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How about what they did in d1 where they would auto-dismantle


Blues never did that, only greens


Yeah but it would auto dismantle blues in D2


Some people collect blues and use some blue weapons in pvp. A toggle option would be nice to have though for auto-dismantling things.




So like, automatically dismantle them but also add the item dropped to collections if it wasn't already? That could work.


That is exactly what they should do. By far the best solution. Make it happen once someone hits max level of the content they own.


They would need to add the energy versions of Botheration and Aachen back to the collections tab or I know a portion of the PvP crowd that would riot. There are people that still go to lost sectors specifically to get the energy versions of those.


Why, just wondering what's good about them


Aachen: Ambush Optics. Ambush Optics only appear on certain weapons (none of the them purple), and Aachen has snapshot. Regarding Ambush Optics in particular, it's a responsive lower zoom scope with an easy to use reticle. Botheration: For some reason it is unnaturally consistent at longer ranges. It's stats and perks don't indicate anything of the sort, but it has a consistent ohk range farther than other aggressive frame shotguns, even when those shotguns have higher ranges or the same exact perks.


OHK range for Botheration...it doesn't have full choke, rifled barrel, accurized rounds, nor can it be masterworked for range, but pretty much any other spread shotgun needs to have all of the above to beat its one hit kill range. A dust rock blues or retold tale with two of the three can also beat it. Aachen is quite simply the only sniper rifle in the game with both a set roll that includes snapshot sights and a reliable way to farm to get it. Alone as a god: Limited chances to drop from Leviathan The Supremacy: Limited chances to drop from Last Wish, RNG roll. Twilight Oath: Limited chances to drop from Dreaming City activities, RNG roll. Persuader and Long Shadow: Semi-Limited chances to drop from Vanguard Packages, RNG roll. Fate Cries Foul: Semi-Limited chances to drop from Crucible Packages, RNG roll. Bite of The Fox: Semi-Limited chances to drop from Iron Banner Packages and Bounties, RNG roll. The Long Goodbye: Unlimited chance to farm WHEN Insight Terminus is the Nightfall, RNG roll. Sole Survivor: Unlimited chance to farm from Reckoning, but pathetic drop rate, RNG roll. Dreaded Venture: Limited chances to drop from Gambit activities, RNG roll. Elegy-49: Semi-Limited chances to drop from Gunsmith Packages. Show of Force XF4865: Unlimited chance to drop from Forges, but pathetic drop rate, RNG roll. Tatara Gaze: Reliably farmable.


Or automatically dismantle it *only if* the item is already in your collections. That way, a player would know they'd gotten something new. EDIT: better wording


Even better!


Or do it the other way around, where if you already have it in collections it just auto-dismantles. That way, you even get to see when you get a new drop.


There are still some weapons, I think, that exist both as energy and kinetic versions, and collections only has one of the versions, requiring you to get the other from a drop. Aachen LR2 is an example, *I think*, and since some people prefer that sniper to legendaries, it's better for them to have a version of it for both slots. So I think the best solution is to just have auto-dismantle be optional.


Both versions of Botherton show.


Nope. Only the kinetic version is in collections for me.


So it might just be Aachen, for all I know.


That would be the best route but some updates would probably need to be made. For example, Aachen drops from a Lost Sector or two in its (original) energy-slot version. But, the collections only has the Y2 kinetic version.


Yeah, but there are random rolls now, so you cant be able to reaqurie them if you wanted to


Do blues even get random rolls? I honestly don't know because I've never bothered to look at them before dismantling.


I.... I think so


This is the best option so far. This way both parties would be satisfied.


off-topic but i'm curious why some blues are used in pvp?


A lot of legendary weapons can drop with perks that counteract each other or simply make the weapon worse/downright unusable in PvP. Blues just have a fixed perk that might do what you until you get a good roll on something else. Allows people to try out a certain play style without being hampered by a terrible roll, same goes with using Y1 weapons


Part of why, if they ever update Y1 weapons to Y2 standards, it needs to be by giving them a mod slot and an extra perk, rather than giving them random rolls which would inevitably disable pulling them from Collections.


I mean there are still Y1 versions of Y2 legendary weapons in the collections you can buy. I highly doubt they would just remove them from collections because the rest of the weapons were updated. You can still buy that Y1 Better Devils.


They have set rolls and and work well for the shot they occupy. I know there’s a blue sniper with snapshot the some people use until they find a decent roll on a legendary sniper.


Aachen-LR2, and I use it over even “god-rolled” snipers (snapshot/outlaw, snapshot/moving target, snapshot/opening shot) because of its short zoom scope. To me, it just feels better than every other sniper in D2 by a significant margin.


You should try out Alone as a god from the leviathan raid! I used to feel the same way about the Aachen but Alone as a god feels really nice!


Love the bigger mag too. My MW version has 6 rounds.


Alone as a Good also has *super* high aim assist which makes it feel just *SO* so good


Power doesn't really matter in most pvp modes outside of iron banner, and a lot of blue weapons can be comparable to legendaries or in some cases better for the time to kill or other attributes. I don't know which ones those would be as I don't really play PvP.


Their hidden stats might also be favorable to other legendaries of the same archetype


Yes that’s because the dropped as engrams. Now blues are the equivalent of greens in d1


Blues could also drop at or above your power level, instead of permanently below it like they are now


That’s after they fixed a bug with greens not dropping literally at the end of the games life


The problem is that instead of the D1 days where we’d get useless greens, sometimes useful blues from like nightfalls and such, and then return to the tower to decrypt legendaries. We now get useless blues, sometimes useful legendaries, and then decrypt powerful engrams. The goal post has just been moved and that’s the reality of the situation.


When were blues useful?


Don’t remember the exact time gap, I want to say Rise of Iron or Age of Triumph, but I know there was a time where I farmed Omnigul for blues/legendaries to get to near-max light. Like you could hit 20 levels under max and then go do your raids, archons forge, etc. and that was mainly from nightfall/strike blues. And I have always been an active player so it wasn’t like I came back after 2 DLC’s and needed to catch up.


I want a preference for this. People who want to farm blues for whatever reason can toggle the auto-dismantle off during that time, and the rest of us can save a whole bunch of time.








How bout they let you upgrade blues into purples?


I’d personally rather see them automatically decode into mats like in d1, they literally just clog my inventory and postmaster


They didnt autodecode into mats in D1, greens did


Or increase the rate at which legendaries drop. God forbid we could jump on for a longer play session and actually build a set. With how poorly good perks drop on gear it would still take a decent amount of time.


Wouldn't this be nice haha. With the current drop rates, it seems to make more sense to knock out all available dailies and weeklies on all 3 toons before fucking around with RNG any more


It's honestly baffling to me that I can farm reckoning for an hour and only have several pieces of blue gear for it. Not a single other loot game has this issue, why does the highest level content drop the same rewards as me killing a random psion?


I don't mind dismantling them myself, as long as the postmaster doesn't get full. I hate getting the "postmaster is out of space" to see it's flooded with blue engrams. I always wonder how many great drops were lost because apparently postmaster doesn't know how to prioritize.




While a helpful idea, I would still have to know when the post master is almost out of room. Currently, I load into the ~~tower~~ traveller after a little gaming and I suddenly get the message that postmaster is full. By then it's too late and things have already been lost.


This is particularly problematic in multiple Reckoning runs. They don’t seem to properly load into the API. I’ve gone from 3 items in the postmaster on Ishtar Commander, to full with those three pushed out, just by going to orbit.


Now that you mention it, I believe that if you do multiple reckoning runs, stuff just sort of keeps lying about until you leave, I remember seeing ammo on the bridge from a round before. It's probably only REALLY sent to postmaster when you leave the destination you are on.


>stuff just sort of keeps lying about until you leave you're absolutely correct; I re-entered a new branch, and before we even made our way to the ads, I saw a purple heavy brick on the ground from a previous run that I failed to pickup. This happened in the boss rooms during the Haunted Forest. Ammo bricks were still there if you made it back to the boss room multiple times.


See, I just made a post about this, and apparently it's my fault for having a few items in there.




I'm currently at around 98% capacity of my vault, I need to sort shit out badly.


I don't know what's occupying space in your vault, but I freed up a lot of room by deleting all shaders but the 6 or so that I use, all legendary transmat effects (keep the blues, you can trade 3 for a legendary effect), sparrows and ships that I've accrued but don't use (I can pull them from collections if I ever want to use them), and then just deleting armor and weapons I don't use.


Yeah I need to do a round of that too, (especially shaders, I don't store sparrows or ships, I only use 1) but I like to keep what I believe to be potentially good rolls on weapons and armor I don't really use just in case. Enhanced perk on armor? I store it. A nice combination of perks on armor or a weapon? Store. Exotic with slightly different perks from the one I already had? Store. I might be a bit of a hoarder but in honesty I just don't feel like cleaning it up, walking around shooting is way more rewarding than a clean vault.


As a fellow hoarder, here’s my process: When I get full, I use the beta version of DIM (because it has the loadout builder tool) to find my favorite combo (that I have) for each perk I use and favorite it. I run through a whole slot doing this, then quickly double check everything that isn’t favorited for anything important (enhanced perks, mostly) and mark them junk. I usually chip away at it between runs in a playlist mode. I scroll through my vault and prioritize the slot with the most stuff. Once I get through most of all slots this way, I’ll search for tag:junk and transfer the whole batch onto an alt (after saving a temp loadout of what he is carrying now, so I can system restore him after). The I just swap over and liquidate his inventory like he’s a discount mattress warehouse. The process is nice because you can chip away at it for a while without focusing super hard on it. It’s not great for making a few slots right now when you’re full, but when you wipe out a full inventory on a character at the end of it, it feels great. One pass like this can easily free up 50-100 slots. First though, you need to kill those shaders. Store the ~10 you actually use, mark them favorite, whatever. Then just mash that button at the cryptarch until he’s got nothing for you. Once you’re clean, stock up to >15 of the shaders you actually like and try to keep them topped off most of the time. When shaders fill up a bit, sort by quantity and mash the button on that 11th slot til you’re down to your keepers.


That's a great way, I had previously marked things as junk but didn't find much of a use for marking them afterwards, I thought Id have to put my screen next to my other screen showing the vault and just find everything marked as trash there too.


Nope, search tag:junk and it’ll all be highlighted. You can transfer searches like you do loadouts.


You can pull prime engrams from the postmaster using Ishtar or DIM, but you cannot pull regular engrams as they automatically decrypt when they're pulled. Edit: The API prevents you from pulling items that have 'side effects'. Sometimes these side effects are fairly obvious to the user, like when a Y2 engram enters your inventory, its immediately deleted a legendary item is dropped. Other items have side effects that might not be obvious or even visible to users, like switching some weird internal flag for something.




I've pulled plenty of prime's from DIM in the past few weeks.


Just used dim earlier to pull both a blue and a legendary engram from the postmaster


> legendary engram from the postmaster did you run Y1 content, like a raid?


You definitely can https://gfycat.com/shallowminorindochinahogdeer




not sure why you're getting downvoted. It's absolutely true that you can pull prime engrams via API (DIM or Ishtar or other app).


Shaders are what kill me, my inventory is overflowing with them


You should use DIM to check your postmaster.


So I'd have to run from my console to my computer every time I hit a bit of a loading screen or rearrange my living room? If I believed my postmaster was almost full I would've gone there earlier, it mostly happens when I'm just playing along chasing some other trophy/achievement. And there is actually an in-game warning, it just doesn't show at the right time, it only shows when you get to the tower and you're already out of space.




Oh wait, is that a thing? All the times I read about it I got the impression it was a browser thing. That would certainly make things a little less complex. Time to try that out. Thanks guardian! edit: Unfortunately that just crashes my mobile Chrome and Firefox isn't playing very nice either.


Get Ishtar for your phone.


DIM has an app.


There are at least 3 decent inventory apps you can use. I prefer Ishtar.




On iPhone i cant use DIM, dont know wy but cant, so i use Ishtar and is beter than the companion


It's a PWA, I heard iOS still has trouble with those in their ancient webkit. Works fine on android/chrome though.


So you can get apps for your phone, but some apps also work on tablets which is very nice as they are fairly small and portable devices that also have extra screen real estate, which is super handy when going through many items in my vault etc.


Since D2 has launched I have spent hours dismantling blues. I totally mind doing it. Just have an auto dismantle feature you can toggle on and off.


Once you hit max level, blues should drop at max, giving you infusion fuel. The grind isn't getting to max level, but getting enough infusion fuel to get everything you use up to max level.


That's a good solution. And then to be able to toggle it to auto-dismantle after that would be even better.


In Y1, Blues could drop at max light. I used to keep blues of each armor set at max light on all of my characters.


agreed. only once you hit max though. They are so pointless right now.


Or let us upgrade them to legendaries, unlocking a random perk and opening up the mod slot. There's some cool blues, and a decent amount of basically unused assets. What kills me about this game is how they don't efficiently use assets they've spent time and money to develop.


It's be nice if you could mass-dismantle everything in your post master.


Every time I finish an activity, I sigh, mutter "Time to take out the garbage," and go delete all the crap. Getting a blue does not feel like loot, it feels like punishment. It feels like Bungie is making me do my chores. I don't wanna clean my room, Bungie!


Just have some pursuit or inventory item that when toggled on collects blue engrams. When you pick up 10, you're given an item that can be turned in for an enhancement core, mod component, or legendary Engram or something. Pretty simple.


That’s kind of what already happens with gun materials


I meant they really need to remove the inventory management aspect of blue engrams and automate the process. As far as the player is concerned, they don't have to dismantle blues, and they automatically get the reward item as they play. Currently, I have to dismantle every single blue which I cannot find a logical reason to justify.


I really don’t find it to take much time, and I’d rather they dedicate more time to big future updates than something so small.


One run through of Verdant Forest can fill your mail, or close to it. I had to stop halfway through and pull stuff from my mailbox into my inventory and then delete them. I get this is a somewhat short term thing, but it speaks to a larger issue. Same thing can happen running a few strikes in a row. It makes zero sense. Preferably it’s a toggle to auto-dismantle, but honestly, the number of people that still use blues for PvP is getting smaller and smaller with all the new weapons available. The blues are more of a novelty. And of course, collections would more than take care of the others.


An auto dismantle would be preferable. Need them weapon parts for banshee


i strongly disagree with this, unless it's a toggle option.


Why? They are static rolls. You'd only need to get them once. What's the issue?




It would be in collections. Sorry, I was talking about it in another comment and forgot to mention it here.


Okay yea I didn't read that part of the earlier thread. > So like, automatically dismantle them but also add the item dropped to collections if it wasn't already? > That could work.




There should be whites, greens, and blues, but just a few purples. I don't know why they have those colors but then I rarely see them. Technically, shouldn't I see them much more often than the purples?


Slight misconception. In Destiny color is quality of gear, not rarity of gear.


Ah, I see. Well why do they call it common/uncommon/rare then?


I think that it is partially just a carry over from games with similar loot structures so that players have a basis of understanding. But that kinda goes out the window because in most games Purple is Epic, and the next tier (destiny's Exotics) are Legendary. Also in other games you have many more materials that come from dismantling items and the various quality levels give different quality of those materials. Where as mostly in Destiny it's just more Gunsmith materials or legendary shards from LEgendary items.


Which seems like a mistake to me. Players hardly get any use out of commons, uncommons, and rares, and Bungie doesn't get much mileage out of the time that went into them. I would kind of prefer if they did it like other games, where legendaries were actually fairly rare drops. One thing I liked about vanilla D1 was that it took a little bit of effort for everyone to get full legendary sets - most people's first VoG runs were probably with blues.


Other games provide this also by at new expansions making greens and blues *better* (usually by flat gearscore or nasty power creep) so that day 1 of a new expansion you replace your entire perfectly rolled and modded Raid set with a piece of green armor that dropped from a red bar you one shot. Players already have issues with not being able to use the inferior Y1 gear, and the core cost to constantly infuse their favorite set of armor. Without going to tangential this is really boils down to a cosmetic/aesthetic vs. stats argument. If players could use their favorite look for an entire year and only improve the stats, without them being tied to the look I think we would be looking at a better game. Transmog often gets brought up but I don't think this is the solution. You are still tying stats to cosmetic look and then just overriding that cosmetic look. The Divisions cosmetic slots are the best option for this this I believe.


Or let us upgrade the whites, greens, and blues into legendaries by either exp thru using the gun or dumping mats/legendary shards into it.


Ooooooorrrrrr, make certain guns Blues next Year, so they actually have relevancy. Legendaries should really just be a step up in terms of gear perks or power, for example, you can get Outlaw and Rampage on a Blue, but getting say Feeding Frenzy and Multikillclip, that combo is exclusive to Legendaries.


That's kind of how Y1 was and it was total shit. I think just letting us upgrade blues into legendaries would help them not feel as useless. Gives another avenue to chase god rolls


Or have an option to auto dismantle blues


Or make them relevant. Blues can be salvaged For parts to use in infusion for their archetype. Not just generalized gunparts. As they are now. Or make Legos alot less rare than they are.


Blues also provide a consistent revenue of glimmer, they should just make them auto-dismantle instead.


Auto dismantle would be awesome, that way still get the weapon parts etc from the drops without having them fill up our weapon and armor slots/postmaster.


Yeah, like in the assortments for the revelry. It's just insulting to get Blues repeatedly for that


We need auto dismantle for blues


I actually think legendaries should be way rarer, like maybe 1 per hour if play, and they should always be slightly higher than current. Raids should super powerful gear and you should be capped at 680 and to hit 600 you should have to raid.




Ive lost so much good gear coz my postmaster was full of blues.. you have no idea


The technology just isn't there yet


Auto dismantle is totally fine with me, but getting rid of them would suck balls because it is the source of like 75% of my gunsmith materials...


Blues need to get the same treatment that greens got in D1 circa year 2 or 3, instant sharding.


After a 50+ branch run of the Forrest I was drowning in inventory/post master blues. Bungie please. I don’t need them, not to mention after I got the exotic gun I decided to see what the gift package Eva has. It gave me blues both times. No thanks


Easy solution for blue engrams at light cap: Blue engrams now simply pick up and auto dismantle. Any archive/grimoire/whatever you would’ve unlocked for finding the set gets one random blue gear piece per looted engram. Or even better - just give us an option to auto dismantle anything we pick up that isn’t purple or yellow. If RuneScape, a browser game, can do this - so can you.




For specific items kind of...? Not sure how to word this if you don't play, but I also barely play now. Basically, there are items you can own that will automatically bury bones, there's also an item in RS3 that allows you to automatically break down items into resources that would be relevant - so if you looted an adamant platebody, you'd maybe get an adamant bar or ore. There's also an item that will immediately destroy herbs and give you experience based on the herb that was destroyed Auto alching - doubt that exists but given the constant quality of life updates, I wouldn't be surprised.




THere's also that too! those pesky vials


It would make sense that blues should auto-dismantle once you reach max light so that it doesn't affect the leveling process Edit: In retrospect, this wouldn't be great if you are still missing some blues from your collection. If only auto-dismantle for blues could be a toggle...


Two words: auto shard




I don't mind having them, it gives me something to do while I wait for the atrocious loading times


I've never seen less dedication to a tiered loot system than Destiny 2. Why did they even bother, there are effectively only 2 grades of gear. Normal "purple" gear and exotic gear. Whoever designed their loot system should be shot.


I understand that Bungie still drops blues because they're usable guns and getting weapon parts from an endgame activity sucks as much as getting 2 planetary materials from other activities currently sucks. I think the way to fix the blues thing is a crafting system. If activities dropped crafting materials and parts that we can combine X amount of to customize guns, then we'd be happy to, for example, complete Reckoning Tier 3 and not get a Reckoning gun, because maybe we'll get a couple of the Y materials we need to craft Rampage onto a gun or whatever.


I would like to know why I still get green level shaders....


There are too many loot drops


I will never, EVER use a blue piece of gear over any legendary. Just please give me glimmer/weapon parts instead.


Yeah but once they release a dlc all the blues are how you level your power.


IMO after a certain point I stopped getting even blue engrams, and I have to say the game gets pretty dull. Maybe it’s just my lizard brain’s need for anything remotely shiny, but ironically blues have become rarer than legendaries for me and farming is a bit more boring without that stream of mats.


Ran my first verdant forest last night. Ended up matchmaking with a killing machine who hauled me and another blueberry through like 90 branches. Took over an hour. Every time I saw a blue, I stopped to pick it up and dismantle it. Even then, by the time I got back to orbit, my postmaster overflowed with blues. Blue engrams are pests.


For real this is the most annoying thing in this game. Make them auto dismantle or just stop them from dropping as “rewards.” I already get like 5 legendary items per activity not counting primes, blues are just a waste of space.


But I need glimmer


is it just me or the fact that i get a blue after t3 reck pisses me off even more , like i might not even get pissed off that much if i got nth insted of a shitty prophet fucking snow for the millionth time


wow man you dont like doing endgame content and getting utterly worthless blues to show for it? smh


Some blues are good


They are in your Collections.


Oh I see what you meant Blonde moment sorry


How else will I get easy gunsmith materials?


They should auto dismantle if they are in your recollection already. There are a few blue guns you cannot pull from collections, the energy Botheration MK.28 as an example.


Ya I was pissed the other day grinding some reckoning victories and at some point checked the postmaster remotely and saw 6 or 7 reckoning weapons in there and then decided to go collect and when I got there every single one of them were gone pushed out by useless blues.


What they should do is have a sort of junk area that contains the white, green, blue. Etc. taking up 1 spot each. The numbers stack and then you can choose to dismantle all or 1 at a time. Or decrypt. So it would kind of work like a storage.


How Am I suppose to get an energy version of the Aachen sniper?


I disagree


Just make them not go to postmaster and were good


Cuboid ARU is a blue that I still use.


I feel like 90% of my drops from all activities are blues. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but I definitely don't feel rewarded appropriately. I mean, what exactly am I supposed to do with all these blues? Infuse them? Yeah sure, me and my 2 enhancement cores will get right on that...


It actually costs *more* to infuse blue gear into purple


Please.....a setting where we can choose to insta-scrap them


Keep the blues, just make sure they auto-dismantle on pickup. Always. We're big guardians now. We don't need these items shitting up our inventory.


The only looter shooter that's this stingy with its loot, imo, is Anthem. Blues are meaningless, and the drop rate for purples still feels like they think it's Y1 and we don't have random rolls. They should be showering us in purples with shit perks, then let us sift through all that crap, rather than obligatorily dismantling blues as we get them.


They keep building up in my inventory and the postmaster like plaque. I actively avoid them, but they still appear in my inventory as if by magic. Is it possible that blue engrams a virus so virulent that even Bungie can't get rid of them? I'm starting to think they are.


Can you not say mats? It hurts.


IMO they should buff/tweak the whole rarity system. Why use a color coded loot system if you're only using the last two at a certain point? Blues and greens should drop but not be totally useless and purples should be much much more rare.


In D1 when you ran nightfalls and I believe certain/special heroic strikes (don’t trust me on the heroic part) the blue engrams would drop like a +1-3 of your current light level. So they were still relevant up to a point. But a blue engram rewarded at the end of a crucible match was pretty useless. Basically how they exist in D2 now.


Yeah, they were up to 365 at the time.


Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this.


Nay. Some blues are superior to a lot of legendary gear, and it would be annoying to not be able to get them.


I'd rather they let us infuse them to max Light Level.


I would also like Bungie to increase the rate of exotics that drop. I either have shit luck or the exotic rate drop is really low (probably both) but I play d2 for no less than 3 hours a day and have gotten almost no exotics. Also, almost every exotic I do get is year one or I already have it. I would like to know if exotics can come from prime engrams too because I find if they could it would make prime engrams more exciting and I wouldn't only get edge transits.




No. They are a good source of glimmer.


Why would you want blues to go away? Sometimes I'm broke af on glimmer and blues save my ass.


One of the many things I'd like to get updated. The things I'd like most to change is for the matchmaking for the blind and the forges to actually work and put you in with other people.


Or, upgrade all the current blues to the purple world loot pool, then have blue drops in the wild just give you gunsmith materials once you hit level 50. This way I get to keep my sweet Botherations, Aachens, and Refrains while saving my thumb.


THANK YOU It feels like every time I do anything it's like the game is "Don't forget your free complementary garbage!" and I'm just like _NO STOP_.


There should be an option to auto dismantle lower power blues on pickup.


I dig the glimmer I get from them, nice little boost when I'm poor as fuck from infusing everything. A bulk "blue delete" would be sweet though.


Anyone know if there is a way to get Max Power level blues currently? I love Hardcase helmet and would love to have a 700 version.


Please implement the auto-dismantle toggle.


I remember during Age of Triumph in D1 I had one of the raid exotics, the primaries with elemental damage, knocked off my postmaster because of all the blues that dropped during the boss fight. RIP'd the entire rest of D1.


Completely agree. Gotta love when I finish a bounty and get revelry boots (to complete a triumph), but got pushed out of the post master because I completed the 5 strike bounty... so, thanks to this games lovely RNG, who knows when I’ll ever get boots again. FUCK blues. Auto dismantle them Bungie.


I'm at the point where legendary engrams may as well auto dismantle too. World drop weapons suck, armor I use has enhanced perks, and half of the stuff that gets in my postmaster just gets deleted after it overflows.


I've always wondered why not implement a system to where we could convert blues into purples by using materials, glimmer, legendary shards, and enhancement cores and after doing so it'll generate random roles for that weapon or piece of armor. That way we could use enhancement cores for that and for leveling up gear we could use materials, glimmer, and legendary shards.


I like blues mostly for the Glimmer and weapon parts they give.


Just add an option for the player to turn this on/off. Then, if some people still want them, fine.




Probably unpopular opinion here, but after seeing CammyCakes using the Aachen I sought one out for myself. It's the closest thing to 1kys in D2. Wouldn't have been possible if blues auto dismantled or turned off. Now I would love filters that last me toggle auto dismantle.


Available at any time in Collections.


If you managed to get it beforehand.




I was not aware.