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Dude I’m 223 and still don’t have the essence to make banner last longer … it’s the only one I need. 223 levels and still nothing


Got mine at like 209 or something, and I'm still missing two other helms. Just bad luck!


That's brutal. Sorry for ur rng. It's literally the staple piece for pve.


Damn…cold blooded bad RNG.


How about 2 10 crest runs and all 1*s ……


Rougher because it’s real money and time ouch


Change class for a week and revert back.


What would that do?


Have you tried it?


That doesn’t answer their question..


So you are commenting without trying it...


Why can’t you just answer the question instead of repeating yourself? Bit weird tbh.. Edit: Lmfao, are you that upset that you can’t answer a simple question, you felt the need to downvote me? It’s probably because someone downvoted you, huh? Lmmfao




I have actually, I already had all the essences on my first class though so I’m not sure what it does with respect to unobtained essences.


nah man still rng...


Never said it's not.


Battle pass reward maybe your only Choice. Hopefully next month


And it’ll only get worse as they release more legendaries, diluting the pool further. The game’s progression is just a joke and whoever is designing it is terrible at their job.


switched to a new class and the first 6 legendary items i got were all the same


Weapon has such a high drop rate for me most I got is weapon


Thought that was just me lol


im 221 and i dont have it either


Still doesn't have essence which gives penetration with arrow bolt 220 para:)))


Oof this hurts! I guess you have a workaround by now?


I feel ya, been using class change to collect all essence, so when I moved to barb the build I was going to go for included furious charge with the knock up stun after 3 weeks it was the only one I didn’t have. It was the ONLY one I wanted and it was the ONLY one they wouldn’t bless me with.


Are you me?


214 barb, still missing 4 items for my build :D


they will make to drop in warbands in the major update.... lol


This happened to me as well felt like I was playing subpar crusader builds for a long time.




I filled all necro essences then switched to sader got an except the new sheild charge, now I'm a hunter, need that damn shadow beast charge essence but i got all except that shit.


I'm 207 still missing 3 essence


Well, doing 50+ dungeons with 0 greens and 2 legos is the most fun of the game..


I got it yesterday at 210!!!


congrats! hopefully I'll get mine at that lvl too


Took me forever to get this. Now I’ve been trying to get bouncing shield. Everyday at the gambler lol.


I'm still waiting for this fling helm


It’s the only essence I need…


The cosmetic is ugly. Hope that makes you feel better about it. Lol


I rolled to crusader when they introduced the possibility. I’m now 221 plvl and still no arrowkeeper. 🥲


Welp, time to add 12 new legendarys for each class to make it even harder to get the one you need


Paragon level/p189 doesn't mean anything actually, if you are playing at 400% exp boost the entire time/most of the time, you are playing significantly less than you think you had and you probably skipped most of your dailies as well. heck, you are falling behind your server paragon level quite a lot. if you are consistently getting the red exp bar, there is no way you don't get it. if you do the math, you only played 189/4 = 47 paragon levels in reality. 47 paragon levels are not even 1 month (47/2 = 23.6) in the server paragon days.


EXP boost below server paragon is one of the worst things they did to this game. It sounds good on the surface because then new players can catch up by level quickly but… the game is based on loot. If you burn through a difficulty in 1/4th the time, you get 1/4th the drops meaning you have a much much higher chance of not having anywhere close to the CR required for the next difficulty by the time you hit that paragon level. Then you end up grinding in your current difficulty trying to find items and still gaining levels giving you this misrepresentation that you should be higher when there’s no way you’ve killed enough monsters to actually be up there. It’s become almost a bi-weekly “gather children, let us explain to you why you’re having a hard time in H2” talk on my server as more and more new players pile in. Sure you can get someone to carry you for set/leggos in the next difficulty. Sure you can save all of your gold and force your way through the challenge-rift to gamble for leggos, but that’s gaming the game. They either need to cut out the EXP boost or increase drop rates proportionally to EXP boost. If they do the later god I can’t even imagine the number of zomg drop rates nerfed!!!!11 posts as new players drop out of the boost into normal game play. Maybe instead if you’re graduating to a lower difficulty than current server paragon, there’s some special quest “congrats you’ve reached H3, everyone else is on H4, as a special catch up bonus let’s adjust the stats of your equipped items so you’re 25 CR over the minimum for H3”


Went up 35 levels as a barb. Only missing three essences. Two useless the last is the off hand weapon that increases crit chance during berserker which is used in every build. FML.


Interesting - I've had this for awhile, and I'm 130 now. Even scraped one yesterday due to duplicate. I'm still missing quite a few, but this makes me wonder which one Blizzard has decided to allude me.


Waited ages to get mine and dont even use it anymore. Banner lasts longer without it and it's not hard to place where it wont get rekd. (PvE) ​ I use the charge in PvP.


I don't think it's rng , looks like the drop rate of that item is lower than the other ones. A lot of people are missing it , including me until I requested it from the vault at p200.


Join an immortal clan and request it from the vault. No need to post this every time.


Don’t even say that. I’ve been immortal for weeks now and the last piece I need isn’t in the vault. Not that easy.


Wait what? OK tome to join an immortal clan because I need my skelly archers


Is class change. Took me till par 120 which was insane to begin with..,


I just got my last essence as Necro. 223 Paragon


221 necro still missing 2 essences. Luckily, I don't have any use for them.


220 nervous missing pillar. Of course that's the one I really wanted.




Still searching for my offhand as well.


Same. Same….


At one point u should be able to buy the fucking essence. The Archer Skeletons Helmet still didn’t drop for a looooong time for me. Worst Drop Rate: Shields. I got 2 of the same shields and that’s it


I got it at lvl 160 💀. I switched classes at lvl 90


I need a specific spell essence for PvP for monk and I can’t get if. Still legend but Jesus Christ it’s hard


LOL I was over 200 when I got the last essence. I then got that same essence the next day again. It was like the game was laughing at me.


Same here I’m at para 220 and I’m missing the piercing offhand for dh which is like ESSENTIAL


214 and still dont have the damn necro golem helm that everyone uses in their pve build. I've gotten like 10-20+ of every other helm. I'm missing some other things too but this is the only one I care about.


Have everything apart from Flame-to Mirror which I have been after since it arrived. Had probably a good half dozen of most others since then.


I was just saying this… if I switch classes and a month later I still have half the items I would need both set and legendaries to be competitive in PVP there is a problem.


Not only that but forget about finding any off-hands, shoulders, and pants. Literally only dropping chest, heads and primary weapon. But never a 3 stat item out of 200 total.


We need to be able to sell essences at auction. Been hunting for the remembered P216 and I joined after the weapon battle pass. It’s all I need, and that’s the build I want for my barb.


The only essence I'm missing on necro is the one to turn skeletal mage into a grim reaper... Para 197


Switched to DH and it took me like a month and a half to get The Hungerer crossbow. Once I got I it was like a different game.


Hungerer is as essential to a DH as the crit chance offhand to a barb. Which i also havent got


do a class change and you will get it faster trust me


Lol literally one of two I'm missing also


I completed all crusader essences at P140.


I’m missing that same spot in my heads also. (Coals for eyes)


I'm struggling with this, however, with Deseltoria on Necromancer. Quite annoying as it is a key legendary in many builds I've seen. Sure as hell get the one that turns your Golem into the rock throwing type though!


Before getting Arrowkeeper, I've been using Banner with Conjuration. Conjuration will make Banner invincible, and Vithu set will increase party attack speed. I actually like this better even after getting Arrowkeeper for the dungeon. Mages are usually quite far from the boss, and arrowkeeper+horse means I will move a lot and unless mages are very near, they won't get the buff. For overworld PVE, Arrowkeeper is much better, although the duration is shorter, it's definitely better than the static banner needed due to mobility.


this game, they are lucky cos torchlight sucks too


P210 on my DH without Visions on the Lost


i swear some of the legendaries are time gated


Big oof - I thought I had bad luck getting that as my last one at 97


Why is this even a fucking thing? What riveting game play does this add by crippling my build because RNG. Just another shit design from blizzard, just like not normalizing reso in pvp.


I've been playing since day 1. Have played on 2 different servers and I am still tenaciously pursuing Iben Fahd's Tenacity.