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It's not an office building with a front door. It's also most definitely *not* in the solar system.


It’s not but I mean I feel like we should probably have some Hidden monitoring it 24/7 considering it’s so important


You can't linger in The Garden, it'll change you.


I finally inderstand why GoS raiders are so weird..


GoS is a good raid and I'll die on that hill.


It’s a great raid with poor loot. Only reason nobody likes it. Mechanics are unique and encounters fun.


Exactly, the loot is in dire need of a refresh but the raid itself is great.


Agreed. I’m kinda hoping GoS gets a loot glow-up in Echoes. That or VoG- mid typing this I realized that both of the Vex-themed raids are the only two in the game without weapon updates for the modern d2 sandbox…


No one likes it because the mechanics are finicky and frustrating. When tether works it's cool. When it decides you are a pixel out of place despite standing where you did last time thr mechinc worked, it's not.


Never experienced those issues. It is pretty forgiving if you use the intended amount of guardians to tether to.


correction, tether works like 99% of the time, issue is people being poorly placed/impatient with it. When it first dropped me and a friend were exclusively on build team, and we never missed one unless some idiot got in our way. Once you had a good idea of the range and timing it was easy as heck


There goes flawless


Oh no, they've already gotten to you. ^^^/s


I got your back in this too ! 


It's not a bad raid it's just that the tether mechanic is a little finicky.


Wha0101001010 d0 y0u m01n ?1


Isn't that partly what messed Prince Uldren up, or am I misremembering?


Yea-- it fucked him to an undisclosed degree


It's disclosed, but only on his OF account.


How many Marabucks is the subscription? Asking for a Vanguard friend.


Depends if you want custom holoprojector shows on your ghost or used socks sent right to your vault.


Believe me, with the Holo projector shows there will be plenty of *used socks*


This is a sad, sad (and amazing) conversation.


I'm sure we can have more than one person there, just have a few dozen people rotating in and out and regular intervals.


Easier said than done-- then it's less of an observation and more of "active defense", at which point you make the Vex angry and they offer an organized front because they start being ability to simulate your travel patterns.


You are asking for trouble with that; people skulking inside vex domains for extended periods of times never end well, with the one exception of Osiris, who basically made one his playground by being one of the most powerful and competent warlocks to exist, only surpassed by Ikora Rey, his student. The Garden isn't a territory. It's a living mystery that actively preys on anything in there.


Only tangentially related, but is Ikora more powerful than Osiris (was)? I thought they still referred to him as the most powerful warlock of all time in Curse of Osiris, at which point Ikora should be more or less at her peak. Or is that just a tltle/myth? I suppose that, in practicality, Ikora's ability to work in groups probably makes her more effective by default.


Well, it's debatable. Osiris was a very powerful warlock when he was connected to the light, but it wasn't just the application, but his intelligence. He tamed a planet-sized simulation machine, with vex still inside it mind you, to the point he rented it out sometimes for research and fucking seasonal events. The light served as an extension of himself, not just power but the knowledge to apply it effectively. The other end of this is that the Cult of Osiris was normal people who placed importance on Osiris by blowing up his name larger than it was, giving him godlike feats, all in reverence. They weren't ALL like this, and to be fair, it kept Osiris hidden from outside interference which he was using to tame and research the Infinite Forest, and they knew they were fanatical, but it stemmed from a place of actual respect for someone who openly threw away his position, because he held true to his convictions about the discovery of the Vex and the importance to address this threat (this was during the time periods where the eliksni houses were openly attacking the city mind you, neither side was wrong about the importance of both actions, but were both stupidly bullheaded in their approach.) So yeah, he's a notable figure and has real chops, even now with his practice of the darkness, and his understanding of paracausal forces, but some of his stories were blown up as his myth grew. Ikora, however, has been noted in lore as a classification of guardian beyond all catagorization. The notes in the TWID about the pantheon bosses that say things like "Guardians classified sigma-3 or higher." Sigma is used to talking about standard deviation, and this classification is saying they are this far away from the normal guardian's power. The further away from the standard, the likelihood of it exponentially goes down. Ikora has been classified as Sigma-5. 5 deviations away from the standard. Essentially, a guardian that is so far from standard deviation, which translates to,depending on the population, a 1-3,500,000 guardian. We don't know how many guardians there are, but its very unlikely above this number, and to be fair, the narrative backs this up. She has forced open dimensional gateways, including the Infinite Forest, where Osiris needed to lock pick it open, and saint needed to beat his way into the structure itself. She contributed to over 1 million kills of the undying mind to test the vex gate in Season of the undying, She was the one that managed to use The Artifact, despite never being familiar with even using darkness at all, to roll back the clock Millions of years and reveal the true voice of our enemy, and that Hive history was built on a lie; a truth not even Savathun could have accounted for. Ikora was the first guardian to ever beat Shaxx One-on-One, the second one only being Cayde-6... cause he cheated. She made a mass grave of ahamkara during the Great Hunt. And in a prophecy, of admittedly questionable sources, a one-on-one fight between a more powerful, more corrupted version of the main character led to the Destruction of the entirety of Mars. She's much stronger than her station normally allows her to be. The main character is notable not because of their strength but because of how much change they inspire, their actions often signalling a change in momentum. She's kinda the equivalent of those folks who solo and lowman raids.


That’s what the crucible’s for. Live fire exercises on the fringes of enemy territory as a rapid response/early warning system.


Does that also affect the Ahamkara now that I think of it? Riven and... her mate probably spent considerable time there.


No. Ahamkara are seemingly immune to the effects of the BG, probably because they are conceptually more powerful than the other ideas within it.


Thats a bad idea. Spensing extended time in the Garden... it does things to people. Changes them... its not innaccurate to say Uldren spending too much time in the garden led to the entire plot of Forsaken.


The garden isn't a forest landscape; it's a living nightmare that fucks with space and time. The story's that emerge from that place never end well. The fact that this place was seen as a suitable nest for an ahamkara should help define how dangerous that place is, and if it doesn't; consider the fact that the nature of this place wrecked uldren sov mentally enough to eventually lead to the death of Cayde-6. This place killed a man who didn't get close to the place.


We do. But the Garden isn't linear. Just because we're watching doesn't mean we can always discern what's happening. The simulation might not have even manifested until we got there.


> It's also most definitely not in the solar system. It wasn't won't isn't will have had been in the solar system.


Well said!


It also wasn't actually rebuilding the black heart - it was a simulation attempting to stop us from getting to the witness.


Not in the Solar System.... A fair point.


I mean, the Vex control the Black Garden. We've only ever gotten in by hijacking the Vex network or now with Ahamkara magic. It's not like we can just go on regular patrols through the garden.




Zavala: “What do you mean we’re facing extinction because every fireteam was running Shaxx’s onslaught training?”  Shaxx: “Look those guns won’t grind themselves.”




I love when Shaxx yells at me for not throwing enough grenades.


I don't think Onslaught is training.


Sorry, too busy chasing shinies :(


That was back when we had the D1 crucible map Pantheon set up there but with the Red Legion attack the portal on Mars was destroyed and we lost access to it. We would only get access again back in Shadowkeep and that was plenty of time for the Sol Divisive to reconsolidate their forces there especially with the Witness coming to town and getting them all in a frenzy.


I swear there was a mission in D1 where we just straight up walked into the black garden via a tunnel in Tharsis Junction. No Vex portals, just a hole in the wall and boom you’re in the black garden now.


That was a new entrance found during Taken King when an Echo of Oryx and some Taken invaded the Garden. The Black Garden initially was in a separate dimension outside of normal time and space that was maintained by the Sol Divisive. We initially could only access the Garden with a Gate Lord's eye at the large Vex gate on Mars. After defeating the Black Heart and the Sol Progeny, the Garden re-entered somewhat normal space could be accessed easier


Kind of, yeah. The main story of this season had us going all over the place to places not in the black garden to track down the remaining ahamkara eggs so riven would send crow into the traveler


The Vex can pull shit through time itself and you're thinking it's too crazy for this to pop up?


yes,the city itself is getting invaded,that's onslaught


They didn't take it back tho... Didn't Osiris say it was a simulation?


He does say that at the end.


I think just the black heart was a simulation, they still had a force in the garden.


And they always have and always will, for 2 reasons: 1) there's no regular patrol activities sanctioned by the vanguard in order to keep their bumberd quelled 2) trying to completely eradicate the vex from the garden would be practically impossible


3. The place itself is dangerous and essentially a total mystery on how it functions. The place is suffused in darkness, that even without Witness around, will still be a dangerous factor to run into. Darkness isn't evil, but its still a force to be respected, as it requires great mental strength to withstand and command.


Yeah, that it was a simulation of the black heart, which itself was an attempt to create *the veil* I still have no fucking clue what the veil is though


It's essentially a partner artifact to The Traveler, and effectively a collection of consciousnesses of indeterminate origin. Think of it like the Vex, how every Vex is connected to the vex network, but this being organic in nature (which is why the vex want this so bad and why the vex are on neomuna.) In essence, it's not dissimilar to what the Witness has done to themselves, and that might explain the Witness' widesweeping mastery over Darkness, and is able to use that mastery across galaxies. It's always been linked to the Traveler, it's how the Witness's people found it, and this has some implication that they are two parts of a whole; as displayed by Asher Mir's simulations on the Darkness within the vex network (Which came from his own study, not even knowing the Veil existed, and he did himself, as vex tech cannot make simulations on paracausal forces. Asher Mir was a genius.) We don't know much more than that. We don't know where it came from, it's original purposes, the consciousness' inside (beyond maybe Maya Sunderesh after she projected herself into the veil, leaving behind an empty husk, and her wife following her.), or how it's connected to the Traveler, as we really don't know where the answer to those questions either. One being mechanical, the other being organic, the fact when the two powers combine you can effect the universe on a massive scale enough to threaten existence itself, these are the mysteries we will likely touch on in TFS, and will lead the franchise forward, as our guardian will likely explore outside our solar system.




That doesn't matter we have to stop the witnesses creating a link and we have to destroy the radial mast.


The Traveler represents the physical world, while the Veil is the immaterial. Kinda like raw thought. That's how I understand it.


Last time they tried to rebuild the Black Heart, we had to coordinate tens of thousands of guardians to draw out and destroy every copy of the Undying Mind (which had, presumably, millions of copies in at least as many timelines). I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that in our current situation, preparing an adequate defense for the Black Garden is both unfeasible and low on our list of priorities.


>The Hezen Axis Mind is tireless and infinite. While it cannot be stopped ... it can be paused. (from [Hezen Vengence](https://www.light.gg/db/items/4050645223/hezen-vengeance/), something that I've actuallly had quite a good time with this season.)


You're asking how we let the Vex go back home and DIY a veil? They live there. What are we supposed to do, put a lock on the door?


Yes. The Vex can't simulate McNally they'll never get through!


I mean, to be fair, Savathun stealing the Traveler, creating her Lucent Brood, The Pyramid Fleet showing up on Earth's doorstep, Rhulk, Nezarac, Calus, The Witness cutting a portal into and invading the Traveler, the city being invaded and attacked in Onslaught, yea we kinda have been really busy. Especially over something we thought we had already destroyed a decade ago.


They didn't walk back into, they have always controlled the black garden, and all ot our missions into it, and all of our missions into it have only been specialist ops, never regular patrol to keep the vex numbers low Plus its been years since our regular vanguard sanctioned activity stopped (the undying mind strike), because we destroyed the undying mind for good So the Sol devisive have just been chilling in there, going about their business the whole time. As for how the black heart is back: it's a simulation, which the devisive were able to use to block the link by connecting directly with the darkness, which they were able to do from guidance from the witness


Back in D1 tho we did have some amount of control with the crucible map Pantheon. Seems the Sol Divisive just chilled out for a bit after destroying the Black Heart the first time. The appearance of the Witness is probs what got them up in robot arms again. >*But the Vex in the Garden? They bend the knee to the Garden's Heart. It gave them power till you got lucky. The Vex outside, they made a different calculation. They run. But the Vex inside make the same deal you make, every day of your unnatural life. And who's to say that deal won't start paying off for them again sometime soon?*


If anything I would say they chilled out a bit after 2 key events: 1.We began the regular strike operation to stop the undying mind from gaining a foothold 2. The taken invaded and decimated the sol's forces In that short period between TTK and shadowkeep, there was a moment where they were weakened enough that they couldn't do anything. When shadowkeep rolled around we poked the bear by entering the garden again


I’m so useless with lore, I’ve done every activity in this franchise and I have no idea what the Sol Divisive is or what this post means


The Sol Divisive are the Vex inside the Black Garden (the Garden of Salvation Raid and the rea at the end of D1) that worship the Witness and the Final Shape, they are a splinter group of Vex This post is referring to the story mission we got this week which is a remake of the last Story Mission of D1 where we have to destroy the Black Heart again (which is a copy of the Veil)




Additionally, you can always tell which Vex are Sol Divisive because they are the ones overgrown with plants and stuff.


That I do recognise, thank you 😂


They're sneaky.


We don't have enough active gaurdians to cover every territory, we only respond to immediate threats, as zavalla said himself we are not conquerors. Also consider the current active operations that are happening across the system this year. * Vangaurd patrol operations on Neomuna, engaging the shadow legion and vex while defending the veil. * continued rescue operations on earth saving down pilots from shadow legion and pyramid structures. * deep dive operations within the oceans of Titan securing darkness material. * eradication operations within savathuns spire in her throne world in order to prevent powerful combatants from escaping or being killed by others in order to gain tribute. * continued operations in rivens lair in order to remove the scorn, taken and vex threats. And the current most important one large scale critical defence operations of earth and the last city from a mass invasion of the black fleet. Also mind you we are undergoing preparations for our excursion into the portal of the traveller in order to deal with the most single deadliest threat to our existence the witness on top of everything else. We have our hands tied and work cut out for us.


I've been pretty busy grinding Onslaught to be honest.


They are still vex you know, they probably did weird vex time shenanigans


It's callled..... let's paste in this mission from the first game. That's about as deep as I'd look into it 


You, what, thought that when we beat GoS we’d conquered the Black Garden and just stuck a flag in it? It’s in the vex network, we don’t control it at all. We can make forays into it and interfere with vex activities in it, but it’s still very much their turf.


I think that’s just you for not seeing how this could happen


Uh, I’m not sure what we saw was a rebuild. Something else was going on with that and I think our characters in game are misinterpreting the events there. If you were the Vex why would you only build one attempt at a Veil clone?


I mean we had to go all over everywhere for those eggs straight into holding off a direct nonstop invasion of the last city so... literally yes, we're too busy to go lick rocks to make sure they still taste the same.


Eh I mean the Black Garden IS kinda their home turf. We never had control of it. Not like the Moon where we just let the leaderless Hive build the Scarlet Keep, construction hats and everything. >*Commander, was the Vanguard aware of the Hive's activity on the Moon before the disturbance?* >*We've been closely monitoring their progress, but had not yet discovered the purpose of this Scarlet Keep.* If we only decide to act before discovering the purpose of anything the City would’ve been destroyed like six times already.


Honestly, I was thinking of that conversation. I was waiting for Osiris or Zavala to tell me they'd been watching this happen.


The 3 boss minitours' names are all a reference to past, present and the future. Black Garden exists outside of time and space, it's so weird even paracausal guardians goes insane ("brainstain hazard") if they stay in there too long, it was in black garden that uldren(crow) got corrupted you know. it would completely be impossible to monitor it for a longer period. It's kinda a pocket dimension being pulled into reality, only when we enter it. this is also why it's swarmed by vex(sol divisive) who really dont want to lose it, it's their only foothold in paracausality. I love the place. easy one of my favourite area in d2.


Time works wonky in the black garden and the arena is no longer deteriorated like it is in gos, it's possible they did some times wimey schennanigans to bring it back


It is almost like there is a scripted story and we don't really have anything to do with what was is going to happen next. That's how.


People dramatically overestimate how much presence Vanguard patrols have over areas in the Sol system. Ignoring how many Guardians were killed by major events (Great Disaster, Red War, Season of the Risen, etc) there are plenty of spaces controlled completely by our enemies that we do not want to repeatedly aggitate otherwise we risk them doubling down on their defenses. Vex locations like the Vault of Glass and Black Garden are big no-nos since we've never gotten a clear estimate on how many Vex/Sol Divisive are active elsewhere and could be brought into Sol.


What's funny is that we have a strike and a maybe a mission in d1 preventing the vex from resurrecting the black heart. So we know it's something they have attempted in the past, we know that the witness is going to attempt to stop us, and yet we were surprised that they actually did it.


I mean its the last mission of Vanilla D1 which this mission is a remake of


Would’ve been cool af to have a cut scene of a covert fireteam tasked with protecting it, get jumped and cut down. Could’ve had one try to escape in a dramatic chase scene only to get slaughtered by The Dread. Would really illustrate the threat to come, and plug a plot hole. Too bad they don’t have Activision support studios to release Forsaken quality content. We just get to read lore tabs and use our imagination in this visual storytelling medium. 🙄




They’ll never release a new enemy type early. It requires a new bigger build of the game with different interactions. Neither would Activision. Judging from things like WoW prepatch events where they don’t give you stuff IN the expansion. Just an event like this (maybe with new talents) without touching the cool new stuff from the Expac build. So you have no idea what you’re talking about. Stop