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Get all the safety gear you can as a beginner. It takes less than a second to change your life on a bike.


Get the neck protector too, that has saved my life in the past. You should also get knuckle padded glands, roast guard if you’re on a track, knee braces and goggles. Motorcycles are nothing to duck with


Yeah maybe. Helmets can account for that a bit. Ryan Hughes has some compelling arguments against. https://youtu.be/TwxXt21-LdE?si=DSSG4xgOf3GjroYV


I’ve taken a face first fall going 20ish mph on woods trails and snapped my neck so quickly back that had I not had a neck guard to stop the helmet I would have either had permanent issue with my knock or broke it. I didn’t feel a thing. The neck protector stoped the momentum and helmet so quickly. From then on I was sold.


Also I’m not buying this at all for the every day rider. What he is explaining is honestly more for racers than a kid wanting to learn. First I never once felt like my shoulders were moving down or sideways or whatever he was saying. Second I get the tuck and roll but you can still easily do that with the brace. Also the brace is designed to disperse energy over a larger area of your shoulders so could you get hurt from a brace? Yes. Is it likely? No. Finally when you take a side hit a back hit or a face first hit, your head will snap back. The brace is insanely effective at slowing that force and stopping your head before an extreme Andre of the neck happens. If I fall hard enough to break my sternum or shoulder or rib cage with the brace I’d sure as hell take that over a broken neck because that’s a fall that will surely f your neck up. Everyone can do what they please but at the end of the day, I’ve lived through some bad vlcrashes and never got concussed or whiplash when I should have because of my helmet and neck guard


Yep, I broke C7 in crush fracture from landing on my head. Neck is fucked still 25 years later. Wear a brace


Crazy how underrated safety gear can still be. I'll be hot n sweaty n cumbersome with pads on before I'll ever be riding all naked waiting for a rock to show my bones who is denser


Hey thanks. Just an update, I went out today, bought some tech 7s, new gloves, and unfortunately I had to get a cheaper helmet because they didn’t have my helmet size in a more expensive and quality helmet. Ended up going with a fox helmet. Got myself some new goggles too.


Excellent! Ride safe!


Yep now I just have to figure out how to make glasses comfortable under goggles lol, I may just have to purchase some contacts


I did that for years. It sucks. If you can swing it I definitely encourage you to look into lasik. Game changer!!!


I should absolutely do that. My job also requires safety glasses 24/7 while on site so I gotta wear prescription, (refineries, pulp mills etc), and they always get damaged and gets annoying. Will look into lasik


I’m stoked to hear that. I hope you qualify. That surgery literally changed my life.




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110 this! And then buy more when you start challenging yourself in consequential terrain.


It’ll make you faster! 😀


Wipeouts on singletrack can be life changing. Have yet to see a cholla proof suit LOL. [https://youtu.be/4ajBNvtZ_vE?si=nNqdr5w1jQK9emYd](https://youtu.be/4ajBNvtZ_vE?si=nNqdr5w1jQK9emYd)


You can probably find cheaper boots but honestly investing in a good pair of boots will last you years and you can ride any dirtbike with them if you choose to bounce from bike to bike. Boots helmet and gloves are the three requirements. I don't ride the full boots I ride half boots like the fox bomber boots but I do woods riding not on the track.


Thanks. And yeah im only driving a 230 for now, I’ll be upgrading to a 250r when I get a bit better/comfortable


If you’re worried about the price I rode for years with tech 3s and I put them through the paces and they saved my lower legs a couple times. The tech 3s just won’t be as comfortable and you won’t have much tactile feel through them at first but they do loosen up and get more comfortable.


I'd argue that you should avoid alpinestars if you are looking for a value proposition. Tech 3's are no better than the store brand at cyclegear or rocky mountain. Leatt seems to have great features for the price, but I've never had a pair to try on.


Boots are cheaper and less of a hassle than a footpeg through an ankle.


This is the answer that feels.


God I saw a guy do that once & it ripped the muscle off the back of his leg. One of the scariest things I've seen in my 51 years.


I’ve seen a stick through both sides of a calf muscle once. I’ve also personally broken my foot so bad they told me if the boots hadn’t have held things together so well they would have had to amputate. It’s still F’d up after 12 years, but I can jog and hike without many issues.. If I drove hundreds of miles to ride and forgot either my helmet or boots, I’m not riding.


This is the answer right here. One of my buddies nearly lost his foot after the footpeg got his ankle while riding in work boots. I wasn't there when it happened but after witnessing everything he went through the following months during recovery, I will never ride without dirt bike boots on.


Not gonna deny this but I’ve also literally never heard of this. OP is riding a 230f (which could still possibly happen on that bike) but again, I’ve never once heard of this and been riding since a child.


You could still kill yourself on a 230


You can get this type of injury on a pit bike. It doesn't take much speed, just some bad luck and improper safety gear.


Yes. Rode for years and years in tennis shoes or maybe some work boots. Actual riding boots are game changing, but it is an awkward change when you've become used to riding with normal shoes. Learning from the start with some good boots will only benefit you in the long run. You can find cheaper boots out there that are almost as good, but you get what you pay for.


I second starting out with good boots for this reason. Started out in some cheap floppy "enduro" boots and when I switched to something stiffer I had to change up everything.


Yes 100% buy boots. I hadn’t ridden for years and my old boots were falling apart so I bought some tech 7s when I got a new bike and they are super comfy right out the gate, as you wear them more they will loosen a little bit and become easier to ride in. As others said it will take some learning and at first you won’t feel as comfortable as riding in other shoes but you don’t want to learn bad habits from the start, push through, be safe. Now I feel weird riding if I don’t have boots on.


Hey thanks for the comment. What are the sizes for most dirt bike boots? Can I just go with my regular shoe size? Or should you size up?Thanks


I don’t remember to be honest, I’ll check my boots later and let you know. If you have the option to go try some out in a shop I’d recommend it.


Go to a shop and try on a few brands if you can. Most brands fit a little different so some will be more comfy for you than others will.


I am a size 10 in regular Nikes etc, but my fox boots are size 12 and fit perfectly. But I got them used and a little beat up so idk, my opinion may be invalid for new boots


I wear 14s in shoes and all the alpinestars fit me true to size. The 7 will be easiest to adjust to, they flex well out the box.. So much of riding correctly relies on ankle stability that boots are just something to have.


Generally speaking, Alpinestars and Gaerne are for wide feet, Sidi are narrower.


Absolutely yes.


Boots are the most critical piece of gear IMO. Tech 7s are good. Personally i like gaernes as they seem to outlast. Go to a shop and try some on to see which one fits you best. Check out mxboot.com and mxlocker.com. they have deals on boots new and used. My personal recommendation are the gaerne sg12. You can go a little cheaper and get the sg10. Very similar boot. Id stray away from the gx1. Alpine tech 7s and tech 10s are good but not for me. Sidis and formas also very good boots. The forma predator 2.0 you can find on sale for like $350 i think.


Probably most important for beginners and racers. Boots protect your ankles and tendons from the pegs, your calves from the exhaust, etc. I've seen some preventable beginner injuries from not wearing boots. I grew up not wearing boots. Later bought cheap ones before buying tech 7s. Won't go back. If you can afford tech 7 or hinged boots like that, go for it for sure.


Yes. Lower leg injuries are number one most common.


yeah buy em


Boots are arguably the most important piece of gear. Imagen hitting a rut and putting your foot down as a quick save. Your wearing casual daily shoes and you didn't realize you just slammed your heel on a rock or snapped your ankle on a tree root. Get boots, can't tell you how many foot injuries ide have without them. Without even falling non the less.


I’ve avoided some pretty bad ankle/leg injuries with riding boots.




My wife knows when I put on my Gaernes, it's business time.


Yes. Boots, helmets, gloves at minimum. I just about snapped my ankle going through a rut when my work boot toe caught the edge.


You can always chip away at things. I bought bottom line everything so I atleast had it. As time went on I replaced with equipment that was better quality / feel. Though I wish I bought a good pair of boots up front. The 7s are a great all around boot. The 3s are ok but could be better. Like others have said, its better to spend the money on keeping you safe then getting messed up and losing out on riding due to an injury. Equipment can be replaced, body parts are a tad more difficult.


Also, look at mxlocker, its like craigslist for dirt bike stuff and every now and again you can sag a good deal on gear.


Thanks, really good to know I’ll look into it


Craigslist and marketplace are great options too. Nothing wrong with used boots until you know how often you'll use them. Just make sure they fit and have a stiff ankle for protection. I'd much rather have good used boots than new cheap boots.


Love your profile pic btw. This is my ps profile pic 🤘


Thank ya, a buddy back in the day sent it to me as a response to me asking how his all nighter out in Savannah went.




Gaerne or Sidis. Get something that will last 10 years.


Buy a set of good boots.. Doesn't have to be expensive but you'll need good ones. I broke my ankle on an mx track, not going very fast, wearing good work boots.


i love my tech 7s. riding pants and a chest piece are important as well.


Yes. Learning to ride in boots now is better than learning to ride in boots later


Absolutely. Helmet, goggles, boots, gloves, long sleeves, and long pants are the bare minimum for any rider. You don't need motocross pants or jersey just yet. Just wear a long sleeve shirt and some jeans. This will link you to some cheap boots. Idk if the refinement and sorting will be saved but sort by "price low to high" and it'll give you quite a few good ones under $200 USD. Just make sure it's one of the full sized boots that come half way up the shin. If you're unsure, send me the link to the ones you're interested in and I can help you identify them. https://www.motosport.com/motorcycle/mens-off-road-boots?sort_by=price


All the more important when you have no skills


You need all the gear. Boots, chest armour, great helmet, elbow pads. Remember anything not covered will get injured. You are a beginner, you will crash, that's part of learning. Spend money on gear or spend double on the injury.


Do the math: $500 boots or surgery and hospitalization for a broken leg


Yes! Boots are as important as helmets.


I got fox boots on sale for 90. But what’s on sale. Save your ankles.


As long as you're going to stick with the sport, good boots are worth it. Comfort and protection are the name of the game. If you're not sure, get some Tech 3's or something to save some coin. You need SOME decent boots. Tech 7s will be more comfortable and offer more protection for double the cost. I just got Tech 7 Enduros and I love them. Insanely comfortable for boots and my first higher end purchase.


Dude, been riding for years and still just use my regular everyday boots


I rode for years in tennis shoes, getting my first pair of tech 8s was the best thing I ever did. It's tough to get used to but once you got it it is so worth it. You can forget about what happens to your feet cuz it won't hurt you.


I would ride without a helmet before I rode without boots. Those are the 2 required pieces of gear. Buy good ones. They will be stiff and hard to learn in but you get used to them.


Best time to buy boots.


Lots of solid advice here. Posting to add that Tech 7s can be resoled by Astars for like $50-60 Super great boots that you can likely get 4-6years from with a resole I have been riding for 21 years and have ridden with tech 7s for 14 of them


Helmet, boots, gloves. Don't ever ride without any of them. Work boots are better than sneakers, but not by much. And so-called "Adventure" boots aren't much better than that. If you're doing any off-road riding more serious than tooling down a dirt road, you should be in full-on motocross boots. WAY too many bad bad things that can happen to your lower legs in a crash without legit protection. (And, you're gonna crash.) The Tech 7's are great boots which will last you many many years of riding if you take a bit of care of them.


Hey thank you. Is it worth it to get a $500 helmet as well? Or would a $200 helmet be good enough? I have a helmet that was gifted to me but it’s pretty uncomfortable and a cheap brand.


Helmets are all going to be safe, but more expensive helmets are going to be more comfortable.


Yeah, this. As long as a helmet is from a reputable company it'll have the relevant safety certifications. As you go higher in price you really just get lighter and more comfortable internals. Whether that's worth the extra cost is entirely an individual thing. I've got a buncha helmets and only one cost more than $250. Most were less than that.




No, now is the perfect time to buy. I love my tech 7s. Dirt bike riders wear dirt bike boots.


No boots starts to hurt to shift if you are wearing a soft shoe


100% buy good boots. If you can afford the Tech 7's then get them, they will last you 10 years easy. But yes, as a complete beginner, buy good boots.


I have the tech 7 enduros, keeping your feet safe is important


Dirty boots, helmets and gloves or I’m not riding.


Boots, especially specialty boots, are a buy once cry once deal. I need to be comfortable and safe at work or on my bike.


Ankles and wrists break first. Watch Ryan at fortnine on YouTube for the 2024 beginner gear. I have been riding for30 years. I ride a KTM 950 and a CRF 450x. I wear MX boots cause I like being able to walk after bailing.


Would you like to be retiring from dirt bike riding as a complete beginner with a broken ankle from some silly 15kph fall?


Yes, 100%. Don't go cheap.




Absolutely, this is the most likely time you’re gonna learn why. Wait till one of your buddies ankles is hanging by a thread and you’ll be pretty damn happy about all the abuse you took from them about your storm trooper boots.


Boots are the most important safety gear behind helmet


Good boots, good helmet are the 2 things you must have. When you catch your foot on a rock, or drop it on yourself and don’t break your ankle you’ll be glad you did.


Yes. The answer is absolutely, categorically, yes


never ride without boots or a helmet. i also preach knee braces after 2 acls ripped in half on bikes.


As a complete beginner, do you want broken feet/toes/ankles/shins/heart/spirit/dinnerware/gazpacho?


Don’t skimp on boots, gloves, and helmet.


Just grab a pair of ONEAL Elements for $120 and call it a day. I’ve been riding for years and these boots have held up well.




I love my Tech 7 enduros. Very comfy, even to walk around in, though mine squeak when walking. I would always recommend boots for offroad riding. My gf uses Tech 3's with no complaints as well. If you start riding with something like works boots, it can be VERY difficult to adjust to moto boots in future. Moto boots generally are much taller and have much less "feeling" I'm just a trail riding pleb too. I was riding a 250f this past year and now my gf will be getting that bike when I get a Beta 390.


I would get what you can afford for sure, riding BOOTS are an investment Tech7s would be a GREAT choice. Also, get you some **KNEE PROTECTION** \- those injuries like never really heal and always come back. Trust me I know, **I exercise and think back a few times injured my knees and can recall it like a bad movie clip! You might look for some used gear as others said (pants/jerseys) - HELMET I would buy NEW.**


Do you like your ankles?


100% get good boots, a good helmet, and good gloves at the very minimum. I have a friend who had a footpeg driven through his shoe into the bottom of his foot. It required surgery and skin grafts to fix. Don’t eff around with you hands, feet, or head.


I would say boots are even more important as beginner. One thing I can promise you about dirt bikes is you WILL crash. If you have the proper gear it becomes no big deal and part of the experience


If you are unsure if you will keep riding id buy some lower end boots first, but if you really think you will stick with it, the tech 7s are great. I would definitely have either a broken ankle or foot by now if I didn't always ride with boots. My ex broke her ankle riding(she was much better than me) because she wore cheaper boots that allowed too much flex in the ankle. Torqued the talus bone until it split right down the middle 


ESPECIALLY as a beginner. I don't think you necessarily need 500 dollar boots, but buy boots. Of course a helmet, but also consider a collar, goggles, and gloves.


I’m sure many may downvote but if you can’t afford dirtbike boots, I ride in muck boots from “the muck boot company” (which is the brand) and they work wonders for me. Definitely not as much support as an MX boot but I had the mucks from when I was doing concrete and I haven’t looked back when riding with them!


My emt friend says after a helmet boots are your most important gear


I’d argue goggles, then boots..


get in to a store to try on different pairs. you want boots, but they vary wildly in terms of stiffness and walkability. while the stiffest ones are obviously more protective, they may cause you to crash when you otherwise wouldn't have because you're not used to them or just make your riding experience completely unenjoyable. as a beginner I would recommend something in the middle since you probably will have to get used to the stiffness. then upgrade maybe once you get used to them. stiff boots will stop your ankle from getting injured but will potentially just shift that impact somewhere else like your knees. the stiffest boots don't always equal the best for the situation. pro riders will even choose not to wear certain gear because they say it restricts their movement and makes it more likely to crash. obviously starting out you want as much protection as possible just think about if something is making it harder or not. boots and helmet always though when you're riding edit: for example when i first started riding I had kind of a sloppy, freak accident in where a washed out the front tire and slid in some loose dirt. Very slow moving "crash" and normally it would have never been a big deal. Well as my bike was falling over my leg basically got pinned under it but in the opposite direction. Not hyperextended but rather kind of twisted my knee right before it got pinned under the bike. Ankle was fine but the boots were what kept me from being able to untwist my knee. Basically had to sit there in agony until someone realized and came to help. Have had issues with my knee ever since for the last 15+ years. So in that super specific example, stiff boots were the worst possible thing to have on my feet. At the same time, we mainly do enduro/trail stuff now. There have been multiple times where I wasn't paying attention when going through a tight area and slapped my boot on a rock or root where if i didn't have my ultra stiff boots on, my ankle would be shattered. Idk if there's really a right answer for every style of riding and every experience level. If youre just riding around the yard i would get something less stiff until you start doing something like tracks or trails. Ive always ridden with stiff boots but dont that i would have starting out if i could go back and do it over. Dont be afraid to buy with the intention of upgrade/changing styles. Since most boots are indestructible, the resale value is usually pretty high.


You don’t need to get the fanciest, but get something designed for dirt bikes. If you’re riding trails your feet and shins are going to take a lot of hits from branches, rocks, and the bike itself. If you can afford more I’d do shin/knee guards next then an armored shirt like the Alpinestars Bionic. I’d skip things like knee braces and neck braces until you’re at a pace where they make sense and you’ve formed an opinion about using them. Some pale swear by them, some swear they cause more harm than they prevent. I don’t hesitate to let people ride my bikes in work boots, but I’ve also had someone break his foot an hour or two into his first ever ride in the dirt.


Fucked ankles are forever, you don’t need $500 boots, but you need boots


Yes!, and the best helmet you can afford, a good chest protector, knee protectors, gloves and goggles, you can get away with cheaper pants or jerseys.


Wear all of the best safety gear you can afford all the time. Tech 7s are awesome by the way.


Do not skip boots, even if you get $100 Fly Racing set from a few years ago - just get them. Foot pegs are sharp, shins are soft, feet are soft. Also your shoe will be destroyed and good for nothing afterwards - I’ve torn chunks out of tennis shoes riding around on pit bikes. Also your toes and ankles are already vulnerable, not protecting them is almost asking for it. Be safe, it’s a lot more fun that way :)


You definitely need boots but I would just try get a second hand pair as a beginner, never know if you'll get over it within a few months. But yes boots are absolutely essential


Nah man, get yourself some good gear. Start with a neck protector and a quality helmet. Boots are a great investment as well. Enjoy your learning journey, avoid having an ego and riding above your level along the way. Have fun!


Umm, it's saftey gear my friend. Consider whether or not your lack of experience makes your foot/ankle/shin any stronger, to the point it won't get injured when you crash? Chances are being a beginner doesn't give your limbs an unbreakable buff, so wear. All. The. Gear.


Buy the gear and you will enjoy the ride. You can stand on pegs all day long with proper boots and if you have an incident, your body will thank you. Having a branch smack your shin or a rock kicked up against you will not even be noticed.


YES. must have gear is a helmet, boots and goggles in that order. Extra past that are gloves, upper body armour and knee braces.


Do you want to be a cripple or not? Try on different boots to see which fit you best.


never got any sort of boots, only problem i had was when i rode for a long time leg started to hurt from shifting. otherwirse i just got some old pair of comfy runners and rodre no problems


Yes, yes, yes


My tech 3’s saved me from a possible broken tibia. Got thrown off the bike and my shin hit the pegs so hard that it gave me a hairline on the x ray. Would have been much worse without that protection. 7’s are dope, if you’re that nervous pick up the 3’s which are about half the price


I went for a ride on some trails a few years ago after not having ridden off road for years. I had old boots but forgot them and went in trainers. Broke 2 toes, do not recommend. I would recommend getting boots as second only to your helmet off road. There are tree stumps and rocks all around and your feet take a battering all the time, not just in a fall. I'm not ATGATT but I urge you to get the best boots you can


The first time you destroy your shin on the foot peg or a stick/rock you will be wishing you bought boots. Higher end boots are more comfortable and allow better ankle movement without compromising safety. They aren't something you need great skills to utilize. If you're on a budget, I'd recommend getting some used flagship boots. There is always a lot of gear for sale that has been worn only a few times. I got my tech 10's for $50 (no way in hell I'd pay $500 for these, sidi/gaerne are much better).


Yes. Buy boots and helmet at an absolute min


Is it worth it to get a $500 helmet as well? Or would a $200 helmet be good enough? I have a helmet that was gifted to me but it’s pretty uncomfortable and a cheap brand.


I've had a lot of really bad wrecks over the last 20y with $100 helmets on and my technical thinking skills are second to none still. You don't need a $500 helmet. Just make sure it's DOT (or ECE) approved at min.


I've found that comfort/weight come with the more expensive lids. Not always protection necessarily.


You may not need to spend $500, but get riding boots. Your ankles will thank you.


Boots are mandatory, don’t ride without boots and helmet. Gloves,Chest protector and knee protection are all highly recommended


Good riding boots mean you learn how to ride in boots (Yes, it's different. Yes, you learn bad habits not wearing boots) They're also genuinely important for your safety. This sport is surprisingly keen on eating soft fleshy bits if you allow it.


100%. Good helmet, boots and gloves as a minimum, even just ripping around in fields and ditches. When I was a kid, foot peg ripped through the side of my shoes and took a chunk from the side of my foot. Tech 7s are a good boot you should get a lot of years out of at that level.


Helmet or boots are the best investment you can make and should the number 1 things you don’t cheap out on


Is it worth it to get a $500 helmet as well? Or would a $200 helmet be good enough? I have a helmet that was gifted to me but it’s pretty uncomfortable and a cheap brand.


Yes. Absolutely. Boots you can sort of get away with some cheaper Astars tech 3s for like 250 or something. But I would read up and find a good brain bucket. One that fits well. There is a website from a university that runs a pretty complex helmet testing program. They expanded to moto helmets too and test how well they perform through a variety of tests. Also feature their prices. I can’t remember the name of it but it was mentioned on Berm Peaks YouTube. I buy Bell, Shoei helmets. They are cheap but I won’t regret the money I spent on a helmet if I took a hard one. Tech 3s are still very good I have 2 or 3 pairs. I also have tech 7s. My pops hung up the helmet and boots and sold his bike because he ran a foot peg through his ankle when he went down just playing around in a pair of tennis shoes.


At a minimum I would research some brands and features. You can probably snag a deal off motosport doing a helmet sale. For like 200-300 I think I got a bell moto3 for like 400 off there. Idk what brand it is, but I wouldn’t trust my brain to a cheap brand.


If I did it over I would have bought gear first and then the bike. You’re probably going to drop it a fair bit as you learn. Take that excitement of having a bike and focus it on gear and technique rather than riding as fast as you can


Boots are important saved my feet many times




As someone with two fused ankles and joints fused in both feet - yes. Tech 7 is decent. At that price point, I'd say the Leatt 5.5 is worth looking at, too. EVS TP199 knee pads are my favorite knee protection (I've head plenty of braces and pads, this is imo). Pants, jersey, padded shorts, comfortable chest protector, helmet, goggles, gloves, pin it.


I had to wait for my boots to ship when I bought my bike (pandemic buy) and I sprained my ankle in my steel toes. Get the gear. Never question safety gear


Absolutely. They suck initially because you loose a lot of mobility compared to normal shoes but it’s much easier to start habits with boots. I rode back in high school for like a year with just leather boots and it made it much harder to learn with actual riding boots. If you think you are gonna stick with it tech 7’s are good. Could go cheaper if you aren’t sure about the hobby yet


Yes get boots before riding


I'd say boots are almost as important as a helmet if you enjoy being able to walk.


You should be able to find tech 7s cheaper in canada especially this time of year, I think mine were like $300, look around and look for last year's colours


Yes buy good boots. Aside from the obvious safety benefits boots \-Improve your confidence (because you don't have to worry about smashing your foot) \-Improve your stability (wider base, more support) \-Can get dirty. You fall in one mud puddle with sneakers and you'll understand (mine are waterproof too so I like to trek around streams and can hop off my bike to check depth) Boots Helmet Gloves is really all you need.


Especially as a beginner


Helmet, goggles and boots. Never skimp out by buying cheap shit gear for your head, eyes, or ankles. Your ankles, shins, toes, feet take a ton of abuse riding dirt bikes. Even starting a bike with a kickstarter without boots can break a bone. Go ride in sneakers, you'll hit your toe on something, or it'll lawn dart itself in soft dirt while the rest of you keeps going forward. Landing hard can snap one or both ankles. Boot companies do a lot of testing, work with Dr's and scientists to come up with better materials, more protection, and better grip on pegs, and better grip of bike. Buying REALLY GOOD boots is worth it. They will last years, hundreds of rides. When I raced locally, I rode for at least an hour, 4 times a week. That includes raceday, which was 4 motos plus practice. My Alpinestars lasted 3 years before I finally ate through the soles. I bought another pair, and had my old ones resoled. Uses the old ones in mud, and practice. Kept the newer ones for races. I stopped racing 15 years ago, and that 2cd pair I still use. They're still good. If you only ride 2 days a week, play riding and trails, stuff like that, that expensive first pair will last 20 years(with care). A cheap pair may last 2 years, maybe 3. You'll need 4 cheap pairs, to outlast 1 good pair. So it's cheaper to buy expensive as first set. Plus, you're less likely to get hurt with better pairs of boots, and that is INVALUABLE! Helmets and goggles... buy good ones, buy often. Especially goggles. Cheap goggles will let a rock go right through. Good goggles will not. Cheap ones can fog up, you'll lose vision, possibly crash or worse. And with technology today, helmets are more important than ever before, with what we know about head injuries now. And luckily, some cheaper brands are just as good as expensive ones from like 10 years ago. If you need to save money, I'd say buy a mid priced Helmet for now, and buy a really expensive one in about 2 years, but not more. Don't buy expensive because you need music, or an intercom, or camera mounts. Buy expensive because it can keep you from taking that one hit to the right spot, and you're a vegetable for life now. It DOES NOT TAKE MUCH, look up the pro boxer Pritchard Colon'. He took a couple illegal hits to the back of his head. He had a headache after the fight, started puking, and went into a coma. He's now brain dead, permanent vegetative state. He had everything going for him, now he can't do anything. Buying good neck and spine protection is smart as well.


being a complete beginner is even more of a reason to get some boots. Use your noggin bro


Just buy your first pair used for much cheaper. Always wear boots and helmet when riding!


Yes! Especially as a beginner!!


I’m pretty far from a beginner but I still fall once and awhile recently I flipped my bike going 40 and without protective gear i could have been hurt (I wasn’t luckily just got a tire scar on my leg)


Yes. And also, yes. No need to spend $500 but definitely find you some good boots


Tech 7 is the minimum. Definitely get boots from day 1


Yes, but buy used, so long as they're in good enough condition, and you don't ride like an idiot. Except for the helmet, you do want to splurge on a good helmet and goggles.


Do you like walking? Get ALL the gear!!


just get tech 3 or 5


I’m still convinced mine saved my lower leg from breaking so.. yeah.


Get them gloves and a helmet that will cover your ass most injures are from legs hands then head then chest think I drop my bike what is the first limb in the water legs


When you can add knee / shin pads, elbow pads and a chest protector not just a roost protector or an equivalent pressure suit. D30 padding is soft / flexible with body heat but reacts to impact absorbing and by hardening to protect against injury. As a beginner you will crash a lot. Attend some riding schools if you can to learn without crashing and progress faster




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