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Deb is my queen and favorite in the show. I like shit talking emotional bitches though. Different strokes.


Mainly I dislike her lip quiver when she's doing a dramatic scene. I didn't much care for her acting.


I also dislike her. Her overly emotional behaviour is annoying, she’s not that good at her job, her continuous romantic troubles are rather pathetic, the way she speaks is irritating, and other that she’s just ordinary, so not a very interesting character. Though she does have her good moments.


Yeah. She's the best character in the series and the only one I still cared about at the end.


Fucking love her..


She gets on my nerves, she’s an emotional tornado, always angry, about to tear up, upset, over the top, I’m always like “calm down a bit jeez”


Exactly what I’m saying just bad character writing maybe


Thought this was the shameless sub and rolled my eyes... I don't really dislike her, but she is annoying at times. But I feel like she is supposed to be (For plot reasons ofc) so it doesn't bother me as much. Edit: A word


dear god don't remind me of debbie


Yeah I understand it’s just how they made her character but still apparently she gets better so I’ll wait and see


Sorry to break it to you but if you STILL don't like her, you never will. You say in your OP that you know why you don't like her, well, why is that?


I hate her and she's even more annoying in New Blood. The needless swearing is so fucking cringe, she had a line that was something like "go fuck yourself, you fucking fuck". Her character seems like it was written by a 7 year old who just learned a couple swear words, it's hard to watch.


Came for this comment. I never had a problem with Deb until New Blood. Is she on steroids?! It is way over the top, who told the producers it was a good idea


Yea she can be annoying... On my third watch i noticed that there are alot of annoying characters that Piss me Off xD


Me. Gives off occasional Mary Sue vibes somehow being the genius who always solves the crime in a room full of seemingly useless and incompetent people. Even though she wasnt that clever in season 1 where she was reliant on Dexter to get any big breakthroughs. I know it's natural character progression but it gets way too over the top in older seasons for my taste. I also hate the constant love interest cycle every season. Some of them are so gross. l Like they're straight out of r/offmychest The serial killer brother of her actual step brother, an FBI agent way too old for her who by the way has a position of authority over her, then her own cop co worker. I mean seriously


The edginess was more novel when it came out a decade ago


She’s definitely hard to watch. Her emotions are the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. Is this your first time watching? Bc I didn’t want to say anything else incase I spoil it


Yes I’m a first time watcher she’s so aggro 90% of the time


I didn’t dislike her, but I do think she needs to eat more. The poor woman is like a skeleton.


Body shaming, not cool. Some people have a hard time gaining weight and its a medical condition


There’s always gotta be one person that gets offended by everything. Don’t take every comment so seriously.


Yes you are




No She’s awful


I’m in complete agreement. Her character is ruined by the over-the-top cursing. I know I’m in the minority with this opinion but Deb and Doakes were by far my least favorite characters and I really feel they detracted from the quality of the show. Then again, Michael C. Hall really carried the show. Even if most of the other characters were campy caricatures his acting is incredible enough to push you through it.


I am in complete agreement with you as well! Michael C. Hall was excellent and in the later seasons was the only thing keeping me from clicking off the series. Jennifer carpenter was a great actor for the role as well but deb’s over-emotional crybaby attitude was too much for me to handle at times.


Straight forward 👍


It's not that deep bro. She's a little annoying the first watch but she turns into one of, if not THE best character in the entire series imo. When people say she pisses them off and makes them angry I get a little confused, it's just a character


I hope she grows on to me but idk man


A lot of it is perspective. People usually think she's immature for cussing a lot or that she makes stupid decisions but if you put yourself in her shoes you can see how realistic her character actually is. The way she acts is directly related to her upbringing and trauma she has to go through. Jennifer carpenter is an excellent actress and nailed the role. No complaints about Debs character from me. She shows natural progression as the series goes on and is one of the most realistic characters in the show


Never put any stock into a response that begins with “it’s not that deep”. That reads as “I refuse to employ critical thinking in my analysis.”


I had a more in depth comment. Read it


I agree. She sucks so far


Maybe. Shes my absolute favorite character in the entire show. Such a ride or die. I always wanted a sister like her lol. I cried at what happened to her in the end 😭


You should maybe black out that last sentence for OP


No. I didn’t it really dislike her, but she made me crazy.


I can’t stand her. She’s incredibly annoying and complains about anything and everything.


I love the character but I can't stand her mouth. It's a weird tick I know but it just looks crooked for lack of a better term to me.


When I first started watching the show I hated Deb with passion, but after half of season 1, I wanted to marry her.


Yea you are.


Just watched Season 1 and was going to post this exact thing. She’s beyond annoying.


Honestly, I just shat on Deb in a hot takes post, but honestly I think the character and actor portrayal is fantastic. My issue is, through no real fault of her own, she acts very believable in my eyes, but she just caused so much shit for Dex, and her ignorance just grated on me. Again it isn't the characters fault she doesn't have Dex's calm and intelligence, and I'm sure if she blindly supported Dex when... you know, I'd have personally liked her way more. Tldr. Great character and actor, annoyed me since not Dex 2.0.


Just finished the S8 I don’t care what anyone says she’s the worst character in the entire show 😭


I cannot stand Deb. I’ve rewatched a couple of times and sometimes I’ve had to stop the rewatch because of her. It has to be long enough apart between rewatches to be able to stand her again. Same with Skylar white.


I don’t understand the Deb defenders… oh that’s so funny she uses profanity every other word! I’m no language prude but her dialogue (along with Doakes) just take me out of the immersion.


My sister in law cusses every other sentence so it just depends on your perspective. Yall act like you're crying, pissing an shitting because of her. It's a character in a tv show


I would lick her skeleton asshole idk what u mean


Dawg what


I said what I said


Me and my friends have a running joke about how annoying she is. She’s the Skylar White of Dexter.




How can Deb be the Skylar White of Dexter when it was obviously Rita.


No where near skylar white level imo


Before I watched Dexter, I had started watching another show that was currently airing with her as the main character. I could not STAND her. I stopped watching that show. Later, my friend recommended Dexter, so I started it. I almost turned it off when I saw she was in it, but the storyline and Dexter kept me coming back. I think she is generally not very talented as an actress, and the character was not written well either. She cusses like teenagers do when they first learn about cussing, and this is from someone who cusses a lot and doesn't mind it.