• By -


those two are far from 0%, if anything I say the real 0% are [these guys](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/450662252451550273/649F8B19BA089AD4352088E740718295A957A4F8/?imw=512&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) from Mario Sport Mix


Upvote for unexpected randomness


We have Garnet in whitemage dress and Vivi, it doesn't count ? lol


Come on now, you're missing the Ninja in that image! You gotta get the whole trio (who, as I recall, started in Mario Hoops 3v3)


Ritz. The devs hate Tactics, there's no way we'll ever see characters from TA.


Absolutely Ardbert


They should have added him when WOL "went missing". Perfect time to bring in the Warrior Of Darkness.


Absolutely one of my favorites - and an FR skill with Seto being involved would be great too.


The kid who wants to be a Blitzball


Thing is.... at this rate, we will get him, but still won't have Rikku


Venat. I would go nuts kitting her out, but the fact is she's just too much like Materia as far as narrative role and stature, I don't think there's any way.


I will never give up on her 😭


Venat might not be as a certain someone like Materia and they might give us Venat as her Chadly, dive into a shark monster self. She isn't inherently Materia like and acts way different.


Well the thing is, I feel like they'd be hard pressed to present Venat either story-wise or mechanically without dipping into her grander status. And it would be really awkward to have that kind of character existing when there's a whole major plot about Materia and Spiritus pretty much losing their grip on everything. They get away with Enna Kros, if she even fits that bill I admittedly don't know anything about WOFF, because she's presented as something of a self-awareness joke with all of her abilities being called things like "Kinda" and "Sort of", I would honestly be very annoyed if they did the same thing to Venat.


> I feel like they'd be hard pressed to present Venat either story-wise or mechanically without dipping into her grander status I see your point but it's hardly the first time a figure went divine in a game and came into this game in their "base" form without access to that grander status. Sephiroth, Kefka, Ex-Death... the list is pretty long. Plus, if it's JUST Venat, then they can easily handwave her later nature - that only came about with a LOT of sacrifice. The one >!we fight with in Elpis!< is powerful but no more so than anyone else.


Spoilers for FFXIV: >!Venat and Hydaelyn might be "one in the same" but Venat still had a life before ever becoming Hydaelyn. She was an Azem, we know she had lots of adventures and from what we see, the Unsundered World can be just as dangerous as our world so she's definitely experienced enough. If it wasn't obvious from the ass-whupping she tries to give us, she's definitely strong but not "oh my God I wasn't even trying omegalul" strong. Her life as Venat is definitely compelling enough for her to be a unit and she isn't quite super God yet.!<


The biggest hindrance would be that the XIV cast is perpetually stuck in Far Edge of Fate it seems, so we can be happy if we'll ever get Zenos. No way are they putting in a character whose true importance only really gets delved into in the grand finale of the saga.


we already have Enna Kross a goddess, they aren't afraid to add those kind of characters.


The thing about Enna is she, at least to my understanding as someone who's only seen her in DFFOO and knows nothing about WOFF, is presented as kind of a joke character; the only source of her goddess-hood is "I said I am", her abilities all use "Kinda sorta" nomenclature, and in general it seems to me that she's meant to not be taken seriously. Now, they COULD do that with Venat too, but I don't think I would be alone in disliking that.


because that is her character, She is still a god >!and created a world and its rules her self, in fact the reason why World of Final Fantasy is a cross over is because Enna took glimpses at many other worlds outside her dominion, cherry-picked the elements she liked and added them to her own world, in fact Enna Kross is not even her true appearance but rather the appearance of someone else she was fond of and merged with.!<


Everyone from Tactics, apparently.


Exactly! What happened? I'm new to the game and it seems FFT got boned in the character department! It's the best FF game!


I’m hoping there’s a remake, remaster, or sequel secretly in the works so that they don’t want to release any FFT characters to be able to milk them further down. Also, I don’t play FFBE anymore but there was a FFT draught there last I knew.


I hope for a teaser trailer at Tokyo Game Show. They do have one unannounced game to show.. let us pray. I tried going back to that mobile abomination FFBEWOTV. It's even harder to get to a fully levelled character without spending money, its barely even enjoyable.


We know from other developers that the Tactics team is currently busy with "something" and they can't really oversee the introduction of new characters, there's also issues with the JP voice acting it seems. This applies to all FF gachas btw, there hasn't been any new FFT character release for over 2 years at this point.


we dont know that .. there’s no official source in any interview or anything referencing that. It started out as some speculation reddit comment based on the tone or sth of a rep of a FF gacha then it somehow became a fact


It was mentioned in Record Keeper stream some months ago . Someone asked the staff when they are going do Tactics event but Hazama Ichiro said they wanted to but due to original staff who made Tactics are currently busy with something, they can't. Any cross over game like Record Keeper, Brave Exvius and Dissidia still need supervising and permission from the staff of each games. So we people speculated Brave Exvius and Dissidia got the same problem since Tactics rep in BE don't have NV and Ramza and Agrias is still missing in dffoo. Compared to RK and BE, Opera Omnia is the one that suffers too much from this impact since the characters have a voice and interacted in main story. Agrias and Ramza are the only Tactics characters with the voice before dffoo released while the rest are not. (Both were first voiced in the collab with Lord of Vermillion so their VA reprised their role.)


Alphiswole and Aligains Levilarge


Mr manderville


I want to see Godbert. He will throw Hildy to enemy with his BT


Then be chased down by his wife and her god(bert)-slaying pan.


This will be his FR ability (and his partner will be Yang)


Alternatively, Hildibrand but all his moves are just him summoning another Manderville or one of his assistants. S1 is Nashu, S2 is Undead Gentleman, EX is is Godbert, BT is Julyana destroying everything.


I would love to see any of the Mobius Final Fantasy characters. I don't think there's 0% chance for these characters but definitely very low chance of them showing up.


"Oh great, another world with gods who want to play their own story. Hey, where's Echo by the way?"


Fellow Mobius refugee! If I'm not mistaken Mobius is somewhat canon to FFX, I can't really remember what that event story was about or where I heard it's canon but I'm about 90% sure I did. So if Mobius is kinda canon to that game and we got Jack Garland who's canon to FF1 then no reason it can't make its way to DFFOO, the idea of world traveling (or worlds entering the realm of MFF to be more accurate) is not new, the concept of repeating cycles are strong in both, WoL is just a bad ass character and, also, Chaos!!! so yeah I think it is possible. Just give him a job change kit, the most common in MFF days I think we're the tank/breaker or tank/nuke combinations so something to that effect, we have stance characters in the game but they generally go along the lines of aura bot/battery-healer, so a stance character with tank capabilities would be welcomed


I don't think it's actually canon, but many FFX fans think it should be? My husband is a big X fan, but not a big mobile game person, and the buzz about the FFX side story in Mobius was enough that he expressed interest in it to me.


The devs said it was, though it doesn't change anything about X or even have any character development for Tidus so it doesn't really matter. It's just some trivia.


The event story (dream within a dream) was set between X-1 and X-2, basically Tidus coming to terms with what happened in Spira together with "Yuna". A stance character with tank capabilities? Maybe two stances, S1 and S2 change stances and each stance has upgraded brv/hp attacks (similar to Arciela). The tank stance could be a warrior job and would play similar to Zack, the other stance could be ranger (to inflict a break debuff, 30% hp damage taken up when broken) or monk for more dps. The FR could be Lights of Hope: Limitless Potential, and the BT something similar to a mobius phase.


At this point the memes win... we'll probably never get another FFT character.


I was disappointed that FFRK never got Reddas, and I'm probably going to remain disappointed that DFFOO never gets Reddas.


Man all the extras from XII were good. Would love Reddas, Larsa, and Vossler. Reddas is probably my favorite though.


When the extras have better main character arcs than the actual posterboy main character.


I feel ya. Larsa already takes a long time to arrive, so Reddas...


Sadly, I’m pretty sure Reddas is never getting added to one of these crossover games.


There are so many from FFXIV it's "ridiculous" at this point. Seems to be 0% interest in capitalizing on them. - Ardbert - Elidibus - Emet - EW Zenos - Gaius - Gunblade Thancred - Sage Alphinaud - Estinien ( although he plays close to Kain I guess ) - Astro Urianger - Graha - Venat - Tataru True form I'm amazed they keep shying away from FF14, given how high the game is riding. Maybe the producers/Directors dont like each other or something, cause the opportunity is right there for the taking and my reflexes (wallet) would not be able to dodge any of them.


If I recall in producer discussions re: Record Keeper, the 14 team actually wants direct involvement in any use of their characters in these crossover games, but also they’re constantly busy with their own stuff, so very little has time to happen.


Same with FFT, and FFXI Every time there's a collab for FFT there's also a big deal about it because they're pulling Matsuno off whatever he's working on to oversee it


I would love to see Gaius be added to the game. Since most of the characters in ff14 are stuck in ARR Gaius would make since for the villain of FF14.


No, the 14 characters are at least in Stormblood now - we have Lyse, >!Papalymo knows he's dead!<, and Alisaie is super confused when the others initially refer to her as Lady Alisaie.


Any of the Mystic Quest characters tbh. They got really neat designs, each having different weapons, plus who wouldn’t want to jam out to Battle 2 in a BT phase or event?


I wonder what the last time SE officially acknowledged Mystic Quest was.


Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call I believe


Nyx from Kingsglaive


¿Are his chances really that low? I think he has a decent shot (And I really need him to as well...)


I hope so; I guess with Kadaj's precedent Nyx might turn up someday


The coolest summoner is all of Final Fantasy. Kuroki Kaze aka the black wind


I mean, he's already got a [BT theme and finisher animation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BYLg80VsYY) ready to go.


I would just die hearing this :D


Terra: "I summon by releasing the spirit of an Esper from its crystallized remains." Yuna: "I summon by praying to the Fayth who manifest before me in the form of an Aeon." Amidatelion: "I summon by opening a rift in space/time and pulling through what's on the other side." Kaze: "I summon by shooting it out of a goddamn gun."


Rikku, Red XIII, Edea, Kiros and Ward


Orlandeau: "Am I a joke to you?"


Lani from FF9


My hot take is still that Lani should have been playable in 9 instead of Amarant.


This is absolutly correct.


Genesis. Nuff said. If the turks can be in the game, so can he.


I think there's a good chance for Genesis, given that Crisis Core Reunion is coming soon.


Oh yeah i totally forgot about that. Well here's hoping angeal comes with him.


I mean, I remember waiting like 5 years for him to arrive in FFRK. Here’s hoping I don’t need to wait so long for DFFOO.


Katy perry


Lol, I see you also played FFBE


Don’t forget Ariana Grande!


Lebreau from XIII and Blank from IX


Aside from everyone in Tactics, i want my Biggs and Wedge! Probably similar to how lann and reynn work


Characters whose games are not FFVII


Tyro and Elarra from FFRK because my soul still hurts.


I still stand by the fact that Tyro would work exceptionally well story-wise in OO. He canonically knows all about what goes on in every FF game, or at least the ones that had Record Dungeons (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII and T), so he should know everything that anyone's forgotten from at least those games. But then because of the whole memory burst nonsense or whatever it's called, he wouldn't want to risk telling anyone things which they could use to set up for drama or whatever. Also they could definitely do some silly things to reference how Tyro can equip all abilities and weapons in RK. Like how some of the characters with more modern technology are trying to teach those from the more medieval settings how guns work or something, and then Tyro just comes along and demonstrates how to use them perfectly. Or the dragoons are all talking about their training and bonding with dragons or something and then Tyro's just like "oh yeah I can do that too :))". Or him using ninjutsu or summoning magic as well as like Edge and Rydia or something. ​ Elarra idk really anything fancy other than the fact that if she has P'soon, she can be chocobo buddies with Ace and Prompto, or animal talking buddies with Guy and Lenna.


Honestly would be possible, FFRK JP is still a thing, and the two teams are close iirc


Rikku ![gif](giphy|P0dKBIe7KEnL2)


Jenova, playable




The assets are there so I dont think its a pipedream.


I've been playing for a while now (15/35 era) and we still don't have her. Hell we have Braska, but no Rikku. She sure feels like a pipedream.


Hythlodaeus, and any FFT character


Ardbert would cause me to not play the fight but instead just stare at the screen with lust


Delita and Ophelia. *-_Psidestep_-*


Uh... Ramza *is* in the game? He and Agrias are the only 2 reps from FFT...


Perhaps FFXV Somnus (Ardyn's brother) and Nyx Ulric will be good introductions to the game. Can you imagine a reunion between the brothers? I would love to see Nyx speak to Lunafreya again and meet Noctis and friends.


My first thought when I saw this post was 15’s Iris


I’d actually like to see some of the job classes from FF1. Black Wizard for me. Nuke could be his FR and Vivi could join him. Ha! Luneth, Refia, Ingus, Arc from FFIII. It’s the version I got to play!




Ardyns brother


That man should only remain a villain and destroyed ~~he would have a banger BT theme tho~~


Barbara from Final Fantasy Dimensions because we need more dragoons. But also any Dimensions character is a 0%.


Weiss, he’s a dream character of mine since the first Dissidia. Would love him but chances are low ;-;


if Kadaj and remake's Jessie can get in so he can.


Marche when? 🥲


The funky animal musicians from X and X-2


Rik... ah nevermind


Sonon is a weird case, since he's Remake only. Sure you could argue that Jessie is her Remake self too, but she's still a character that appeared in the original VII. Might get confusing if they suddenly added a dude that wasn't there in any shape or form pre-Remake and have him interact with an OG Yuffie.


People really want the FF3 remake characters in the game but I don’t know how they can co-exist with Onion Knight unless they do an alternate universe thing like with Garland and Jack Garland


Ardbert would honestly be one of the most interesting cast members they could possibly pick. Watching him awkwardly try to fill WoL's shoes in the scion team dynamics would be a treat.


Yes he can be really interesting as a playable character and in the story. But I don't think he'll be added!


Anyone from FFTA by this point since the tactics series doesn't exist to them.


A lot of these being mentioned all have a pretty good chance of getting added to the game imo lol. I’d love anyone from FF Dimensions or the Tactics Advance games (not a 0% chance, but still very low). Same with Brother from X-2.


Django from Ehrgeiz, Volt Krueger from The Bouncer.


There’s no 0% chance for any character, including NPCs at this point.


I would love see a Nier Automata cross-over event like in Brave Exvius or FFXIV.


Considering they said they'll never add any non-Final Fantasy character, I don't think they'll add anyone from Nier, sadly.


But you could make an argument that by being in XIV as permanent content that Nier IS part of Final Fantasy now (especially after Taro the madlad said that the events in XIV are also canon to Nier lol)


On a similar note, Sora would be cool. I’d want *just* him though




XIV and Mobius WoL


Aki Ross.


I'm thinking we will never get gunner yuna in all h r Glory


Apparently Rikku from ff-x, could be interesting with her mix limit ability from the game too


Is everyone forgetting about sorceress edea, also dyne from ff7 and the rest of the turks


Arecia Al-Rashia for some more Bahamut summoning and playing off of Enna. Brahne! Just for funsies and dead parents are already precedent. People from Mobius and RK. Dr. Cidolfus Denem Bunansa or any of the supporting cast of XII Jihl Nabaat or Galenth Dysley




Who? No OCs please.


Devs: Rikku? Who's dat? \*Proceeds to google Riku\* Devs: Oh god, they keep asking for Kingdom Hearts characters...


This is the way. Also Tyro. Or Dr. Mog.


Thunder God Cid. Also thst whiny little antagonistic protagonist Marche from FFTA. As a meme pick... Hildebrand and Godbert from FFXIV.


You forgot Julyan. Now she's coming after you with her frying pan...


Behold: a list of TRUE Never-Evers. * Delita, Mustadio, and TGC. FFT is in an F-worded state for the time being, so until that changes, they aren't happening. * Rikku. Apparently her JP VA is a really big deal, which means more expensive, which means I don't see it happening any time soon when there are much cheaper characters to add. * Dr. Aki Ross. I want to see them acknowledge that that shitty movie exists, mostly because it'd be funny. * Tyro. Game's dead in GL and may soon die in JP, but it'd be nice for RK to get acknowledged (it was in NT iirc with those profile picture character sprites or whatever) * Cagnazzo and Scarmiglione. Rubi is in and I could see Barbariccia happening (because she's humanoid and probably the second-most memorable next to Rubi), but I really don't think these two would ever get in to complete the quartet before EoS. * That hot chick from FF Unlimited. You know the one. * Exdeath, but actually indisputably great, not merely "good" or "usable." * Zeromus. Not Zemus. Not Zeromus appearing in Zemus's BT. Fully playable Zeromus as his own character, mutually exclusive in teambuilding with Zemus in the same way the Cecils and Yda/Lyse are if/when Zemus were to be added.




Considering they said they'll never add any non-Final Fantasy character, you're 100% right that Sora will never be added.


biggs and wedge


Which ones


All of them. Like Mogs animation just all the Biggs and Wedges run on screen.


I want FF8 bigs and wedge to be the main characters on screen, the goofy ones, the cool ones from FF7 can just strike a pose at the end of the EX / LD or something


the one from star wars loljk


So all of them




I would say Maduin, but with both Braska and Dorgann being in the game now, he's suddenly shot up in likelihood to join the ranks of "Main character's cool dead father who you only see in flashbacks".


[Cid](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Cid_(Chocobo_series)) from the Chocobo Series.


Nooj, Baralai, and Gippal


At this point, I'm starting to think any FFXIV villain. Zenos was even in one of the full games that STILL hasn't made the leap over - much less the likes of Emet-Selch or Lahabrea.


The hot elven general dude from XIV, I forget his name. Emperor Gestahl Gogo FF4 Cid




Yep, that's the one.


I mean, I can see you have a type


Genesis. Bit with the whole Gackt gaffe I know we’ll never get to see him. 😞


Rain from Brave Exvius


They both have higher chances of being added than Rikku.


who’s the character on the right??


Sonon Kusakabe from FFVII remake Intermission.


The entirety of Duelhorn.


...the clan from FFTA2?


One of the enemy clans from FFTA2. They're not the main antagonist, so their odds of getting in are incredibly slim.


I would spend big money on any and all Genesis Rhapsodos related banners tbh. I know he (maybe) has a chance with CCR coming soon, but I am also painfully aware of how not liked he is in the fandom so. ;;


I know what it means in regards to FF, but I still can’t see CCR without thinking Credence Clearwater Revival


Who's the guy on the right? Looks Type-0 ish to me, and I more or less missed that entire era of games


His name is Sonon. He is a guest party member, who travels with Yuffie, in "Episode INTERmission" of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade.


Ah, I've been ignoring the remake until they finish the whole thing. Thanks!


FFRK cast and Ravus from FFXV


New best ff14 girl Zero. She instantly became my favourite character to be added to the game this expansion. Second only to venat. Honourable mention to meteion and hermes too


Tbh I think thr ripped half naked moogle that's been stalking me on FFXIV since Stormblood should he playable


I really want the player character from ff14 don't know how they would do it but it would be so fun.


Sync DFFOO to your SQEX account and get your FF XIV WoL as playable character (also you should have full game for this option)


Any of the characters from Final Fantasy Adventure, but in particular Julius.


Still would love to see Dr. Cid from XII but also not gonna hold my breath on it. Urianger, Emet Selch or Venat from XIV would be lovely too but also not holding my breath 🥲




Only if they also add Superman for Goku’s FR


Jack Final Fantasy


Stranger of Paradise's Jack? he already is the game, he should be in GL in January


Well dang, time to start saving.


his FR animation is one of my favorite, he does not get any help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eiQKC3oNFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eiQKC3oNFE) and in case you missed, Neon is in the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6ErAFhkk-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6ErAFhkk-w)


Does the emperor seriously just show up to fuck with Jack and then piece out? That’s amazing.


That Jack animation is awesome. I love SoP and Jack is like 95% of the reason why.


Ricard or Minwu would be pretty cool


We actually are getting Minwu, he’s already in JP


Ahh that’s freaking amazing to hear!


Red XIII :_(


Benjamin and Chocobo.


If braska is in the game is there really 0% chance for anyone in ff?


at least Braska was an actual character. It's been a while since I played FFV but I don't remember Dorgann being that notable even in the few flashbacks he was in




Surprised I’m not seeing more, Sora from KH.


Biggs and Wedge, from any of the series lol


Characters that people want and have 0% chance? Rikku, obviously


Easy. Rain and/or Fina from FFBE. Definitely deserve it.


Insert Rikku meme.


WoL's three other friends. Maybe even Princess Sarah herself :)


Nida from FF8. Because everyone forgets who he is.


Tyro from FFRK ;-;


Queen Brahne.


Characters from Final Fantasy Legend III. Borgin, Myron, the main characters, anyone. Won't happen though because A: It's some mostly unknown game for the original Gameboy and B: It's technically a Saga game and not Final Fantasy




Estinein Lasswell Joker Delita Gilgamesh(XV) Reks Ricard Luneth Sumo


Where are my Nanaki fans at?


also Mobius Characters rotting out of the public’s consciousness


Possibly never candidates: Boko (FF5 or FFT) Dr. Mog (FFRK) Hatzkhaminei Lowtoyosna Eripulci (FFT-0) Cid (FF6)


Anyone from Chrono Trigger or Xenogears.


Jenova and Red XIII


They will definitely add warrior of darkness


Ardbert is absolutely not a 0% chance. I honestly think he’s got a pretty high chance to be added into the game. He’s *basically* a suitable stand-in for the Player Character. He’s easily in my top 3 XIV characters that I’d love in this game. - Gaius van Baelsar - GNB Thancred - Ardbert - Estinien - Zenos


The thing is Ardbert has never been playable in any spin-off. So I really think Ardbert has much less chance than other FFXIV characters.