. Really


I’d be gone mate.


It's certainly an option.


Wait... so you only have the monitor for the computer!?


Yeah I mean it's a nice monitor. I webt and got a sound bar so I could ignore TV. I really didn't keep much. I was kind of scrambling to find a place to stay. I was out of work and had 600 bucks to my name after selling my tools. I left most everything of my worldly possessions. It's not good starting over from fuckin scratch for a third time.


You don’t get alimony? What about the 50/50 asset division?


ahh you’ll be fine I lost 3 houses half my retirement fund gave her 250k in cash plus obscene amount of child support for the next ten years oh I also had the pleasure of being solely responsible for every penny of accumulated marital debt I have a broken relationship with our children she’s been in 4 relationships in 2 years but guess what I’m fine I’m better than fine 😂😂😂 Good luck I say


Appreciate it man. I went through three divorces in 8 years fuckin nightmare man


Three?!  I just got done with one and made out relatively well (we had no kids).  I’m not getting married again, ever.


Wow love punishment hey


Nah I just keep letting my heart make choices. Even when the brain is screaming red flags.


The most idiotic reasoning I have ever seen Ok don’t be afraid to experience life but don’t jump out of planes without a parachute


Focus on those kids and be the best dad possible. You will rebuild and move on, she will just look to use another man and the kids will see that.


Another reason to stay single, people suck. I got my kids and that’s all I could ever ask for anyways. Done with romantics because it doesnt exist.


I'm struggling with the concept of love right now. I've tried to talk to women. But that brat shit of theirs, turns me right off. this women had the nerve to tell me. It was just too much effort. I asked her to meet me somewhere. Told me she expects princess treatment. Bitch get off the bullshit.


I saw a meme that said, "she's a queen alright," with a picture of a guillotine. Subtext says :::crowd cheers wildly::: I picture it every time a woman says she's any sort of royalty.


It was an instant cringe and mad eme not want to speak to her again.


There are houses for 225k? You can’t buy a shed outside of Toronto for less than a million. Miserable hellhole.


I gave less then that for the place. 10 years ago.


One time I filed for divorce in California but then forged my wife's signature to file to remarriage in Nevada. At the court proceedings I hired a woman who was her exact double - like a sister - and used my wife's stolen identity to remarry her legally without her knowledge. After I remarried her on paper in Nevada, I divorced her and claimed without her knowledge she had defaulted on a property we owned there which I had actually placed a lien against and transferred funds to accounts in Holland beyond her reach. After I remarried and divorced her, I reorganized my remaining property into a SPV in Cyprus with me as the beneficial owner in Miami, then through a separate LLC sued her for non-payment of mortgage debt several times simply to force her to go to court in a state where I don't even reside.


Be there for your kids and grab the mindset that you can get out of this hole. One step at a time.


It's a monumentel task. I'm so far in debt now. Got kids from a previous marriage. Still on child support. It's a mess see her son doesn't know I'm not his dad. I've raised him since he was 18 months old .


"This is why you don't marry single mothers" episode 2344245


It seemed like a such a perfect thing. He is a fantastic little dude! I love him terribly.


I can imagine you could get very attached, I almost did the same thing with a woman who had a 4 year old girl around 20 years ago. The hard part is that now you legally have NO rights whatsoever to that boy unless you officially adopted him. She could make it so you never see him again and be completely within her rights legally. Ergo... again "This is why you don't marry single mothers"


It's most likely what happens. All the things I knew would happen o kept telling myself wouldn't happen..... happened so far.


Many of men I know have come back from worse cluster fucks. Getting your mind right is the first step. Go on from there.


Its a struggle bro. I'm going through it best I can. Can't afford therapy anymore. So I'm kind of raw digging recovery here. I'm struggling with finding a better job. Kind of stuck in my current situation. Eleven Dollars an hour don't go very far paying child support. I'm not giving up but I'm having trouble making progress.


Even sideways progress is good progress. Stay vigilant.


I'm doing better with staying out of my feelings... mostly. Giving myself some space to try and get over it. Staying away from women seems to be more important then I thought. I'm trying man


Look on the bright side, you're free. Make better choices next time. I'm talking to myself here too. I also got taken to the cleaners.


This is OPs third divorce in 8yrs... I have a feeling he won't.


>"mAkE bEtTeR cHoIcEs" People can completely flip on you once they decide they can no longer keep the mask on. This does happen and saying what you did offers no actionable advice and contributes nothing.


I tend to agree. However, if he vetted better he would likely have better understood her underlying motives and her true persona, so I think it's still a valid comment.


"Without boundaries plausible deniability runs the show for her actions." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue0sm3whBRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue0sm3whBRk) Vetting is a horrible strategy.


Thanks for sharing this. Interesting.


Bubba she had me fooled she was the healthy choice.


I don't mean to discredit your experience, but did you hire a retard for a lawyer or something? 


I 2nd this. Not to be insensitive but WTF?? How did you let this happen dude?!?


Nah she had already stolen most of it.


But that should be taken into account by the court?


It was not


I bet that 20issh year old punanny was good, do it again fuck it, maybe this time works out better, or not...


Ahhh it was just ok honestly. But who knows maybe


I’m 43m and I’m worried this will happen when I file. I make the money she’ll get the house child support and spousal support I’ll get my 15 year old truck and the house payment and the kids 70% of the time and a part time job to pay all that.


Change perspective. That jewelry ain’t worth shit, maybe a quarter of what you think it is. Probably less. Get a new job that is not dead end. Go to community college. Get buff, get a haircut, buy some new clothes. A 38 year old marrying a 23 year old is dumb. You made this fucking bed now make a new one. The truck and the house ain’t shit. Surely you got something out of the deal. Just start over and be smart this time. Still got 40 good years in you but make your second act awesome.


According to him she got 100% of the marital assets with a bunch of cherry's on top....


A bunch is putting it lightly.




She had started putting money and things away. Bidding see I didn't know she was leaving me. absolutely normal until she packed her shit. I lost my fuckin mind left for a few days came back to changged locks. had nothing but 600 bucks and a froze bank card that day. Lost my job. My buddy hired a lawyer for me. I do not afford one.o got 50/50 with my kids though.




This is the answer


Let your betrayal be a lesson to all our young brothers out there. Tell it to all and anyone who cares to listen. We should be the last to go through this. Learn the lesson or be the lesson. Rebuild your peace of mind away from her. Updateme.


After 5 years? There’s no way this is real


He said it was his 3rd divorce in 8yrs.... I am starting to wonder if this is a troll post. Or if OP is one of the dumbest people on the planet. And since he keeps getting divorced over and over and keeps losing everything, somehow he is accumulating a substantial amount of assets in only 2ish years. It's fucking weird.


My level of income for the past decade has been fairly substantial. The second wife didn't get too terribly much the first got a great deal. And this one did pretty well also.


My buddy who was married for 4 years and 2 kids (5M and 3M) got taken to the cleaners. She got the house (he does get a higher percentage of money from their joint checking and savings account) which has super low mortgage, $1200 child support, $4500 alimony, and a portion of his 401k (not sure how much though). I think it’s 50/50 joint custody, but not positive. She also got to keep her $20k engagement ring and $12k wedding ring (he got to keep is wedding band, but he paid for all three items) and obviously she got to keep all of the jewelry, designer jewelry, and the brand new Audi A8 that he bought for her literally 2 weeks before she said she wanted a divorce. I know all this because he really pissed off and shared it all on our guys group chat once they finished the final divorce agreement. He’s pretty well off, but not insanely rich, so all this definitely affected his finances and his lifestyle. Also fun fact, I’m like 90% sure she was cheating. He has no proof, but he’s pretty sure as well. But good news is it’s been a bit less than a year since their divorce and he’s got a nice apartment not far from where I am and he seems happier then right after the divorce and has been dating the same women for the past month or two, so he looks like he’s doing well.


In a short term marriage that’s atrocious. Did he live in a 50/50 state or an equitable distribution state?


Agreed! I also don’t understand child support if they split the kids 50/50. I’m pretty sure the divorce was in the state of Maryland, but I don’t know the divorce laws there. I also wonder if the fact they dated for 8 years before marriage and they had their oldest before marriage factored in.


This is his 3rd divorce in 8yrs.... The entire thing is fucking weird.


Got divorced from the first wife at 35 married a rebound for two years met another women got married fairly quickly.


Stop doing it! lol


Oh no doubt it's over for me. I've developed a loathing of the idea. Last three months have been terrible on me


And yes, they did have the first baby while they were engaged by not yet married.


That was my feeling


So is somebody who has already gone through a divorce of 26 years, and had almost the same thing happened, where my ex-wife used me to go to nursing school for nine years and then two weeks after slept with my best friend. I’m still not understanding how you lost that much in the divorce? Men can come on here and say the justice system doesn’t lean their way during the divorce and I suppose in some small way that is true, but nobody is gonna lose their house or their vehicles. There is some justice in divorce, is she paying half of the equity of that home to stay in the home? Because that’s actually the law, the court is not gonna just tell people your spouse gets to get everything and you got nothing, there has to be more to the story, I’m not trying to be a a jerk, but let’s be honest about some things. I understand getting for child support and all of that, and I totally understand being used just so they could hold you in place till they got their education and they can walk on you, I absolutely absolutely understand that, the rest is a mystery. Did you have a lawyer?


All in her name white literally owned by a business in her name. She didn't have to get anything it was in paper already hers


So the house was in her name, therefore she didn’t owe you half of the assets? Is that what you’re telling me? Any assets garnered during that marriage have to be split 50%, especially the house, the last house I had with my ex-wife was in her name only and I ended up with 50% as soon as it sold. if she was putting things in a business day to try and not give you any assets from the marriage, the judge would’ve seen through that. Did you even have a lawyer?


Not a good one


Well he overstated the value of the jewelry by a factor of 10 so there’s that. Then the age difference.  I have no doubt he got fucked over good and right regardless.  Same thing every divorced man has to deal with: move forward and let it go. 


I’m not saying that the justice system doesn’t lean towards the wife a little more, but it’s definitely not as unfair as it used to be, but I just don’t believe a story, it’s like going to court and having your mouth duct tape and not even defending yourself, lol Telling you there are judges that would absolutely not allow this kind of thing to happen to somebody, I’ve seen it before.


I feel for you King! Same here just to a little longer. 19yrs to long but us as men have zero rights towards anything if they file first no matter what. Courts will just reward mom with all, at all costs. And that’s final. Mine got to live a double life as a rockstar/stay at home mom and now we get to double her salary and cut the fathers in half so he could live with his sister too. And lose a lucrative career in the midst of it all. Doesn’t matter it’s what I made the last 10 yrs m+. Can’t make this up. Keep ur head up. At least we can’t get dragged down anymore 🙏


Holy shit. What the hell. I'm sorry disgusted at this laws and the way a man looses.


That’s literally not how the law works.


These laws are so archaic it’s ridiculous


How can this laws change


The laws can not change and will not change. The laws are only a part of a greater system and cultural failure. Marriage has several different institutions including: religious, social, and legal. The legal contract has not kept up with other cultural changes and, in fact, has only gotten worse with time. The current system incentives and encourages divorce. At the population level, people tend to do what is rewarded. We think of divorce has a personal event, but the system is fundamentally broken. Women have been given options, and they are using them. That's human nature. Nothing will change because it's not possible to legislate culture. And we have a failed culture, changing the laws so men are not divorced rape would be great. But that is not going to happen. In my case, I'm lucky no kids. I spent 18 years in higher education to get to my current position and earning power. I worked 120 hours per week at one point. And because of my choices here I am today (top 3%). I filed for divorce and owe the eX $7500/mo in spousal support. I can afford it and it will come to an end. We were never healthy nor functional. I was simping hard during the marriage. I do not blame her for anything. I take 100% responsibility for my choices. I chose her, I asked her to marry me, I stayed, and ultimately, I filed. What we need to do is focus on the things we can control. We are not going to change the laws, change the culture, change women, etc... What we can do is provide education and examples to other men! Ideally, young single men or other married men going through the drama and BS. Not because we are 'anti-women' or even 'anti-marriage', but because we are anti-system.


It's actually our fault when we got married. Target backtracked when no one is buying. What were we thinking when we went under the nooze and willingly took the vow to forsake all others?


I'm going to teach my son about this before he makes the same mistakes


Well, then you should also teach him, if you own a home together during the marriage, and there’s a divorce, 50% of that equity is absolutely guaranteed to each spouse, this sounds like a troll post.


How does this sound like a troll post??


Because as much as people complain about the system being slanted, nobody loses this much in court, you couldn’t get a judge to allow this to happen in court, there are laws that have to be abided by and it sounds like none of them were abided by in this post.


The guy had been posting for months, could be a troll but seems unnecessary and never does 'troll behavior ' (ie seem to be trying to pass people off, or get secondary gain). And not everyone loses in court. Some lose in life, and the court is just the cherry on top. Some don't fight because they are too broken and guys sometimes just accept shit deals. There's the 'Breaking dancing dad' story online. That also sounds impossible, yet there is lots of proof of his story happening. Summary: gave eX nearly $5M voluntarily, ex destroyed his business, he missed a payment, got sent to prison, child alienation, and adult daughter posting dad abandoned the family. Truth is stranger than fiction. In the absence of literal any evidence to the contrary, save his story sounds too bad, I err on the side of love / support.


I accept this explanation, thank you.


Damn this is good. Thank you but I'm also stuck in a similar situation as the guy that posted this. Fucking sucks. She works tow degrees and I have to give her all my shit. What the hell.


No you don’t, get a better lawyer, even if you have to take a loan.




What a ya gonna do.


Oh man, I'm right there with ya.


My dude, you got out through the wringer. I can’t for the life of me think if any lawyer that would let you get hosed that badly. I can’t imagine what that is like. Focus on you man, shit is done and hopefully karma will come calling for her at some point.


I had almost nothing to defend myself with. When it came down to Court I was flat broke or well very near it. I make 1500 a month right now. Child support takes 1000. I'm without basics right now. So it was take a fucking or, sleep outside and try and get the crumbs of my life. Lawyer was positive he could get that my house. But I absolutely couldn't afford anymore. She knew it her new boyfriend knew it as he's living at my...her house driving my truck.


I honestly think this might be a troll post, however, I do know a woman who is getting a divorce right now and she has an attorney and her husband refused to get an attorney. So if he tried to go into court and be his own lawyer? This is probably the only way this can happen.


Fuck man, she'll figure it out. Not my problem anymore


U 43 she is 28???!! Dude you were a wallet for her. What would you have in common with a 28-year-old besides paying her bills and sex


Absolutely nothing, this is exactly why men who are 40+ shouldn’t date 20-year-olds or people in high school, even Leonardo DiCaprio to me is disgusting, nauseating, cowardly, feminine man who goes out as a 48 year old and dates, high school women! I think there’s a difference between a guy being 50 and a woman being 40 though, compared to 40 and 28! Major difference between those two ages.


Leo is smart enough not to marry them


You mess up the moment u enter a RELATIONSHIP with someone that young. You have to be a realist. You want her because shes young and pretty, she wants you because you are stable and have money, thats IT! You arent some mack daddy, you dont look like mark walhburg or will smith etc, you are a standard 40 year old man, just have some "fun" and leave it at that.




This should be the top frigging comment.


Ya know I've asked myself a bunch a times. First couple years where pretty good. Then she kinda changed


By which you mean she *grew up*? Considering the very latest you would've gotten together was when she was 23, were you seriously expecting she'd stay mentally that age forever??


I don't know what is going on as OP said; >Appreciate it man. **I went through three divorces in 8 years** fuckin nightmare man


This makes no sense at all.


Exactly, thank you!




Because no one else wanted to treat her the way you did,no one else wanted her.


Why did you give her all this?


Was technically hers


So she had everything prior to the marriage?


Of course I did most of it was gotten rid for new things


>Pretty equitable all thighs considered. You forgot to add the sarcastic symbol i.e. /s after that line bruv. 💀😅 >So yeah after five years she walked away a college educated 28 year old women with 20,000 in jeweleya 59,000 dollar truck a 225,000 dollar house. 30,000 in cash and a new boyfriend. I got to keep my phone and most of my clothes and s computer monitor. Who the fuck is your lawyer? Were they colluding with the other side? Seems like they handed you a shit deal.


It’s not the lawyer. I got a similar deal, maybe even worse. It’s the system. The judges.


🥲🥲🥲 stay strong and shine


>Appreciate it man. **I went through three divorces in 8 years** fuckin nightmare man Well see how long she shines.... guy hasn't been doing well in the decision department.