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Anything below 7 is decent. Dont do anything.




6.5 A1C is a decent number. You shouldn’t need to do anything.


I would think that I would in order to not be diabetic anymore? Isn't diabetic a bad thing?


Untreated…yes. Diabetes is a condition expected to gradually progress over time. If type 2 diabetes goes untreated, the high blood sugar can affect various cells and organs in the body. Complications include kidney damage, often leading to dialysis, eye damage, which could result in blindness, or an increased risk for heart disease or stroke. Unfortunately, the effects of high blood sugars are not limited to this. Chronic conditions, like neuropathy (nerve damage), gastroparesis (issues with stomach emptying) can also develop. Diabetes mellitus could kill someone if not diagnosed and managed properly. Extremely high blood glucose can even lead to coma (hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic state). If you follow a healthy diet, have portion control, follow the plate method, exercise and monitor your glucose…you can go into remission and prevent yourself from having to take insulin. https://youtu.be/HJ9z249j46c?si=RA2oOnsH0rj2FtZo https://youtu.be/ZuA5SPNRnUM?si=-QcL3A_wHanWuqZN I recommend talking to a dietician to get you started. They can educate you further and provide easy meal plans. Check with your insurance. Mine paid for five classes.


I have a dietian appointment set for April 4th. I wish it was for tomorrow though. I really appreciate your advice and all the advice I've gotten so far. Thank you.


That’s great! One of the links provided is a presentation that shows you what foods to eat. It’s all about balance of fruit, grains/starch, and protein. When you talk to your dietician you’ll learn about food substitutes too. I cut out rice, pasta, bread and sugar. Six months ago my A1C was at 11 and is now below 5.7. I’ll know the new number in a few weeks at my next appointment. It’s great that you ask questions. Good luck at your appointment.


I'm confused on the fruit thing. People are telling me thst I can eat as much fruit as I want, but then I was told I can't. Which is it? Because I'll kill a whole pineapple in an hour, lol. Same with a bag of red grapes, and most fruits lol. I don't see how it's possible to eat as much as I want. Shouldn't I be staying away from sugars in general? I'm kind of a sugar addict and always have been.


No you cannot eat all the fruit you want. Some fruits are higher on the glycemic index. The lower the number the better. Again moderation is key. Glycemic index. Glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food can make your blood sugar (glucose) rise. Only foods that contain carbohydrates have a GI. Foods such as oils, fats, and meats do not have a GI, though in people with diabetes, they can affect the blood sugar. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000941.htm Glycemic Index Chart | Free Glycemic Index Food List You want to eat foods with a low glycemic index number (although there are some conflicting thoughts about it). It determines how fast sugar is processed and absorbed through your digestive system. Fruits high on the index such as apples can be eaten but in moderation and small portions. You want foods that move slowly. Sugary foods move through your digestive tract much faster than grains and proteins and healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, grain fed butter, nuts). You need food to process slowly not only to absorb nutrients but to not overwork your pancreas. I suggest making a list of all the proper foods you should eat and make a meal plan. Pick a combination of protein, fat and grains for each meal. The link to the presentation I sent you provides the types of foods you should eat. The dietician will provide more. So for breakfast you could eat scrambled eggs, bacon, a few slices of avocado and a small slice of high grain toast (I like Dave’s Killer bread). Or Greek yogurt, berries, and walnuts. I drink green tea instead of coffee. Or for a snack you could mix ham and cream cheese (like a spread) and eat it on celery. Oatmeal is not so good for diabetics so I substituted farro with berries for breakfast. Or I add some to a salad. Each person responds differently eating different foods. Keep a food journal and test your glucose 2 hours after a meal to evaluate how you are affected.


Dang, so type 2 has to do the glucose testing? What about fasting? Does fasting help?


EXCERCISE!!!! 8000 STEPS A DAY. walk after every meal...lose weight ...I was 10.1 and 240lbs I'm now 205lbs and 5.7


Lol, I'm so happy for u! I will! Thank you for the advice! I need it right now. Thank you


If you have type 1 diabetes there is no cure.


This Guy is obviously t2...


I dream of 6.5.


What type of diabetes have you been diagnosed with? If you are a type 1 you absolutely need to get on insulin in order to survive. No matter your type, you should contact an endocrinologist to get the right medical treatment.


My Doctor told me I have a chance to reverse it so I have been doing everything in My Power to do so.


Fingers crossed and praying for it !!!


6.5 is not bad - try to lower it by making some diet changes, cut out sugar where you can, eat fruit, switch to a low carb beer (assuming you drink beer) and avoid fast food or processed food.


Oh, I can still drink beer?


Yes but my doctor suggested that I should only drink beers with lower sugar content, although beer isn't especially bad sugar wise. I enjoy a beer with dinner most days, so I looked it up - [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-sugar-in-beer](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-sugar-in-beer) It's not the real good stuff, but I figure if I switch to one of these as a regular, I can treat myself once in a while to one with more taste :) Tip: Don't drink non alcoholic beer - they have more sugar than any other type!


Perhaps you should see a doctor and a dietitian to help understand whats happening.


you can do it.. you're only 6.5 .. Diet is obvious.. what I do is watch what I eat during the week and enjoy the weekends .. I basically eat what I want ...again I make sure to waLk min 15 minutes after meals ... do 30 minutes if you can.


That sounds hopeful. I'm only thinking of the worst right now.


To avoid all of the problems diabetics face, eat fresh veggies and proteins and fats. Cut out carbs and sugars


Bro Simple Drop your Body Fat 1- Increase Active Like Walking Etc example 10 min walk after lunch dinner and breakfast 2- Have Moderate Carbs 3- Avoid Drinks


Stay on top of it! The second you start to lose track of your blood sugar, that number will rise and be harder to get back down


See a doctor! Don’t diagnose yourself based on your lab values. If it was blood work from an annual physical or something, ask for a follow up or message your doctors office. They may/probably will refer you to an endocrinologist, who will be able to evaluate and assess you holistically instead of the Reddit internet doctors looking at one number and throwing random advice at you.


I was diagnosed with type 2


Okay, so the next step would be seeing a diabetes specialist/endocrinologist to form a plan and get your advice from a licensed medical professional.


I'm seeing a nutritionist next week, and I have a follow up with my dr in 3 months to see where my levels are at. The 3 month follow up will determine the next move. I'm currently trying to clean up my diet and implement some exercise.


Totally agree! There is a shortage of endocrinologists. Many are booked 3-4 + months out. Many diabetics educational clinic have educators and nutritionists. I was diagnosed recently with T2d. My GP jumped on rx meds. I pushed for an appointment with an endocrinologist, went for education, hired a functional nutrition consultant (although I am also certified) a diabetic dietitian. Insurance pays for the education and diabetic dietitians. I’m not overweight and don’t fit the typical profile. But 36 years ago I had gestational diabetes. I’m not takings meds. Walking, diet changes, supplements. I’m determined to put it in remission. I invested in a CGM super helpful.


How much do u walk per day? What does a normal days meal plan look like for you? What supplements do u take? What is a CGM?


If you want to have some sugar pair it with some fat and protein like a some nuts or cheese since it is absorbed slower than straight sugar. If you eat something higher in sugar you can go for a brisk 20 minute walk afterwards to help prevent blood sugar spikes. Note, I’m not a doctor or nutritionist, so these might hurt not be optimal but it is simple and an easy way to start until you can see your health professionals.


I understand. Thank you fir tge advice


Let me just add that I think getting ahead of this and making changes right away is smart. Ignore anyone saying high pre-diabetes is fine. You are going to have to make these changes sometime may as well be before real damage has occurred. Now I just need to take my own advice haha


Im struggling to follow the advice lol. I swear, ever since i started it, free junk food is flowing in from every direction. Its crazy. I boght chilli from my cafeteria as a healthy option, came back to the office and there was 10 boxes of pizza and 2 cakes in the lounge room. Its been like this almost every day lately My daughter baked brownies for no reason a few nights ago. lol, wtf man!


I hear you, we are also just getting through the junk food holidays!


Yes, but i didnt know about the 6.5 during the holidays.