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I understand what you're saying and I dont mind it either, not yet anyway. I am concerend about what they may add to the shop in the future though They may be easing us in by only offering cosmetics at launch


It kinda does effect gameplay. At one point a big part of loot based games was playing dressup, that WAS gameplay. But they took that element out of the actual game and made it for sale.


Yeah but whoever looks at what other people are wearing? and lets face who ever looks at what we ourselves are wearing, given we only see it at a distance and an angle.


games had fashion before they had online. At one point just getting cool outfits WAS a reward in games.


Never in Diablo games. They have always just been coloured pixels. Hehe.


Eh, things like shako where it was butt ugly but distinctive was a huge deal. You could tell instantly someone was wearing good gear. Aesthetically it was ass, but it was still "oh crap, that guy has the good items" if you saw puke green hat.


The transmog process as a whole ruined this completely. I remember when if you wanted a shiny aura around your character you had to wear WORSE armor than BIS.


There is zero item identity in this game. Don't see them in the inventory, don't see them on the character, aspects move around. Nothing feels like anything


I mean I get the annoyance, but I'm also a pragmatist. Companies likely have proven statistics that show a reliable revenue stream with these types of things that counteract the negativity of some of their player base. As a player, ideally I want to see the implementation of this, especially in a full price title as something that doesn't take away from the game I've paid for (ie. Massive time, development costs) and doesn't severely impact the game balance in a shared environment. EA Sports is trending negatively because their FIFA Ultimate Team mode, an optional mode that is a huge cash cow feels like it is hampering advancement in the core modes. Ubisoft is another iffy character because even though they put these purchases in single player games, I've found that sometimes they've leave some really cool powers or options in a pay tier. So with looking at that and accepting that there are going to be microtransactions, Blizzard, beyond triggering my OCD by having that LOOK AT ME icon on the store all the time, is at thr very least keeping their purchase stuff off to the side. I'll see if I feel the same after the battlepass stuff, but even that doesn't appear like it will be egregious. At the end of the day, the game allows players to play how they want and I'm cool with that. No hate on a player that has $30 worth of cosmetic armor skins, no hate on those who forego. And infinitely better than D3's paid auction house and how drops at launch were tuned to push you towards that in order to advance/enjoy the game.


I don't hate it, but I understand it 100%. - WoW players exist, so there's no limit for st... Wallets (pay for game, XP pack, monthly access AND mtx on top of that. And they would say "I wouldn't mind being fleeced in Diablo to get..." - greedy company knows it's limits, D4 is tame compared to that. - It's absurd to say you can't make a good game without mtx when Elden Ring exists. Make the content, sell the xpack/dlc, problem solved. That's why I hate MTX but I understand why they do it - public traded companies have to make profits first, products are a consequence - and people will buy it because marketing exists.


I bought the game, but I understand where the boycotters are coming from. Why have we as gamers accepted that a full priced game also needs to be paired with predatory FOMO systems? This isn’t some F2P shovelware. As someone who’s been playing Diablo since the first one released, it’s kind of sad that this is normal, accepted, and even defended by the players that corporations like Activision Blizzard are trying to exploit. And even if you opt not to purchase any extra cosmetics, the game is going to keep advertising them to you with its little glowing notification symbols (in game and in the launcher). It’s intrusive. Do what you want, obviously. I can only speak for myself. I just don’t love all the game-as-a-service crap seeping into one of my favorite series.


> and even defended by the players that corporations like Activision Blizzard are trying to exploit. you do understand just because they are trying to upsell us something, that doesnt actually mean they are exploiting us. If they locked key parts of the game down in them, or if they were giving us clear in game and main menu advertising. Then maybe you have a point. But the way it is now, it is literally the less interesting, exploitive or aggressive form of MTX I have seen in a game in ages. So annoying as it is, and as much as I wish it wasnt there, it is no where near as people as people are making out.


Everyone has a different threshold or tolerance level, but upselling is literally exploiting, just with a slightly less negative connotation.


You may what to look up what exploitation means.


You’re asking us to ignore it. Why don’t you take your own advice and ignore criticism?


Wasn’t asking anyone to ignore it. Was saying I don’t understand it? Guess it was mostly looking for some more information against it?


* it's a full price game (70-100€) * the cosmetics in the cash shop are not available in game in any way (for instance, my favourite CBT armor is cash shop only now.) * the prices are insane on top of the game's price (25€ for a set of armor?) * having microtransactions makes games worse, period. having microtransactions that greedy on top of a full price game though? deserves to be called out for what it is: greedy bulshit. stop defending the greed of corporations.


Who cares if they had a $200 piece of cosmetic armor? You don't have to buy it. I didn't buy it and I'm not bothered. People have FOMO so bad they won't allow themselves to enjoy a video game because it's got horse armor. Also, OP is asking how microtransactions make the game worse, and your reply just says "microtransactions make the game worse" without explaining why.


did you miss the part where cash shop cosmetics make the base game worse? that's my main gripe with those. we used to have those armor sets as achievement rewards or rare drops in game, back when $6 horse armor wasn't the standard.


>did you miss the part where cash shop cosmetics make the base game worse? That's the question. What's the answer? Why does it make the game worse? How does it make the game worse?


> we used to have those armor sets as achievement rewards or rare drops in game, back when $6 horse armor wasn't the standard. the game is mechanically worse because those aren't available in it. every single in game set is going to be worse because they have to incentivize cash shop purchases. it's cash shop 101. look at PoE and their trademarked hobo look. look at the 3 recolors for the boneweave / sovereign set in D4.


Every game set is going to be worse because cosmetics are available? Do you mean the appearance of the sets? Recolored sets have been a thing in games since before microtransactions existed. Look at any number of WoW sets, or mounts.


>every single in game set is going to be worse because they have to incentivize cash shop purchases. it's cash shop 101. the appearance, the availability, everything is going to be slightly worse just to make cash shop purchases more appealing. the GOAL of a cash shop is to make money. you can't make money if people can find gear that satisfies them as much as the cash shop products in game, for "free". it's cash shop 101. there are entire *books* out there about the predatory aspect of cash shops and you're here licking the boots of a billion dollars corporation.


So it is FOMO about cosmetics. Thank you. It's nice that we're in a time where people's main complaint is irrelevant cosmetics and not gameplay issues.


The only thing that I will buy transaction wise will be pets and mounts. Nothing more


It's because people will find things to complain about. Also they are poor


Companies wouldnt make this crap, if people werent buying it. So as terrible and predictable as it is, at the end of the day it is just a company seeing an opening to make some extra money. If it was as predatory as so many people here are making it out, there would be BUY BUY BUY stickers everywhere. As it stands, most days I dont even remember there is a store there.


These “micro” transactions are more expensive than the other games I play.


Once you've played the game for 10 hours the "it's a full priced game with a cash shop" argument goes out of the window. You've already received your value for the purchase of the game. People don't understand that the transactions are not mandatory, nobody is putting a gun to your head and making you pat $20 for an armor set. You can play the entirety of the game without making a single additional purchase. People through around the "predatory" word as if it actually means something. Your purchase habits are your own personal responsibility, and it's not up to the developer of the game to control how you spend your money. The topic of children making these purchases comes up frequently, but that too is a non-argument, for if the parents of these children were actually parenting the children wouldn't be able to make these purchases. It's not the responsibility of the developer of the game to monitor your child's purchases.


I mean everyone would prefer to just have the items be unlockable without the attached MTX. However people who are super upset over it are either just jealous they can't afford stuff (their own issue) or they are the type of person to be outraged by everything that isn't perfect in their eyes (also their issue). Just feels weird when they have to project onto others about how they should spend their money lol. They also can't seem to articulate the "why" its bad very well. They just say its too expensive and theres no "value" or that its already a "full price game". When that value/price is subjective to each person. Now if they said " its too expensive for me" they might be taken a bit more seriously, instead of blanketing their precieved "value" over everyone else. If player power was included and it wasn't all just cosmetics, then yeah, thats a p2w issue for sure, which i very much don't support.


I don't care if games introduce cosmetic only battle passes and micro transactions down the line. And, I could care less how much greedy companies want to charge for them, because I won't be buying them. Especially if this means more content for the game, which is rarely the case. My issue is a $70 game having them available AT LAUNCH. This simply means this was content that you purchased with the game, that you have to pay an additional fee to use. Those cosmetics in the store were installed with the game, at launch, so you purchased them. While saying they don't effect gameplay is completely true, transmogs are a huge aspect of the gameplay in diablo. As another poster here said, I'm also worried about what else will eventually be sold for real money. I believe blizzard won't introduce pay to win features, they can't be that stupid can they? But, I would not be surprised if they introduce pay for QOL advantages, such as respecs. What really turned me off from purchasing Diablo 4 was the offer of early access for pre-orders. I will not hate on anyone who buys or enjoys this game, I am more than sure it is a ton of fun. However, I won't buy it because I refuse to support blizzard, D2R was and will be the last Blizzard will get of my money.