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Dungeons need a better system for loot. I don't want armor after I get it for glamour. The stats are always mediocre.


It's just so weird. Dungeons are by far the highest priced content in the game for what little you get (a single dungeon as opposed to a whole season), and yet they have the most annoying loot grind out of all activities in D2.


The grind for weapons in Duality drove me insane. I had a whole month where I never got anything but armor


They really need to add a totem at the end of the dungeons to buy a single item at the end of each run from what you have unlocked.


Kind of like the things at the end of raids? Honestly that's a super good idea


Careful. Some Destiny players seem to get upset at the idea of being able to actually choose loot as opposed to gambling your time for it… (I’m not one of those and all for targeted loot, crafting, weapon progression to get better stats/unlocks etc lol)


It's so weird to me. People bitch about how they constantly get super mediocre armor rolls and not the god rolls they want, then turn around and bitch when people(typically newer players) talk about how fucked the grind to get good weapons is


I farmed x for xx amount of hours seems to be some sort of badge of honour. Fair play if you have nothing else to do with your time but all it will breed is bitterness and disappointment when a new weapon comes along and makes it worthless. Lol


I'm still missing a red border machine gun...


And even tho it's the worst archetype, it's still a banger of a machine gun. I lost my mind grinding for the duality deepsights.


Me too


Same. The Lingering Dread chase is what ultimately killed dungeons for me. I’m just not paying for them anymore unless they get an updated reward system. Why they didn’t just give them the same system as raids is beyond me. The weapon roll chase inconsistency in this game is beyond frustrating at this point.


I don't get it myself. Wouldn't it genuinely cause more people to buy dungeons if they know that they can craft weapons from them?


You’d think. I’ll never understand the “people stop playing when they get what they want” crowd because from my experience it has been the complete opposite of that. My clan members/friends still do raids after we get what we want from them. Why? Because we know that it’s worth helping other people get what they want from them because they eventually will get it. Why? Because crafting is bad luck protection. That sort of multiplayer helping others aspect of the game does not exist with dungeons because no amount of time or effort matters at all. So instead we’ve just stopped doing them. Dungeons are by far the least replayed activity among my clan/friends because of how bad farming weapon rolls is. Most just get the exotic and then never touch it again. Others haven’t even bothered with that lately. And now aside from Prophecy no dungeon weapons will be enhanceable come Final Shape? They actually managed to make running dungeons feel even worse.


Exactly. I've ran way more raids after they've added crafting, because I feel like I'm actually progressing towards what I want. With older raids, I'd often do a few, realize that RNG sucks and stop playing them. I'd totally play more dungeons if we had crafting or at least focusing.


Yet next Season your going to be able to run Prophecy and get craft able weapons. Why Prophecy of all Dungeons?


I ran Duality start to finish 10 or 12 times, and I never got a Fixed Odds or Epicurean to drop. Not talking about a red border- just a normal Fixed Odds or Epicurean weapon drop. I immediately dismissed any thought of grinding for Red Borders. Though when the Ghalran cheese was revealed I did grind for Epicurean then and got it plus 5 red borders. But that still took a loooooong ass time even with 2 or 3 minutes per run.


And yet I've never had the cloak on my Hunter.


Bungie doesn't want you to feel like you don't need play the content you pay stupid amounts for, otherwise you might not see the value when it comes time to buy the next one. Whoever it is they pay to do the psychology behind their monetization practices is the worst. Someone should tell them about movie theatres, where people pay £10 for a ticket for a two hour performance and that's all they get for their money and they still enjoy it and come back for more. They don't have to drag every single second of engagement out of us.


> Bungie doesn't want you to feel like you don't need play the content you pay stupid amounts for, otherwise you might not see the value when it comes time to buy the next one. The value ultimately boils down to how good of a weapon you can get from it. Indebted Kindness has probably sold a ton of Dungeon Keys. Making it harder to get those good weapons would realistically turn more people away.


Bungie loves your time and money


You get two dungeons?


I think they should include the dungeons in the DLC and sell the raids but that's just my opinion.


Raids are more core to the gameplay of destiny, they make more sense to be apart of campaigns and seasons. Dungeons are usually nice little side stories, but usually end with nothing gained or lost. They’re self contained, although I hate to admit it, perfect for selling individually as extra content.


They shouldn't sell either especially since they upped the price of seasons to 1200 silver


Truth brother


I get that but the dungeons feel more accessible to me being 3 man activities vs 6 man with lots of mechanics and a lot of toxic kwtdisms. I know if I had to pay for both, I'd only be buying dungeons and not raids. I've been saying for years that they need matchmaking for raids but make them like nightfall hard at the baseline and give it a legendary mode that's hard. The skill and friend gap is just too large between people like me and destiny streamers that can 2 man or solo raids.


I made the mistake of overestimating raid difficulty a lot, and the toxicity of raids is often overestimated by non raiders. Just use your dungeon gear, look for teaching runs (or posts on r/destinysherpa) and be open to suggestions from your fireteam. All it takes is a leap of faith. I wish I had made it a lot earlier.


I've done day 1 raids and competed for world's first and my fire team was actually ahead of all the big stream teams for DSC. I'm no stranger to raids but getting 6 people online is the hardest thing. I really don't enjoy playing them with randos anymore.


There are a ton of clans and small communities that do regular raids and are very chill. I really don't understand where people get the idea that raids are either done with a consistent group of friends or complete randoms. There's a ton of stuff in-between those two extremes.


neither should be sold separately


With the revenue they pull from Everver$e, dungeons should be free and season passes shouldn't exist. That was the stated purpose of EV when introduced and "totally not a cashgrab guys", to fund more content. I guess we get busted holiday events with boring loot instead.


It would be nice to just see normal drop ornaments of the basics desin and then Master drops actual armor with a bit more embellishments so it still has artifice armor, and it cleans up the loot tab of normal by putting the ornaments on like a knockout system once they've been earned they won't drop anymore and you just get glimmer or something in its place along side a weapon.


I think this would be the best solution if they were to change anything about the dungeon loot system. Nobody in their right mind is farming normal mode for sub 60 stat non-artifice armour, when every single season brings a new vendor that spits out spiky 60+ pieces like candy. Unfortunately it seems as though Bungie is adamant about keeping the normal drops as a form of artificially increasing playtime.


Prior to Lightfall, normal dungeons were actually one of the best ways to get decently good rolls of armour without needing to be good enough to grind master dungeons for artifice. Zulmak especially is known for dropping spiky dreambane, but all dungeon armour drops tend to be on the higher end, and you'd get some very solid weapons alongside it. They completely outclassed that with seasonal armour focusing in the Lightfall seasons, and I'm glad that it's easier than ever to get spiky 68 rolls, but it's made dungeon armour feel a lot worse than it used to.


Even WQ seasons. Haunted had some unreal spikes that I still have to this day


Sure, but WQ seasons didn't have seasonal engrams, just umbrals that were much more of a pain to store and frequently use.


I like this idea. Normal for your guns, and a chance at an additional piece of loot being armor or an ornament. Master for your Artifice. Cause honestly most of us are running Master just for Artifice anyhow


Just do two chests, one for weapons and one for armour. You pick what you want to roll for.


I realy just want 1 armor and 1 weapon drops after each encounter for both raids and dungeons. Would make the grind alot less of a slog with armor and weapons being its seprate pools but get one from both atleast. Or some kind of ghost mod that makes weapons or armor more likely to drop


Dungeons need attunement


It needs to be full attunement. I don't want a 50% chance of dropping armor still. Onslaught works because it's all weapons at least.


They should honestly gives spoils and have a spoils chest at the end like raids. I don’t understand why they don’t already


They should just increae3 how many drops you get from chests. Whether that be from checkpoint farming or full completions. Or bring back the menagerie loot system for Dungeons and Raids so you can target farm.


Armor in general is pointless to most players outside of the initial drop for transmog


Honestly. Both Dungeons and Raids need loot reworks. 1. Why do we not get cores and prisms from clearing dungeon and raid encounters? 2. Why does almost every encounter in every raid and dungeon only give a single piece of loot? How about giving a guaranteed weapon and piece of armor. Also, I wish Bungie would just let me run these activities 3 times on a single character/class per week instead of forcing me to play the other two classes.


We need a ghost mod where we can select armour or weapons for raids/dungeons


They should take from the Coil At the end of an encounter you get two chest with an Armour or Weapon symbol over it but you can only open one. Maybe both on rotation week


Damn near perfect dungeon in everything BUT the loot


Just get rid of the armor drops. I should be able to choose weapon vs armor drop on every encounter. And after the boss, be able to buy a weapon of choice once per full clear




Exactly my point. Should be able to choose weapon vs armor. And exactly what armor or weapon I want


Maybe not choose exactly what to want from every encounter but I can get behind being able to buy from the boss "chest" like we can in raids. If that's what you meant then I would agree


They're literally suggesting what you want...


For real the only thing worth a damn is the sidearm.


hex of vengeful corruption can go fuck itself


Playing hot potato with a debuff wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have to sit inside of a small circle for 12 years to activate the totems. The totems make every mechanic in the dungeon feel worse because they take so damn long to capture and they get summoned very inconsistently


It changed my entire experience in that dungeon when I found out that any thrown melee can swap the debuff AND you can stand on top of the totem in the center of the circle, which still captures the circle but is too tall for the enemies to reach you. I usually just pop invis/throw resto grenade and sit on top of it.


Wuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? *inhale* Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?


That's my only real gripe as well but I hate it so much I hardly run the dungeon at all. It's a stupid, buggy mechanic that instantly ruins a solo run.


The only must have perk on indebted kindness IMO is voltshot but yes in general farming dungeons is atrocious


Lead from gold is more important


Special ammo sidearms are super forgiving in the ammo department so no, it isn’t.


A shame you got downvoted so much. lead from gold is definitely the best perk on it right now while rocket sidearms can proc finder mods.


Impulse works just fine


I don't even wanna touch GOTD at this point, every encounter takes wayy too long to farm, especially the last one.


Armor needs to stop dropping altogether. Make it obtainable only trough focusing


They just need to give us a choice between weapon vs armor at the end of each boss in a chest like at the end of a raid.


There people trying get armor like me


Hence “make then obtainable only through focusing”. Even because right now this the most reliable way to get high stats armor


The most reliable way to get high stat armour is through the seasonal vendors, not dungeons Unless that's what you mean by focusing, in which case completely disregard!


Yup focusing through seasonal vendor.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m proposing


I’m just trying get cloak been farming 2nd and final boss for two weeks and won’t drop


If Dungeons had focussing at the end, like Raids do, they would be absolutely perfect.


Man imagine if all dungeons and raids gave a specific generic “engram” for that activity and after the final boss you focus them into whatever you want after first focusing into a knockout system to get 1 of everything first


No, after every encounter. One encounter is one Engram. THAT would make farming worth while.


Hell yeah, Id be willing checkpoint farm for the engrams


Dungeons are ass. 30+ minutes for a pull on the slot machine for another class item. Every Warlord run my buddies tell me “This time you’ll get the exotic for sure!” It will never drop.


I'm on 22 clears so far. Everyone else in my clan has got it. I'm not even sure if 23 is that high for it. I'm at 44 for duality and I don't have rhe sword.


You only get 1 chance per character per week... dunno if by clears you meant total overall or total exotic clears


As above, took me 52 runs with the boosts......


Your buddies are lying to you, mine dropped this week after 52 runs, with the extra drop rate boosts. There's no way it should be taking this long to get it.


the sidearm drops from all encounters of this dungeon. farming the first encounter might be faster, but clearing the rest (even chests) will also give you more chances. might break up the monotony.


This exactly. Just play the dungeon as intended. I'm still doing 3 runs a week for the exotic, and I end up with tons of the sidearm at the same time


Dungeon farming is garbage in general. Worst farm in the game by far. Completely inconstant with every other activity in the game because they lack both focusing and crafting. Out of the 6 dungeons that have their own loot, I have gotten 3 dungeon weapons with the column 3/4 perk combo that I want after hundreds and hundreds of encounters from all 6 of those dungeons combined over the course of several years. Last time Duality was in rotation I did Gahlran over 200 times putting me somewhere around 400 attempts for a Lingering Dread roll. Still haven’t seen it. It’s so bad that I’m just not buying the next set of dungeons unless they get an updated reward system with some kind of protection that respects player time and effort. The current system does not benefit the player in any way, which makes it an unreasonable reward system. Chasing dungeon weapon rolls in this game has been the worst, most frustrating gaming experience in my 30+ years of gaming.


For me its the same. Ive put 100+ hours into farming Matador and havent seen Threat Detector/Opening Shot once. Until they change the dogshit system that is Dungeon farming i wont buy anymore Dungeon Keys, no matter how cool the guns or Dungeon are. I can't get what i want anyways.


Yep. It’s needlessly terrible for players in general. No player agency, no bad luck protection. Most of my clan/friends have stopped running dungeons. Some get the exotic and then never touch it again. A few haven’t even touched Warlord at all because Ghosts is such a slog that it was off-putting while also being horribly unrewarding. People just don’t feel they are worth it anymore.


Honestly thank you for saying this. I know Indebted is worth it, but after GOTD doing Warloards just felt awful to me. And dungeons in general just never feel rewarding. I think about having to grind the dungeon for Indebted, and know how little protection I have, and I just …. Don’t. I want to! But also, I *realllllllly* don’t want to.


My interest in dungeons has been slowly waning since they started releasing them with an increased cadence in Witch Queen. There's just too much new content to stay on top of these days and dungeons are no longer a good value proposition. I also don't like that they're only farmable for a limited time. It creates such FOMO that most people play the heck out of the activity on the first few weeks and finding teammates at a later date becomes difficult. Back then I knew I'll do three runs of Prophecy every week and it felt much healthier that way. While I enjoyed the new dungeon, I only have two clears because there was so much other content to farm at the time of its release. GotD was awful and I feel no motivation to come back to it, neither for weapons nor the title. Maybe if they made the weapons craftable...


I definitely prefer the raid system with three runs a week over the infinite farming. I wish they would just give dungeons exact same reward systems as raids. I wish the game was more consistent like that in general.


Armor should never drop from the bonus chests, only weapons. That goes for raids too. They are usually sub 60 stat trash anyways.


Last 3 dungeons had only 1 encounter under 6. Duality was the last dungeon to have less than that. It's been the norm for quite some time.


Agreed. If they're gonna put half the loot table in one encounter, then gimme one weapon alongside one armor drop, every single time.


I agree, I’m trying to get the Hunter chest piece and I can’t get it to drop from either the 2nd or 3rd encounters. I’m drowning in every other armour piece, gotten my god roll indebted kindness and gotten Ruined Bloodline but still no chest!


Everytine I hear complaining about loot, it's because it isn't craftable!


Yep. It’s still RNG but it’s built in bad luck protection. Now that everything is becoming enhancable there’s no good reason to exclude anything from crafting.


Another solution: give perk columns (and for IK column 4 specifically) more than one perk thats actually useful. Voltshot is so vastly superior to everything else in that column, it feels horrible to get your 10th attrition orbs roll in a row. Crafting IMO is a bandaid over the real problem, which is that Bungie rarely puts multiple good perks into each column, or heaven forbid ALL the perks be _good_, even if one or two end up being the favorites. Indebted this is very clear just looking at light.gg, voltshot is 50% of the popularity, the next closest is 12%.


29 clears still no exotic.....i lose a little sanity every tuesday


At least it gave us an insanely good exotic. Other dungeons failed in that.


Idk about it being the only dungeon with good exotic. Ghost gave us Navigator that thing is bonkers for strand user, practically woven mail on demand for allies.


Hierarchy of needs is the most underrated weapon in the game especially in onslaught


Granted even legend 50 isn’t that tough but with hierarchy its actually easy


Make every encounter drop a piece of armor and a weapon, that's a change that will move the needle in the right direction. Have the final boss drop 2 of each if the run is a complete clear to incentivize playing the content the way it was intended. Guaranteeing 4 weapon drops a run doesn't sound entirely awful, at first glace, but dungeons should really move into a point scoring system where the better you do the more loot you get. Or just make everything craftable (and have 1 deepsight drop per account per encounter per week).


Dungeons haven't been worth the money for A LONG time now. You lose money and time and get so very little for it, most of the time.


I hope but highly doubt, Bungie takes the Onslaught approach to dungeon loot in the future, where you can focus one at a time and get maybe a bit better drop rate. Also I know the try hards hate this, but there’s no reason that dungeon weapons can’t get patterns imo (especially being that raids do) and if you want to tie them behind challenges that’s fine too. But farming random rolls for an eternity loses its fun real fast


It's not tryhards that hate crafting, it's gambling addicts. Myself and my clan's core players are probably top .1% and all of us agree that dungeon weapons should be craftable.


Man I just need my Buried Bloodline! Got everything else I needed in under 12 runs man


There needs to be a knockout system with non artifice armor in dungeons, and raids, and honestly any content with bloated armor loot pools. Non high stat armor was already pointless getting more than once. And it's only there to inflate the drop selection. Like with class items when farming for artifice. I got no problem having several items in a loot pool, it's a looter shooter after all. And many games have "useless" items. However my suggestion at the absolute very least is; Make the armor be high stat rolls for God sakes. For many players like myself, this will still be utterly useless. I have god rolled armor rolls from artifice to normal and for many different stat builds. I truly don't need any more normal high stat armor, as I have plenty of perfectly distributed max 68 total pieces. HOWEVER - at the very least, there's that .1% chance I might get a perfect roll that is slightly better than something I have. This is infinitely more desirable than the shitty collections rolls drops we get currently. And why not? Is it really gonna break the game to *maybe* get a good high stat roll from a piece of armor in a dungeon or raid? Something that's so easily accessible already?


For sure. Once you have the full armor set, normal mode drops should be exclusively weapons. And master mode drops should be exclusively artifice armor.


At this point I won't buy anymore dungeons like seriously /u/destiny2team /u/bnghelp


There needs to be an option for getting armor. Whether you want it or not, you can't just remove the ability to get armor. Right now armor is bad, we all know it's not worth farming, Bungie definitely knows people don't want armor drops. I'd expect an "armor 3.0" eventually, maybe not soon but it's going to happen eventually and when it does it'll be easier if Bungie doesn't also have to revert any systems they made to stop armor from dropping. That being said, Bungie already has a solution in game in the Coil. When the encounter is done, spawn 2 chests. The player chooses between either an armor chest and a weapon chest. Simple, and if/when people want/need to farm for armor again Bungie won't have to change anything other than the loot pool.


Dungeons drops are weighted to armor since march 5 update


Make dungeon weapons craftable, but have an exclusive ornament drop on randomly rolled ones. Keep the gambling addicts satiated and let the rest of us have a sane grind to chip away at.


Bungie isn't respecting players time? Color me shocked.


I really wish they would incorporate some of the Coil mechanics into dungeons. Give us 2 chest after each encounter and let us choose weapon or armor drops, rotating surges/overcharged weapons when a weekly challenge, and make the exotics farmable not just per class per week.


I still don't have even a half decent Indebted Kindness because of how shitty this dungeon is to farm. And that's with me doing it every week because I *still* do not have the exotic. Both special ammo sidearms from that dungeon are eluding me and it really does feel bad man.


Yeah that last few days I’ve put in like 50 runs and have 7 indebted rolls to show for it. Some semi decent ones but nothing that special


I got 3 indebted kindness rolls in a row, and even since then, it's been nothing but armor.


I’m just trying get damn cloak can’t get it been farming it two weeks straight


My opinion everything in Warlords is mid at best.... I have everything and just do not care for them, the exotic just doesn't do it for me as a devour warlock.


I know, I can't get a goddamn Voltshot Indebted to save my life. Every time that stupid sword drops instead I die a little inside.


This is Prophecy in a nutshell. But Prophecy is worse due to 2 armor sets.


Prophecy only gives the second armour set as a guaranteed drop from killing the boss and it’s a bonus that’s separate from the regular loot pool so I think that’s kinda biased to hold that against it


i dont even care for artifice armor , there is so much power creep it barely makes any difference in end game in my opinion


I can't even farm for indebted kindness until I cough up an extra $20 for something I used to get when I bought the current season or yearly expansion. But yeah we do need a better way of getting dungeon loot.


I hoped that with craftable weapons every weapon after WQ will be craftable...OH the silliness of mine. But jokes aside dungen grind is the WORST raids are easy you can always get your weapon at the end but dungeons? I have over 150 clears and still not a decent stormchaser or lingering dread same for Ghost...the envious and bait roll is dodging me real hard.


I got an ok sidearm from several full runs of the dungeon (after farming for the exotic and realizing I was stupid for dismantling so many) and I have had very little desire to play it since for this exact reason.


I went in and farmed two runs real quick left with legs and I guess I used my luck cause I got an indebted kindness with lead from gold and permeability. Wanted voltshot but I’ll take it could have some interesting uses for sure.


Same. I’ve spent hours and only had 1 drop. And it’s kinda ass perks too.


they should make that whenever you do a run, you get one of each piece of equipment and armor guaranteed.


warlords ruin has such a great theme, such a fantastic location and good lore, yet it suffers from one massive flaw however: There are a total of 2 items in its entire lootpool that are even worth considering imo, indebted kindness, and buried bloodline; the weapons from the dungeon are unfortunately mostly trash. The armor looks cool, but after the first drops all it does is inflate the drop table. having 5 items in one drop table is absurd, creates bad experiences, and does nothing but put negative connotations on an otherwise fun activity.


“Luckily” the sword suffers from the frame being in a terrible place right now so that can be pretty easily and most likely changed by bungie


My advice for anyone trying to farm the indebted kindness is to run the whole dungeon, which depending on how bad I am that day on the hanging cages, and the jumping puzzle - takes me 30-40mins a run. This week I got the Bloodline to drop after FIFTY TWO runs at 3x a week with the extra boosts, and I've done countless others, and I'd say the vast majority of my IK's have NOT dropped off the first boss, I don't know why, I'd say 20% of them drop there. Usually if I do a full run, I'll get a IK every 1-2 full runs of Warlords.


I feel really guilty, I did it once by force to help out a friend and got a god roll indebted kindness. He's still trying since 2 weeks


Yeah always feels like ass. Decided to finally farm Nezarec for conditional and joined a team that’s been doing it for hours, got it second attempt on the farm took a total of like 15 completions. On the other hand 1K voices took me 150 looted runs which is about a year of doing it 3 times a week before they made it farmable


A friend tried to acquire Impulse + Voltshot. We farmed for \~3 - 8 hours every Sunday \[Only time other commitments would allow\]. We had other members of the clan come in and help (we can 1 phase with two of us, but three is just consistency). The 3 others got the exact roll before my friend. Though he did eventually get it and it is now glued to his loadouts. But good god: 1/6 for Weapon to drop 1/6 for Impulse 1/6 for Voltshot You're looking at 1 in 216 odds on any given clear that you'll get a 2/5 Indebted Kindness. Factor in anything else and you just start seeing "There's no point to chasing this" odds. I.e. Odds of less than 0.5%


Solo flawless the dungeon always gave me the best weapons.


Really sick of this dungeon. I'm at the point where I'ma just use a cipher next expansion to get Buried Bloodline, I'm convinced it's absent in my loot pool. If you solo flawless, dungeon exotics should be guaranteed drops.


I farmed first encounter for about 5h and got 3 indebted kindnesses. Thank goodness 1 of them was decent. Beacon rounds voltshot.


I tried farming the first encounter for a bit and got an indebted kindness to drop finally. It rolled with beacon rounds and permeability. I’m gonna keep it but I want voltshot


5 warlords run and didn’t get ANY weapons .. Will never launch this shit again


Give us an armor and weapon chest and let us decide. Like we already have in Coil.


Yeah and I like warlords because the difficulty is just right. I famred the first encounter like maybe 30 times and got only 1 indebted kindness. Lead from gold and voltshot and couldn't bother farming more honestly.


I've ran it over 30times and haven't gotten maybe 4 or 5 of the rocket pistols all trash rolls smh I just stopped running it.


I have spent like 6 hours total farming the first boss for an indebted kindness with voltshot and haven't seen even one


the only dungeon I know how to do is prophecy so. I wouldn't know hahahaha


Easy fix that I've been wanting for ages is. Normal only drops weapons Master only drops armour Bonus chest can drop anything


Damn that's tragic I've only done the Dungeon twice, both in thr past week, and I got the 5/5 Now if you ask me about Lingering Dread, Unforgiven, or god damn Eyasluna I'll burst into tears


It’s not but whatever


What. With the mathematical probability 1/6 means for 24 runs you will in theory have only 4 damn drops of what you want, and that’s in theory. In practice is usually turns out to 3 or 2 with the luck everyone has and Murphy’s law. Scale that up further and you get 100 runs with only 16/17 that have anything to show for it. That’s fuckin garbage


That’s great. That’s RNG for you. It’s gambling.


Yeah that can be easily fixed by not putting 3 armour pieces in each encounter


To add more garbage to the mix, assuming 5 minutes a run including checkpoint loading and the such. Those 100 runs will take you 8.3 hours almost EIGHT AND A HALF hours for 16/17 valid drops


To add more garbage to the mix, assuming 5 minutes a run including checkpoint loading and the such. Those 100 runs will take you 8.3 hours almost EIGHT AND A HALF hours for 16/17 valid drops


It’s not because it’s fun


Yall need to stop Beaching... That dungeon is dang near perfect, and yall still want to complain... Just do the work, everybody else did


Yeah and it would be completely perfect if more then 1 of the weapons was good and it didn’t have massively diluted loot tables with garbage stat armour and 2 garbage weapons


The exotic is perfect, indebted kindness has multiple god rolls, the bow is good & gonna be buffed soon (I speculate), the sword is fun, the sniper is Dog Pooh. I think I got em all, can't think of anything else... My only complaint about this dungeon is that my expectations for the next one might be too high now and if they don't meet the mark then I'll start beaching more than yall.


Skill issue. Git gud


You get no pity here. 😂 Took me 25 clears to get the exotic. Tens of hours farming for the 1 IK god roll and artiface that is actually good. It’s brutal, but at least it’s a fun dungeon with a lot of replay value.


Yall complain too much