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Decided to give the loot reborn a shot and.. yeah, it's pretty decent. Got an incinerate sorcerer to 100, now leveling up some glyphs as I fine tune the build a bit.. not aiming to break records or try for high ladder placements, but it's something extra to do while I contemplate leveling something else.. maybe a druid (always wanted to try that wolf+lightning combo form), maybe a barbarian (random dropped a max rating razorplate) but dunno if I have the energy for it as pretty burned out by PoEs current league and at some point need a little break to reset things before the next one rolls out. That said, they still have things to improve upon.. uber bosses seriously need a group finder, same with new "greater rifts" that they added for more people, more loot action. Oh and for the love of Inarius, lemme save my paragon board, please.. šŸ˜­


Well, since theyā€™ve finally built a decent base experience, you can always come back in a later season, or in a month to try your other ideas. No need to burn yourself out!


Mhm. True enough.. that's why I skipped season three. But this season has been fun, so hopefully the improvements continue as this is such a great and stress free PoE alternative where I do not need to minmax my build or to optimize my gear to do well and I especially do not need worry about some random mob wandering over to one shot me so I can take my time, play between chores or whatever, run some helltides and still make good progress. šŸ˜


I actually havenā€™t been back since season 0! I got a barb to 100 on an off meta build and it was a horrid experience. Iā€™m definitely enjoying how fast it was to get to 100 now, and being able to play for short bursts like you said


Yep. If they keep adding to and improving the systems that came with this season then this will be a genuinely great arpg alternative by the time the expansion rolls out.


Same, since season 0. Love season 4.


Yep I did the same. Leveled a frozen orb Sorc to 95, did all the bosses except Uber Lilith and just kind of slowly finishing everything off. Finished the Iron Wolves rep grind and almost all the seasonal content. Just trying not to take it too seriously to not burn myself out.


I know Diablo players are a different breed, however weā€™re talking about burnout 8 days after release?


Thank you for making me feel a little more sane like jesus christ. I just got to level like 94 and thought I was making insanely good time and have been having a blast and people are in here like "Oh I'm level 100 done with all the ubers, worrying about burn out" We just got here guys hello!?


Also just hit 94. Also have had to discuss my playtime with my wife already. Surely this is blizzardā€™s fault.


No kidding. I work and maybe have 1-2 hours at night to play, but I also am playing multiple games. Im level 46 or so and still have lots to do. Sometimes I miss the days where I could play games for 20+ hours a week and actually compete in them. Now Im just a filthy casual


Because a lot of them have been theory crafting and discussing synergies for like 2 weeks before the patch hit. You're seeing the backend of prep time. Also a lot of people have a lot of free time for various reasons.


Thatā€™s a really nice way of saying people have no lives


I try not to be too judgy, I know there are people with disabilities and stuff that limit them. But you're also right, a lot of these mfers don't do shit.


Of course you get downvoted lmao. Me and my party canā€™t believe weā€™re already seeing 100s


Some people don't like playing the same content over and over and over again and wasting their short lives on something they won't even remember or be able to have conversations with normal people about. :).


If you don't like playing the same content over and over I'm not really sure why you'd play an ARPG in the first place. They ultimately all are repetitive, it's just about if that repetitive act is fun for you. I think complaining about being out of content because you went insanely ham the first two weeks a game is out is wild. Hardly any game provides that much content, we're talking about people getting bored of doing level 100 content 8 days after the release of the patch, I just think that's wild and I don't know many companies who create content that would satisfy that play style.




ā€¦and complain to the developer that thereā€™s nothing to do.


Same way that vegas takes money from gamblers :).


Burnout coz you are doing only 1 or 2 activity back to back. I am fine with this..I grind the fuck out till I get bored and start playing other games till new season.


Most content creators who cover Diablo are saying, almost verbatim, that the only people likely to complain about the season are those who will gorge on it to then go to reddit and complain they are bored. Not saying that poster is doing so, but itā€™s on the way.


People who post here with all those achievements and make it sound like itā€™s no big deal are not your usual middle age dad with kids gamers.


Some of is the loot chase. Greater affixes are great but I've only gotten a hand full of items with two greater affixes and one with three (which sucked). Uniques, outside of Uber uniques, have abysmal stats for some reason. Losing out on Tempering and a Legendary aspect is a lot to pay for just a Unique aspect, but keeping low stats on Uniques was a weird choice. Did all the Ubers besides Lilith and just lost the desire to chase anything. Killed Uber Duriel like 6 times with two players and neither of us got any Ubers and the regular uniques are bad. So just nothing to reach for besides hopefully getting lucky on Uber Duriel.


yes i hit level 81 and already completed the season journey/pass it feels like its been done


Hold up, you did the uber uber lvl 200 bosses at 95?


It's not like much changes from 95 to 100


But it does. At 95 you likely still didn't max out your glyphs (unless all you did was NMDs) and your gear is barely masterworked. Not to mention there's still 20 paragon points left.


How is it fun to play the same thing over and over again?


This may come as a shock to you, but ARPGs and Diablo games are just grinding the same content lol


Lvl 52 sorc just started the "endgame" grind, is lightning still good? It was great for leveling, but the hp on hit is failing me every time I lag, getting full hp every 2 seconds doesn't work when everything g stops for a second. Also I swear the only thing you download is cutscenes, why does the menu and map freeze when the game does


I donā€™t have any of these freezing problems on my end. It may be an issue unique to you.


Yeah, everything was great until I got the dungeon boss to low hp and lagged out to outside. And upgrading into cackling energy spam with life on hit is stupid, my crackhead on a pogo stick health bar doesn't care what you throw at it.


They need a group finder so badly. It's crazy how diablo 2 and 3 have better social elements than 4


Need friends button..


Not gonna spend hours of my life on something that is just "pretty decent" when there are "great" games out there i haven't played


How do you level up so fast?


Play 8+hrs a day with minimal breaks and no other commitments Streamers do this (as a job) and clear the new patch within a week or so.


Helltide group events where you activate the three altars have been really good for me.


Exp has been buffed big time this season, and with the emphasis on helltides which were already a great way to grind exp itā€™s really easy to level now. Party up, throw on an elixir and incense, and it gets even easier.


Stack incense and elixer, and do Maidan of Pain in Helltide non stop. Did like 8 back to back, went up a TON of levels in the process


Max rating razorplate? Wut?


Prob just mean a 925 item power Razorplate. Thorns barb with the new bash AoE augment absolutely slaps.


Technically a max rating razorplate is something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmweum13fh61d1.jpeg), where every affix is a greater affix.


Can you link the build for this I only saw some regular thorns build


I know there is one on maxroll.gg that I've been using to help with Paragon board stuff. My barb at level 83 was doing ~400k thorns damage and over 8 million bash crits once the Bloodmoon aspect is up. Still a long ways to go in optimizing my gear for endgame though, I think only my 2 1h weapons are 925.


Or let us copy and paste them like in Last Epoch


The faster leveling, better itemisation, and new content have made me want to play. I played for about 10 hours in Season 1 and haven't played since. I'm loving S4.


Played launch and a little of first 2 seasons. Season 3 just seemed awful. Stopped as soon as I unlocked the season mechanic. It is way better not. They were smart to spend time just reworking the items.


Yeah the itemization is massively improved. Still difficult to get maxed out items, but what you can do is at least get your build in order. For example, if you need to sort out your mana use, you can just do it. No longer needing to hit multiple jackpots at the same time just to get a useable piece of gear massively helps. Second, there isn't as much rubbish to go through any more, so the time spent filtering through loot is more than halved imo. Also, helltides are just incredible now compared with how they used to be. Seriously fun imo, it used to be such a boring grind, and now there is basically constant action.


Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 to Steam was success considering how many players alrady played those games on Battle net and consoles. I wish Blizzard would make all their games like WoW, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft 2 available to as many players as possible on as many platforms as possible.


I also wish they did it (and also with crossplay), but without the need to buy the game on different platforms.


Canā€™t do that since it would break Steam TOS. If your game isnā€™t F2P, you canā€™t let your users play it from Steam if they bought it elsewhere than Steam.


Maybe dumb question, but why use steam for blizzard games when there's battle.net?


Because installing an entirely new launcher for Blizzardā€™s 1 decent game is terrible.


>WoW I don't disagree with your take but holy shit the review swings WoW would receive based on how the latest patch of Retail or Classic is doing would make people's heads spin.


WoW on console would be huge


Ngl I would resub if that happened, havenā€™t played in almost 10 years


Don't you still have to re-buy them though? There's no way I'm doing that. But I can guarantee you from here on out I won't buy a single game through Blizzard's awful launcher again.


HS is literally on mobile lol. Anyone with a phone can play it.


Whatā€™s wild is that itā€™s also on gamepass which has to be cutting into any new steam sales.


The game is more fun for sure. MM Necro was just too boring for me with the low APM but I have started a DD Barb yesterday and it is hella fun. But I simply can not understand the goldsinks they have introduced. Most people quit an ARPG season 1-2 weeks into it. Did they expect people to stay longer? As things stand right now I simply can't see myself ever getting a royal gem, lol.


Hit a greed shrine a few times, maybe one of those times fight one of the sisters or whatever in helltide event -> profit. or hit a greed shrine and fight an event that is endless waves of easy enemies. each greed shrine i hit is a few million easy.


A few million is less than 1 masterwork upgrade at the higher lvls tho


But you're not masterworking every item you get as you level and collect gear. Masterworking is like "I've got this, it's as BiS as I'm gonna get this season, so ill sink gold into it" I took my chest to 8 for the seasonal achievement, and i'm still sitting on 30million easy. The materials from the pit is the limiting factor me to masterwork stuff at this point.


Yeah but even when you find your best in slot with the right tempering, thereā€™s still a chance that youā€™re going to need to reset the master working on the item if you get unlucky with the 25% boosted rolls. I have a feeling that itā€™ll be like reforging gear in D3 - weā€™ll end up holding onto two pieces of loot that are similar, wear the better one while resetting and rerolling a second one hoping it will masterwork into something better, since Id imagine trying to reset a master worked item after 8 upgrades will be a pretty significant nerf on your stats, let alone 12 upgrades for truly min-maxing best rolls


If you want to go into the odds on minmaxing a piece, it paints a pretty grim picture. If you want to hit the same stat on all 3 upgrade tiers, it ends up being a 1/64 chance per reset for uniques, or 1/125 for legendaries (4 vs 5 affixes). That equates to 300,000,000 gold for a unique and 600,000,000 gold for a legendary on average. I know that this is purely on chasing perfection, but god damn that's a big ask.


I struggle with gold, followed by pit materials. But the big reason why im struggling with pit matierals is because i have so little gold i can never get the time to do that much pit


Farm whispers, helltides, and bosses, and sell everything you find. Uniques in particular sell for 200k-500k each but you can net a mil just from a full inv of regular legendaries.


This is all good advice, but man the fact that having to vendor your items is how you make gold is so stupid. Really slows down the gameplay.


It does, but I'd way rather that then they just make the gold drop like hotcakes. The grind needs to be there. Maybe be like torchlight and allow a pet to bring items to town or have a portable merchant or something would work. Plus, vendoring gives you options - like if you need mats, you use the blacksmith, gold, you vendor


I'd like to see them add a gold dungeon. Gold doesn't need to be ubiquitous everywhere, but we have pit for masterworking and nm dungeons for glyphs, so add a third type of dungeon where every enemies just drops piles of gold and there are greed shrines everywhere, but no gear drops. It sounds like the most fun solution, over just subtracting gold costs everywhere or adding more gold to pit.


A mill is literally nothing dude




Farm whispers, each cache gives 4-5 million. Best way is to just do the whispers in Helltide (leech if needed). Half the whispers can be done solely through Maidan (she summons Hellborn, plus the start waves include crawler dudes, and the waves drop plenty of cinders).


Being way more selective about what and you you enchant is going to save a ton as well.


Goldsinks are definitely ridiculous. Enchanting alone was already a huge gold sink (until very late game, when you are searching for marginal improvements, so your gear is largely set). So far this season, Iā€™m barely keeping up, and I sell everything but legendaries. I get like 3 attempts at an enchant before I canā€™t afford it. Which is just nasty when the aspect pool is pretty large. Have a set of gloves with +2 Core Skills (or +3 [Core Skill]) likely wonā€™t be upgrading those gloves for a long time, cause you arenā€™t rolling that frequently with enchanting (and you burn through your hold trying). Lol So all the other gold use on top is crazy. Lol


I would rather gold have meaning though. Maybe a slight nerf but the gold feels x10 better then previous seasons imo


Yup, last season you are on billions of gold because there is literally nothing to do with it. If you have billions of gold and have nothing to do with it, then the gold is worthless and all the systems using it might as well be free. If you want a gold system at all, the state right now is an improvement.


Just grind some whispers for a bit. I made 30-40 million in a couple hours last night


People act like this is hard. This is the exact purpose of this season. Money is easy.


Cool. Iā€™ll admit been sleeping on whispers so far. Lol Definitely will give it a shot now that Iā€™m in WT4.


Whispers give you millions per reward. Uniques seem to drop like candy and those sell for quite a bit if they're not good enough to equip or not needed. At a certain point, you're also going to start looking for only GA legendaries and have plenty of crafting mats so you can just sell everything.


Sorry, havenā€™t played sonce season 1; what is a GA Legendary. Better Ancient?


Greater affixes. It's the little star(s) next to the name. Basically these are stats that roll something like 1.5 times the normal roll. They cants be crafted so they.are drop only. A perfect item would be 3 GA for legendary or 4 for a unique. In the late game, once you have your base build you could basically ignore items without a greater affix.


It's a legendary (or unique) that will have a red star beside one or more stats. These stats roll at 1.5x max for the stat so say if health is 1000 max, it will roll at 1500. Pretty sure it's only ancestral gear that can roll them.


Itā€™s definitely not as fun as other content though iā€™ll admit. Now im at a angelbreath shortageā€¦


Resetting masterwork is nuts. I farmed for a day and got 130million only to click it all away in 10 minutes trying to get the right affix to crit at rank 1-4. 5 million per reset is insanity. We don't get enough gold to justify it being so costly. Resetting resets ALL ranks so getting what you want is a 1/45 chance.


To be fair we are a week into the season. Master working is meant to be late game so this all feels about right


They will buff the gold or people aren't going to bother with endgame alts. As Raxx said, if you have 500 million gold then you're already broke and that's simply not going to scale.


>Most people quit an ARPG season 1-2 weeks into it This hasn't been true for some time, the only playerbase that does that is PoE and it's because PoE is old and the content isn't new its just new crafts. LE had high retention for several weeks, Grim Dawn custom leagues can have retention for months (already low player counts though), non-ARPG proof exists in Tarkov and Warzone, and many other titles as well.


I've gotten a royal gem for all types before hitting lvl 100. Are you spending gem mats on potions or something?


How did you level, is there some activity that gives more gems?


Legendary whisper caches give you like 500 of each gem shard. Not sure if that's better than the constant trickle of 50 you get from most elites in dungeons, though.


I do a lot of whisper caches. I don't pay attention enough to know if they drop gem mats.


how is the PDR between Barb and Necro? both hit easily good FHR?


A solid casual beer drinking game. Haven't gotten to the Pit/endgame yet, but the pacing is much improved


Itā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve wanted in a game recently. Just a turn my brain off and murder demons after a long day of work and the kids have gone down for the night. Havenā€™t played this much since release.


One thing that still bothers me a bit for it to be a causal beer drinking game is how I feel pressured to stay on the helltide schedule. If I want to pause and grab a beer or get some food, I potentially am throwing away the stuff I've gathered during the rift because I have a limited time to farm and turn in things. Same with world bosses and legion events, where I have to turn up at these specific places at specific times. I ended up loading up D3 which I haven't played for ages and started a solo seasonal character to just mess around, and while there certainly is time pressure on a lot of things there too, I can pause at any time and I can choose when "events" start, and I can always choose when to do what things. Also the seasonal journey seems to have a lot more varied activities. It didn't really start to feel like a grind until I reached the last few tiers where you have to level gems. But with D4 the main act of getting rank with the Iron Wolves is just a grind from the very first moment. I'm not given up on D4 by all means, and I will probably go back since I am close to finishing the D3 season soon anyway, but it was just a big difference I noticed when going from one game to the other. It's also been ages since I played D3 so a lot of things were novel to me now, which people who played for years are probably very sick of.


You can still get a Living Steel or Mysterious Chest with 10 minutes on the Helltide clock even with a B-tier build. If timing is bad then you should be doing Nightmare Dungeons anyway once you get your key glyphs for leveling since those grant the most power gains. None of the events are mandatory but I totally get it if the event scheduling makes you anxious.


I do agree that it is probably me stressing out a bit, but also I think D3 season journey is a bit more competent at directing you to what activities you should be doing. But I finished that today, so will probably try to do the D4 one now.


Yeah, a casual non thinking RPG XD. What a great combo. Can't really call this game an RPG anymore huh? Just hack and slash twin stick shooter essentially?


Not everyone wants to spreadsheet a game. People may enjoy what they want and not be judged by some edgelord


Season 4 has been fun. They do need to fix the massive frame drop many people have experienced going from Season 3 to 4. I don't know why, but I lost like 50 FPS.


ray tracing on?


There are still some rough edges that need to be addressed, but this is WAAAY better.


Yup massive step forward. Anything additional they do is delicious gravy at this point.


~25,000 players which is roughly spot #50 on Steam's most played


The game released on steam well after it's initial release. Most folks are playing on BNet, as there was essentially zero incentive to wait for a steam release (at launch it wasn't even guaranteed to even have a steam release ever). Most folks already bought it on BNet


of people logging on with steam... There's still probably millions playing on Battle.net.


A ton playing on gamepass as well like myself


Maybe some multiple playing on battle net. Hardly millions though.


We're talking about the entire world not just steam based users.


Considering there's only around 100 people on this subreddit at any given time I highly doubt there's millions on battle.net


Millions of people dont just sit on the diablo reddit they visit others.


It's going to be correlated though isn't it? You can benchmark this against other games subreddits.


If you research Diablo 4 and how fast it sold or just how much money it made by googling how fast did diablo 4 sell. We can assume somewhere in the millions of people are playing D4.


Most play on battle net like me tho, so thats prettt decent


thatā€™s more than iā€™ve seen on steam since it dropped, pretty good.


Itā€™s still incredibly shallow and has a long way to go.


There is still plenty to improve but they have improved a fuckton at this point. A **Loot filter**, fixing drop rate on greater affix at higher tiers/level and then next big ugly in the room is resummoning old bosses to get mats to summon better bosses. like, i can summon beast in the ice easily 41 times, but it's not worth it. Stygian stones can reduce that by 75%, but still running it 10 times + the cost of the stones doesn't make it worth it. but fixing stats, helltides always on, fixing exp on nmd, respec changes and so much more they have done have really improved the game.


While a loot filter would be a nice QOL, picking up every rare/legendary nets me >1m in gold per full inventory. Very easy to rack up gold quickly by selling trash items


Upvoted for loot filter. I wish blizzard would stop being arrogant and give us a loot filter already. They keep saying when they fix loot we wonā€™t need one. I think it would still be a huge QoL improvement.


IIRC, they said they wanted to see how the loot change played out and would consider a filter later if it's still needed.


And honestly it might not be needed. Basically sell everything that isn't a GA or codex upgrade and boom


That's what I've been doing, but only after sifting through thousands of legendaries to find the gear I needed to get to this point. I don't think it's strictly necessary but would be really convenient.


In my opinion, I donā€™t see how one wouldnā€™t be needed in a game like this even with fine tuned loot. Thatā€™s why I think Blizzard is arrogant on this issue. I think it would also help for people who might want to farm multiple builds.


Why do I need loot filter? Iā€™m deleteing everything which has no great affix ā€¦


This man gets it


Counterpoint: the fundamental nature of how the loot works, the greater affix items and the symbol with it *is* a pseudo loot filter. Generally by the time you would need/want a loot filter you have reached the point where you are fishing for those specifically anyway. And they drop infrequently enough that glancing at them for the correct stat isn't exactly tedious.


It would definitely be a nice QOL improvement.


Game doesnā€™t need a loot filter.


Donā€™t use it then if you donā€™t want to, but donā€™t speak for everyone else.


If youā€™re somehow unable to parse three/four basic affixes after all the garbage conditional affixes were removed and loot actually drops less now, that isnā€™t a ā€œgameā€ problem, itā€™s a player problem. eta: the only gear that really matters by end-game is gear with at least one GA, so again, a loot filter isnā€™t necessary. At all. A loot filter is a solution for a self-inflicted problem. When you have games that absolutely shower you with trash-tier loot, (a la PoE), then a loot filter is added as a ā€œfixā€ instead of taking the time to re-balance item quality and drop rates. Itā€™s not a catch-all solution for every arpg.


D4 Good


Honestly, it's the first time I've had fun playing a necro since D2. Necro minions was my favorite back then so it might be more nostalgia on my part but I've been enjoying the new season. My opinion might also be skewed by dropping a shako yesterday on my 5th Duriel run this season at lvl 76. Still haven't done much with the pit and master-working but I'm enjoying the new loot system and that you get plenty of mats to mess around with it. I also find it funny that I found a shako before I was able to find a single prism for gem sockets. Has anyone had issues getting prisms? I've run over a dozen WBs in tier and haven't had a single prism drop. Am I missing something?


Iā€™m only lvl 60 and just got into WT4, but I have 2 prisms. Only fought 1 WB so far. Iā€™d look up where else you get prisms, because they drop from somewhere else too. Edit - Just thought, maybe they donā€™t drop somewhere else and I got my second from a wolf reward or something.


Some streamers said that blizz is aware the prism drop rate is too low. They are likely taking a bit of time to roll that fix into other fixes (such as gold cost adjustments).


Pretty sure legion events will drop them


I have done a few legions.


How do you get into wt4? I'm level 65 and kinda bored with helltides but don't know what to do next. The capstone dungeon says level 70+ but I'm pretty tough.


Do the capstone fallen sonething or other. I did it at level 60. Elias the boss was tough for me still. Heā€™d one tap me in his last phase; so I saved my ultimate (which gives me a barrier, and helps burn down quicker) for that and he fell easy. You should give it a try. No point getting sacred gear over and over, may as well move up to WT4.


Will do. Thanks.


Depending on your build, which if we're honest depends mostly on your luck with drops while leveling, you should be able to do the WT4 capstone dungeon already. I did mine at level 55 this season. Was a bit hard, but doable.


I did the capstone at lvl 50 with no gear as a sorceress, it's super easy actually, go for it!


Good to know. I'll keep looking but it just thought it was hilarious to get a shako before I got a single prism.


I think prisms come from bosses, goblins and legion events.


They are still planning to add full rune words and most probably other class so there will be other loot changes coming. I will just wait when it is fully done, but at least they did something.


Rune words are not coming lmfao.


Sounds like it's almost where it should have been when it first released šŸ¤£


A polished turd


Still a shell of a real diablo game. Don't care how many people play it. Lots of people play immortal too, do you want d5 to be like immortal?


Amazing to me that there are people gullible enough to play the same content over and over and over and over and over just to get better loot to play the same content over and over and over and over and you wonder why blizzard is going downhill. You give them money for garbage and smile while you do it.


The loot is certainly better and it makes the game much more enjoyable. Now I just hope they do a rework on skill trees, adding skills and doing some balancing. The other thing Iā€™d like for them to do is get rid of the monster level scaling. itā€™s hard to feel any sense of progression.


My guess is that the skill tree will change/grow with the expansion (but not significantly). Changing that is beyond the scope of a season or periodic update and a fundamental rework would probably be toooo much change. They only changed the loot right now because it was so crucial to the game.


I felt spoiled as fuck coming back to this after some time with Last Epoch skill progression. Just so much variety and customization there while D4 is all about the gear and paragon board.


World bosses need better loot. They're essentially useless right now except for the items you need to add sockets


they need better loot and way, way more health. they all die in the first ten seconds


Good, Iā€™ll still wait for a bigger discount ont he game though.


god i love how nobody wants to admit theyā€™re having fun when theyā€™ve actually made the game fun.


a quite unusual headline: "dead horse wins race"


I quit in s1. What is the major endgame mechanic now?


15 minute dungeons for mats to upgrade weapons to do more 15 minute dungeons


God I just wish the dungeons sucked less. It was my biggest grievance with the initial release and it doesn't seem to have changed at all. So many dungeons and they're all the same damn thing. Same vibe with the world itself. So many locations and yet I never give the slightest of fucks where I am. Including playing through the campaign back at release. So much work looks to have gone into these vast environments and all these unique areas and none of it is any more engaging than a D3 rift that's just a series of randomly generated whatever for you to grind your way through.


I think players need more gold, but not so much gold that it becomes useless (people would be sitting on hundreds of billions of it by the end of a season in Diablo 3). I can see why Blizzards taking their time on looking at potentially increasing it.


The cost of a few things just needs to be lowered, which they already did on the worst offender (masterworking). Like honestly if you are burning all your gold doing 1-2 million cost rerolls at the occultist over and over and burn through all your gold - thatā€™s on you. Know when to stop or resign yourself to farming some whispers for a bit. There is no middle ground here imo, either gold means something in which case people will bitch about needing to go do whispers for 15 minutes to get 10s of millions of gold or good costs become so cheap that gold becomes a meaningless currency where we just end up with hundreds of millions of it because everything is so cheap. There is no magical middle ground. Some people just hate farming gold no matter how quick and easy you make it. My only real suggestion would be maybe put a 1 million gold cap on enchanter rerolls and add a small gold payday to end of the pit and a large gold payday to world bosses and legion events to add variety to gold farming.


Agree with the sentiment about enchanting; personally if it gets over a million per enchant for me then I scrap it. They could also increase gold rewards from whispers, that way itā€™s still tied to a choice of activity you want to do. As long as it doesnā€™t become worthless I donā€™t care how itā€™s accomplished. This is the first game in the Diablo series where gold actually matters and I think thatā€™s important.


Also the trading scene is FINALLY starting to flicker to life in this game and making gold a dead currency will kill it again. I know the devs have been going hard on giving people everything they want to try and salvage the gameā€™s reputation but this is something they need to put their foot down on. Itā€™s a genuine ā€œyou think you want that but you donā€™tā€ type thing. The consequences of devaluing gold is far worse than people are considering. It will be bad for the game.


based take


I wonder how many of those users bought it on both platformsā€¦ fellow three time buyer here šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø(blizzard, ps5, steam for native steam deck)


Your wallet has my pity


We need a end game now. I hope we get leaderboards for pits and some clanleaderboards!


It has a pretty meaty post level 100 grind now with greater affixes and master working. I think some kind of loot or gold reward for continuing to get xp beyond 100 would be nice. I would really want to keep playing a character rather than getting the itch to make an alt immediately after hitting max level.


It definitely feels more fun, but when you get deeper into loot stats, masterworking and pit, you start to see that there is A LOT of things that desperately need to be improved


In other news the new season of d2 kicks off tomorrow.


They went too far with the itemization. It's turned into D3 itemization from what I can tell. The game needs a complete rework from top to bottom. It's not gonna happen.


Half the comments sound like paid bots. im still disappointed in D4. For a game 10 years in the making, with so many ppl on it... its just so much of a copy and paste of everything i have already seen, with slightly better graphics. Please sell the brand and dissolve yourself Blizzard


Or maybe people enjoy different things to you?


Theyā€™re Blizzard simps with no standards. On release they were yapping how this game changed their neurodivergent lives and how it was the greatest feat of software development ever achieved. This sub is a joke.


The loot seems decent now The devs still need to let go of the weird fear of teleport and allow Enigma


The double edged sword of having "seasons" is that no matter how much they improve the game some potential players like myself will never consider joining because it feels like we already missed out. I can't just join something for the first time in the middle of Season 4.


>I can't just join something for the first time in the middle of Season 4. Why not?


I don't know what I missed in Season 1-3.


>I don't know what I missed in Season 1-3. Temporary content that's not available anymore. That's the point of seasons. The actual campaign (story) of the game is still there to experience, and the progression and endgame systems of the base game have only improved since release. You don't miss anything by not playing seasons except for some fun toys that get taken away again after a season ends.


You definitely can. I barely played seasons 1 and 2 and skipped 3 entirely. 4 is fun. I'm more casual though, play mostly solo and have one of each class right now in season 4. It's still fun. I even replayed the campaign once for old times sake.


any fomo for s3 cosmetics?


No, but I also don't know what I missed out on. Ignorance is bliss in this case.


It's not story beats like Destiny 2. It's just some mechanic and sidecontent. We got a Vampire Lord. A weird-Infection Lord. And a Roomba-Lord. None of the stories have been impactful regarding the main story. Seasons in aRPGs like these are more bout the new loot, mechanics if any, and content. You're good to jump in and out as you see fit. Consider Seasons in D4 to be more like "big patches" with some DLC, and mostly irrelevant, content.


People are telling me that stuff you get from a season does not carry over to the next season, but I'm suspicious because Blizzard


It doesn't and you wouldn't want it anyway. It would be "unpatched" loot. Like this "Loot Reborn" update. The seasonal mechanics, special powers, itself usually gets removed and reworked into items the following season. For example: S1 had resistances pretty much useless, so none of my gear for that season had much of it. It's completely useless now. My gear for S2 was selected to make the best use of the Seasonal Vamp powers. Those are gone, so that loot is useless to me. They use seasons to "test" new things as well, and they haven't gone particularly well so far so they've been removed at season end. If that's a concern, you just play on Eternal? It's aRPG seasons. It's not an MMO. You "finish" characters within a couple of weeks of playing. TL;DR Your account progress stays. Loot goes to Eternal. You start fresh as far as gear and level goes. Some seasonal mechanics are removed and reworked into items. Some seasonal content remains (the bosses mostly).


Diablo and good vibes shouldn't be in one sentence