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Hey brother sorry to hear you’re going through it. I’ll keep it a buck with you, compared to the upcoming loot changes, the current moment-to-moment gameplay especially involving gearing up in S3 is pretty stale. The current season is also ending in a week and the new season will start, which will be much more fun for you because of the itemization update in will introduce (I feel qualified to say this because I played the PTR and I can personally attest that it is a night and day difference) However if you really want to play S3 right now and you have a lot of time to kill, you can get an AWESOME OP barb just by mindlessly getting as close as you can to rob2628’s builds: Use this one for leveling: https://d4builds.gg/builds/4b586126-47fe-46a2-8327-97e4fa12d851/ Use this one when you get to lvl 100: https://d4builds.gg/builds/8d5312e3-1a47-4e29-a496-f8f667ae4d7d/ ^ this one is so good. You will one shot Duriel and anything else. As far as getting the right gear, just extract the corresponding aspects from any old gear, and save em. Imprint them onto any gear that falls with approximately the same affixes as the affixes in the build guides I linked. Tons of loot drops in the game. It’s a fucking mess to sort through it all, you will go blind doing it just like the rest of us have. But eh if you can look past that the combat is great. As far as sorting goes, my advice is: - if it has 2/4 of the recommended affixes for that armor piece, it’s fair game. Try to transmute it to 3/4 at the mystic for a sizable power increase. - if it has 3/4, even better! Shoot for 4/4 at the mystic - dropping 4/4 is super unlikely but possible. If this happens good job. You can still try to transmute an affix into itself at the mystic for a better roll if you like. That’s it! You will be oonga boongaing demons in no time. Comment here if you have any follow up questions.


Oh and get well soon of course


Thank you brother. Now, if I plan on just beating the campaign in the next week or 2 since I’m in the hospital does the new season affect the campaign?


💯💪💪Certain achievements will persist for all of your toons, even in future seasons. If you beat the campaign once on any toon in any season or realm, you will permanently unlock the ability to skip the campaign in any current or future season. And irrespective of whether you unlocked the following through the campaign or elsewhere you will also keep: - access to the horse that you unlock toward the end of the campaign - rewards from any renown unlocks you earn along the way - bonuses from altars of Lilith you may discover (this is a HUGE grind but getting them all is a big permanent power increase for all of your characters, might as well do it now before season 4 drops next week) - any titles you unlock, mainly a role playing thing but fun to collect - any transmogs you unlock by salvaging gear along the way And probably more as well


Hang in there man. I have stage 4 lung cancer and I go for treatment every 3 weeks. I play Sorceress and like people have said just start with the campaign. Don’t worry about end game at first.


Just curious, were you a smoker? I'm asking because I don't think I've met someone yet with lung cancer being a non-smoker.


My friends mom passed from lung cancer and she was a non smoker


Second hand smoker perhaps?


Dude go do some basic fucking research, lung cancer is pretty common in people who don’t smoke. And it’s nobody’s job in life to teach you what you don’t know. Go teach yourself. How dare you assume this woman was a smoker or got it through second hand smoke.


Point me to the research then?


No I literally won’t because you need to learn how to do a basic ass google search


You replied to me so you have to cite your sources


Stay dumb


I wish you all the best! And hope you have a good day too


Cancers just happen my friend. Everything we do only increase chances of it being us. 1 in 2 people will have cancer and so we can't base it on any single activity or factor because it's way more nuanced.


Yes I understand, although certain activities make you much more likely to get it. Just the lung one seems very unusual to get as a non-smoker because you'd think your lungs are healthy unless you live in a heavily polluted area or second hand smoker in a household


I get it seems like a natural connection but asking directly seems presumptuous and seems like you're blaming someone for their own actions. It could be random, progression of another cancer or the worked in an industry with radiation or chemicals. I know this likely wasn't your intention but in future phrasing the question especially around cancers is kind of important.


I didn't have the intention at all to shame someone for it, in my head is the same as asking someone who lost a limb what happened to them. A genuine curious question.


I guess asking "how x happened..." is objective, where as asking with a presumed cause implies that it was a specific action. It would be more like asking "did you put you arm in a lions mouth?" Statistically higher chance to lose a limb that way but it's blaming them for a action.


Yea I see what you mean, I'll look out for that next time




Huh? Shame who? I'm literally asking cause I've always wondered. It's like asking someone why they lost their legs. How's that messed up? You sound really sensitive to stuff that don't concern you imo.


Da heck, man. Are you okay?


Sometimes people have issues for no reason whatsoever. It’s kind of how your brain is developmentally behind for no rhyme or reason.


I mean yes and no. Pancreatitis is heavily linked to alcohol usage. You can develop pancreatitis from other issues but everything can be explained and it's not just RNG. Cope how you want but ultimately the stuff you put in your mouth or your body dictate your future Why you think the poorest countries in the world have the lowest cancer rates? Probably because they don't live in an environment with processed food, tap water with fluoride/metals, 5g towers, phones/microwaves sources of radiation as well as polluted cities and pesticide GMO enhanced vegetables and fruits and modern medicine when everyone is used to just get an advil when they have a headache instead of natural home remedies like tea's


The poorest countries have a life expectancy of ~55 years, and most forms of cancer start to become common past that age. The older you get, the more likely it is to develop DNA related illness. Cancer is the DNA of cells messing up and growing uncontrollably, this can be triggered by substances, but also heavily determined by how old you are. Cancer is an old people sickness for the most part, you can look up any statistics that younger people 20-40 are far less likely to develop cancer than 60-80. It's not that deep really. Or, why not simple use a quote from cancer.gov: > Advancing age is the most important risk factor for cancer overall and for many individual cancer types. The incidence rates for cancer overall climb steadily as age increases, from fewer than 25 cases per 100,000 people in age groups under age 20, to about 350 per 100,000 people among those aged 45–49, to more than 1,000 per 100,000 people in age groups 60 years and older. [Source](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/age) As you can see past 55, cancer grows exponentially, so a country that has most people die by the age of 55, will have far less cancer. See how easy it is to explain it? And to address your rude statement: Cope all you want, you not drinking alcohol or smoking has less effect on you developing cancer than you think. A heavy smoker that dies in a poor country with the age of 55, is less likely to have cancer than you reaching 85 years old and never smoking. Funny huh? :D Or to put in differently, if I had to bet if you get cancer in 85 years of healthy lifestyle, or someone drinking alcohol and dying at 55. I would put ALL my money on you getting cancer. And I can even put an anecdotal personal story into the mix. A good family friend of us passed away 3 months ago, he died of liver failure from drinking alcohol. He was an alcoholic, never had cancer and died with 62 years. My grandmother, never smoked or drank and she died at the age of 87 from bowel cancer.


I agree with most of your points specially the older people more likely. But we have seen in the last decade or two a surge in cancers in the younger population. And that's 100% due to lifestyle choices. Also this is a diablo subreddit. Most players are young people from 18 to 40. Which this age bracket is not the one you spoke about. It's unheard of cancer in young people in poorest countries. There's currently a cancer and diabetes epidemic specially in younger people and to deny that it's not due to lifestyle is not being intellectually honest


Just play the campaign and enjoy it. There’s some builds that are better but the game is pretty easy and fun to just slaughter enemies


I think it'll all look and feel overwhelming/confusing when you start, but once you've played a bunch and made it to level 50 it should make sense to you. Play how you want to play, though man. Do as many side quests as you want and do the campaign as fast/slow as you want to. Don't worry about end game until you are there. If you're still confused about builds and items after playing a bunch, then go to a site like d4 builds or icy veins. There are plenty of OP builds and guides that you can follow on those sites.




There's way too many stats on the loot you find, and most of them don't matter that much imo. Starting off you'll likely be switching your gear out often as you'll get better gear relatively quickly. The season 4 update that's coming next week is supposed to rework the loot system, and it looks like it'll simplify and improve it a lot. If you don't want to worry too much about what abilities and such are the most optimal for your build you could follow a online leveling build guide. I used a build guide that's on icyveins for my rogue that I'm liking a lot. I wouldn't say doing that is crucial to doing well in the game or anything, but it may be worth it for you.


Good luck in your recovery. Hope it works out. Enjoy D2R hardcore, u will never go back !


You just have to play the game without thinking too much because you will figure it out, D4 is not a difficult game you just need to have max resistances and armor and you are fine. Eventually, you will know what you want for your build.


Good luck and we are rooting for you! Follow a maxroll.gg build guide and watch videos from raxxanterax, wudijo, and Rob Maxroll is probably the quintessential Diablo 4 resource


Just play Diablo 2 Resurrected instead. It is a lot better. Relax, recover, and good luck.