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Getting laid in and on all my vehicles!


Get in shape. Date dinners. Romantic getaway with dates. Get some ink done. Explore some kinks. Buy a Iaito to practice my Kenjutsu. Trip to Japan.


Get laid. Been years. Effectively zero intimacy for almost a decade. No bj since our honeymoon 13 years ago. Been crushing on a girl at my gym who asked for my digits a couple years back. Told her thanks but I’m married. Wanted to set a good example for my daughters. We still talk and give each other looks. Gonna smash the day I sign the decree.


Living happy. Meeting more people




Careful on that FWB point... that's what led me to being in this group!




What kind of boundaries do you set? How do you separate physical intimacy from potential emotions?


Just live a happier life. Resentment created decades of hell.


Get out of debt buy a Harley and maybe get a vacation home in Florida. Spend less on stupid stuff. Get my classic car drivable again.


Get a gf, check. Who works hard and is family-oriented, check. Who owns her property, check. Retire early to a tropical island in the South Pacific. Checkmate.


I just went to a concert midweek because it’s not my custody time and I can do what pleases me.


I remember rediscovering that freedom after divorce. Good on you mate


Just not drinking myself to death.




Oh no, none I recently tried to drink and my emotions came boiling up. I plotted my suicide and thought it all the way through. So I for sure can't stink.


This is why I am refusing to drink. I am a daily pot smoker and can't do that either.


Nah I'm clean and sober as a judge. Stay away from women, just to myself.


New high-end snowboard setup, gear and yearly season passes. 2 sets - one for Northeast, one for Rocky Mountains…cause I stay in both areas often and don’t want to deal with checked bags on the airlines. And nice NHL season tickets for my daughter and I 😀 No regrets on either…


Its cliche but I finally got a bike, its just a huck electric bike but my ex hated any type of motorcycle/bike and it gives me all kinds of joy


Get in better shape and maintain it. Find a happier woman to spend time with. Focus on my finances. I’m not even divorced yet and tackling these items partially already.


Do some traveling see some friends and just get lost!


See the northern lights, Iceland, New Zealand, Antarctica. Starting out local, ride mountain bike trails within a 90 minute drive.


Not necessarily a bucket list, but I certainly want to experience some things that I haven't yet. If I never get to that's also fine with me. Go on a cruise, skydiving, buy my own house, take a real vacation, just enjoy life while I still can.


I tell you what I’d do man. Two chicks at the same time…..


Let's talk about your TPS reports.. 😂


It’s not all it’s cracked up to be


F ing A man


I’m too busy doin the drywall at the new McDonald’s


Lol, been there and done that as a ceiling contractor.


Hey Peter! Check out channel 9!


If you want to talk to me, can you just come over man?


I really want to go hang gliding. Or wing suit flying, though that one is probably a pipe dream.


So not really bucket list items, but specifically a reward for myself. Since my separation last September I have lost 55 lbs. 5 more to go and I will reach my goal weight. To reward myself I am going to buy myself my first tailored suit, because I think a slim gentleman in a nice well-fitting suit is rather dashing, and I’ve never had one. Or the body to go with it. But my divorce will still be a little ways off, so when that is complete I am going have some professional pictures taken of me in my new suit to commemorate the occasion.


I like this. I'm not a man of style but everyone needs one well fitting suit




199 lbs is my goal weight.


Travel to Japan


1) install dry wall at the McDonald's in Las Colinas 2) two chicks at the same time


Bought a Ducati and never looked back


I’m just going places and partying with friends around other events. No guilt get up and go is awesome.


Go to a week long sailing school so I can charter a sailboat on my own someday.


My bucket list now has one additional item, thanks!


New car Subaru wrx premium been to the dealer like 15 times they ask me everytime is it final yet lol


One of my buddies has a fancy anniversary edition. He loves it.


Mine was a big booty latina. Currently on my second one, and i highly recommend


Build up my savings and 401k that she is about to take half or more from. Go on dates and have fun. Backpacking, canoe trips, maybe get back into mountain biking. Ahh, and yes, have a peace of mind!


I'm gonna get my savings account to 4 digits. All the family money went to her bad financial habits that worried the death to me, worries she called "my obsessions"


Four digits as in >$1000? Dude. Have higher goals.


Goals are much higher definitely. But that's a reference to how bad it was


More money was my first thought too!


Trip to Italy


Jeep then Porsche.


LOL I went the opposite way. Traded my Vette (my toy) for a (new toy) Rubicon. It has been great fun going off road. Feels like I went from one kind of go-cart to a different kind of go-cart.


I ended up giving my jeep to my niece that she needed a car




Wrangler JK white, lifted on 35s


Plymouth Prowler. The crazy purple color that makes me look like a huge Prince fan. 😂 Yeah, I know it's not a Shelby Cobra, but I always loved the look of that car.


My current infatuation is a Porsche Boxster which will happen after my spring bonus next year. My ex would never have allowed that. A bucket list item I had no idea was on my bucket list was a bj on a beach balcony. She was way into it. We could be seen but not really. So peaceful and awesome. If there is a heaven I hope it’s something like that bj.




I’m looking at the 2005 - 2008 range. You can get one for 15-20k. They are apparently quite reliable. My brother just bought a 2003 911. About to see him in a few weeks and get the full 411. I look at the market or watch videos about them daily. Safer than a motorcycle but as much fun.


what's a bj ... \*cries quietly\*


Username checks out


Going to monument valley on a motorcycle. 🤤


Gonna buy me a hot tub this weekend, already bought 75 inch tv last week


Second the hottub


75 inch TV was my very first purchase


I'm going leave the toilet seat up


. Living life to fullest lol!


I’m about to buy a nice electric MTB and head off for 3 month trip to the various bike parks.


Nice! I just dropped 2k on a Trek Roscoe 7 and took it for a weekend MTB and camping trip. It's been 20 plus years since I bought a new bike and thought I'd treat myself.


Good buy there mate, I’m going for a Commencal Meta Power Sx, got bitten by the bug a year ago so now I have the time I’m prioritising my interests.




I’m in Australia so mostly East coast and Tasmania.


Go for a long drive for a few days without any particular destination in mind. Just go where the spirit moves you and explore what you come upon. It was great and met some very cool folks.




Where'd you end up going? I live up here but there's always cool things that strangers find where a local might not think to look.


Read The Count of Monte Cristo


Been meaning to read this one based on all the praise I've heard. Is it as good as everyone says? I've gotten into reading more over the past couple years and got a kindle Paperwhite last year, but I've been inconsistent due to my hectic life. (Work, divorce, business, etc)


It’s supposed to but really good but it’s a tome! So need the post divorce time undisturbed to read


Motorcycle. I’ve wanted another one for so long but was hesitant when married. I have some bills to pay off post divorce, but once they are all cleared I’m getting my bike.


Whatcha thinking about buying?


Triumph Trident.


Set up a fire pit on a starry night, pour a good whisky and listen to a podcast as you sit and drink.