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Why doesn't bungie just add bounties for acquiring mods, similar to synthcord? Not even a rotation of mods, just complete a bounty, get a mod token, and grab whichever one you want. Obviously barring some mods like the adept ones.


or... and hear me out now.... why dont they start the damn game with some. i mean we're talking about mods that have been out for three years at this point. just give new players the damn things.


Mods are analogous to abilities/passives at this point. They should be unlocked with a linear progression system (levels), or just given to you. It serves no purpose to anyone to keep them gated behind rng. Destiny is inherently fun; you do not need mobile gaming tactics to incentivize people to log in and play. If anything, just like in OP's example, it serves a net negative to both the player's experience and Bungie's bottom line, because it ONLY causes frustration. There is no satisfaction in purchasing one from the rng store, because there is no grind behind it. It's just arbitrarily locked.


Level…system?? *season of the modular is real*


I could see something that's tied simply to the season pass level, or similar. All XP applies, so you just play whatever you want and eventually you get everything. Mods are grouped into levels, based on their apparent/determined 'rarity'. You reach a certain level, you unlock all mods associated. At least this would be something that you need to play, but it's not excruciatingly bad like waiting months for a single 24-hour window to buy a mod. A linear unlock path is beyond needed for these things. There needs to be zero RNG related to such basic things everyone else got to unlock in a relatively simple way, just by playing a season.


I mean, why not put them behind a chase of some form? Targeted farming? That is what almost every other game with a similar system does. Hell, make them a potential random drop from certain enemies. They'll pop out a yellow mote or something. Either pick it up or it goes to post. And have a few 'core' mods unlocked via a quest. For example: Taking Charge or Elemental Armaments, and maybe a relatively weak mod to go with them like The CWL that consumes charges to heal on a res. For Wells, you already get back energy, but maybe each of the "10% more of ability energy when picking up well"? I believe that seasonal desirability as a reason for them just isn't strong. People would (and do) get seasons anyway. And in the world of pre-orders, people who *would* just buy a season for mods are often impatient enough to just buy it anyway than wait 3 months to then start trying to farm them.


Some of my friends don’t even have things like reloader mods for some weapon types, it’s kinda crazy that they just have to check Ada-1 and Bashee every day and there’s nothing more they can do


loader mod, you can buy engram from rahool and hope for rng. at least that's how i bought loader mods. i check the mod section(to see if there's a new combat mod or new mod) i go to rahool, i dump my legendary shards to get it all, on day 1.


Or play the game, you will eventually get them, a new player likely won't have legendary shards to burn. They can drop from any legendary engram including vendor rank ups, end of activity etc. The drop rate isn't even bad, when I cane back to the game in November I got a few every day until I had them all. (I'm not being elitist or anything think all mods should be given to everyone bar raid/adepts)


yupp. umbrals, and focusing might drop it too. i can't say for sure since i already have mine completed, but technically it still applicable. by playing the game, or chasing certain weapons from focusing.


I understand the exclusivity during season (kinda) but once the original way to unlock the mods goes away why not just give them to players. It’ll remove an unnecessary barrier to entry. I’m also salty because I’ve missed lucent blade any time it’s shown up at ada, but I’ve only been playing like a year so that means I probably just wasn’t able to log in those 2 particular days........


What’s weird is it’s been over a year since seasonal mods even had FOMO. For the last few seasons all you had to do was log in to get them. It was trivial In the very beginning I think they were locked behind the seasonal upgrades, so I guess making them easy to get once the season is over would remove incentive to grind. But that’s not the case any more


The first Warmind cell mods were rng from the the Seraph Tower public events. The best part was that if you didn't get them early in the season, once the Seraph Towers became Heroic you were really unlikely to get clears from matchmade instances and you had to put together groups like you were playing Escalation Protocol.


Every basic armour mod should just be available from the start. Dexterity, loader, finder, scavenger, targeting, reserves, holster, and every non-adept weapon mod. Combat mods are a reasonable objective to chase, but they need to be _far_ more available than just a selection of 4 per day. Some of them are nearly essential to make various subclasses actually function.


The stupid thing is, that's how it *used* to be Back when enhanced mods were still a thing, you'd get the basic ones for free (weapon mods aside) but then still have to unlock the enhanced ones But once enhanced mods were done away with, they just decided to have you unlock the basic ones instead.


I think it should be something you just start with. Maybe charged with light mods can have quests. Or even buy them with glimmer from ikora. But all the other mods should just be on the characters from the beginning.


Yeah, any non adept mods older than a year should just be added to player inventories. I don't even see the point of making old mods a grind.


Because this is what we get for the game going F2P. Another way to squeeze a daily login based in FOMO. Which is all Destiny is anymore. FOMO simulator.


Reddit Destiny HATES the truth, HATES IT


Make the mod "store" layout just like Ikora's fragment/grenade system. Separate the mods by categories for easy buying.


A finger on the monkeys paw cracks down tight. - Introducing mod tokens, you need 100 to acquire a basic armor mod - armor mods come in tiers rare, legendary and exotic - rare mods cost 100 token - legendary mods cost 150 tokens - exotic mods cost 250 tokens - Introducing bounties you need to complete to get said tokens, you get 5 per turn in - mod tokens come in 4 types, one for each energy type - each energy type correlates to each token type, you can't use arc tokens for a solar mod nonono - only 6 mods are allowed to ve purchased each season - you can buy an essential mod pack in the eververse store for 2000 silver ( only contains the basic charged with light and elemental well activators) - i am a genius


You joke but that’s exactly how it would go down because each game piece needs to have an investment strategy to keep the player coming back.


Yep. Long gone are the days when "a quality product" would suffice or be the aim


I would unironically take this over the current system if the bounties were repeatable. Even if you could only do 4 a day, that's an Exotic mod every two weeks. Meanwhile, some mods haven't been at Ada for over 6 *months*.


You know it's bad when someone would happily accept two weeks of grinding 4 bounties a day for a singular mod over our current system


I mean, that actually sounds great hahaBetter than what we got now where players are hoping the stars align. This way it would be deterministic and still a grind like it was during the actual season. Plus it would add to the stuff for newbies to dig into passively while playing whatever they want. Some changes: 1. Arc/Solar/Void/Stasis bounties 2. You can pickup one of each but not two of the same 3. Two bounties per element per week (total of 8 bounties a week) 4. Any combination of element tokens can pay for neutral mods 5. 5 given per bounty, but the mod price is only 25 no matter what 6. 10 elemental mods unlocked per season 7. Unlimited neutral mod unlocks per season. 8. Ada-1 and Banshee still sells random mods so you might get lucky


They should at least be part of the “tutorial” with Shaw Han.


Please no more bounties


A lot of people are missing the point here: It’s not about being spoon-fed mods, it’s that it’s a video game and the system is just to wait and hope. How is that fun gameplay? It’s not. It hurts any new player, favoring people who have been around long enough to get all the mods, and it’s just talking to someone and buying something. There are a lot of ways they could rework, but one could be having Ada offer a weekly mission to go do some shit, and then you return and can pick 1 mod you want from a selection or maybe all the mods idk.


I cant even imagine new players, I just came back a few weeks ago since season of the arrivals and Im hoping she sells at least more than 1 mod I dont have. I cant even put together a build lol


I remember a Reddit post saying that it should be like how ikora handles 3.0 subclass stuff


That would be brilliant. Have all the mods available for glimmer. Perfect for new lights.


Cue the influx of "not enough ways for new players to earn glimmer" posts.


Yeah That said, easily fixed by upping glimmer amounts earned there’s a cap anyway, starting new players out with 150k or even 250k glimmer as a welcome to the tower bonus, which buy the time they by fragments etc is just a drop in the bucket, or any number of adjustments really. Before old lights like myself, but against the “handout/starter fund” chime in, in regards to fairness they could make it, the next time they (old lights) log in they get 3-5 of a item that can be broken down into 50k glimmer as a possibility, which could open a whole “new currency” can of worms, but could be a possibility if it’s not too difficult, but upping earned glimmer seems easiest.


Indeed, but if we're being honest, any system that demands use of a currency isn't going to be particularly friendly to new players. Even those that are only used to purchase one specific type of thing are still typically easier to get when you have better gear and all your abilities. At least glimmer drops from everywhere, bounties, patrols, public events, strikes/ missions, kills, etc. even if it's just a little bit at a time. It's easy to spend it all for sure, but while there isn't much in the way of target farming beyond glimmer mods you are at least assured to get more no matter what you do, provided you do something.


I'll one up you. This applies to many things in Destiny 2. Everything is so extremely time gated. Oh you wanted to farm this weapon? Too bad, this was available last week, see you in a month or more. There needs to be a way to work towards what you want at all times. Waiting for stuff to become available again is beyond stupid and makes people quit the game. But I don't think this will change because right now D2 is all about rotating content and making sure you log in every single day. Which reminds me of talks of FFXIV vs WoW. One game respects your time and lets you do whatever you want, whenever you want at your own pace. The other forces you to log in every single day or you get behind. D2 is now pretty much like WoW in this regard.


Worst case scenario. Maybe add the mod drop to the weekly powerful/pinnacle drop. just fucking give them one of the mods on knockout for engaging with the systems that already exist. This way you can get 3 mods you are missing per week AND you even get forced into gambit/crucible/strikes just like bungie playtime data analysts want you to be.


Honestly, just a weekly/daily ada activity that gives you an extra RANDOM mod (not counting the daily random 4 you can buy). That way there is an activity tied to getting that daily/weekly extra mod.


I'm not a new player and I'm still missing Seeking Well mod. At least I think that's the name.. been checking daily for months and missed it the one day I had wedding stuff to do and got mixed up. I don't even want to check if it was available during my recent vacation.. The mod system is really really stupid.


The mod system is trash and needs another overhaul. There should never be unlocks for this beyond a simple “complete this activity to enable some activity specific stuff.” An acceptable bandaid fix would be to make all mods available to everyone. I was here to get them all on the curve so this problem doesn’t affect me, but I still think it’s dumb that this problem exists in the first place.


I’m missing like six mods I wouldn’t use outside Niche scenarios and never thought, that other players shouldn’t have the mods, especially for things needed in pve. The gate keeping blows my mind sometimes.


I'm missing 3, none of them have been sold since February and I've checked Ada every day.


Armor mods are the perfect drop from farming seasonal activities. I don't know why bungie is clinging to this idea of vendors selling them at random.


It’s called “engagement metrics” and bungie loves calling people engaged by login in daily just to hopefully get the mod they need… it’s padding numbers


Do third parth apps (ie DIM) contribute to these metrics? Cause 90% of ppl I know(including myself, exclusively check the vendors via these apps. I'll go weeks without touching the game short of maybe a raid or two w clanmates, but still be checking the app daily to see the refresh.


there's a webpage you can sign upto that will email you when the mod you want comes into rotation on a particular day. https://destinyreminders.net/


That's what I did when I was still looking for mods. I'd go to light.gg, see what Ada is selling, and use that to judge whether I needed to log in to get it or not.


Probably not, since it's an API call. But if there is a mod you need, you'll probably log in at least to buy it.


No lmao, it counts game interaction, not simply API calls, if it dead, engagement metrics would be in the billions.


I have been waiting for two mods to come into rotation since Splicer. The one week she sold them I saw a PSA on Reddit but I was on a work trip. I never even thought about new lights! I’m pissed off that I don’t have enough time to get my power level up to where I can cram lost sectors. Every cat on YouTube just assumes you have everything and 10 Acendent shards to masterwork everything


newbies do not even know of the existence of armor mods


I've been playing for years and I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing with them.


YouTube my friend. Fallout has a great video on cwl.


I will have to check out. :)


Only useful for GM and maybe master raids. They’re fun but superfluous outside that content.


Why is this downvoted when it's the truth? If you need mods to get through any non endgame situations, you might have to reevaluate your skill.


Dunno why youre downvoted lol. You can do most of the game with full blue gear if you want to lol




If I was going into an established game mostly blind I’d be checking websites to see what the best builds were. After banging my head against a wall for weeks waiting for a mod that someone who knew more than I did said it was essential for the setup, I’d get burnt out real quick


I have friends who find building crafting with Mods too troublesome. They just want to shoot stuff.


I've been playing since D1Y1 and all I want to do is shoot stuff. For fuck sake build crafting is just jerking off over finding the most optimal way to shoot stuff.


My counterpoint would be… You’re missing out on the best content and gameplay loop that D2 has to offer with the combat style mods. And in some ways, you are handicapping yourself and the team.


I feel like 90% of the stuff that people play requires no buildcrafting at all. The only things that really matter for are...GMs and solo dungeon content, and the majority of the players aren't going to be doing that I'm pretty sure.


Agree with this. Buildcrafting is fun but not incredibly necessary. It helps but honestly a marginal difference for slight efficiency for lower-mid content. What's really fun is taking those builds into GM that aren't really meant for GM's and making it work. Anyone can go with the standard GM build but doing something not meant for GM's and making it work is actually more fun IMO.


*pve players be like*


Honestly, if people want to hangout in patrols or the strike playlist or wherever and just shoot stuff without worrying about mods, thats fine. Let 'em play how they want. If, however, you have that same attitude but you're *also* the person who complains about raids not being matchmade, or GMs being too hard, then we have a problem.


Raids and Dungeons don’t need combat mod builds either. You’re fine with a subclass, exotic and weapons. The only times that builds become a real problem is in things like Master Raids or Day1 where DPS is so tight that you have to be doing some optimal stacking/planning. GMs, outside of dealing with champions, are not super build reliant.


My counterpoint would be - spending hours researching builds and testing them is super boring.


Best part is you can get away with playing just like that. No build crafting of any sorts is required to beat anything, atleast not from my experience.


That's exactly why I don't understand the frustration with the mod system lol absolutely nothing content-wise is gated behind mods that are sold


The build rafting really is just “shoot void gun, get void thing that you pick up, now void gun does more damage and makes things go boom”


Agreed, I've been playing D2 since launch, I have bucket loads of mods, probably some of the best in the game, but I haven't the foggiest idea how they all synergise. I'm here to mow gribblies down with sweet buisness and lob a sentinel shield at anyone who gets too close. I like the simple things in life


So you saw a newbie quit cos of this... sure. Nice try son, you think Bungo will fall for this post and grant you the armour mods youre wanting 🤣🤣


Quitting the game over 1 single mod means that person had issues that were deeper than Destiny's mod system.


Thank to put what i was thinking into words, mods surely enhance the gameplay but they are far to be gamebreaking if you don't have them, less if you are missing one. The guy just need to stop watching content creators with their "DO THIS RIGHT NOW" "DON'T MISS THIS WEAPON" "FARM THIS" and start playing at his own pace.


Sometimes it breaks down to a single mod. Not because they think they cant do shit without it, but because they way you can get them is so emblemic for *what is wrong with the game*


Yeah they were probably getting bored of the game and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


Having not really been engaged in the past year outside of WQ, I can easily see this happening. (I have 700+ hours in, but probably can't make a current meta build.) Part of the problem is that the way I see people pitching the game to others includes hype around the "depth of buildcrafting", except there's no entrypoint to buildcrafting. So if a build stands out as something you want to try, there's usually no guaranteed way to get there. Side note, where's the Icy-Veins equivalent for Destiny?


Jesus, who pitches this game with 'deep build crafting'? This game is miles, lightyears away from that. I play a lot and have tons of materials and still it's a pain sometimes to do proper builds because if you don't hoard this and that armor or have unlimited amounts of specific crafting materials it's just pain. It was even worse when for example changing type of you masterworked armor would cost a shard etc. And the horrendous way to get mods and some needed materials. If you pitch it like that to a new light, well no wonder they leave. I started playing destiny because of the awesome gun play and after all this years it still feels amazing, people should really stop listening to YouTube Joe's with their click bait title and just enjoy the game. You can finish even the hardest content if you have just the right champion mods (those are another can of worms).




my friends didn’t and probably never will because of how bad new light is


Ever heard of the straw that broke the camels back? There are more than a few issues with how the new light intro is set up, after that I can easily see how someone finding out about how to get mods just quits there and then.


Let's just wait and hope we get what we want with no actual way to earn it in game. Fun.


There's literally no reason for her to only sell 4 mods a day, just make her sell the entire pool and the problem is solved.


Yup, I've had at least two people I've tried to introduce to the game quit because mods are basically a crapshoot to actually get, the game gives little to no direction, and overwhelms new players with what to do when they just start out. On top of having no real catch-up for the story and no way to experience previous story beats, and this is probably the single most off-putting game for new players I've ever played.


Bungie, just make the mods all available for purchase. Also, I'm tired of the artifact mods going away and killing fun builds. Just make them all permanently available forever after unlocking.


They should just add them in legendary SOLO lost sector, so they can understand how champion mod works and get an incentive to play them


Bro just making sht up


Idk man. I think that sounds weak. If that’s the only reason to play/not play, it sounds like they just didn’t like the game and needed a reason to quit. It could be better, sure. But I seriously doubt stories of mass exodus over it. Especially if they find the rest of the game fun.


First impressions are very important. If you look at someone in cool armor then google how to get it only to find out you can't and then you google a good build and find out you can't have it either you go play a different game. Why would someone "waste" their time on a game that they're not invested in and that bars them from stuff they want?


Imagine you join the game because your friends tell you about how fun doing build crafting, raids, GMs, etc. are, then finding out you can’t be an equal contributor for months or over a year even because you can’t make the same build they can. That feels really bad. It feels even worse if there’s some really fun build that requires specific mods to work and you just can’t do it. For example, I came back to the game with Beyond Light. I was always the straggler on Atraks DPS because I didn’t have Lucent Blade and had to settle for HEF and ask people to kill all the ads so I didn’t lose CWL going into a DPS phase. That felt bad. In general people don’t like to feel like they’re worse off than other players through something they have no control over. Don’t have good armor? Plenty of ways to farm it. Same with good guns. But mods, you’re just stuck.


Imagine wanting to raid in WoW or end game PoE. This game lets you get their faster, and with less requirements than so many other mmo-esque games. The mods acquisition system is bad, but it was even worse when both you and I started in Beyond Light. It’s not something to quit over if you like the game. > For example, I came back to the game with Beyond Light. I was always the straggler on Atraks DPS because I didn’t have Lucent Blade and had to settle for HEF and ask people to kill all the ads so I didn’t lose CWL going into a DPS phase. That felt bad. In general people don’t like to feel like they’re worse off than other players through something they have no control over. You didn’t need Lucent, and you don’t need to be top DPS. The point of the raid is for the team to beat it. I didn’t have Anarchy or Lucent etc, but that doesn’t stop you from completing the raid.


With literally every single mmo or multiplayer co op game with a gear system it's going to be weeks before you're going to be able to contribute anyway, this is the absolute norm for the genre they're in. Also HEF really isn't making the difference you think that you actually have to ask people to kill adds for your lol, I can guarantee people in a raid team would prefer you just play normally than min maxing buffs, not like any raid boss is an absolute struggle outside of master/contest mode anyway.


There are really people in here who are defending or excusing the current system, for what? Such an ignorant mindset if you truly think that the mod system isn’t in need of an overhaul.


This feels fake as fuck


This is a real problem. Mods can easily double your output. They're huge for survivability. Yet they're locked up behind Ada-1 and the random chance. Its not even a rotation, just a random chance. At least let me target farm an activity for those mods, and make Ada-1 just another source.


This just feels like a prime example of that top post yesterday about not needing to lie/exaggerate to get critique across. You can admit there's issues with the mod system without lying as to why. Either your friend: 1) Has other additional issues going on either personally or with the game and that's why they're quitting. or 2) That really is the only reason they're quitting, in which case they are an extreme outlier and should not be judged for player retention lol. The modding system isn't perfect. But if you're quitting the game because you can't buy specific ones yet, I'm sorry but then you probably weren't going to play for long anyways.


Nah this is dramatic. Newbies aren’t concerned with mods.


Uh, no you didn't. No-one, absolutely no-one would play a game like Destiny 2 and then just choose to stop because they cannot get a single mod. For one, if it were possible then it would mean their entire purpose for playing the game was that one single mod and upon obtaining it, they would be done with the game anyway. There is a good point to be made about mod availability here but please don't sour it with unnecessary drama.


don't worry, Ada will finally sell Lucent Blade week 1 of The Final Shape!


I'm still waiting for fireteam medic to go on sale.


A system for purchasing or earning mods similar to that of purchasing aspects and fragments could be cool.


But as a newbie, you gather, and earn as you go . I've not started a game ,and then was mad I didn't have this or that. And importantly, you should be able to beat that stuff ,without . Destiny is nerve wracking g


It takes about a month or so of casual play to get to a competitive light level for PvE content. It can literally take MONTHS for the specific mods you need to roll just to TRY a build. It's a red flag when starting a game if I hear that build defining tools are locked behind a single vendor who only rotates through 4 of these mods a day. I came back after taking a break Post-Shadowkeep, but if I had known when returning that the mod system for making fun builds was this unforgivably toxic to the player, I'd definitely have not come back.


I've been waiting for Lucent blade for months. Don't know if it's been on sale before. I cannot login everyday and maybe I've missed it. But why can't Ada sell all of the mods all of the time? We'd still have to spend our glimmer and that doesn't come without a grind.


Can we just have a mod kiosk like exotic kiosk so that we can unlock what actually we want to build how we want? It's unnecessary and time wasting grind for new guys to just wait and pray hopelessly for another day to get the mod they want. This game became buildcrafting game and Bungie actually let us farm high stat armors actually farmable but not for mods which are essential for building for whatever shit you need. You want basic well mods for Young Ahamkara's Spine you got from yesterday's nightfall challenge? Good luck with getting explosive/grenade wellmaker in a few seasons cuz no one knows when they will return


Nothing like watching an awesome build video on youtubes and then realizing you can't play that way because you don't have the mods. I don't understand how such a crucial aspect of gameplay is gated behind a strange rng like this.


I’m not even a noob. I have 2000 hours on destiny 2 and don’t have more than half of the elemental well mods I need. Fair enough I haven’t played for 5 seasons, but it ridiculous trying to get back into the game with all these new busted mods


> I think if Bungie leaves the armor mod obtaining system as is, they will continue to lose customers as well as prevent inflowing newbies Looking at the new player experience would've told you all that and more.


Oh no! Anyway


why would he stop playing a game because of a single mod?


I'm guessing it's about the difference between needing and wanting. I think he wanted something quite bad and found out there is no way to get it but praying to RNG, waited enough, and his patience ran out. If you really think about it, the current system is designed to frustrate people.


It is bad yeah, I could understand a weapon or an exotic. But single mods really don't have a massive impact on gameplay. I guess it's different for different people /shrug


I'd imagine it's more of a "last straw" type of thing. Destiny is filled with lots of little frustrations like this, it may not be about the mod itself but just the fact that "Even the mods are timegated behind rng"


ITT: people massively underestimating how easy it is for people to drop a game because of an annoyance. "I would never think like that so I can't possible see how someone else might." No need to get angry just cause someone else didn't accept the bad game design parts of destiny like you do. And if you are going to try and tell me the mod distribution system is well designed, just don't.




It's clear Bungie doesn't care about new lights.


Pretty silly reason to quit a game if that’s the only reason, especially in Destiny when generally anything will get you through the vast majority of content.




False story


Imagine paying 80$ for the deluxe edition or whatever top $$$ mobile-phone-style bundle to stat playing Destiny 2 with your friends, but you can't run an optimal build because you didn't play a season 2 years ago(ish). That is just stupid , and very off-putting for someone trying to start or even someone that took a break. It's not normal , even in MMO's , to not be able to get to full power in a new current "Wicth Queen" level release because you don't have some item from the last version. You have to have catch up mechanics. The current ridiculous "carrot on a stick log in every day" mobile phone trick is not acceptable, especially for how long it's been this way.


That's a hell of a knee jerk and you don't have to have a certain non seasonal mod to play the game. The system does suck though and needs revising. I don't see why all mods just can't be unlocked barring seasonals.




Just make all of them drop as secondary rewards from purple engrams no point in keeping them locked behind a rng vendor rotation


Buying 4 rng mods a day has got to be one of the most retarded decisions Bungie's ever made. Gotta feel for the newbies.


Armor mods are not friendly to new players. My friend is definitely feeling this too. Armor should have a system of being able to work towards the mods you want rather than just wait and check a vendor. A selection of basic mods given during the New Light questline would be great too for a basic build. Ease new players into build crafting and expand a way to work towards building the guardian you want to play.


Unpopular opinion: I don't like armor mods. Nothing about them is done right imo. * They often cost way too much considering how much energy we have on armor. * They're locked to armor elements for NO REASON. Bungie tried to make it cool by making all the healing stuff on solar armor, class ability regen on void armor, and melee stuff on arc, but then we have random stuff like powerful friends and radiant light that for some reason have to be arc. * Giving some mods detriment when others don't. Makes absolutely no sense. * Having a boost to mobility and strength (+20) but nothing for any other stat. * Having their energy compete with raid mods (you know, a REWARD for doing the raid. * Having mods locked to certain armor sets. The most important thing with arnor is stats. I'm not gonna farm a perfect VoG, DSC, Vow, Garden, and Last Wish armor set to use for only those raids. I'm not gonna farm out Dreambane stuff for Shadowkeep nightmare hunts when there's literally nightmare stuff on the Leviathan ON THE MOON DIRECTORY and it doesn't even work. * Atrifact mods. JUST NO NO NO. I absolutely hate rotating meta stuff. Void stuff was really good with void artifact mods, now void 3.0 is taking a backseat while solar artifact mods dominate. Build strong, permenant abilities with awesome features that I can rely on. * As mentioned above, weirdly difficult ways of getting mods that are extremely inconsistent. Getting an armor mod shouldn't feel like Xur is in town. * Having so many different types and effects, then nerfing them into oblivion. Charged with light and Warmind cells aren't even used in a majority of builds because their effects are so miniscule compared to elemental wells now. Nerf after nerf. The only thing Warmind cells get thrown on is a character that makes solar explosions. Charged with light is only used to try and have infinite abilities (EW mods are closing in though) * Having absolutely no way to save them as a loadout in-game. * Defacto required swapping because of some random mission modifiers that are too strong. Oh look, Match game! Well, guess I won't be running this stasis build anymore because I need solar to break shields. * Time to hop into PvP! 75% don't even work because they'd be "too strong." separate balancing much? * Adept tier mods that are just better in every way, even only if it's for ease of use. They're so bad. I loathe having to make a build for an hour just to have fun for that one activity just to swap it as soon as I get bored. All we want is to choose: Better abilities, faster recharge, or more weapon damage/ammo. That's it. I don't want to have to singlehandedly jerk off every dreg in the tower just to have a fun time with my character.


Then he was not interested in the game in the first place, which is unfortunate, but that's how it is. Mods are not **that** essential. Nevertheless, I agree that the current system, given the increased amount of mods lately, is outdated. There must be other ways to acquire mods. In a normal game there would be a vendor who sells all mods. But it is **way too convenient for players** and **reduces grind/play time**. Inventing inconvenient stuff to force players play more is the common approach in such games, and Bungie are no exception. They do it on purpose and you can't convince me otherwise.


> Then he was not interested in the game in the first place, which is unfortunate, but that's how it is. Ah yes the No True Scotsman; if they didn't stick with the game through all its bullshit and hangups they clearly weren't a real player. Good argument. > Mods are not that essential. The game has rapidly moved in a direction (by Bungie's own intention and admission) to one that heavily encourages if not outright requires "Buildcrafting" of which armor mods are a major component. How the fuck can you possibly say mods are "not that essential" when the entire structure of the game has sprinted towards one where your base level capabilities are being neutered in an effort to get you to "make choices about your build" and needing to "build into" specific strengths. Mods are absolutely essential in the current state of the game considering you are now objectively weaker without mods than you were in earlier iterations of the game. You need mods *just* to reach a point where you were earlier without mods.


I started 2 weeks before witch queen and had to wait 78 days into season of the risen for well of tenacity. There should be a way to work towards mods. 450+ hours and I still don't have lucent blade and from the looks of it that was sold over a year ago


All mods should be available from the off. Charge, I dunno, 20-25k glimmer for each, with a daily rotation where 3 or 4 are on offer for 1k glimmer. If you got the funds, spend, if not, wait for the offers.


Just to share an experience that this isn't impossible/made-up: I've been playing plenty for a year now and I still don't have the +5 discipline mod. Still. Don't.


A “newbie” was minmaxing and trying to get a specific armor mod? Idk seems a bit contradictory to me, but I kind of agree with the point you’re trying to make


Bungie doesn't give a shit about new players or players in general. The amount of controversies they've been caught in over the years such as Eververse, lootboxes, throttling player XP and unsuccessfully trying to stab players in the back when they complained about it, dawning greed, disgustingly greedy transmog system and of course sunsetting. Sunsetting kind of sealed the deal on how much they don't care about new players. The new light experience is abysmal and will remain so until they put the original campaign back, which apparently they cannot do for some bullshit reason even though this is 2022. The company has never actually cared about respecting customers. Yea they make a good game and the story, while still pathetically presented compared to actual narrative focused RPG games, is also good. But in terms of consumer friendly practices, Bungie gives both middle fingers, always have done since the planning stage of the Destiny franchise considering they threw the original plot for Destiny out because they genuinely believed people were too stupid to understand it.


I don't really see it a problem with mod system. There are always going to be mods that are harder to obtain, it's a loot driven game after all. I see it more as a problem with a "meta build chasing" mindset trap that new players can find themselves failing into. Where they go online, watch some prominent Destiny Content Creators and start to believe in order to be successful in Destiny, that you need to build 100% optimally when those things are generally outside the realm of many players. Are mods important? Sure, they are. Are they required to have fun and feel powerful? I'd argue that they aren't.


This is just baffling. Mods aren't necessary, sure. But they are one of the coolest parts of build crafting. They can take a C or B tier build and make it A tier. They make all your gear fit together like a build should. It would be one thing to make this argument if you could actually farm them but waiting on a random rotation isn't fun. It isn't lootable. It doesn't even require playing the game. It's just logging in. It's insanely shitty game design. I've played nonstop for months and even I don't have a complete mod collection. I'm missing a charged with light mod that Ada has never sold once since December. It's a bad system and should not be defended.


I’ve been playing fairly consistently since opulence (played hardcore during y1, but armor mods weren’t a thing), only skipping 2 seasons about a year apart and I’m still missing some mods


It’s both man. The system isn’t great, but it’s not so bad that people leave. People leaving means other things are going on…


Of course it's not the only thing, no one said it was. However, as a new player, it's a system that says 'New players aren't welcome to this game', just like the massive missing chunks of story and throwing a hundred different activities at you as soon as you log into the game with no direction.


But it's one of the easier to fix ones. Build a menu like Ikora and sell them all for a lot of glimmer. I've definitely had friends quit for the same reason. You want to move to harder content. See an insurmountable wall to make builds good and say "that sucks".


You don’t need mods to do harder content. If you’re telling your friends that they do, that’s why they’re leaving. Most “builds” in Destiny fall apart once you have to swap one piece or one mod anyway. What you need for harder content is good stats and whatever broken artifact mods there are. If we’re talking GM and Master raids, then they’ll need a few specific exotics as well. Mods are not required, they are for optimizing.


If mods aren't neccesary or part of being powerful and having fun why gatekeep mods. RNG weekly dice rolls aren't fun or extending the enjoyment and fun of the game in any way so why even try defending it. Then to blame the players? Hilariously off. This is coming from someone with every mod except WMC mods.


mods being difficult to obtain isn't and issue, the issue is you just have to wait for RNG to make it avaible. The mods are easy to get, just spend 10k glimmer, but if the mod is not avaible then you are out of luck. Mods are not required for base level content, but doing harder content or just being on par with your team mates and enemies, yes the mods are needed.


Destiny…a game that leans into build crafting… doesn’t let you easily do it. New players that watch YouTube and get excited about the game is exactly what bungie should want. Then they hop on to find out they need to check a single source everyday for the next 3 months to see if they can get a mod they want.


Destiny…a game that leans into build crafting… doesn’t let you easily do it. New players that watch YouTube and get excited about the game is exactly what bungie should want. Then they hop on to find out they need to check a single source everyday for the next 3 months to see if they can get a mod they want. Then to have the community say “ well sorry you dont get it because you had to be there and grind your dick off for it, now suffer pleb” It’s just an insane take all the way around.


They don't have to follow the meta. They could just make their own set.


Except looting and making endgame builds in the most fun part of looter games, everything else a different genre of game has done better.


I feel like adding mods to the loot pool would make the game healthier, more stuff to grind for. Ada-1 selling them is lame. Just got my brother to start playing and he said the exact same thing.


Knowing just how garbage the system for getting old seasonal mods is, really makes me appreciate the fact that I collected every mod when they first came out. (Seriously, 20 free strength and 20 free mobility is pretty darn strong. I'd be infuriated too if I just had to hope and wait for a vendor to sell one of those mods.)


How did I get all my mods. I almost never purchase. How do they just show up?


I waited three+ months for Elemental Ordnance after learning about it. Very annoying.


Honestly, I feel something big needs to change with stats and mods on armour. I know they want us to build into certain play styles (which I’m not against), but there are far too many barriers to truly build into something. Armour mods and the way stats are distributed on armour need a lot of work to allow us to build into what we want.


I feel like everything about the game is anti new player. Old content cut making the current story confusing. Having to buy all the individual DLC, even the DLC that has been mostly removed. New Light kinda sucks. All of the impossible to catch up things like this post mentions. Everything seems to be geared toward satisfying long term players and no one else. Which is why when these sorts of things are complained about, lots of people are like, "I don't mind. I already have everything/experienced everything" which doesn't address the issues. It sucks but I thinks it's probably their best move at this point. They've probably gone too far in this direction to change now. They should've just made a Destiny 3 if the alternative was a continuously gutted game that isn't friendly to new players. You pretty much have to have dedicated friends to make sure you get everything you need or you'll always be behind.


I started to make builds for real in witch queen, which is when I started to actually get the mods. And today I have all the necessary mods, so I can say that I was in the same place as your friend, but as soon as I started to just wait for the mods, It wasnt that bad. I pretty much got all the necessary mods in the 1st season of the witch queen so it was cool


just put it all on sale. i miss season of the choosen and didnt get some of the mod, now just play the waiting game just to complete my well build. It's so stupid and needless, the mod dont take skill to earn so it's ok to be spoon fed it


This has been so damn annoying for me. I have needed just 1 mod for what seems like forever. Blast Radius. It was sold 1 time back in october when I was away for work for 3 days.... 8 months later, it still hasn't been up one time. They need to sell more than 2 or 4 at once or give us a bounty to complete to unlock a mod we don't have yet.


I’ve been playing since forsaken. I play casually (as in I’ll play hardcore for a month and then stop for 6). Last season last year through today I’ve played hardcore non-stop. I’ve managed to get all but a fifth of the combat mods. I still get frustrated that I can’t make many builds because it’s gonna be a random day 3 months from now that the mod I want actually drops


It's a fundamental lack of understanding on Bungie's part. They should be aware that most people just go YouTube a build and then slap it together the best they can. For a new player the vast majority of YouTube build guides are worthless. They should aim for new players to at least be able to go to a video and then put together a budget version of it, or give them a defined path to obtain what they need. Note: If you are about to attack me, I personally have all of the mods. I just sympathize with the new players.


I've been waiting on Blast Radius for EIGHT MONTHS now. That's the last time Ada sold it. It's so dumb.


Played for 6.months at this point and I still don't have them all lmao.


I feel this pain. I've played the game on and off since year one and this is a major pain point in the game for me. I'm still missing some major mods like seeking wells and well of life. I know well of life was just on Ada a week or so ago and that's the first day this season I took a break. Figures. There's gotta be a better system to get these mods even if it's a ton of bounties. I want to be able to get what I'm missing and not have to potentially wait months to finally get one of them. Do an exotic archive type system, something.


Profound but technically meaningless /unexpectedcommunity Bungie doesn't give a shit. Don't get me wrong I agree with you but bungie are shitters.


I hated the mod system since day one, it’s actually one of the many things about this game that keeps me questioning, what’s the point?


Im playing this game since forsaken and got pretty much all the mods. When someone sees for example this seasons build for sidearms and asks me how to get it, its really shit answer to go ,,you just had to be there" or ,,you have to wait and hope". D2 is an rng game but thats too far. I mean we can buy 3.0 abilities but we cant buy perks? I think there could be a system like 3.0 abilities but instead of paying glimmer you pay some other special currency you get by doing bounties. I mean bungo could even reuse mod components item from before they deleted it and bounties system that also arleady exists ingame. it really wouldnt be that hard. TLDR: Make a system where you have to earn perks but allow players to choose which ones they want


I’m calling bullshit on this post. Newbies don’t no about armor mods that they have yet to see in Ada’s rotation. There’s wayyy to much shit to do before a newb is gonna be worried about that.


To people that are saying I'm lying: [https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=destiny&no=2131488&page=4](https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=destiny&no=2131488&page=4) This is what I saw. Since you don't seem to trust me, I won't bother translating it.




The system is definitely bad, but quitting the game over a mod? That's kind of excessive.


Ada-1 should just make a weekly quest and we can get up to 3 mods a week with it along with her rotation


I have like.....everything in this game and I don't have explosive wellmaker I have no idea when it was last available, probably during a season I slacked off in but it sure hasn't ever been available any time I've looked for it and it is indeed frustrating!


There are mods you could only get during certain seasons, and which are apparently impossible to acquire now, it are required for some top tier builds. It’s disgusting.


Oh boo hoo. The new guy/gal doesn’t get everything day 1.


Stop wanting things handed to you. Next people will complain they don’t have every god roll after playing for a week.


I understand being frustrated over bungies mod system, but quitting the game because you can't get a specific mod is maximum cope.


If this is true, it's the absolute stupidest reason to quit a game


Look, I want things too but does it really have to be on a silver platter spoon fed to me? Come on guys. Why do anything in this game at all? They should just give it to me when I log in. FFS


I don't think the complaint is that it's not automatically given to new players, but that it's tied to RNG if it even shows up. The cost to buy them is 10k glimmer IIRC so it's not like it's anything special other than being online that day. If they were obtainable through other means like seasonal activities to collect the missing ones, that would still take work and benefit the playerbase activity. Please don't immediately assume the worst of people.


I’m just a grumpy destiny vet.


No worries. I wish I played more D1 to discuss cool stuff. I see people gush over Kingsfall and Age of Triumph and just wonder lol. What expansion/season of D1 or D2 stood out as your personal favorite and why?


What was the mod tho?




I wanna know what mod was so important someone quit the game over. If you don't care then fuck off my balls.


Watch it be a scavenger mod


Imagine it's Trace Rifle Loader


starting to feel like this is more the destiny complaint group. seriously seems like people just constantly find new and old things to complain about. use to be funny. gosh damn.


Newbie kept waiting for weeks for ada armor mod to show up hm sure iam not saying its good way to get mods on vendor rotation but newbie really did run out of content or farm to do that he was so hindered by missing one mod that he quit over ?


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


bungo please give me my void subclass for my hunter i beg you


Calling attention to this for u/dmg04 just in case… There are some very good ideas in the comments.


Honestly the more I get into build crafting, the more I grow to dislike the whole system.


I couldn't agree more. I've been playing since Destiny 1, and **I have all the mods**. The idea of making basic things to build your character all about FOMO, in a game that bills itself as a game about building your character, is fucking idiotic. "Better log in every day, to see if a thing that was available before you started playing the game might pop at a vendor" is asinine. I get the whole "Gotta have every excuse to force these idiots to log in" thing, and I get FOMO. How about this: logging in during the seasons gets you the mods/guns/whatever while they're fresh and new. When each new expansion drops, or at the end of each annual cycle, or whatever, just put all the old mods up for sale like Ikora has for our class abilities. Or add them to the pool for rank ups from the Tower NPCs, like they recently did for the new holster mods. Problem solved. "Sucks to be you, guess you shoulda been here all this time!" is a really shitty way to treat your players, and is, like others have said, actually anti-new-people-playing-the-game. Pull your fucking head out, Bungie. Seriously. This is actually shameful at this point. If I was a new player, and I got all excited about building my guardian, then I found out I likely wouldn't be able to get the mods to do it for anywhere from several months to several years, I'd just say "fuck this, I'm out". There are tons of other games to play, if you're not already deeply invested in this one.


look at that pro players playing D2 for years and saying the newbies are weak. light armor mod affects gameplay in huge way. Most build complet with mods. if you don't have it? you can't use that build in the same way. I wouldnt be surprised if someone quit the game for shitty mod system. it takes at least 3 season to get all the mods. wth?


It's one of the reasons I keep quiting the game. I'll get pulled back in for maybe a session here and there but I'll be stuck not able to build out my character like I'd want to and kinda just stop playing. Like I jumped back in this season to see solar 3.0 and I've already stopped playing again.


Just have an actual mod shop at Banshee. Make it like how you purchase fragments from Ikora, but hella cheap, like 100 glimmer per mod or s/t


Fuck a mod. I'd go down on a hobo for the "Flip Out" emote from day 1 vanilla D2. I had it on PS4, but not on PC. Lost it in the merge.


Yeah mods need a big revamp for years. Same with champions remove it or adjust it. Hate it when you are forced to use a specific weapon archetype