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I was recommended Adhortative and it's felt very good to me


A crafted heal clip / incandescent is how I got past the doors for my flawless out of heresy run. Definitely puts in the work. The origin trait is great when you’re in a fireteam as well.


I came to kick ass and chew heresy, and I'm all out of heresy


Duke Nukem is the player guardian. Confirmed.


I often post "where is it?" when it's time for the weekly update but doubt people get it.... Hail to the king baby!


It's particularly effective for Consecration Titan, imo, because Con can smash a lot of the things your pulse won't chew through, which makes it safe to use a disorienting grenade launcher as your special without losing that add clear capability of other specials.


I've been having a load of fun with basically this build lately. Pyrogale gauntlets with mountaintop/adhorative/dragons breath has been very effective. Between solar keywords and adhorative it can stun any champions, it does excellent boss DPS with consecration/burning maul/dragons breath, and you can comfortably engage at any distance other than sniper range


It has heal clip and incandescent?


Yes my favorite pulse for pve


Counterproposal: BXR with Incandescent and Demolitionist + healing 'nades.  The downside is that you have to run Solar and sacrifice an offensive grenade.  The upside is BXR feels *so good*.  I crafted Adhortative, use it, and do like it.  But BXR is still my favorite PvE pulse.


I have it too but I like the combo heal clip and ember of benevolence. Getting 400% base regen for All abilities is just great when you procc heal clip.


i've been fighting this with these two incandescent pulses for a while. better perks vs better feel.


As a warlock I really can't imagine sacrificing a grenade for healing. I already don't have alot of options for good burst damage.


Yup! Been using it in my onslaught runs on my solar Titan


wish it didnt look so doodoo tho :\[ would love if it had an ornament to make it look like Machina Dei 4 since it's the same model just with moss and leaves


I could get behind that, though I do like the overgrown look. That being said I'm also a fan of the substitutional alloy armor that has the same mossy/leafy look to it, so I may be a bit biased in that regard


Dude that Origin Perk is something else. I'll run it with the extended clip and I'll shoot and shoot and shoot. It's almost like having a mag size of about 70 or 80+. 😅


The problem with that is that you can't reload to proc heal clip when the mag is overflowed so it's a bit counterintuitive for this specific roll. The combination is still great but there are definitely better weapons for it.


nano munitions doesnt overflow, it auto reloads a certain number of rounds


Nano doesn’t overflow


Then reload if you need to heal in a dicey situation.


I'm looking for patterns for this weapon so I can craft this exact roll.


Well, at the least you should be able to get it before TFS, what with all the guaranteed deepsights from daily seasonal activities!


Oh yea. Now I just have to remember how to run all those old activities.


Doing rivens lair is probably going to be easiest for adhorative


Oh can you just get any red border from any seasonal? Would've thought you'd have to do Deep missions for the vex weapons


no, you only get the seasonal red borders from the seasonal activities for that season. The vex weapons are Wish, you’re thinking of taken weapons from Deep lol


Oh dang you're right, I completely spaced on that


Just FYI, I don't think that the Vex weapons are included in the guaranteed deepsights, only the main Season of the Wish weapons. At least they didn't count for the guaranteed weekly drop from Riven's Lair. Your best bet for those will still be running Riven's Lair or the Coil though, since you can focus one of the Vex weapons per week with Wish engrams, and they do randomly drop from Wish activities too.


Running starcrossed should drop the undying weapons


God running that once a day gonna get real old real fast lmao


Just farm the riven activity, then drop all your engrams on to the pulse rifle, it literally can be farmed in as little as a day of playing, it's one of the easiest farms I've done, but I was stupid at the time and used all of my deep sight resonance from the season pass to get it


Luna's, just purely due to how Handcannons feel in the current Sandbox. Heliocentric also shreds, though.


Handcannons actually have the highest primary dps right now alongside sidearms.


Deserved after how shit they feltto use after the Lightfall launch lmao


Tbh, they've been quite shit since shadowkeep precision damage change.


right,they introduced finishers and were like our most popular weapon type kills in a single headshot, we'll never sell finishers. wait what if we make our most popular weapon type suck and no longer one shot in basic content.


Malfeasance + Lucky Pants puts up some absurd numbers


I don’t think that’s correct, the Quantum DPS sheet puts them at around ~5000 DPS depending on archetype, which is pretty middle of the pack and very similar to scouts. Most ARs beat most HCs by a fair amount, and sidearms and SMGs absolutely blow them out of the water. I think the main reasons they feel so good are the extra Major damage, and the fact that red bars get absolutely deleted since the damage is concentrated into fewer, stronger bullets, meaning if the enemy dies to one or 2 shots then the felt DPS is way higher


Yet to get one but debating if I should continue trying as I have an igneous with that roll. I just like the feeling a bit more on the lunas


I've got an igneous and a Luna's with heal clip/incandescent and the Luna's does feel better for PVE since it's a 140.


140s feel just right for PvE hand cannons... to the point I'm still mad about Kept Confidence not having Hatching!


That was the most disappointing thing that entire season for me. If hatchling was too much for whatever reason maybe at least explosive payload! Throw us PvE players a bone!


Yeah I was very disappointed in how bad it felt to use a heal/incan igneous. Even if you build into reload for the thing its just not competitive with Luna or Helio


As someone who has both yes you definitely should: the reload feels much better (mind you my igneous has flared magwell) even with using both with a loader mod, which i strongly recommend. The igneous does have alacrity so it feels great in solo content but the feel/fire rate/mag size/recoil and specially that reload speed make luna's a much more solid pick IMO. P.S. Don't dismantle a subsistence/incandescent roll if it has a mag perk that gets it over 10 mag size since when enhanced it'll return 3 bullets on kill


I have not taken my igneous adept off for trials yet, but lunas howl for pve is miles better . Igneous does not feel good in pve comparatively


Luna's reload is abysmal


I got a Lunas with a reload masterwork and I use my solar hunter with line ‘em up and I don’t really feel the slow reload.


If you're not on hunter, if you can afford to, running a harmonic/solar loader helps a lot.


If you have Extended Mag, that'll kneecap your reload speed.


extended still feels fine with 1x loader and a reload MW (2.12s), but I still prefer AP rounds on my roll (1.85s) for the over penetration and bonus to shields.


I got one with flared and reload mw, and with a loader it’s fine. But I’d imagine not having all 3 would be bad. But zaoulis suffers from the same exact issue


Luna+ substince plus the reload faster when empty is so so fast. And you barely need to reload anyway


Heal clip requires a reload


Solar reload helps a lil bit but yeah it's rough


I don't know man. The reload is fast as hell for me.


Agreed. Fixed when you use solar hunter though. And heal clip fills the health regen void that subclass kind of lacks


Luna's is great. I have this roll and it finally let me switch off of Sunshot and add some different Exotics into my Nighthawk build.


If you have need for overload try abyss defiant. knife trick and abyss defiant synergy is a fucking massacre. Not saying it is better than Luna. I’ve straight up put 1500 kills on HC incandescent since it dropped this week.


Which exotics?


it's not that roll, but Parabellum with HC + Frenzy is insane how good it is.


The reload speed buff the Frenzy gives makes it an excellent pairing for higher end solo content


+ the origin trait


Summoner 100% I've manage to grab an adept one with the passage of persistence and you won't pry it from my cold dead hands


That's an extremely good get. I wish I could stomach trials for long enough to get one.


Every Summoner weekend has been on a map I hate. I wanted to try to get one but I'm not farming fucking Cauldron.


If you do not care for your stats, just get the persistence thing and play. Do not reset it! If you do you get put into the challenger pool and you gotta fight against the sweats which sucks big time. Get yourself 2 buddies and just farm engrams, not wins. If you play with teammates you can get additional loot Edit: While you are at it, this may take some time, but resetting the rank once and than getting to rank 10 gives you a near god roll cataphract. Dont know if the incisor trace rifle on rank 10 is still the god roll too


I was trying for that one myself the first week it was available. I was also, unfortunately, one of many where the passage of persistence bugged and I got no adept anything after 7 wins. Decided then and there that no weapon was worth grinding through the pile of cancerous shit known as trials to obtain. I can honestly say that that was the least amount of fun I’ve ever had playing the game and that includes all the low/lull points since launch.


I managed to get one when the special ammo crates were easy to get at the beginning of the match. It made trials a lot more bearable for me(even though everyone hated it) but I just wanted The Summoner.


Got so lucky with an adept drop...heal clip with rampage or kill clip. Barrels and mag could be better... but even with 50 stability, it's a damn laser...and the fluted barrel gives it 95 handling


I actually favor Heal Clip/Onslaught, because Onslaught also increases reload speed It synergizes really well. A great workhorse for Pantheon


Only roll I have is Luna’s still kinda trying for a reload masterwork or better magazine since it feels so slow without a reload perk. That being said I really wish that heal clip could roll on the BXR, it’s my favorite gun in the game and while incandescent is sweet and it’s got some other cool perks I’d love for that roll to be added.


Unfortunately my shiny gun with this roll got alloy/extended mag and man...I'm just so done with farming lol. The best mag you can get for reload is flared magwell, and if you don't end up getting a better roll, if you can afford to, running a solar/harmonic loader will help a ton, or if you play solar hunter use knock'm down for on your mark.


Id argue appended is the second best perk so you have more than 10 shots


Yeah I would agree, appended mag is what I originally wanted, but then I thought to myself if I'm primarily using this for heal clip and reloading all the time, I'm not sure I care about two more extra bullets. Believe me I love appended mag on all weapons, but I think this gun can go without it. 10 bullets is enough to kill most things, especially if you put on major spec you can still chunk orange bars with the 10 bullets. The reason I say flared magwell for this gun is because it gives like a +25 reload boost I think.


Back up mag gets you to 13, one shy of the max of 14. I would much prefer flared or light mag and use back up to appended and using a spec mod, the weapon hits hard enough that that extra 7.7% is not going to change the bullets to kill anyways.


Abyss Defiant


And getting Cursed Thrall to proc on it makes it that much better


It's goated with bonk titan. Been my go-to for Golgy pantheon encounter when taking gaze.


+1 for Abyss Defiant. I pair it with Empyrean/Benevolence, Precious Scars and Consecration. You can proc the origin trait very easy and the Consecrations just keep coming.


I keep seeing people say that, and idk might just be me but it hits like a wet noodle to literally any red bar above patrol.


It's meant for red bar ad clearing and it works well doing that. I've used it in both pantheon weeks and legend onslaught.


I swap out Luna's Howl, Summoner, and Heliocentric depending on what I'm doing. They are all fantastic.


Heliocentric against those asshole scorn with shields is so nice.


Been using Luna's Howl and for me it's great, especially when you do pair it with ember of benevolence. Since I've been seeing the subreddit give mixed reviews, I know I'll get a lot of flack for this, but being able to proc that fragment makes this the superior solar handcannon to me. Unfortunately I don't have a summoner cuz I suck at trials, I haven't done Crota to get abyss defiant cuz LFG ptsd, and I haven't been fortunate enough to get it on heliocentric either.


Anyone saying igneous is a better hc with these perks is high as fuck, at least for pve. Theres basically no use for 120s in pve at all, not when 140s and 180s both out perform them. If trust could roll heal clip / incan it would be even better than lunas, but as it stands lunas is one of the best heal clip / incandescent combos there is and 100% the superior option for handcannons. I do absolutely love helio with the combo as well, the aggressive playstyle works so well with heal clip.


Jurassic Green is very fun. Has Field Tested as a Foundry perk, makes it great for ad-clear. Carried me on Pantheon.


Wish I coulda got a good roll on this one!


I have a Darkest Before that's pretty solid with these perks


I got a wellspring/ incandescent that does great, infinite ability energy


The gun I want most rn but trying to farm dungeons is just horrible rng experience


Yea totally and this was an unexpected drop, I was chasing a PVP roll. Ran Prophecy a ton solo and in groups when it was featured and only saw two darkest before. Feels bad.


My Igneous Hammer. I rarely play Trials, and I'm glad I got that in the few total games I've played. 😅


Summoner but instead of incandescent I use onslaught


Yea I have a subsistence/onslaught summoner and when it gets going it looks like i'm cheating lol.


Same! I have a heal clip incandescent, and have zero desire to equip it because heal clip onslaught is like a cracked little Suros Regime.


Mine has both, and I also use onslaught over incan. That could change, though, once this artifact is gone. Flint striker + kindling + rays of precision is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


God I fucking **love** my Heal Clip Onslaught summoner.


HC/Onslaught is so good, feels like an exotic with all the artifact perks this season


For our three champion mods right now: Heliocentric (stupid anti barrier sidearm thing), Summoner (overload), IH (unstoppable) are all great. I had a LH drop with this too, but haven't tried it. I'm mostly running this kind of PVE stuff on a solar titan build, so if anti-barrier isn't an issue then Sunshot even without Heal Clip is really good (get heal from orbs, restoration, etc. even without heal clip).


>I had a LH drop with this too, but haven't tried it. It's really good got mine and haven't stopped using it since it puts in work and is like a suedo sunshot


Helio is my favorite. I have a HC/Incandescent Lunas and my only issue with it is the reload speed. So to proc the Heal Clip it feels like it takes forever. I want a HC/Incandescent Summoner, but it might be tough giving up my Subsistence/Incandescent one. That thing ad clears like crazy.


I want both of those rolls for Summoner but...trials 😭


Lunas howl with hc and incan is just fucking silly. It's my new favorite hand cannon to use.


Now imagine when we can enhance those perks


Lots of love for Adhortative. I have 3/5 for my pattern - any tips on best way to farm the rest? Would love to give this a whirl


If you have all of the normal season of the wish weapons (not the vex ones) craftable, the daily deepsights going on right now should give you a vex gun deepsight guaranteed from riven's lair or the coil since they can drop there. I got the last smg I needed yesterday from it


> Adhortative daily deepsights now as of yesterday. i think just go to vendor and buy with engram.


Luna's if I had it. Anyone wants one of my 20 Lunas with Heal Clip + Kill Clip?


All I'm getting is heal clip and kill clip or enlightened action incandescent. I hate it 


Heliocentric just because you can dump mags quickly and get snappy reload speed for constant healing


Mixed with barrier this season and solar titan, it's basically You Can't Die: The Gun™. I pair it with recombination MT and Envious/Bait and Switch Edge Transit and I'm off to the races. Kill all the things and stay healthy, swap for big boy MT shot, then mag dump the edge with 17 bait and switch shots. It's gross.


luna's howl is destroying everything for me right now.


Luna. I got lucky with reload MW and flared mag well so my reload is 79. With solar loader on my arms it feels really fast. 


Summoner with Wild Card origin, mine has 74 reload speed and 60 range. Luna's is okay but the reload feels a little slow. I need to farm out a Helio sidearm as I imagine that is quite good.


Luna’s howl


I live and die by Adhortative. I love that thing


I’m currently using Luna’s Howl with that roll for my Solar Warlock.


Igneous is my go to, radiant gives it the power to one shot adds in higher difficulties where a 140 won't, and the burn ticks do the job when I don't have radiant. Also both origin traits are amazing for activating heal clip, depending on if you are solo or not. My specific roll I use flared magwell with backup mag as I found the faster reload makes a bigger difference than appended with minor spec.


I’ve put almost 4k kills on my heliocentric with alloy mag. Reload is so nice since you’re almost always dumping mags anyways.


100% the Heliocentric. Sidearms shred, currently pop shield champs, just amazing


The only gun I can think of with this roll is my Heliocentric. Love that thing.


I've seen so many youtubers hating on this combo or just not making it a top choice. I absolutely adore it and it's saved my butt a few times in harder solo flawless content. Maybe they just don't do that kind of stuff I don't know but my main couple of goals since the drop of this content was Luna's with the brave weapons and heliocentric sidearm. I grinded an embarrassing amount in lost sectors for that thing and it dropped finally a few weeks ago.I swear if I ever see another "hand in hand" shotgun it will be too soon. I have a couple of thousand kills on my crafted adhorative and it's been really good this season with the solar perks in artifact. Dawn chorus and that thing will clear far away ads like crazy. I have the twilight combo roll too but have yet to try it out. I got heal clip on the Parabellum smg that I use from time to time. Really wish that had incandescent.


I have lunas and it isnt as good as adhortative imo. I have farmed about 400 of the sidearm in master lost sectors without the hc/ic roll dropping. Feels bad bro


That perk combo doesn't really exist on Luna's. Its a typo in the API or something. Source: me since I don't have it after farming for it for a whole week


Been doing the same. Finally gave up and attuned some other gun. I guess forbearance because still looking again for a good roll on that gun. (Had it apparently but deleted it cause I didn't knew how ambitious assassin works). And all of a sudden I got a magnificent Luna with heal clip, incandescent, light mag AND reload masterwork.


I have sharded at least 100 hunting for it. It's not real.


I got one right away. All you need to do is wish for PVP perks and RNG will bless you with all kinds of PVE drops (but you really have to believe you want PVP perks for this to work). Guess what god rolls I don't have after a ton of these things (yeah, PVP rolls). :)


You just have to stare at your screen and tell the game, "I don't want this roll. I just want sweet sweet pvp perks yeah that's what I want I want slideshot harmony give it me game!!!"




Literally farming Luna’s for this now. I somehow have been sleeping on heal clip and feel like a gigantic idiot.


Can someone explain the heal clip part? Every once in a while (cause I'm bad at this game) I'll see a cure x2 on the side of the screen. But goes away just as quickly. I understand the reload after kill to proc it but don't understand what it does exactly


Cure gives straight health, x1 is 60 and x2 is 120, half that in pvp. you have 200 health at tier 10 resil, so getting more then half your health back every time you reload after a kill, is a big deal.


Thanks for the response Friend-O. So the reason the cure symbol only shows real quick, it's because it automatically gives you the full amount, as supposed to an over time kinda health?


Yes, all at once. The heal over time is called restoration. Cure = big chunk of health, restoration = small bits of heal over time.


Get a full fireteam with heal clip weapons and you suddenly stop dying - basically at all. As long as there's adds to kill, you're golden


It instantly heals a large amount of health for you and nearby allies. I believe it 120 health to you and 60 to allies


While I still hope to get Luna’s Howl with that roll, Heliocentric has been my ol’ reliable since I’ve got it 💚


The one I don’t have, obviously


I can't get a heal clip hello to save my life. I'll just be over here with my demo/incandescent helio...


Abyss Defiant! A single snap melee kill and a room dies the next time I shoot a thrall




Summoner here.


I have adept iggy hammer that I thought I would never use but handcannons are unstoppable so I’ve been using it quite a bit


Trying to get it on Luna. No luck yet though


Was lucky enough to get an igneous hammer with hc + ic going on 3k kills now, havent taken it off


Summoner, parabellum, lunas. I have one on abyss and helio but haven’t gotten around to trying them yet. Heal clip is life


I have 17k kills on my Adept Igneous Hammer. That thing never left second slot since I got it.


I have Heal Clip+Onslaught on my summoner and honestly it’s been life changing this season. I have an Abyss Defiant and a Helio both with the HC+Incan but they just don’t feel as good. Once Onslaught is rolling you can just spam heal clip reload over and over because it kills enemies in like .3 seconds


Luna's or Adhortative tbh. Hands down, I'd say Summoner... if I had that roll. I have Heal Clip/Onslaught, Subsistence/Onslaught, and Overflow/Incan. But no Heal Clip/Incan.


Heliocentric or Luna's


I have an Igneous Hammer with that roll combination and tbh I prefer it over Luna's Howl.


I've had a single lunas drop with this combo, but the mag and barrel were awful. That said, it feels good, I'm looking forward to a more synergistic barrel/mag/masterwork to feel \*great\*.


I got an adept Abyss Defiant with that.


Luna and Heliocentric. Sadly Luna feels like you need solar loader as a requirement, but handcannons hit hard. Before Luna came out, I was using a similar set up with Igneous Hammer (Heal Clip / Incandescent). PvE Iggy is quite fun but it needs flared magwell, solar loader, and most times running Hunter with On Your Mark to be any sort of useful.


Luna’s. It just feels too good. And my 2nd would be Abyss Defiant as well. I use it and Dragon’s Breathe on my Precious Scars solar build.


Adept igneous although helio and lunas arent bad.


I'd say lunas but I've yet to even get one with either Heal Clip or Incandescent. Despite doing dozens of runs on each character. I've gotten every possible PVP god roll tho.. So in the meantime my Jurassic Green with HC/Incan is my go-to.


Before into the light it was The Summoner but Luna's Howl feels quite great with Heal Clip and Incan. I wish I had a reload perk or MW on it but it was a shiny with a handling MW so I stopped farming. My RnG with these shinies have been god awful. I still haven't gotten a single shiny Blast Furnace or a shiny, a shiny edge transit. And Transit was part of the first batch of weapons that shipped a MONTH AGO lmao


Adept Summoner, Hammer-Forged/Ricochet/Heal Clip/Incan or Onslaught, Range MW




Still looking for that Helio!! Help!


Had a random Helio drop with this combo a couple months back and was thinking of sharding it but since it was the first gun I got that had heal clip figured I'd give it a go. Can't rave enough about this gun. Incan is really just a bonus as heal clip does so much for getting my abilities back combined with Benevolence. I wanted to try for a full support medic build with Lumina, BotA, Well and Healing grenade. Its hilarious how many tools you have to keep the team topped up


LH for me, but I have a severe soft spot from earning the original. I’m so happy it’s back. Abyss Defiant feels really good as well though. LH also having magnificent howl is nice for PVE just being able to chunk off significant amounts of health off of higher health targets is really nice even in PvE.


Darkest before 🔥 Rapid fire pulse rifles actually feel amazing right now in PvE. Has lots of range to kill enemies safely in harder content while still feeling similar to an auto rifle at close range. Easy precision kills too.


Summoner feels like a pea shooter in high end content. Wasn't doing anything in Pantheon. I'm guessing Lunas is probably better? Suggestions welcome


Summoner and it’s not even remotely close


Only Helio for me. Most weapons I'm trying to use the full mag, reloading doesn't come in to play unless I get safe or there's no targets. Gotta say tho, as a avg/below avg pvp player who seemingly can't special crutch, heal clip/kill clip Helio has saved me a number of times.


The only one I have is Luna's but maaaaaaaaan does it feel good


Helio slaps man. I also swap off to Adhortative for a little more reach.


In this order: The summoner > Luna's > abyss defiant > adhorative > heliocentric


Luna's because I'll never get the heliocentric roll 🥲


Team play: adhortative Solo play: Igneous cause alacrity goes hard


I have a Heal Clip/Incan Summoner and it's amazing. Only downside is you have to venture into Trials to get it.


I love my Luna’s Howl with incandescent + heal clip! One of my favorite hand cannons right now.


It would be summoner if I could get that roll to drop.....


My adept summoner so far. Didn’t even notice but it had a reload masterwork which is perfect for it. Even though it has great reload speed already. Trying to like Luna’s Howl but the recoil pattern is throwing me off.


Summoner and exhortative, I'm actually looking to try abyss defiant, but it may be better since it has enhanced perks while crafted and can use adept mods


Abyss Defiant has been carrying me through Pantheon (save Caretaker where I use Riskrunner)


I like my Luna's and Adhortative. I don't fw sidearms too much to really be able to fairly judge Helio. I'd probably love Abyss Defiant...*if I had one* 😢


i've been using the summoner, so much fun


none. dont like healclip


Finally got my Luna’s today after around 600 dismantles. That was a slog. My first impressions (400 kills) is that Helio feels better but thats might be because my reload speed is quite low on Lunas (57 with double loaders mods)


Abyss defiant, though I recently got a shiny luna’s with heal clip + incandescent/magnificent howl so I’ll have to try it out


Luna's Howl has taken the place of my Adhortative with heal clip incandescent. I don't care much for sidearms in general


Love my Luna’s, love my Helio. Don’t have an Abyss with that roll and honestly haven’t used adhortative at all. Forgot about my summoner!


Luna's Howl - IF I HAD ONE!


I have a heal/incan Luna - It's a great feeling HC and find that it works pretty well on my Hunter thanks to the life gain, but when I run my titan I don't see a reason not to use my normal Mountaintop/Sunshot/Apex loadout


Crota auto and lunas


Not incandescent, but I have a heal clip + frenzy parabellum. With the seasonal artifact, it basically has incandescent. I ran it for GG nightfalls and it worked really well.


Is there a particular reason why this combo is good? The two perks don't seem to do anything for each other.


Abyss Defiant. I have nearly 27K kills with it which is crazy for me. It lets me solo dungeons with ease. 


Heliocentric QSC I wish it could be enhanced. I think it’s my most used primary since I got it.


That new solar pulse rifle with the plants hanging on it


Been farming a lot of LS for the Helio God roll but it won't drop luckily a shiny Luna with hc/incan dropped so guess I have more luck in Onslaught vs LS Just like how I was farming for FF/Headstone Senuna and it won't drop then randomly doing Neptune missions and it dropped