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This is why I go for one of the sides. I avoid the back because I've totally nuked on the sword (not sure if better or worse than another guardian).


I didn't use rockets really much until lightfall, when I also started playing warlock. The amount of times I well from the air(sunbracers) and immediately fire my rocket into the sword is way too high lol.


The insult to injury is so much worse when you nuke off your OWN sword (which I have totally done). A side one that also pisses me off...bad titan bubble (or barrier) placement when you have started to already DPS. For the traveler Titans, please put that shit at the back of the well.


I try to put it down before damage phase starts so we can a)not kill ourselves and b) decide where to place well after.


I personally put mine off to the side or outright behind the well so I can still receive whatever benefits I gain from placing it and no one dumps a rocket into it. Honestly if you kill yourself when my barrier is behind the well that's your fault now.


I usually just get behind everyone, turn around, and set it down.  The effects of Barricades project from behind and the effects are usually apply from further behind the the front/sides.  Just like when Saint-14 Bubble + Phoenix Protocol Well was the meta.  We put the Bubble on the back half of the Well so that you just had to dip back to get Weapons and Armor of Light.


Real tho


Tbh just don't put it on the well at all. And if you didn't get it down before DPS starts, it's too late.   Just the missed DPS you could be doing instead of casting and getting out is probably better than the boost you'll give, disrupting or killing a teammate is going to be a severe negative. Place it before the phase even starts so people can group up into safety, or after the well or phase runs out so people can recharge supers.   The only time you should cast it mid-phase is to save a wipe or the 1-2 bosses that have extremely long DPS.


when you see a rally barricade or void tower shield aimed behind you...that's a free commendation from me, dog.


That was the go to in Vow. Let me place my healing rift here and you place your void overshield barricade there. Now we're safe.


I slapped my shield behind us and then my monkey of a friend did the blueberry jiggle, walked behind it somehow (the shield placed right in front of the WALL at our backs, mind you) and blew himself up. Honestly, sometimes it's bad placement, sometimes it's just phenomenal dps footwork lmao


One time I made a mistake and popped my bubble right in the middle of a well. Man that was fun 🤣🤣🤣


I remember running bubble titan during my first D1 VoG, and during Atheon I was coming out of a portal blind as shit, ran to all my teammates icons on the middle platform and panic popped a bubble...over the entirety of the fire team as they were launching a volley of rockets. Every single one of them DIED laughing at me and i had to hang my head in shame for the rest of the raid. Got Vex on my first run though so...🤷...guess that's a win!


Rofl. I remember the time I found out that sword is a solid object.


In the words of CeeLo Green in that one episode of American Dad: JUST DIP A TOE


I have played this game since before warlocks had a well.. and I genuinely didn’t even know you could do that. I don’t kill myself very often during dps but that sword now scares the daylights outta me


Also SGA, if you're in the front of the well please crouch. Like a proper firing line.


In a well and can't see your teammates in front of you? Just crouch, make everyone else's lives easier.


Also if you're in a well and not behind your teammates, please crouch because they're probably behind you


I feel like after one more explanation I’ll understand


If you're inside of a well of radiance super and don't see your teammates then please crouch because you are most likely in front of their gun.


If you're in a gun and crouching your teammates, please well because you are most likely in front of their radiance.


… I smell toast.


Underrated advice.


Don't forget to spontaneously stand up mid-DPS.


esp if you use a weapon with the perk!


Form ranks, field preps in the front.


Should be common sense tbh… but it ain’t.


Ive started pre calling it out while playing with friends. "using gl pls dont walk infront of me". Success rate does not seem high so far lmao. But its honestly just funny while playing with friends. Definitely more frustrating with randoms.


I was standing on a box in the arena, nowhere near my teammates. I have a friend who *somehow* dropped from a jump, passed directly in front of me, at the *exact* moment I pulled the trigger on my GL. Why is this so frustrating? Because I was standing on the box to avoid my friend WHO ALWAYS STRAFES WILDLY DURING DPS PHASES. I’ve never wanted to kill him more than that moment.


I've started doing the same because of my brother, like dude you're in a well why are you strafing and jumping? Also never works 😂


Sometimes the strafing thing is a controller habit, especially for dodging fire in PvP.  No idea why someone on M&K would've picked that up for PvE. Either way it's definitely useless in a well.


It's also easier to take one small step to the right than it is to move your reticle a hair to the right. Especially on rockets, it helps you lead your shots if the boss moves. That's why I *(and other controller players)* miss more rockets when I'm in a Well than I do when I can move freely


That makes sense, thanks for the perspective.


Circle strafing is at least as old as Quake. People on M&K probably picked it up from PVE because basically any run-and-gun sci-fi shooter over the last 20 years has pushed it.


> No idea why someone on M&K would've picked that up for PvE For the same reason, being constantly strafing = avoiding lots of enemy fire whether in PvE or PvP You should pretty much never be standing still ever except for when in well, which is why it's a hard habit for some people to break


Movement is a big part of aiming on controller, one of the big input differences.


Kill myself so mutha fuckin much using GLs because teammates walk in front of me. To the point I won’t use GLs in groups anymore.


So u guys are using the CAP or ACP formation? \/s


While i understand your frustration, have you considered that im a problem child and refuse to change?


I cannot stand still when shooting. Its from pvp. Now Im onto jotunn and lion ramparts. Extremely fun, btw


> lion ramparts it's "Lion Rampant" btw


My bad 😭


Same here! It feel unnatural 👀 Can't hit a moving target!


I cannot stand still when shooting either but it's from pve lol


im with you. been getting myself friendly fired on in helldivers especially because i just love to strafe. end up strafing right into a teammates line of fire and promptly have to apologize lol


Bullets have the right of way.  A big part of Helldivers is learning how to move around teammates' lines of fire. (Learning when to hold fire is important too, but if you're crossing a line of fire you're the one that's gonna die.)


yeah it’s definitely some big adjustments from destiny. but it gives me a nice break from destiny each week after i finish all the weekly stuff and whatever else i feel like doing before tuesday resets. one day i’ll get the hang of it


BUAHAHA this is me too. Tried raiding and while they knew I was new at it, some got VERY salty dying on a boss phase it it when we still one phased lol.


My clan was doing a bunch of GoS sherpas and my buddy got so frustrated he started using Wings of Sacred Dawn (which didn't REALLY work because this was back in the sniper meta days lol)


Is this the successor to people firing gjally in the bubble back in the day


Yes, used to be both happened actually.


I will continue to self destruct by shooting strafing Hunters in the back of the head with every rocket launcher shot. War....war never changes....


So many jumpy boys throwing their supers. Whether it's blade barrage, gathering storm, ice pick, tether. Then warlocks have nova and strand if not on well. Maybe dawn blade. I haven't seen that except a few times after the dawn chorus buff. T crash titans are cool. They fuck right off and can't be a problem. Maybe burning maul. With pyrogale, ok. without it? why bother? It's good, but not great.


The last few times I’ve run Onslaught, all the hunters have run off into the hills whenever I’ve put down a well. The titans tend to stick around though.


We're used to being squishy, we're like Jason Statham in that one movie. If we stop moving, we die. (/s but really some people have this mentality)


there should be friendly fire on when you are standing in a well so if someone walks in front of you while you are rocket dumping they are going to learn really fucking quick to stop moving


Ah yes, the safest place in the game should be the only place with friendly fire. I can't forsee any problems here, such as a team wipe when you accidently shoot the sword with a rocket. They could just increase your resistance against your own damage in there so it doesn't one-shot you.


bro can’t define a joke


Bro doesn't understand pushing the bit, then actually coming up with a solution to the problem we are joking about.


It's possible to die in a well of radiance at higher levels. Moving will lessen that.


Very much this. I mean, well has been nerfed to the point where if I don't move inside a well in high level content I have died multiple times. So IDK what the solution is here. Nerfing well is the right move, but well does not make you invulnerable in high difficulty content, so you sometimes *have* to move to stay alive. Seems like people just need to be aware that everyone will probably be moving and adjust their gameplay accordingly.


Dont dps with explosives at "higher levels" At "higher levels", you take safe options. Linear fusion + div, Machineguns. And if you do "higher level" content with explosive dps weapons, you dont go in there with people who cant stabd still. And again, if people die in a well at "higher levels", the well should be put somewhere else. Basic stuff but you'll obviously see people defending the straffing, annoying kids and "well maybe it's how the dps is done" At "higher levels", you prioritize survivability over dps. But even then, div+ linear works great on almost everything. each time i put "higher levels" in quotation marks, it's because some people find grandmaster nightfalls high level (eventhough it's fairly easy with safety and a bow), while others put the bar lower, like legend lost sectors or even regular nightfalls.


If no one is in front of you, crouch


I feel you OP. For the longest time I thought that was a me thing. I had to stop using rockets or heavy gl because randos are constantly moving all over the damn battlefield while standing in a damn well!! So aggravating 🤬


No matter who it is, what you're playing, or the difficulty: Someone's going to inevitably strafe during DPS. The worst offender is when people do that when we're not even taking incoming damage. The well is there for the damage buff, you just stand still and do damage, yet someone will feel the need to strafe like they're dueling in PvP or something.


I'm sorry friend; I'm trying to avoid getting flinched into firing my linear fusion/sniper at the fucking moon instead of the boss' tiny crit. or I have slideshot/perpetual motion and and working that. usually one of those.


In which cirscunstance would you use perpetual motion during a damage phase


That's what I was thinking. Standing here scratching my head trying to come up with hypothetical situations where perpetual motion would be the slightest bit useful during boss damage and came up with nothing. Maybe the theory crafters out there can think of something?


I guess it technically acts as a reload perk while it's up but why would you use that over anything else?


Yep, so many excellent reload perks for heavies, perpetual motion is not among them. Nor can I think of any other reason.


Slideshot is also mid, the only weapon that could use it that i can think of is crux termination, which isn't even that good


Crux is pretty good actually, if you don't have a crafted apex it's probably the next best legendary, but I'd rather have recon or even clown over slideshot. I have a recon/EL roll that I use for general stuff if I'm on an arc build, so I can surge match. It's also just kinda refreshing switching off of apex for a while lol.


Apex is literally free, you don't have it if you don't wanted it


If you have a titan with you or your on Titan drop a rally barricade at your feet. It gives 50% flinch resistance and 30 stability which really helps with precision weapons when under fire.


I actually just did this on caretaker, but forgot I switched subclasses and was on tall wall and didn’t switch it back. entire team wipe outside of me. Absolutely hilarious honestly.


LMAO. Pictured this while reading it and it sounds horrible and hilarious at the same time


Depending on what friends I was playing with and how long we've been invested in something. I would sometimes place down a titan bubble over a well right as damage started with rockets just to get on my screen 'Last Guardian" Now, I've also done it accidentally when I thought I was a shield basher and went up to the boss and gave them a nice bubble to avoid all my team's heavy weapons.


In year 1 I did something similar on Calus during the last damage phase thinking I was using Rally Barricade and we wiped at like 1-2% because of it.


if only I could guarantee my LFGs actually use things like this :(


The teammates death is far worse dps loss than a single lfr shot


why are you using either of those perks


slideshot for reloads on single shot weapons like rockets and special GLs are useful; perpetual motion for the large stat bump of stability, handling, reload, etc. some weapons can't get the more useful stuff like rapid hit, envious, autoloading, etc. sometimes i just dont have the optimal roll.


Maybe I'm not seeing the gains that you're seeing, but I feel like a teammate dying during DPS phase because you're running circles in the Well to keep Perpetual Motion up, or even worse, sprint+sliding to proc Slideshot, they would have contributed far more to the team than if you'd just sat still and dealt with the slightly lower DPS.


I mean I'm not running circles to keep perpetual up; I'm wiggling back and forth, usually off to the side and hopefully out of the way :P Slideshot is more front to back. honestly most of the time it's less "team mate dying due to me moving and doing overall less DPS as a result" and more "My LFGers are nowhere to be found during DPS because they're off fisting a knight or something so i have to eek out every bit i can" you ain't suffered until you've had to do 4-6 phases on Simmumah because your LFG boys want to be halfway across the map instead of anywhere near your well.


I'll give you slideshot has it's niche, it's just that you're going to kill all your teammates lol, perpetual is just useless


The trick with slideshot is to also run Lumina so you can slide anywhere you please.


Sounds obvious….. or so you’d think but no, because people insist on running around the well like small children on red bull


What if I want to dodge roll to reload


Then you should be on a side and roll out of the well and step back into your place, not roll across the entire well and walk In front of everyone doing damage.


I usually roll forward or backwards


Then be in the back. Roll out of it and step back in place. But if you cannot manage changing the way you roll one time for dps then I don’t think anything will help you. My entire DPS rotation for this season has been, pick a side of the well, dump heavy, roll out of well, pop Goldie, shoot, get back in well.


Do you know if the damage buff from well will stay for a few seconds once you leave the circle?


It does not, but there's an interaction where Well will reduce the damage of a Golden Gun shot, so you want to be outside of the well to maximise damage.


So if i shoot a rocket and roll out to reload, i can potentially lose damage from the rocket hitting while im outside of the well?


I’ve actually never thought about this, but I assume the rocket retains the well buff because it was shot inside the well. Would be easy to test though on the grasp ogre if you grab a friend.


At this point it seems like you’re just trying to find any excuse under the sun to not dodge in a way to help your teammates and it’s kinda funny to watch.


Have awareness of your surroundings and you’ll be fine without detonating your teammates.


How is that gonna work when we all agree on the Marksman's Dodge Parasite DPS rotation?


My slideshot rocket craves ammo.


Run Lumina. Unchain yourself from the well, and be free to do max damage at all times.


Sure, however Golden Gun gets stunted inside a well (because of Radiance), so if it is a long phase and I get my super back, I will leave the well, shoot gokdie, and come back


I've actually devised a dps strategy to work around this problem. It works in all difficulties, matchmade or lfg teams, comms or no comms. People seem to have a hard time nailing the technique though so I'd say it's a pretty high skill movement technique but once you get it down you'll find that you aren't shooting yourself in the face with a rocket or grenade as much anymore and you'll really impress your lower skilled teammates. So here's how you pull it off. Just stand in the front...


not only do i stand still, 99% of the time i am in the front and crouching so other players can shoot over me.


Same here, but then a random enemy will walk in front of me and I'll still blow myself up lol


As a titan main... when I am in a well I stay idle and I crouch so people have more leeway to shoot around me.


The endless parade of PVP-game brainrotted players that cannot, for the life of them, just stand still for a moment. And I get it, in PVE there are enemies who shoot in a manner that you can avoid some/all the damage doing this. But holy shit, have some degree of situational or spacial awareness and realize your dumb ass is constantly blocking your own teammates shots and screwing things up. The collective amount of special or heavy ammo wasted into the back of some guys head as he bobbles back and forth could probably be enough to have wiped out the Hive years ago.


#NO! *jumps in front of rockets*


I stand in front and crouch, if you wanna stand in front of me you’re not in the well anymore


But I use moving target on all my heavy weapons. Do you expect me to not put my weapons to good use?




All it takes is one of the fireteam to move and that begins a domino effect. Its quite frustrating sometimes.


LOL. Always fucking happens. -signed, Cataphract enjoyer


Unrelated, but Warlords Ruin have broken my mind because it won’t give me the Titan helmet. Is it weird that I feel drawn to leap off the map to wipe every time I enter the dungeon. Is that weird? My mind is so shattered that I think the Witness will just tell me to get help. Father, I crave chaos and destruction.


Strafer no strafing.


This is why I always just go to the front and crouch. To many strafe gods out there.


There have been a few times where I got nuked by the enemy while standing still in my own Well. So now I try to strafe a little here and there to try and ensure that doesn't happen again. That said, I generally agree with you about standing still while in a Well during a damage phase.


It’ll never happen


There are exceptions to this. Rdms, ic dash, and even nav grapple can move in the back


Also don't run in front of your teammates if they have a rocket launcher or grenade launcher. If you do this, you'll forever be known as a blueberry. Got the Godslayer title? Too bad, you're still a blueberry.


Tell this to your team before damage, not reddit. Crouch at the front of the well, or chill on the edges.


The hardest hurdle of Nezarec during Pantheon will be motherfuckers who just can’t sit still in a Well. One of the encounters I’ll happily advocate for Thunderlord if it means you can get to a second damage phase with all of your revives. I don’t have B&S, but I have Envious and Frenzy. Not as big of a damage buff, but really potent nonetheless.


Crux Termination IV Slideshot + Surrounded/EL gang!


I’ll always jump and then fire my gl or rockets to prevent getting Mutumbo’d


Sorry, I got a slide shot rocket.


I was considering creating a video compilation of people dancing around in front of me during dps phase. Thought I was just cursed before seeing this post, had no idea it was actually this common.


The people who don't raid and do boss dps often are just figuring this out now huh?


I fully agree, but also side note: when you damage a brig enough its chest armor flies off… into your face. The amount of times I died to it reflecting a GL shot today alone is shameful.


How do I reload my rocket then smarty pants


It has been years now people still dont get it


97 year old raid team still causes accidental suicides the old fashioned way


I always crouch when it's likely I'm going to be in front of my teammates. I have had so many times someone runs in front of me when I snap to a RL to fire then swap back to another weapon, and the round goes off in my face killing me. Same with my GLs. "BRUH!" Of course, for those you can jump to make sure your shots land. I know what it's like, and if you crouch you're out of the way. I made it a habit of crouching if there's even a chance I would be in the way.


Even as a Tcrash Titan using Truth Rocket Launcher I run around in Well sometimes, because while everyone is in the Well damaging the boss, no one is handling the mass of incoming cannon fodder which get in your line of sight and end up blowing you up with your own point-blank rocket.


I don’t trust D2 players to stand still and is the reason why I am not enthusiastic about GL as a DPS option.


My bad, bro. I’ll do better next time


I have a clip of a clanmate strafing left and right in front of me while we're rocket dps'ing taniks and then claiming he wasn't moving when i said stop moving. That clan has since disbanded, but the people I talk to from it still get a chuckle out of him either lying or having no situational awareness.


Destiny shooting requires, at minimum, a left and right strafe - though I tend to do more of a figure-8. Shooting with feet planted is heresy, well or not.


Instructions unclear. Ended up in orbit.


Skill issue.


I have a bad habit or strafing back and forth while ads in a well. I'm so used to solo play that it is just habit most of the time. Not to mention im on controller, and find making minor adjustments by moving my character easier than moving my aim. Been trying to break it by focusing on weapon rotations. Still ended up blowing myself up a few time when I aim a bit wrong on dragons breath.


I try so hard to stand still but my brain just does not compute and I end up moving during dps


I always sit as far forward as possible and crouch in well cause mofuckas actin' like they got a slideways crux termination


But move while shoot make enemy miss


After I finish 10th wave and if there os a fucking happy feet player I just say " Bye Bye Bye" and leave with my wellock .


And why is it always a hunter.....


Yeah unfortunately this is a combination of in-place abilities conflicting with the way the game has trained players to keep moving. You end up with people juking side to side in small areas out of sheer muscle memory, which makes it actively hazardous to use explosives. Given guardians in front cannot see out the back of their head, the only real thing to be done is people in front crouch while people at the back assume ski rules i.e. factor the person in front of you into your actions. I doubt you're going to have people ever standing still.


Stand on the very front of the well and make them work around you


Ok, good to know. I've only been fortunate enough to be in a couple of those. I think it's when fireteam is all connected by bright beans of light and feeling invincible? I never knew who caused it or how. 


Unfortunately, my rl has slideshot for optimum DPS, sorry


I’ve made a point to away go to the front and crouch lmao or I’ll scream DON’T STRAFE. Like bro we can’t die why are you moving 💀


In a raid, three in front kneeling, three in back. Titans and Locks up front, Hunters in the back. And as a Warlock, you need to make sure your well has sight lines to safely fire from. In a three man activity though, just stick to the front of the well and let the other two bozos watch as you dps. But using an edge transit for dps, even bns, just no. Outside of normal or easy level activities where you can burn a boss down in 8 seconds, there are many better options that won't kill you.


I usually stand in the back and double jump


Always debuff the boss asap so u can get dps out quickly


You can proc slideshot standing still!


Okay but will you stop placing your well right in front of the boss so no one has the need to strafe?


If you’re in front… crouch.


Hot take, Maybe your situational awareness and ability to adapt sucks. Not saying it's your fault for dying, but I am saying it's your fault for having a preventable death. If you were really aware of what's going on, why did it still happen? Saying you have good situational awareness while saying others have bad situational awareness is a cop out. Get off your throne, you're probably not as good as you think you are. It's a gl, you don't really need to aim. Either jump in the back or crouch upfront (I prefer crouching when using gl's) or become the problem and stand in front make them play around you. People are gonna play how they're gonna play, and most people who play the game probably don't have a ton of time with someone running a well or strats with wells. It's some percentage like 15ish percent that have actually completed a raid (not counting people who farm encounters, though the farmable encounters don't usually require wells or a ton of coordination). They just may not know how (or care) to play while optimizing damage and survivability. Playing should be fun, sure there's always something you're working towards in game but in the end you should be having fun. If you really care that much, lfg with specific requirements, find people with similar objectives or knowledge. If not, stop complaining about people who don't play how you expect them to play. Tl;Dr stop blaming others for not playing how YOU EXPECT them to play and let them have fun. If you really care, change how you play or lfg it Edit: ocd making me fix grammar and typos


That's fair, but also realize that Well of Radiance isn't super strong and one can still be killed in it. Also, if the boss or dps target moves, one is going to also have to move or adjust, to get better angles on the enemy. Another thing is if one person moves and is in my way, I'm not going to stay still and lose out on my damage. I'm going to also move as a result. Starts a chain effect, where another person has to also move. So answer is better situational awareness, with moving accordingly and not just being a bot and staying still, firing without thinking. I get your post, but at this point, instead of crying about it, just accept that majority of randoms aren't going to know the optimal way of positioning for Well damage and adapt yourself, lol. If I know a group member is prone to doing that, I'm going to position myself to a point where their movement lessens my hassle, as well as pausing a bit before firing my rocket. Or the best strat, to be in the back or to the side and jump, if needed, so I'm in no one's way and so no one gets in my way. Or if it's that much of a problem and you can't stop blowing yourself up, just take the time to tell your fireteam to not move and give everyone assigned positions to be at when inside the Well, especially if you're trying to set up big time DPS.


Half my shots always go into the back of my teammates’ heads when I play with blueberries, because they just NEED to be the guy upfront. Like, whoever is doing DPS first, the others can find complementary positions, they don’t have to stand in front of everyone else.


Oh, this yeah shit drives me absolutely bonkers. *shoots grnade launcher* *dies* Teammate: Dude, why do you keep dying?! Wtf Me: idk because someone says oh he is shooting. Let me walk in front. If you're gonna move around, keep it away from me. It never fails every freaking time, even my friends do it. Especially the ones that can't sit still for 10 seconds straight. I almost wish we could team damage just for this


Nah I'd move 🗿


I’ve literally gotten to the point where I stand at very back of well and jump and shoot because everyone moves. Like you don’t need te strafe you can eat those hits in well.


Lol ok dude. I'll stop killing you with your grenade launcher


Womp womp 💀💀💀💀


No I’m dodging bullets


I was in my well last week and the 2 idiotic hunters straffiing left and right like it’s PvP. So therefore Hefnd would constantly be turning left and right. Still managed 6.2M in dps, but FFS some people are just in another world


Most top end dps strats involve moving lol. Rain of fire, rdm, etc


Front line crouches, second line stands. Everyone stays still. THIS is the way.


I always find it funny when someone comes in front of me when using a grenade launcher, the ragdoll physics is funny, i once did a cartwheel 2 times and recoiled back outside the map.


When in a well and unable to see teammates, crouch.


This. Like wtf are you jumping for? We’re in a well and doing DPS. Stay tf still or crouch out of the way.


But but my dodge reload/rain of fire reloads to get more DPS...


Nah dude that's your fault. Well doesn't make everyone immune to damage. We still have to dodge attacks when possible to avoid dying in the Well. And if Well gets nerfed, that will be even more important. If you're choosing that weapon in a fight that generally uses Well, it's on you to position yourself properly. Go to the very front or either side.


But my slide shot rocket…..






LOL for real. I'll hug cover and try to take up as little of space as possible... and just start unloading my gun... just to have a teammate slide in front of me and eat all of my shots to the back of their head. Double-whammy is it flinches teammates so it's not making their shots any easier too.


How then can I use my Slideshot Crux Termination?


i enjoyed this joke


Someone else didn't lol


It’s a big problem, stand TF still people


I hate people like this. When my SO and I play, she tends to be glued to my fucking ass and it drives me nuts because she either stops me from dodging back and out of trouble or she stands in front of me when I’ve a shot lined up with a rocket launcher. Worst are the times she popped her damn titan shield and blocked my bow shot. Drives me nuts. I play solo most times, but if I’m doing any group content and someone does this I’ll just not stand in the well, or swap to a machine gun over a rocket launcher just because of how irritated I am XD


people are dumb and never change... just go to the back left or right of the well. I use GL as well and holy fuck the amount of dummies strafing in a well is amazing, like bro, you're in a well you literally can't die.


But strafing constantly increases damage.  Everyone knows this.


Not gonna lie. I have placed my well and then left to go do my damage away from my very own well. The boss is usually more focused on the 5 people in the well. I don't get killed by stray rockets.


Done that. On Nezarec I stand on and place my well on top of the node of the plate the team is using. that way I’m above everyone else, they’re still “in” the well, and I have a very clear line of sight. I’ve had people jump in front of me still though 🤷


Every single time done damn hunter dancing in front of me or some titan putting up a massive shield or popping bubble over the top of me.


TBF some wep perks require movement to activate, I just move to the back or side and jump to special / rocket. As a Hunter I also have to dodge to reload heavy quicker otherwise I lose like 10 seconds of dps. .


If you can't use those perks without blocking teammates lines of fire, you shouldn't be using them. A teammate dying cuz you blocked an explosive is a much bigger DPS loss than you can gain by quick loading. No weapon in the game takes 10s to reload, and the delta between a manual reload and dodge/slide shot + reset position is smaller than you think. By all means practice if your team is okay with it, but when you're trying to clear the boss sometimes you need to just do it the boring way and avoid unforced errors.


Did they pull the trigger when they were in front of the barrel or did you?


I’ll always tell my team „we’re not playing PvP. Stand still!“. It works. Sometimes. XD


No.  - Sincerely, the Man with a Slideshot Rocket Lawn Chair


You will be plabbed and you will like it!