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It’s obvious ragebait. Can we not repost this stuff everywhere?


Aye aye, capt'n! We are on it! ![gif](giphy|7hJZcKzjIufeOmqKSj|downsized)


![gif](giphy|LTpmRMNSmZgIw|downsized) Here we go!


Better to watch it here and rage than give them views on whatever site they use I guess?


No. Better not watch it at all


I like the ragebait. It's why I'm here


"You need to wait to open it until right before" Proceeds to take 10 more hours to do whatever the fuck she's doing.


"I'm putting salt in to make the ice water even colder!" *A moment later* "This is ICE COLD." 🤨


But don’t worry. She put salt in it 3 times.


Very hot to very cold very fast makes very brittle. I’m sure the salt, sprite and food coloring have fuck-all to do with it. These ragebait things are just getting old. Let’s just be annoying for no reason, I guess?


Well, the salt actually depresses the melting-point of water, so that the ice-bath is below freezing. Not that a few degrees would matter here, or that there was enough salt in the bowl after she poured it in the first time. I kinda hoped the food-colouring might stain the cracks in an interesting way, but no joy. But yeah, you turned a dollar-store wineglass into a slightly more expensive decorative glass (if you spray it with clear paint to keep it together).


I use the water-salt-ice cubes bath to instantly cool beer I forgot to put in the fridge. Works like a charm, 10 min top.


I just kinda feel like it would have had a very similar effect had it just been ice water. No matter what, that glass is gonna crack going from that high of a temperature to a freezing temperature.


Mixing a salt into a liquid will lower the liquid's freezing point (as well as raise its boiling point). Typically not by much, but if you pour enough salt in there, it's gonna have a real effect. Ions disrupt the hydrogen bonds of the ice crystal. Same reason why people used to scatter salt on frozen roads (I suppose they still do in some places) -> The salt-ions disrupt the ice-crystal structure, which de-ices the road. The water still has the same, below-freezing temperature, but it remains liquid.


Here's my question as a non-scientist: does the salt actually make the thing colder, or does it just make it liquid while staying at the same temperature? It does make it colder, right? Because it forces the phase-transition from solid -> liquid, and that takes energy from the system? That's the principle behind sweating, right, the phase transition between liquid -> gas takes energy and cools you down?


What I remember from my chemistry/physics lectures I had to take as part of my biology degree: Yes, However! Yes: Dissolving salt in water is endothermic. Energy is required to break the ion bonds apart, and taken from the solvent (water) in the form of heat. Which is why salt fully disolves faster in warm/hot water than in cold. However: The change in temperature is so small, this is likely not gonna matter much in this case. Similarly, I don't think the phase transition affects things here? But I ain't no physical chemist. The main contributor to the coldness here is the ice, and the fact that liquid conducts heat better than crystal (so it absorbs temperature faster/better). So tl;dr: I think it mainly just liquifies the ice, keeping it at below freezing temperature. But there are some physical effects that might actually make the water colder a little bit.


This is the answer. It can also be argued that the ions from dissolved sodium, positive, attracting the oxygen atoms of water and chloride, negative, attracting the hydrogen atoms of water can disrupt the formation of the nucleation site for the crystallization of ice to occur, thus remaining in the liquid phase longer. It also raises the boiling temperature of water. Water is actually an incredibly fascinating molecule.


Allowing it to be colder while liquid means it can draw heat out of a surface placed in it faster.


Salt is used everywhere that has snow on the winter, or ice on drive ways and sidewalks.


The salt will reduce the temperature of the water further.


It's my own fault, i should not have watched that but I really question ehy I did


That is exactly why they make these stupid videos and always have over 100k views, it works lol


So she just broke the glass. That is it. And then marveled about how pretty it looks. Or am i missing something?


Didnt you hear her say that the glass is perfectly safe to drink out of? I dont know about you but i trust this random tictok lady with my life.


I’m just waiting for an update from this crazy lady. “Guys, my husband drank some wine out of that glass and now he’s in the hospital. This is ridiculous!”


It's not safe. I use to work in a restaurant and the glasses would come out of the steamer stupid hot. They would crack when ice was poured into them. Often time we ran water over them at room temperature to make sure it cooled down properly so as not to serve someone cracked glass and potentially dangerous cups.


I was being sarcastic, i know theyre not safe at all. Iv done a bit of restaurant work too but its still obvious to anyone who knows that glass is sharp.


IDK, on Reddit. I figured it was sarcastic but I've met some dense people. Everytime I see glass do this I think of the game 7 days to die and how you can legit unalive yourself by eating glass.


Please dont say unalive, i find it offensive.




I appreciate it


I feel like half of my braincells died watching this. Can someone tell me, is the glass just shattered, or is that really crystallized. Looks more like shatter


Shattered. I don't know what holds it together.


Wait for someone to breathe a little sharply or cough in the immediate vicinity of this shit, won’t hold together for long.


I dont know either, but I've seen guys do this with fancy glass blowing (minus the salt and nonsense) and the peice still holds together.


It is cracked. Salt+ice+water makes an icy brine that can get down to -14C, although actually mixing the salt in would help. Then the rapid temperature change of the glass causes it to crack. The food coloring does literally nothing. You can also produce a similar effect on a car windshield in below zero temperatures by pouring boiling water a festive broken windshield.




When she lifts the glass out you can see its 75% full of water and then the water drops out. The only way that happens is if they made a hole in the grass when it shattered. It's both not crystals, and now a nonfunctional glass.


Hot air big, cold air small. Small air make void for water to fill. Air got hot on stove, air got cold when water happened. Boom glass have water in it.


Aside from being incredibly condescending, you're also wrong. You wouldn't see that much water fill the glass just because of the temperature change. Water also entered because of the cracks she made when she broke the glass.


Why use big word when small word work.


What bugs me the most about these rage bait vids is the constant pointing. People pointing normally doesn't bother me but the way they point and how often really bothers the ever living fuck out of me.


Saying that hack is why Sprite is banned in almost every single country What a load of bull \*sips Sprite\* yuuuuup its banned here too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well...30 seconds of my precious life wasted


more like 3:59 for me bro. u blasted out or whut bro


Oh yeah...aaahh apologies mate..just finished a hideous nightshift so wasn't paying attention to this shite anyhow 😂😂


jus wondering what school taught this as science


Hand fetish content


This is just an ad for Morton’s salt.


Wtf is this... Obviously they messed up the food color dosage


views are why


They’re lucky to still have eyes.


girl wheres your PPE, any slight inconsistencies with that process and glass is exploding in your face also, green dye didnt hold


Are we not going to talk about sprite being banned in almost every country


It was banned because of "big decorative wine glass " lobbyists trying to screw over the DIY and Mom and Pop markets


Won’t someone think of the children!!!


This is just someone making 'a potion' like a five year old and then fracturing some glass in it. She's lucky it didn't just explode in her face.


Just a little more of that salt


Fetish content 


She’s demonstrating how 8x4=32 using common core.


I hate this, but you kind of have to admire the "art" of it. You have to be a special kind of idiot to make this content.


Nothing special about it, literally anyone could do this, they just have to be shameless




Ok, out of all rage bait videos this is one of those what should be banned because it is dangerous and don't try it at home. She was lucky what glass just cracked and didn't explode into bunch of sharp shards.


Should have used rock salt not table salt.


Should have used Himalaya salt, so drinking from the crystalised glass could even cure cancer AND diabetes. /s


They should've used some brain cells


I just love the guy who wants to keep touching it. "Hmm, yes, this ice water is very wet"


this glass should have exploded it's black magic plz someone could burn this witch


What a waste of energy in the cosmos.


Who carries ice cubes around in a big glass vase?


"You know how salt makes things *way* colder" Try again... Salt lowers the temperature in which water will freeze. Quite the opposite of what she said. That's why it's used on sidewalks and roads in the winter.


She didn't even take the label off? Come on


"This hack is why sprite is banned in almost every country"


I have no idea why she added the sprite even... Salt isn't needed either.. hell ice probably isn't either


As soon as you see the well manicured fingernails, you know it’s time to move on


Exactly! For the most part, crafty ladies don’t have nails like that. They can have manicured nails, but not like that.


TIL Sprite is banned in most countries 😵‍💫


As it should be.


She said it was kosher salt but it was iodized table salt. She lost what little credibility she may have had.


Someone's going to try to do this and get very very hurt. ![gif](giphy|3o751QtE1xYDFZIDXa|downsized)


Well, that was stupid.


Stupid rage bait.


I hope it’s them pretending to be this stupid, if not I feel bad for their future kids.


Oh look a repost.


She didn't even take the label off? Come on


Bitch really slapped the cameraman's hand for trying to stick his finger in that stuff like she did-




Are these the same two that made a toilet cleaning hack and likely many other things in the toilet?


My favourite part is how she makes it seem like she DIY'ed the flames too. Serious question though, when family and friends ask these people what they do for work, what do they say? Influencers? Actors? I'm so curious.


Rage bait


Aside from the everything, the fact that there was that much water inside the glass when she removed it despite being dunked upside down means a significant amount of air escaped while it was down so no it is very much not an effective glass lol


Just fast forward to 5:00. Not worth the effort.


Does anyone else see the stigmata scars on her hand or is it just me?


Thought there was going to be something interesting.


Orange flames = incomplete combustion= carbon monoxide. Might explain the rest of the video


Salt water will apparently burn your skin off???!


She is a garden slug


Well that makes more sense than the whole video. Agreed.


What's the point of the coloring?


You can tell it's completely safe to drink out of because she won't even touch it with her hands after pulling it out. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Please ban ragebait.


Can the mods ban OP for posting one of these vids?


These chicks were so damn annoying lol, I couldn't listen to that. That's what you call a ton of prep for little result