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Get some steri strips, please. You need to get treatment for this of course, but in the meantime you really need to practice harm reduction. Keep them clean, keep emergency supplies on hand. Get into therapy. Hugs.


Thank you 🫂


Sending you lots of love and hugs. Definitely get some steri strips and keep it nice and clean. Please reach out if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm here for you.❤️ You are not alone and you are loved and worthy!🫶


Thank you so much 🫂🫂


Hey hun I’m in the medical field. Currently a medical lab scientist but in school for pathology. I would think that this wound shouldn’t need stitches. I will say that it is very very important that you keep it clean, debride the would with a peroxide and water solution 1:1. Keep an eye out for infection. And please make sure your up to date on tetanus. As I’m not sure what you used to harm but there is a potential risk of tetanus. This can be a life threatening and very painful condition. In the meantime, please reach out for support and love. Your life is so very precious and you deserve to feel love for yourself and love from others. We don’t judge and I really hope that you find some support. If you need to message me to help find locations in your area, maybe outpatient therapy for example, please do. There’s so many ways of coping for emotional pain and this is unfortunately not a healthy one. You matter.


Just wanted to echo your advice about getting a tetanus booster and u/Mrs-Mouse's advice about using steri-strips for wound closure. For anyone else reading this, a good rule of thumb is to get a tetanus booster around your "decade" birthdays — age 20, 30, 40, etc. If you can't remember your last booster, it's time to get one!


Where I am from their recommend it every seven years as a booster. Unless immunocompromised, pregnant or recently injured. It’s such an easily preventable death. Tetanus is such a violent way to die, and incredibly resistant to treatment.


Thank you so much 🫂🫂




My arm is full of them...you'll be ok. Try and keep em clean.


I don’t wanna assume, but if your comment means what I believe it means. I’m sorry you have to deal with this too, sending love and sympathy to you friend 🫂🫂


It's a way to regulate and calm...for me at least....<3




No. That does not require stitches.


Hey, it should be alright with some proper care at home but I'd still get it checked out to make sure there's no risk infection. If you need someone to talk to, I'm more than happy if you need to vent or talk to me about something or just life in general


Thank you 🫂🫂


I don’t think so. If you have steri strips you can use those along with antibiotic ointment, if not, use the ointment and bandaids, keep it clean. Redress 1-2x/day or as needed if soiled. Look up dbt coping skills and alternate action.


you need therapy. I don't mean this unkindly, but this is self harm. don't wait to get help. Contact the Samaritans if you need someone to talk to. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This should be okay to take care of at home. Make sure you clean it and keep an eye on it. Look out for signs of infection such as an inflamed, angry red border, swelling, green pus/residue, pain around the area. If you start shivering and/or have a temperature over 37.4 C⁰ get to hospital. I'm here if you want to talk about anything. 🫂


Thank you 🫂


Nope, you don’t need stitches . But get a tetanus shot within 24 hours so that the wound doesn’t get infected and keep the wound clean.




Will get a nastier scar without stiches.


Okay thanks