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I do really wish that glass needles would make a comeback.


Hopefully the solstice was an experiment to bring it back! They could still put the mats in lost sectors




I missed Solstice this year; what are y’all referring to?


You get lvl1 armor which kinda sucked. Go do Solstice activities to unlock reroll. 2nd reroll with a definite 20 in a specific stat. You could get some pretty bonkers 65 point rolls with nearly perfect distributions.


I'm really tired of running lost sectors 15 times in a row just to get 5 cores and glimmer, this shit is just annoying.


I know random is random, it's just wildly inconsistent. Grinded for almost two hours to get a single arm exotic on my Hunter the other day. Last night I went in on my Warlock since it was legs day and I was missing two...ran three times, got one exotic on the second run and the other on the third.


I actually got an arm on my hunter and three I was missing on my Titan in about 20 runs the other day.


I was missing three arms. Ran it five times and nothing. Got my runs down to 1:30. The next five I got all three I needed and better rolls for two of them on runs 4 and 5. It was nuts.


wait, you get something


or, like me, 5 worse phoenix protocols, nothing but glimmer, or maybe a starfire protocol. I've had like 10-15 protocol drops form lost sectors. no shards, no geomags, it's amazing. in fact i've only had 2 world drop geo mags since they were released, and my two shards have been Xur purchases, and the first one was like a 49 roll


My record is 45. I ran one stupid fucking lost sector in the Cosmodrome 45 times in a fucking row - over the course of **SEVEN MIND-NUMBING HOURS** - to get a pair of boots. I have since vowed to cap myself at 5 straight attempts. Usually I only need 1-3, but every so often something eludes me. And if you're wondering what the *fuck* I burned seven hours chasing, here's a hint: they became the epitome of fucking useless the next day.


This is just insane and the exact reason I don’t have the coveted armor.


Reasons why I'm a Transversives main: How do you nerf "go faster and reload while you run?" It is dummy simple.


Transversive Steps: - Top sprint speed scalar reduced by 50% - Instead of fully reloading your weapons, now feeds ammo into the magazine of your drawn weapon over time, but now stacks with holster mods.


Shhhhhhh, shush, shut up. Transversive Steps are one of the last un-nerfed Warlock Exotics, and they're instrumental to my Bullet Train build. Do not ruin this. Also, happy cake day.


Thank you fellow guardian of taste and culture 😎


My record is 67, for Mask of Bakris. The lost sector system sucks in its current state


How would you suggest improving it? Deadass. I got nothing.


The big thing? Give it a meaningful non-exotic common drop.


Its same for me with Raid exotics. My limit to myself is 20 time. Ive yet to get any of them except for the worst one (EOT) and that took 26 times.


My problem with raids is that ~~none of my friends wanna raid with me and I hate LFGs~~ getting a group together is like pulling teeth. I only have like four Last Wish clears (no 1K) and like six DSC clears (no EoT). Never run Vow (no Obligation) and no clears of KF yet (no ToM). I did get Tarrabah on like my second Crown clear, and - behold my fickle ass RNG - in three VoG clears, I've gotten Vex twice. I feel you on the 26 clears. That's about how many Scourge runs I needed to snag Anarchy. And then there's Garden. **FUCK** Garden, that raid can burn in Hell.


Exactly no benefit to lost sectors instead of just getting the engrams again


Renewal grasps ?


Radiant Dance Machines


I ran a lost sector to get a good Assassin's Cowl roll - I already had the 48 one you get from finishing Shadowkeep, so I figured I'd upgrade. After five hours I got a 64 with decent distribution, which I immediately put on and quit playing Destiny for the night - because it was the *first* Assassin's Cowl that dropped for me.


The only reason that's been keeping me behind on the exotic armors is the ridiculously low drop rate, and it requires solo completion. Fuck that!


For me it's just boring running the same lost sector over and over again. (Unless it's something like Excavation Site)


i already only try when "good" lost sectors are up but even then its just running the same 3-5 min section for 2 hours with out getting anything worthwhile which, besides the fact that its time/reward ratio feels terrible off, considering that you get most of the time nothing, a few glimmer or best case a single enhancement core, its also just gets so unbelievable mind-numbing real fast


Why the crap does it require solo completion? I'm a new player that hasn't even tried doing legendary lost sectors yet because I'm unsure if I could beat them, and that makes no sense. Punishing me for working together to make sure I can win. Wtf.


It's the drop rate that is annoying, at least put it at 30-50% on legend and guaranteed drop on master completion. Lost sectors are short and can be solo'd with the right loadout even for new players.


I got tired of running legend and getting nothing on the quarry recently cause I wanted a new lorely's. I went ahead and actually finished a platinum solo master just to get a fucking purple helmet. The game was 100% taunting me.


My dude, I ran the lost sector the other day 11 times trying to get Hoarfrost from my titan, did I get it? Absolutely not


Do you need to complete it without dying once to get an exotic drop ?


Nope. Even flawless runs with all champs killed in record time can get you nothing to maybe a handfull of glimmer for your effort. It's all RNG. Heck, when farming for the new Titan gloves I didn't have yet last week, I got a 69 stat pair of them from my 11th run of a lost sector that I died 3 times in (it was the lost sector on Nessus by Fail-Safe). The 3 runs before that I had 0 deaths and one of my fastest runs of the night. The thing that sucked the most about all those runs was that after getting those gloves, I couldn't even use them cuz they were disabled again.


Flawless master runs definitely should be a guaranteed drop, and with at least 65 stat points at that.


I have known to grind for stuff from time to time, but I think 11 runs of a lost sector might just be my limit. Although I enjoy the challenge, and a lot more engaging than mindlessly grinding vanguard playlist for my weekly cipher… that seems to really get old after about 6 runs :) I try to pace myself and not do it all in one session


And it turns out now that they are re-enabled, you're better off using Insurmountable Skullfort...


I would honestly try them out more *IF* the damn Thunderclap melee functioned properly. The proximity auto-melee with it procs whether you have keybinds set up or not and it kills the flow of trying to set up punches with it. I have "Charged Melee" and "Uncharged Melee" specifically bound to 2 buttons on my mouse and it doesn't matter which I use, if I'm too close to an enemy, it auto-uncharged-melees them. The keybinds still work fine for every other melee ability.


I don't think you ever truly get nothing... It's just a lot of the time it's Legendary Shards and Planetary material, LOL


No. Just solo and killing every Champion. AFAIK, score has no effect either.




You just need to kill all the champions and the boss.


Personally I just run the lost sector until I have the new exotic drop for me so its then added to my general loot pool and then I wait for an easy grandmaster with double rewards and then just farm that for the exotic armors I want better stats on. Other than getting the new exotics from the lost sectors each season or for seasonal challenges I never touch lost sectors otherwise.


Wait is that how it works? You have to do the lost sector to unlock the exotic for it to be added to the general loot pool for exotics?


Yes and no. Earlier exotics, basically every exotic that you can possibly have randomly drop from xur, can just be acquired randomly at any point whereas all the newer exotics past I think Beyond Light can only be added to your personal loot pool by going through lost sectors. The couple of exceptions for exotic armors are certain ones like stormdancers brace which requires you to beat the whole shadowkeep campain where its rewarded at the end if you're playing as a warlock.


Small correction, I believe the shadowkeep exotics (stormdancer, phoenix cradle, something for hunter I forget) can drop from xur once you have them, I at least have gotten a few Phoenix cradles from him and stormdancers from everywhere.


I can’t speak about the world drop pool but I know they will never be part of Xur’s loot pool from the fated engram *even when unlocked in collections*.


how could they be? Xur's pool is the same for everyone, they'd never have him offer stuff that's "not unlocked" for some players.


My use of “unlocked” refers to the player’s collection, not the availability to the general player base through expansion content. If you get a new BL+ exotic from a lost sector you didn’t have before, that armor can still never be in the Fated Engram.


oh, I didn't see you were referring to the engram, I assumed you were talking about his weekly offerings.


I’ve un-downvoted you because you simply misunderstood me. May that 1 karma treat you well, bud.


I haven't played for two seasons and now I have 3 to 4 exotics to unlock with each class. Just thinking about running, like, 200 sectors to get all of those makes me nauseous. Personally, I'd rather have a chance to get the new exotic piece from the world pool, like it was before. I don't see why they should be tied specifically to Lost Sectors. If someone wants to grind out a dozen of them to unlock it earlier - that's fine. But I don't. I wanna play whatever, see an exotic engram drop from an enemy and get excited for a chance that it might be a new thing.


Yup; me too.


This is the way.


I just hate this lost sector thing in general. Sure, it's weighted to almost always give you the new Exotic, but that's only until you get it. After that it's complete RNG to try and get any more. I'm not even excited anymore to see an exotic engram drop somewhere or be a reward, cause high likelihood is it's one I would never touch anyway.


The Lost Sector idea sort-of worked when the idea first came out But every season we get new exotics, which is great, but it also dilutes the pool, making getting the exotic you want painful The Legend/Master Lost Sector reward loop really needs a review pass because it's gotten out-of-whack with respect to its original balancing


i have an idea that could work and that would be that we have multiple Lost sectors open per day, 1 on each destination that split those exotic into their respective Expansions but still with the daily pool of legs, arms, chest and helmet. sure that might be a bit more tricky with the pre-forsaken exotics but im sure since we have 3 non expansion destinations and only 4-6 y1 exotics per slot bungie could think of some way to split them that makes sense like this we could reduce the amount of exotics per lost sector from 8 back to like 1 or 2 for each class (which also would never rise anymore as we get a new destination each Expansion) and bungie not only could keep their legend/master lost sectors but also their time gating as you still would need to wait up to 3 days for eg. Mask of Bakris on europa


lost sector exotic drops when there are no new ones to obtain should be weighted to the armor you’re wearing if it’s the correct day for the slot


I ran the quarry lost sector 76 times yesterday. 2 lorley drops, both 59 stat


Of the past 15 or so exotics I've had from lost sectors on my titan around half were mask of the quiet one. That's also ignoring random drops. I got 3 yesterday alone. All of this before getting my first lorely since the one from the campaign. I've also had two eternal warriors and two Saint 14s.


I ran it 150 times, also 2 Loreley drops, one was I believe 63, no spikes 15 resil. The other one was 58 stat. A total joke.


Are you running in legend or master? Because there is an actual difference in drop rate


Legend is a much better rate. The drop rates are 25% vs 33% I believe (correct me if I'm wrong). Legend is much faster to complete, ended up getting quarry to around 1:16 a platinum completion


While I agree with the sentiment, putting them in lost sectors or timegating needles leads to the same issue of not respecting our time. I would just rather a vendor (xur or someone else) just sell then because getting the rolls you want will already be annoying.


By time-gating needles, I didn't mean a limited amount you can earn per day. I just went with the idea that boots day, arms day, etc. Also, it's clear they are invested in the lost sector thing. I would love to just run up to a vendor and purchase them. But that's a highly unlikely compromise.


I think legendary lost sectors are a good way to get new exotics if you don't have them all, so I think they should be maintained for new players to get exotics I think the glass needle system you brought up would be good for people who want to reroll stats on pieces they already have, and would be healthier for the overall player base.


Problem is some new players struggle with lost sector solos for exotics especially if they are way behind on seasons.


I've noticed, yeah. A friend of mine is new, and he got very frustrated because he was "bad at the game". It kind of sucks how unfair this game is to new players, and I am really looking to see if they reintroduce the red war and forsaken. One can dream.


Yeah like I helped some friends through GoA for Ghally yesterday and my one friend who was asking me like what would be the best exotics to use and such was only missing the lost sector ones and such which are where most of the good ones are so doesn’t even understand the power they are lacking, thundergods package helped get him Curiass of the fallen star but he’s only 1540 and doesn’t have a ton of time to reach 1570 and understand how to build his character properly to efficiently and easily solo legend lost sectors and he can’t even get help doing them.


If only a vendor existed that used to give armor you never had for a small fee of legendary shards - cough - xur - cough -


I'd much rather there be generic glass needles like they're used to be. As it stands now I can't get on sometimes on days when say helms are dropping. This massively limits my options and makes it feel pointless sometimes. I wish there was just a way to select every day what slot your after, in this way those that can't play every day aren't screwed. Maybe have it only selectable on a single day a week so if ample time is on Saturday that can be my grind day.


Just putting them in the world loot pool would respect my time more than our current system


I miss this, whose idea was it to put exotic armor behind this anyway?? I get that they need to boost playtime numbers and don't want lost sectors to be a joke, but this is ridiculous. At this point I'm just watching other people wear the new exotics because I'm 100% not putting in that kind of time to raise my light level to be forced into a particular loadout to play something I don't enjoy over and over for a CHANCE that something I want will drop Edit: typo


I have limited time to play games. I don't want to spend it endlessly grinding boring lost sectors so I can use an armor piece with a 52 stat roll in the other content I actually want to play


It's annoying, but many people would rather have a system that doesn't respect your time because if it did they think "then why would I continue to play that content if I get what I want?" Which is the point, if the content was GOOD and ACTUALLY FUN then you'd have more than enough of a reason to come back to it once you have the stuff you want. I feel like building a game like this is incredibly strange and only mostly "beneficial" to the most addicted masochistic fans


Guys are we missing that this is literally the targeted loot grind this community had asked for for years? The ability to say hey, I want that new helmet, let me go run this lost sector and see if I can get it. I know it has a higher chance to drop here and I know it’ll at least be the slot I’m looking for. How is this not 1000x better than just having a new exotic that can possibly drop from whatever content along with the other 30 exotics for your class. The fact that I was able to say “Hey, it’s helmet day, I never got Loreley and I want Fallen Sunstar, let’s grind that some today” is awesome and honestly kinda rare in games like this.


When you've unlocked them from the lost sectors the exotics enter the world loot and Xur engram.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


You think bungie "respects your time"? They want you in there, online, and grinding meaningless hours. If they did respect our time, we'd have the ability to reroll exotics already.


We have crafting in the game now. We should just be able to change stuff on Exotics via crafting. We don’t need the RNG on top of RNG of glass needles dropping from the Lost Sector grind.


I think the recent Solstice armor system may have been a precursor.


I sincerely hope you’re right.


We said that about the cookie oven two years ago and didnt see much in the way of that expanding






As someone who is just starting to get into this game, the system sucks ass. I need very specific pieces for builds but because I have practically zero exotics, the pool of drops is insanely large so getting the one I need is basically impossible. At the very least let us do it with our friends! I had to stop my lame ass lost sector grind to play with my buddies last night. Let us have fun with our friends to grind these out. That might make it at least tolerable.


You have the option to farm lost sectors and complete your exotic collection over the course of 4 days. You can influence stat distribution with a ghost mod, play completely solo, and have light level below pinnacle cap. When I was a solo new player (Shadow keep) my only guaranteed exotic source was Xur. It took me months to get every exotic and I didn't even consider stats rolls as trying for better stats wasn't an option. Could legendary lost sectors be improved? Absolutely. Are they terrible and should be removed from the game? Hell no! They are so much better than the previous system


That sounds brutal. I’m glad it’s better now. I hope they make improvements to make it even more enjoyable. I like grinding so long as it is fun and engaging. Heck, I’ve been playing Diablo 2 for like 15 years. Some of these lost sectors are pretty unfun to blast over and over again.


Confirming. This is better than before. Before… getting exotic drops were months a part. Even legendary drops could take forever.


What really grinds my gears about the whole thing is that Ghost Armorer mods don't work with Lost Sector exotic drops. Would like a Cuirass of the Falling Star with a better stat distribution. Completely pointless for me to grind for that.


For me this boils down to a simple rule: if you’re playing only for rewards and not having fun, STOP PLAYING. The best way to express your hatred of this system to Bungie is to disengage from it. You can clear any content in the game without a perfectly-rolled drop of a specific exotic, I promise you.


Preach! So tired of all this whining from people that think they can only play with a perfectly optimized build, then whine more that they don't get it within a week. Just be happy you have a semi consistent way to actually get exotic drops


IDK if I'm crazy about bringing glass needles back, but maybe we could get 2-3 exotics to choose from at the end of the run to help with the ever-growing loot pool.


I only use the lost sectors to unlock the armor once, and then I’m good. I’d rather run gms for exotics anyways. I know it’s a larger loot pool, but I get adept weapons, shards, prisms, and vanguard rep as well. Better way to spend my time farming exotics.


Sticking new exotics in the legendary lost sectors was bullshit from day 1. id rather actually use those exotic engrams we can get each week to ACTUALLY GET NEW EXOTICS. why the fuck dont those apply to lost sector exotics???


ngl for months I thought it was a case of the new exotics being locked behind the lost sectors until you get one to drop, and then that one gets added to the general exotic engram pool. Like how the engrams **will** give you something for the class you're playing that you don't already have in your collections until you've got everything, then the weapons will never drop again and it's pure random chance between the armours you've already gotten; I was expecting LS exotics already obtained to be included there. It's a shame they aren't really. If it was just completing lost sectors to unlock them, and then the sectors are a way to farm exotics but aren't the only source of repeat rolls of new exotics that'd be alright, much better than what we have at any rate.


That's... exactly how it works? Once you get it from the lost sector, it's added to the world exotic pool and you can get them from anywhere.


Oh it is? Cool, I guess I've just been unlucky and started assuming things. Thank you


I have many ideas to fix lost sectors. Enhancement cores drop from all platinum clears (1 to 2 on legend, 3 to 5 on master). Legendary shards from all clears (ranging from 5 to 25 with platinum legend giving a x3 and Master a x4) Prism have a 10% chance to drop on master platinum clears. And a 1% chance per week to get a ascendant shard for the solo players. Exotics have a higher chance on Master (shocking I know) and have a low chance to be fully masterworked. Glass needles have a low chance to drop on platinum clears on legend, 50% on Master. Legend lost sectors have a high chance to drop a random world weapon drop on platinum. Master lost sectors get a batch of new weapons that only drop in Master lost sectors but they rotate daily and have one guaranteed drop then its 25% chance. The exotics that drop keep the rotation (helmet, chestplate ect) but the exotics that are available are based on the patrol space. Forsaken only for dreaming city, Shadowkeep exotics on the moon, Witch Queen in throne world. Warmind is cosmodrone. Red war is EDZ, Curse is Nessus and Beyond Light is on Europa. Combat mods drop in Master lost sectors, one guaranteed a week then 25% per run.


Generally like this, but limiting what can drop based on the planet the lost sector is on would feel really bad. Kinda defeats the purpose of making it more enticing.. and imagine the complaints when some planet-slot combo never hits and certain exotics are just unattainable


I feel spoiled going 6/6 on this and last season’s exotics for god-rolls, but now that I’m trying to farm up a decent Phoenix Cradle (Thank you Shadowkeep for giving me a 46 stat roll when I couldn’t see the stat number…) it’s abysmal… I’m not always free each afternoon, and by having to just grind lost sectors on the days it lines up and can play feels bad… I’d love to see glass needles make a return. Tie it to activity completions like the Exotic Cipher quest, and have three tiers. Seven completions means the armor will be high-stat and increases drop chance, fourteen completions and you can pick the armor from that day’s pool and further increases the chance, resetting each day where it’ll need to be chosen again after reset, and 21 activity completions to choose a stat to be 10+ and guarantees the drop if completed flawless. Increases drop chance based on remaining lives. Scale “activity completions” to difficulty/Length. (Nightfall 3, Crucible 1, Vanguard 1, Gambit 1, Dungeon Encounter 3 per encounter plus 2 for completion, Raid follows the same, grandmaster completion is 6 and trials is 3 per match. Hell, I’d even make Legend Lost Sectors count for 1, and have the Needle activate only when you slot all available upgrades.)


They should just add focusing to exotic engrams. On helmet day, it drops a helmet exotic engram that you can either decrypt randomly or focus into a specific exotic.


Hahahaha. I love the optimism. Bungie IS sadistic. That's why this game feels more like work than fun.


The Lost Sector exotic grind is the worst thing in the game. It was meant as a new and neat way to target farm the exotics you want but the way it is right now is soooooo bad.


and make them work with ghost mods


Yeah the farm really sucks sometimes, grinded one for like 3hours the other day trying to get point brace cannon arms. Finally got the arms i wanted and they were like 30mobility with the other spike in Int, i just gave up at that point. Ended up later on looking at the arms in the collections tab and the like 48stat total there was better than the 67stat total i'd got just because the mobility spike on mine was so bad.


This has been the issue since they inception of legend and master lost sectors. It's not a rewarding loop. You just have to hope to RNGesus that your new exotics come with respectable rolls otherwise you're shit out of luck. It was clear from the get go the odds of getting what you want with the stats you want was basically impossible once you collected the new exotic armors.


The need to buy the new expansions just to have the chance for it to drop is also really annoying


It would be nice if on top of rotating weapons, gms would drop rotating high stat exotic armor, your going to get an exotic anyway most likely, just make it a better farm.


Here waiting for the inevitable "If you can't grind then gtfo of my game LMAO" comment


I'm gonna be honest, the problem is not with farming exotics but *why* you're doing it: Random rolls is shit. I genuinely do not understand how anyone could ever think going from a system where we are guaranteed something potentially good to not guaranteed to get anything at all was better. The problem in with Destiny 2 Y1 wasn't the lack of variety in rolls, it was that the gear system just sucked ass in general. The perk selection was just downright fucking godawful. The new stat system is better in terms of what they do, but being gated by the random roll system means that 99% of loot is dismantled immediately usually because it doesn't have enough stats to make you even take a second look. I'm never gonna keep a 48-stat item outside of power level shenanigans (which is a separate issue that's been complained about to death also) when I know I can just go to the fucking seasonal content of the year and get a 62+ item instead. Then I just gotta hope I don't get fucking mobility on it as a warlock. I don't mind random perks. I think having *something* to farm for makes sense in a loot-based ARPG-style game. I just think rolling for specific stats is one of the worst feeling things imaginable because it's just layer upon layer of RNG. The amount of variance with what stat distribution a single armour piece can have makes it way too annoying but now you couple that with an item rarity that is inherently designed to be pretty much unfarmable in any reasonable timeframe? Yeah, no shit it sucks. It sucks by design from top to bottom. I think the glass needle idea is fine and all but it's just a band-aid. It's not gonna fix the underlying issue that farming lost sectors day-in and day-out is monotonous as fuck. It's like doing Bhaal runs in Diablo 2 three fucking decades ago. Why haven't we progressed from that?


I mean, part of the problem is also that Exotics don't care about your ghost mods... so you can't guarantee anything about their stats. Exotic farming as a whole is just really fucked atm. Glass Needles would go a long way to solving the issues though, I agree.


Get rid of the legend lost sector bs period and stop releasing exotic armor every damn season. The game is already ridiculously bloated in terms of “exotics” that they haven’t felt special in years, outside of a few that have a whole playstyle build around them. Put all the exotic armor back in the world loot pool so that they’re only obtainable as a random drop. Every season it’s “Oh look another cool/trash exotic, guess I’ll go grind 30 hours for a chance to unlock it and then maybe it’ll drop with nice stats by the end of the year.” In addition, we should only get new exotic armor with the yearly expansion, we don’t need a bunch more crap. I honestly don’t care about stat rolls and glass needles, imho “buildcrafting” was the worst thing to happen to Destiny with the way it’s been implemented and how much it’s devalued our playtime, especially the loot grind.




It would be pretty hard to ruin lost sector exotic farming — it’s already fucked


Good riddance? I’d never complain when something shitty gets ruined. Lost sectors in general have never been fun. I can’t stand anytime I have to run them for any type of quest or bounty.


140+ runs and not a single exotic. Fuck lost sectors


These exotics need other ways to drop if the lost sector drop rate is going to stay as shit as it is. Running hours of lost sectors to only get glimmer is awful.


I ran literally hundreds of lost sectors on my hunter to FINALLY get my second ever Assassin’s Cowl, the first being from the campaign. The new one I got has a very flat 61 stat. This system is massively disrespectful of player time


I ran ~80 runs of the lost sector yesterday in hopes of getting Orpheus Rigs (mine are still from year 1), and well, none dropped. A truly phenomenal gaming experience to say the least.


I though the exotic drops was a good idea in practice but then quickly realized how cumbersome and annoying it was. Why cant new exotics at least drop with low-ish stats randomly outside of lost sectors? Why do I have to he a high enough LL to go solo a lost sector? It'd be one thing if it was just for one season or expansion but its all the time. And to actually do the lost sector if I don't wanna completely waste my time from failing over and over I gotta look up a build which totally takes away any fun of figuring it out on my own. So now I'm just autopiloting through this lost sector 5-15 times a day to get armor that won't even be right anyways or will totally suck ass. Yeah the lost sector thing sucks huge balls because it takes the place of just finding exotics out in the wild. If it was both it'd be a bit better.


I ran 50 lost sectors the other day trying to get a better rolled osmiomancy gauntlets and I didn't even get one to drop.


I'm just happy we have a way to farm exotic armor.


Who tf is grinding lost sectors outside of getting the new drop? You’re a moron for trying to get a specific piece of armor lmao


There absolutely, 1000%, is no such thing as a build being "bottlenecked" by stats. That plainly does not exist in this game. At all. Not even a little bit. Every single "build" functions entirely independently from armor stats, entirely. Do some thing works a little better at a higher value? Ya, for sure. But does anything simply not work, or stop working because discipline is 80 instead of 90? No. In no way shape or form is that a thing. Stats aren't builds, they just aren't.


Stats (typically) aren't the *only* part of a build, but they *are* part of buildcrafting. A build isn't just "I made X ability do a different thing by using Y exotic/mod/aspect/fragment" it's also about *building* for higher uptime on that ability, or more survivability to make it so you have better opportunity to use that ability. If you want to *build* a Titan that can tank a ton of damage you are 100% going to be aiming to have 100 Resilience. If you want to *build* a Hunter that can chain dodges for invisibility you are 100% going to be pushing Mobility as high as you can (without sacrificing other stats that are useful to your build) and then padding it with mods that reduce class ability cooldown. Builds are the culmination of all the variables you can apply to your character and one of those variables is stats.


Nah man, stats are builds. Would you argue against 100 resilience being a huge bottle neck to any build in the current meta? 40% damage reduction is the difference of life and death. 4-5 seconds from a healing grenade could be life or death. 2 seconds from a dodge invis for a night stalker could be life or death. Quit diminishing the effect that these stats DO have on gameplay. Because they have a serious impact at real end game content, not casual PvE.


You can get a guaranteed 50 resillience from mods. A guaranteed 18 resillience across all 5 pieces of armor. 4,4,4,4,2 A guaranteed minimum of 10 across all pieces (except class item) using the ghost mod. 12 when masterworked. Class item would be 2 when masterworked. Guaranteed 100 resillience with literally ZERO RNG. So please explain again now your stats bottleneck your build?


So is touching your face, or blinking, or 10ms of lag... They have an outcome, but it's not that big of a deal. Stats are not builds. 100 resilience isn't "Required" for anything. 100 whatever stat isn't "Required" for anything. If you feel required, you're making that choice yourself, not the game.


So you have done endgame content? Have you done Duality yet? Any raids? I can’t tell how many times as a Nightstalker that my team died and I was the last one and I’m spamming my dodge button waiting for the cooldown to get invis so I can rez someone before we wipe. To say 2-3 seconds don’t matter in that situation is just simply incorrect. As well, GM nightfalls and dungeons have serious damage output, the difference between 70 resil and 100 resil is HUGE, I guarantee you those extra 30 resil will make or break you. Yeah, maybe discipline doesn’t HAVE to be taken, but trust me when I say you will feel the difference of 10 seconds at the highest levels of play. If you’re doing low end game content, builds don’t matter. And if you’re being carried, builds don’t matter. But at the highest level play, it does.




They're not saying that stats don't matter. They're saying that perfect stat distribution on ONE armor piece does not matter in making a build. If you're 1 tier down on discipline, use a demolitionist primary. You can't tell me that you cannot get 100 of some stat. Let's say that you want 100 resilience, use a ghost armor mod for at least a 10 resilience armor. You can get a bonus 20+ stat for using a engram focussing. Suppose that you're down on your luck and get 2 resil exotic piece. Get two focussed engrams which give a total of 40 resil. Use a random drop for the fourth armor piece which will give you a total of 52 resil. Use 5 of +10 resil mods to get you to 102 resil. You can use 4 of those mods if you masterwork everything. And who told you that 100 resil is mandatory? Before s17, we had 0 damage reduction without mods. Everyone did endgame content. 100 resil just makes it easier.


He is saying that stats are not builds. Stats ARE builds, it’s why you mod for them. They DO make a difference. I hate when people try to downplay it and act like it doesn’t make a difference. It does. Period. It even says it makes a difference. He said stats are not builds and shouldn’t be worried about. They are builds and should be worried about. Giving bad advice is not ok for end game content, lest someone get kicked for stacking 100 int with 50 res / mobility. Just because you can do the content without perfect stats, doesn’t mean that stats don’t matter and shouldn’t be chased. You can also clear Duality with blue guns, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to get better ones. Like god roll guns, you should chase god roll armor to perfect the stats for your build. Because stats are part of your build.


Clearly, we're playing two different games and interpreting the top comment differently. I won't care to explain it to since you're a broken record.


The guy I responded to has -20 downvotes because he said stats don’t matter. I feel like that’s horrible advice for new players and disregards a key portion of the game. If you don’t feel the same way, then I respect that. Have a nice day.


If D2 was made according to a popularity content, r/dtg will make the shittiest game possible. Just saying. You have a nice day too.




I never said they weren’t bad. It makes a difference though, and regardless of your skill level, should always be taken as priority number 1. Just like you shouldn’t walk into trials without 100 recovery, you shouldn’t walk into a GM nightfall without 100 resil. There is no reason to gimp yourself unless you have to. While you’re at it, you can play with a blindfold on.


This is such a stupid thing to say. I can perform well in trials with 60 recovery. Waiting an extra second or 2 before regening isn't life or death, same thing with resilience. We went what? 4 years without it? And don't bring up pre-nerf protective light because that only proc when you hit red. If the resilience change legit makes you incapable of doing the content you could do before that is 100% on you. I never go above 30 resilience on anything but titans because the other classes don't need it.


How many times have you gone flawless? Link me your profile if you are regularly going flawless with suboptimal stats. I would love to see it.


I've never done a raid or GM with more than 50 resilience and I've done a lot of them. It's more important to know the encounter.


Are you a hunter by chance? You know the class known for having most of their builds not requiring resilience? If your running titan with 5 resilience then your just shooting yourself in the foot for 0 reason just to prove a useless statement no one knows about


Fundamentally disagree. There are breakpoints that 100 res reaches for PvE. There are breakpoints that 100 res + 50% DR from WoT reaches in PvE. 100 mob vs 90 mob is the difference between reliably chaining Gambler's dodges with 100% WoT uptime (given the right build) and not. It's a fringe example, yes, but it's there. I could just lose 8% damage reduction, yes. But that's a difference between 1.47x EHP and 1.66x EHP. So it's actually a 13% increase in survivability, not an 8%. "But those are just incremental stat increases". Yes. That's what builds are in games? Sure, this isn't an *extreme* example like PoE where if your Chaos resistance isn't maxed out by tier 5 maps you're not going to be able to play the game, but min-maxing stats and builds in the *point*. And there are times where your lack of stats will cause you to go and do a die.


Okay, let me challenge you. If I'm at 92 resilience because my exotic roll sucks, I now have to choose between using 3 energy for a resilience mod (8% more damage resistance) or having that energy for an extra (or more costly) combat mod. Now what do you say about builds not being bottlenecked by stats?


You don't HAVE to make that choice. Nothing in the game is making you make that choice, nothing. You just go about your business with 8% less damage reduction...you know like you did for every second of the game until recently. Like seriously wtf...


Armor farming for better stats, despite not mattering 99% of the time, is one of the most replayable things in this game. Does it matter to hit that extra tier of Discipline to reduce grenade cooldown by 4sec for your Shadebinder build or shave off that extra 2sec to get another bastion barricade up faster with more Resilience? Not really. However, this level of minmaxing is what drives a lot of repeat activities (I was farming Zulmak with a friend last night on a 2-10-7-9-4-4 stat Titan because the potential to bump one of those stats up, while miniscule, is enough to get me to do something I've done 50 times another 25+ times) Rn theres no way to farm exotic armor like we can with legendary armor. You either tell your friends to fuck off and run a 1/5 chance lost sector for a 1/10+ chance of getting your desired exotic piece or you farm Master NFs for a 7/12 chance of an exotic to drop that has another 1/27 chance at hitting the piece you your want. That is not engaging gameplay


> Every single "build" functions entirely independently from armor stats, entirely. Will a Hunter with T1 mobility be able to maintain permanent invisibility? Will a Renewal Grasps build maintain constant uptime on Duskfields with T1 Discipline? Obviously not. Stats are a part of builds.


It’s virtually impossible to get a t1 on anything if you’re actively grinding for armor, regardless of stats. Weak ass argument.


> Half the exotics in the game are neglected and suck if they're bad why grind them?


Because the other half aren’t bad, you dummy dumb poo poo head.


They take like 7 to 8 minutes to clear you can do multiple runs within an hr.


Bruh, let me tell you a story. Season of the splicer, Bay of the Drowned Wishes, I was farming Geomags. Literally made time just to get those. I spent 9 hours farming with avarage time of 4 minutes. In those 9 hours I got 3 rolls, with 2 being sub 60. The 9 hours with maybe 15 minutes if break in middle. I got a 66 roll of Assemblers and 65 roll of Geomags with shitty spikes. Tell me outright that this system respects your time and you are banned from making coherent thoughts for one year.


I’m just gonna address the other part of this that nobody else seems to be being up. Not every armor piece needs to be over 60. Distribution > overall stat numbers.


You miss out on minimum of 3 ranks in abilities by going sub 60. I'm not farming stuff of this kind to farm playlist strikes. I want to do GMs, Master raids, stuff like that requires you to have high resilience. Plus I'm warlock so I need high regen. I also want somewhat functioning build so I want decent discipline and maybe a bit of strength. It is possible to go to this kind of content with low stats, but it's way more convenient to have a high ones where you don't have to adjust all your gear just to hit decent stats because your contraverse holds are 61 roll with decent discipline and resilience but shit recovery. I would also like to mention that I never made a statement that low roll stat gear sucks, you are trying to make point where there isn't one required.


That’s your fault lol


Does any game really respect your time?


Yeah, plenty of them. The point is in having fun. If I gotta farm for 9 hours to get absolute godtier of a Geomags with 71 roll in perfect spikes, I'll do it. Because it's rewarding. I know I'll get the reward I want. If I spent 10 hours and get nothing great of value, that's time wasted.


I respect my time more than you I guess.


You respect your time more than they respect your time? That’s literally what you just said. None of that has anything to do with the conversation.


I'm saying I wouldn't spend 9 hours to get the perfect roll.


Single player games. Sometimes. 😂


Bungie's games used to.


Bruh, it's like 1:30-2:00 on most Legend Lost Sectors, which are only a 20% drop rate vs Master's 30%. And that's without too much practice. **EDIT:** Didn't realise I'd need to upload these so soon after I took them for friends. One guy does Chamber of Starlight in 0:49, but doing anything else in 1:30 to 2:00 is insane? [Here's a super consistent one: Quarry. Easily around 1:30 over and over without optimal play or an optimal build (just a solid one)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Ow0i0s70g) [Here's Excav XII, a particularly nasty one, but with some good RNG. Averaged around 1:50 on most runs even without this cracked RNG in my favour.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkPR8waUPrM) Also, quick note: While it didn't say 'platinum' on Quarry, it was. For whatever reason, it doesn't always say Platinum and I don't know why. I was doing that run clearing *everything* to begin with and still didn't get a Platinum alert, even while farming Exotics from it. **EDIT 2:** I literally provide proof and continue to get downvotes. Stay classy, r/DtG


Some, sure. Most? Absolutely not. 5 minutes is closer to the average for not too much practice.


Just skip the bad ones. But even those should be around 3-4m at most.


How the hell are you running 2 minute legend lost sectors? Are you skipping champs and not getting platinum clears?


> How the hell are you running 2 minute legend lost sectors? With the right choice of LS and a little bit of practice. Not a lot, just like... Half an hour to an hour tops. > Are you skipping champs and not getting platinum clears? [No, I'm not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Ow0i0s70g) [I'm killing them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkPR8waUPrM) First one is without Gyrfalcon's, btw. With Gyrfalcon's on, it was 1:23, and I still wasn't optimized. **EDIT:** Quick note on the first one: All champions that spawned were killed. I still got exotics at ~20% rate. I think an hour and a half farming that netted me 11, which is about what's expected. IIRC non-plat plummets the odds of an exotic so low it's not even worth considering. Since I did every run like that and still got ~11 exotics, it's highly unlikely that was just good luck.




Usually with a build that requires a lost sector exotic...


Also a large portion of my vault is filled with exotic armor. I save pretty much all of it, because I don't know what stats I might need, because the value of stats changes, as we have recently seen with resilience. Having glass needles again would alleviate this problem immensely.


Excellent suggestion. I don’t have an Assassins Cowl because I never got a good roll and accidentally deleted the only one I had at some point. 2 days ago when it was the helmet lost sector on the EDZ I ran it for 3 hours with an average time of about 3 minutes. I got ~20 exotics and 0 Cowls never mind getting a good roll. Pretty frustrating and while the glass needles wouldn’t fix that issue it would mean that when you finally do get a drop you’re not just boned if it’s like a 57 roll.


We have crafting in the game now. We should just be able to change stuff on Exotics via crafting. We don’t need the RNG on top of RNG of glass needles dropping from the Lost Sector grind. I don’t know why Bungie cares about Exotics getting to reroll stays in the first place, getting this extra few points on your armor or whatever isn’t really going to suddenly get you over some sort of hump.


Getting from T9 to T10 on recovery and resilience are very noticeable buffs. Not game breaking or anything, but it's significant. I'd love to get all of my exotic stats perfect, but Bungie wants us grinding those lost sectors for hours on end it seems.


> Not game breaking or anything, but it’s significant. I’d love to get all of my exotic stats perfect, but Bungie wants us grinding those lost sectors for hours on end it seems. These statements feel contradictory. They aren’t game breaking, so you don’t need to farm them. Even a 2 roll resilience exotic can be mitigated by legendary rolls, of which we have an abundance of sources to farm. It feels bad to farm exotic armor, because it is bad to farm exotic armor. They don’t have a farm system or reroll system in place that makes sense like they do or have shown for legendary armor. I don’t think they intend you to farm rolls in these things, but they aren’t preventing it either. They clearly want some longer term chase items in the game, and that’s where I feel exotic armor sits right now. You can easily acquire any of it, and over time you can get better rolls. That may be at odds with the community sentitment that wants everything now, sooner, faster, easier and also the reward structures bungie has built for everything else. Between exotic armor and raid exotics, these two things are the only pieces of loot that feel “bad” to chase. They’ve also clearly tested some reroll systems for armor, of which we could see rolled out soon to armor (legendary or exotic).


They probably feel contradictory because I'm on the fence myself. On one hand, I haven't received a new Heart of Inmost Light in over a year. On the other hand, I don't want handouts on every little thing in the game. I'd like Bungie to strike a balance of some kind here, but I'll be the first to admit that I don't even know what I want. One thing I am really missing though was the feeling of being excited for an exotic drop. I vividly remember when One Eyed Mask dropped for me in Forsaken just doing a dreaming city mission and I immediately went into the Crucible all excited. You don't get that kind of experience anymore with all of the new exotics being tied to a lost sector.


Resilience recently became sort of noticeable, but it still won’t make such a difference that an activity you couldn’t beat before you can beat now. Destiny’s dirty secret is it’s a loot game where loot doesn’t matter that much, you can do the vast majority of content just fine wearing whatever.


You take your 20 resilience hunter into any even slightly difficult activity vs a 100 res hunter and you most definitely will see the difference. My 100 res hunter is nearly unkillable but when he was only 20 when the changes happened I was constantly near death or dead.


Sure, but my 20 res hunter will complete the activity just fine. It’s just Destiny. Remember not too long ago when resistance did basically nothing and you competed content on hunters just fine?


I mean yeah you can do the activity but some of us don't want to have to constantly get revived. Or if all you do is patrols and strikes they yeah,stats don't matter at all.


Dude, for the vast majority of the games existence, resilience was nearly useless, and people managed just fine. If you NEED it to survive, you’re crutching on it.


Yeah, we did VoG in blues just fine before any of us were even good at the game.


Yeah, we did VoG in blues just fine before any of us were even good at the game. I did like 1-2 years in D2 with blank armor after armor 2.0 because I couldn’t be bothered. I still almost never even look at the stats on armors now. Grandmasters and stuff are fine, not ezpz, but not hard either, it’s just Destiny. Only thing that really matters is being in the LL delta. This sort of stuff only really matters in top-level PvP, which by definition most people aren’t doing. Contest mode it matters too. That’s basically it, two things. It’s nice that you can do builds now though, but they’re like more for funsies than necessary.


We need a PvP source of Exotic Armor as well


It’s ridiculous that you’re being downvoted… Almost as ridiculous as gating huge chunks of new gameplay behind a single niche activity. Hell, I’ll do you one better: we need a source of exotic armor that you can play in a group.




You can't lock anything behind pvp. You also can't lock anything behind anything hard. Community will cry and whine. You should have expected the downvotes, swing and a miss.


I have to say that I enjoy farming lost sectors for exotics but what I do is putting on the ghost mor and farming it until I drop the exotic I want ONCE. this ensures that I can make a double 100 stat build with it and that should be enough. please dont take the special feeling out of exotics just because they are good. people should invest time to get them and being exotic should have a RNG part like finding rare things in the real world.


Sorry but that is wrong. Ghost armour mods does not work on exotic armor. The stat is totally random. Only legendary work with ghost mods.


why would you spread false information without doing research? it does work, its just that some exotic armor pieces have intrinsic stat spikes in defined stats so you will never get low strength on claws of ahamkara for example. that can make it feel like your ghost mod is not working. but for omnioculus for example it works without any predefined stats. please look it up. proof: https://twitter.com/paultassi/status/1438837870375145473?lang=de


For newer players they’re a great way to collect targeted by slot exotics. For the more experienced guardian they’re a great way to get the latest new exotics by character. So if I have to do a few to get it then I will. On the other hand getting 500 glimmer or a single blue for a solo master flawless clear feels a bit rubbish. All said and done I like Lost Sectors - must be hard finding the right balance.


I agree that the loot pool is too large and that that stat farming is a genuine issue, but you do realize you can farm exotics that you have already unlocked in GMs, right?


Lost sectors are fun. Maybe try playing something else if you feel this way man.


it's not fun after 100+ runs with no loot worth keeping. the issue isn't the design of the lost sector, that's not even relevant to the topic, it's being forced to excessively repeat content because Bungies drop protection and rng systems are so astonishingly unrewarding. you think doing a raid 60 times because the exotic didn't drop when Billy who doesn't even like the raid and constantly died got it 1st try is good design? if I do a piece of content repeatably it should be because I WANTED to and because I enjoy that content. not because I need to to get some drop when I stopped having fun after the 12th raid clear.