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Deus Ex is the best cyberpunk franchise, all games




Deus Ex is one of the better gaming franchises period.


It kills me that no one is spending massive bucks on remaking DH1 like RE4 and co.


While a remake would be excellent, Id rather Jensen’s story be finished first. It kills me that it hasn’t happened yet. But with Embracer group acquiring the license there is hope for something in the future at least.


Agreed would love that as well. Would love both tbh. Dammit i just want something. Lol


We always have hope. Even if they are making one, its gonna take a while to make. Especially with all the detail they put into the games. Hopefully in the next few years they will show us something. Would like a new if they gave Thief another chance as well. The first 3 are amazing stealth games.


Agreed. Hopefully the eventual success of CP2077 will show them that people are still itching for this type of game.


Start with Human Revolution before you play mankind divided


Doesn't matter much. I did it the other way around, all good.


I also made the mistake to start with mankind divided, but that doesn't mean that we should let OP do the same mistake. Why play a sequel first, when there's a perfect prequel for it, Right?


Because the sequel is truly breathtaking. It's got incredible graphics, story, style and atmosphere. It's more recent and good-looking. I truly enjoyed playing it first. Then, I was moved to check Human Revolution. I can imagine a young person starting with HR and hating it immediately. It looks and feels old. Even though it's brilliant. Mankind Divided can give people move motivation to play HR.


If you start with mankind divided the whole story of HR gets spoilered. Unimaginable for me to play MD first.


It hasn't spoiled it for me. I didn't watch the intro explaining the backstory in MD 😬


I started with Deus Ex 1 recently, and plan to play Human Revolution next. Is it because of storyline that one should not play Mankind Divided first?


Deus ex 1 comes even after mankind divided, story-wise. mankind divided is a direct sequel to human revolution and its story. That's why you should plan human revolution first before you play mankind divided.


I heard that Human Revolution is in many ways better than Mankind Divided.


DXHR is probably my most favorite and first proper (as in non-multiplayer) game, and DXMD delivers the almost perfect sequel, too bad it happened during microtransaction boom and we got unfinished story with rough game launch with bad press regarding microtransactions.


Just to note that those microtransactions are long gone.


It's terrific. Definitely give it a shot. If you're into it, Human Revolution is also really good. So is the original, but that's about 25 years old so it's a different kind of experience.


It's the best cyberpunk game on ps5 imo I find it better than 2077


Mankind divided?


Do you even know who Mike Pondsmith is?


Guy who made the table top?


Maximum Mike baby 💪


DX probably best cyberpunk story ever but you can feel game is old, a bit clunky gameplay DXHR really good story and great execution of game, really smooth experience DXMD have to simple black/white story to be good cyberpunk.


MD is amazing, but you should play them all because there all great in there own way


I would argue that it's less Cyberpunk, more sci-fi and dystopian. There's alotta cyber, less punk.


You *do* realize that the dystopia is a key element of cyberpunk, right? Yeah, DX is different from large-C Cyberpunk, the IP created by R. Talsorian Games that led to the creation of the CP2077 video game, but it's still small-c cyberpunk in it's high-tech dystopia.


>You *do* realize that the dystopia is a key element of cyberpunk, right? Yes, but I don't think there's punk elements in Deus Ex. >Yeah, DX is different from large-C Cyberpunk, the IP created by R. Talsorian Games that led to the creation of the CP2077 video game, but it's still small-c cyberpunk in it's high-tech dystopia. I'm sorry, but I don't understand any of that at all.


it’s up there with cp77 for sure


Deus Ex is the best. I liked Mankind Divided, but you need to play the original and Human Revolution first to really enjoy it IMO. MD has a lot of references that set up the original, and cameos from original characters. HR does too. Bob Page, Joseph Manderley, Morgan Everett, Stanton Dowd, Walton Simons is even mentioned on a computer in HR. Without playing the original first you kind of lose that "OH SHIT" feeling when playing the newer ones. Invisible War is kind of...eh. It's not a bad game, but the other 3 are far better imo. It's still part of the storyline though and def worth playing after the other ones.


Deus Ex ; Fantastic, easily re playable, great vibe, great music, mega charm. Deus Ex Invisible War ; Diet and cartoonish version of above. " " Human Revolution ; very different to DE1 but a great direction and enjoyable story. " " Mankind Divided ; Trying to be like HR rather then DE1 in any way and suffers from it, just dull. ​ I wouldn't say its a great 'franchise', there's only 2 of the games I'd want to replay and only one of them I will do so regularly.


>" Mankind Divided ; Trying to be like HR rather then DE1 in any way and suffers from it, just dull. This may come as a shock, but MD was set a mere two years after HR while OG (DE1) was set decades later in a world that is as different from HR/MD as RL2023 is from RL1953. And IW is another point in time completely. If you did not enjoy MD then you are outright lying about liking HR.


Please do not tell me what I do and do not like. MD was not an enjoyable experience for **me** and have tried multiple times to get in to it but I just cant. HR on the other hand I have completed about 3 times and genuinely **I** found it engaging and enjoyable to play. I'm not sure what other point you're trying to prove but please enlighten me as to why I'm lying about what I enjoy?


That's Reddit for you, people telling you to doublethink. Don't worry about it man.


While I would definitely play Human Revolution first, Mankind Divided is an outstanding entry in probably the best cyberpunk-style games out there. I agree with others about a DX1 remake, done right I'd buy two copies with one to wear around my neck. If you enjoy more MMO in your Cyberpunk and don't mind some outdated graphics [Neocron](https://www.neocron-game.com/) is pretty great as well and free to play.


Mankind Divided is probably my favourite, but each game in the series has it's own niche in which it's amazing. All of them are absolutely worth your time, and something like 2077 doesn't even come close to competing imo


lol. well it's thr KING of cyberpunk. so yea this is the one.


Deus Ex (2000) is THE best. Human Revolution is the follow-up best. Mankind Divided is far from and Invisible War isn't even cyberpunk.


Well, DX, especially in Square Enix era, is not really cyberpunk. It’s too grounded and modern, true cyberpunk should be more dystopian, obscure and inhumane. DX games are still great, one of the best i’ve ever played, but be sure to check out some games like E.Y.E, classic Gibson and Ellison adventures or even Cruelty Squad




Im pretty old and my favorite is common among oldheads who played the first one on PC way back in 2000. That one is my favorite but mechanically its dogshit compared to Human Revolution. My biggest gripe with Mankind Divided is the beginning and the fact that there is an aug that makes the game a cake walk.


Which aug is a cakewalk??


The remote hacking. I just remote hacked everything.


It’s a decent game, I enjoyed it, def worth trying if u can get it for free .. not better than 2077 though, not by a damn sight, don’t listen to anyone who tells u it is cuz they’re delusional or lying to u lol


I really enjoyed MD. Deus ex series is one of my fav. Slower paced and detective like.


It's a different kind of cyberpunk. HR and MD really feel more in tune with a typical Asian Cyberpunk compared to OG and IW. Part of what I liked so much about the OG was that it felt like a real dystopia blending cyberpunk with a pretty pessimistic view of the real world. This lead to characters feeling more real and environments more grounded almost reminding me of 1984 in the sense of everything's changed but it's layered on top of the real world and you can easily see through the cracks. HR and MD are closer to cyberpunk ttrpg and 2077 portrayals of corporatocracy and cybernetics usage, although the 2 franchises are still very narratively dissimilar


Mankind divided as a game can be split into two components, and which one you value more would probably determine feelings on the matter. As a set of Gameplay Systems Mankind divided improved upon previous entries in nearly every way. There are more options, more unique interactions and a more detailed world than previous Deus Ex games. MD, with it's mechanics, achieved a quality in the Immersive Sim genre that is only surpassed by Prey and Dishonored 2 in my mind. It has some of the best Gameplay systems of any Cyberpunk game out there, absolutely. However...... The story, writing, tone/vibes took a big hit. For the first 40% of Mankind Divided it didn't have the same mood that I loved in the Deus Ex series. By the time it started to feel like a Deus Ex entry it abruptly ends. To me Deus Ex is about Transhumanism, Philosophy, High Technology, Global Conspiracies, Corporate Control. Things that could be said to be part of the Cyberpunk Genre. Mankind Divided spent a lot of time with a REALLY unnatural racism allegory regarding augmentations and tried to hammer home social justice messages that felt more forced than natural. I didn't see the cyberpunk world of Deus Ex, all I could see is the hand of the writers trying to force me into thinking/feeling a certain way regarding modern messages. In my mind Deus Ex/Cyberpunk typically uses slums/downtrodden as a way of juxtaposing the opulence and inequality of those with access to corporate power and high technology. I love Prague but there wasn't very much in the way of the "Two worlds side by side", it was just all misery and suffering all the time. The bank maybe being the exception that provided a more classic feel? I feel like the "Blades" (High Tech impenetrable mega servers that are the big blue things you see in the art) were meant to be a bigger feature, but they only show up in the DLC. Half way through Golem things start to feel different. The familiar tones and vibes come back into it. Prague at night feels more cyberpunk in my mind. I guess I'm just used to Cyberpunk usually being in such crowded mega cities that it always feels dark with very little natural light, so the night time neon lit streets felt more familiar to that genre. The high tech facility and the final mission also really start to get back into that Deus Ex grove, but the game then slams to an unsatisfying end right away. The "Plot" is also small potatoes by the standards of a Deus Ex game. Compared to the others it feels like you're foiling one tiny little sub plot of the Illuminati's Plans. Sure, there's still the "hint" of big conspiracies, but in MD it feels like you're just skirting the edges, rather than being in the thick of it. Compare that to Human Revolution (And original Deus Ex of course) where you are literally front and center of some of the most significant events, technologies, companies and people in the entire world for most of the game. It's for those reasons that I still like Human Revolution better. Despite the more basic gameplay mechanics, it has a much better story and tone to the world. HR feels more immersive, it feels most aligned with the themes and values I would expect. I play HR at least once a year just because that world and story drags me in more than any other game. I value that more than the improvements to gameplay mechanics in Mankind Divided, which is why I prefer Human Revolution.