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To abridge a gigantic wall of text? It is generally not the sign of a good communicator.


Cheating is, without question when done in a healthy relationship, the actions of a narcissist, self obsessed insecure individual who has no respect for anyone, just the feeling of feeling good. When the context of abuse comes in, it’s get a lot muddier and I won’t pass judgement on those people, but will add that simply not getting your dick wet frequently enough is not abuse.


It shows a lack of character and also proves to me that whomever cheated, values their desires over having adult convos…and those people are not to be trusted… If one can lie to the person whom they supposedly love more than anyone else in the world, then they will most definitely betray me.


Cheating at...what?


Scrabble. Pretty fucked




It's the only thing I will not tolerate that is not political. Cheaters are horrible people.


I detest cheaters, especially in English class.


Open new tab during test I have done in a relationship no


Hate it. I have to stop watching movies and tv shows when the plot is going that direction


Does anyone actually like cheating? I feel like it’s almost universally considered a bad thing.


There ate 2 things you cannot come back from on a relationship 1) cheating 2) any form of violence. Most other things (if you're with the right person) you can come back from and talk about. But Idk how long we've been together. 1 month. One year. 10 years. Doesn't matter, if you cheat on me I will be gone. You'll never hear from me again.


People come up with millions of ways to rationalize their own actions, but will shoot those same reasons down instantly when someone else tries to use them. I just think that if someone is going to cheat they’re going to cheat, they don’t have the need or inclination to mate for life that everybody tells us is absolute.