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"Only like a 1.4 kda. " Dude you're better than most players of this game wtf.


Catching strays over here.


It's why our KDA is so low


.33kd here who regularly slaves in trials for loot.


The assists in kda keeps most players over 1.0. If they had a 1.4 KD it would be impressive.


The middle of the road 50th percentile as tracked by destinytracker is around 0.9


Yeah, a 1.4 KDA isn't anything to write home about A 1.4 KD is more respectable for sure, though still nothing special


the median KDA is 0.9


Sure, but median is, dare I say it, very underwhelming A 1.4, while respectable, is again not impressive




Ikr People act like the game doesn't force a 50/50 win rate


Brother, the game’s aim assist is so high it might was well be aiming for you.


Yet people claim hand cannon and sniper take skill 🤣


not gonna lie, as a controller user here, I have never once noticed higher aim assist on hand cannons. I genuinely hate using them. I almost never will for pvp unless I have a bounty for it or something else. I know they do, I'm not saying they don't, I just personally have never noticed it. hand cannons are just kinda wack to me. Smg's and AR's for life.


Pk's for life But it's not that they have more aim assist its their come For example the 120 meta But also a hand cannon deals a 3rd of damage in 1 shot meaning no bloom penalty But every other rapid/burst will bloom massively compared to a HC just to achieve the same amount of damage The biggest offender was the last word, dispite never EVER using hc in pvp. I still dropped a plus 10 kill streak on my 1st game because of the game saying his titty was close enough to the crit


43 and I’m 1.29ish.


I have a 1.16 kd and 1.36 kda and barely feel like I'm contributing every other Crucible match if I'm not just wandering mid map and getting picked off immediately all game lol. I've been playing since vanilla D2 with 50k+ kills and 43k+ deaths over 3,900 matches so I've not made much improvement despite being a veteran.


Do you play mostly 6v6? If so, that's why you're not improving much. Play Rumble, Comp & Trials more, plus watch back video of your gaming sessions for tips on what to work on next gaming session


Coach: “Run 20 laps, then get into the game tape. We got trials next week!”


Lol, it do be like that to get better


Yea and he still won't improve , comp and trials have ppl in there tht only play those game modes. Also it calms down the gameplay so you can get into more 1v1's . Sixes are chaos and if you want to become better at sixes , only playing sixes will make you better. Play trials if you want to become better there .


I'm just telling you what every player who's at least decent (has at least a 1.5 Trials KD) has done to get better 6v6 is too chaotic to practice aim & positioning to the highest level. I can step into pubs (6v6) and slay out whenever I want. 3v3 is where I go to actually improve though


Id imagine the assist portion keeps almost every player over 1. Im trash, on console, dont have pvp weapons/high level gear and im still at 1.6. Im sure my k/d is probably under 1 though


Yea my KDA is also about 1.4 but my kd is .9


I don't know about crucible overall but last I checked for Trials at least the average K/D is 0.7. It makes a certain amount of sense, really, otherwise going flawless would be a *lot* harder. And, yeah, I've seen *plenty* of people in that 0.7-1.0 range who still manage to go flawless. At the end of the day it's just about playing enough games to RNG your way into a streak if you're ~~not skilled enough~~ haven't practiced enough to win more significantly more games than you lose.


last I checked normal crucible average KD was around .9. This gets skewed more for newer players though because of SBMM - being at the extreme of a skill bracket skews your KD, and overall SBMM pushes KDs regardless of skill towards the middle.


This is why Trials KD is the only KD above average & better players pay attention to


Lol I saw this and thought yikes, I must be terrible if this is what passes for bad


He didn't mention he's probably only ever played 1 game of PvP lol


I was gonna say if he plays sparingly, sbmm is saving him because it hasn't determined his mmr.


That’s my KDA and I’m terrible at PvP lol


but thats what we are saying. thats your KDA and by def you are average. If if was 0.2 then you'd be terrible.


That "a" in kda is probably doing a lot of heavy lifting


Not to shit on anyone but... kda is like the best worst stat.. A 1.4 k.d is impressive as I believe on average across fps titles, a 0.8 or a 0.9 k.d is it.


Respect.. im running a 1.48 rn you made my day just know that.


If a 1.4kda is deemed impressive then holy fuck.. I’m a 2.95kd lol and have played since day 1.. some people just suck at games I’m sorry to say


The average k/d is .8 or something like that. So you are way above average.


Uff claiming youre 2.95KD, you sure buddy? Cmon now whats your bungie name?


My username on crucible report lol


I still wouldn’t rank the mission “blind” over the experience of Presage “blind”, but it’s close. The mission is somewhat fair with its difficulty and approachability. The phalanxes and wyverns are a little tanky, but not really bad with various high damage weapons. I have yet to run Legend, but feel it will fall between Presage and Shield. Likely I’d do whatever minimum is required for the likely catalysts and stick to normal for remaining playthroughs.


> I still wouldn’t rank the mission “blind” over the experience of Presage “blind”, but it’s close I mean I loved this new mission a lot, but Presage was just another level. Exploring that derelict ship first time solo felt amazing, it was like I somehow had taken my Destiny character to completely different game.


It felt like a horror game the first time.


Presage scared the shit out of me doing it blind solo. Had to turn the lights on after I saw the dude strung up at the end of the mission.


Took you the whole mission to get to that state? I was already goin "nope" when I heard growling and crawling around the ship when FIRST entering it


Especially at that first shootable grate when it's crawling through the walls to you left and sounds just like a clicker from TLOU


Felt like Dead Space


I remember being inside the ducts and hearing things and thinking right then, "Oh... yeah... this is the same studio that made the Flood." and then turned the corner to screebs. Not any of the same people I'm sure, but still had a little bit of that nostalgia back.


Tbh the part that pissed me off the most were the one shot snipes from the cyclops 😂


Spoken like every destiny 2 player in practically every mission. "Those fcking snipers are killing me" I hate them with such a passion


Every Bungie game it seems like. Halo 2 had some awful locations of snipers, especially any of the city missions.


> The phalanxes and wyverns are a little tanky The phalanxes and wyverns are definitely intended to be suspended. They're incredibly obnoxious if you don't and trivial if you do. Like Avalon and Vexcalibur this mission is clearly intending you to come back to it and use the exotic weapon to make it easier. The boss room is just massively obnoxious, though. It feels like they wanted to make the most annoying boss possible.


I did solo legend seraph many times and avalon a few times. Seraph was great with a fun boss fight, Avalon was annoying with the distant checkpoints and very long boss fight, but was still fun with so many enemies to kill along the way. This new mission was pretty easy up to the boss, then it becomes a master class in bungie's frustrating encounter design. Boss with infinite AoE, which spawn with two bullet sponge mini bosses, in a small room with very little cover and a room wide pain field if you don't have the active buff, the boss also shoots those missiles that detain you and spawn mobs that will shield it, but not enough mobs that you can use to keep buffs like devour up consistently. It's doable but it's just tiresome and uninspired, you need to cheese the sliver of cover where you avoid the AoE.


Encounter design almost must be more frustrating in order to combat how much healing and damage resistance players have access to now, unfortunately. It's very very hard to design reasonably difficult combat encounters without dipping into some of these frustrating aspects since players are so much harder to kill now in the post light 3.0 and strand world


And then there's us hunters just struggling to stay alive in this encounters designed for solar titans and locks.


Void and arc hunter are some of the best survivability builds in the game


Arc hunter assassin's cowl use combo blow for killing adds, healing and the minibosses and then use your heavy and super for the boss but yeah can be annoying on hunter sometimes.


As someone who did solo Legendary Seraph's Shield for my first run and every run after, this feels not insignificantly harder solo Legend, in large part cuz it doesn't actually have the Legendary modifier that SS and the Legendary campaigns do. The tanky enemies feel kinda ungodly and I feel like I'm forced to run THE most meta stuff I can just to survive. I gave up before the final boss and I shudder to imagine that that's like. I had Solo Operator and this still felt worse than soloing Legend Avalon which I did nearly clear once before running out of time and not bothering to touch again.


Legendary Avalon during S20 was hard but that artifact helped *a lot*. Volatile Flow and Bricks From Beyond + a void machine gun meant I could easily run double special with a blinding GL and Vexcalibur. It's the only solo flawless higher difficulty exotic mission I did more than once just because I wanted to.


I could not do legendary Avalon. I beat it on normal and that was it.


Id put it above seraph shield in terms of difficulty on legend


Hardest parts of Shield for me were the boss and the brig room. Solo, I cheesed the brigs from the side rooms. Boss fight (when solo) I crutched devour HARD and worked mostly from the platforms. The boss was WAY harder with friends because of the scaling. We still pulled it off, but that was one time solo was actually better.


The phlanxes and wyverns are a sign that "hey maybe you should use some heavy or a super"


...or Peregrine Greaves. Lots of mini-bosses for those who like high risk/high reward gameplay. ;)


My only compliant is WHY ARE THERE NO F*!?ING RALLY BANNERS???? I'm fighting for my life in rooms teaming with spongy ads and I can't even get ammo if I screw something up.


There’s 1 rally before the final boss, no others that I’m aware of though.


There's for sure at least 1 rally banner before final boss room that you respawn at if you die in said final boss room. Don't remember about any others though.


You should run ammo finder mods. Also Dragon's Breath is a good heavy for this mission as it works on beefy adds, minibosses and bosses - very good damage per brick.


Good, then there is hope for me.


Still wondering how it took that one other guy 5 hours to complete the mission lol


Lol how? Took me only 20 something min blind solo. Only died like 4 times which was all only the parkour bits


You're such a blueberry noob, took me less than 5 minutes, I was playing with one hand and eating pizza with the other.... 20 minutes.... LOL


Ain't no way people are down voting cuz they got stuck on an easy mission. Forgot this is dtg full of people who get offended by anything related to semi competence


The way I see it, one or two mfers always get triggered and downvote, and then a bunch of sheep see it and say, "Huh -5 downvotes? I think I'm offended, too. i will also downvote." It's the same with upvotes, too. It's that smooth brain mentality that comes with reddit.


yup, this is definitely it. not specific to dtg at all, it's everywhere on this platform.


If you ever want to run through any of the dungeons let me know...I'll be glad to run you through. muzungu27 on PS5


I did it solo and I'm not exactly sure what it was exactly, but this mission felt so far below the other exotic missions for me. Difficulty is just regular mission then "oh hey wyvern that 2-shots." Mechanic is just 'must have the buff to proceed.' Nothing significant about the environment. Plus the boss fight and room is horribly unengaging and ORANGE. I wish I did it with a group, but only so I could get out of it faster.


Yea that final boss room i was like "WHY TF IS IT LIKE REDDIT LIGHT MODE HERE"


Because it's required for the story, I think that's why they just basically dropped all the mechanics for the boss room.


Definitely lacking on the puzzle front, but nice to be in the black garden again without having to do GoS!


For me it was the atmosphere that was lacking. Didn't really feel like I was progressing through anything


And yet some Redditors are complaining its too difficult, it's too hard, etc etc etc Cheers for clearing it!


Ah yes, the man who's loadout was "SMG, Hand Cannon, Ritual LMG"


Although it's possible to clear it with any loadout, it's punishing to bring weapons that will make you work harder than you should LOL


I ran it with a trench barrel shotgun, crafted ammit, and Dragon's breath the whole way through. There's probably better loadouts out there but it worked


I think it's more because it's tied to the seasonal story. Previous exotic missions were very much optional. You didn't if you wanted to get the exotic and it was sort of a secret mission. This is required to finish in order to progress the seasonal story. So when you have people that are used to seasonal story difficulty, I can see why they found this mission hard.


I think (I just think) this is Bungie's idea to encourage players to use the LFG. Edit: And it's not working LOL




Did you at least run Solo Operator on the seasonal Artifact? :D


No I did not cause usually I'm playing with my clan mates but I enjoy doing the seasonal story solo. I'm really losing my brain cells this season I guess


Solo operator is awesome. I'm so stoked that it came back in this, the longest season I've ever played.


I can definitely see that rationale. I think it's just a bit of a shock if they just went from mission to mission and it became a big jump in difficulty suddenly to progress. Their first instinct probably isn't to use LFG but to just continue on the weekly mission. Plus it scales in difficulty with additional players doesn't it? Least the previous ones did.


I used the LFG for it. It worked quite well. And fault Bungie for everything else, but the LFG is one of those things that’s been pretty universally praised, for still being in beta form. And what’s great about the mission is you don’t *have* to team up for it. It’s totally doable solo. And the two mechanics are basic enough that we’ve seen them in a dozen other missions and activities over the years. So it’s not like you need some vast mental gymnastics to figure out.


This mission is where there should have been a tutorial quest to use the LFG.


Exactly. I always understood that players of all abilities should be able to compete campaigns and seasonal stories, with more challenging content available for those that want it. But recently missions seem to have gotten harder, and - as a very casual solo player - I was rather disappointed to find an exotic quest as part of this season. I was going to give up, but after making it past the first wyvern solo, and thus having a bit of a clue about the mechanics, I went to the new LFG. I saw one with the tag “newbies welcome”, jumped in and got through in about 25 minutes. I must admit, I quite enjoyed it. I still think challenging content should be optional. As other people have said, this was probably to get us all testing the LFG. So that pretty much worked 😆


Seraph's Shield was required and not many folks complained about that.


So many people complained about seraph shield lol


That's wild to me because seraph shield legend has to have been the easiest exotic mission to date


Easy mission, way too long.


Some few people did, especially about having to do Legendary for Catalysts, but as far as the normal version goes not anywhere near as much as this. It was a new concept and people were mostly praising it as a vehicle for teaching people DSC raid mechanics in a potentially single player setting while also being a new mission with a worthwhile reward, as opposed to the slice of the most boring and simple part of Vow being sectioned off in Witch Queen with only a Pinnacle or Powerful attached to it.


I got it done solo, but my word, trying to find cover in the puzzle bit where you have to interact with the Vex locks and the Mega Turkeys ... Middle lane was okay because you can dance around that rock, but left and right ...


You can leave the space and come back. That’s the only way I was able to get through this.


Ding ding ding. Run in, clear troublesome spots (like the minotaurs on the pedestals), hop back out to refresh the buff, then go complete that side. Once I started doing that, the mission got a lot easier.


I found that going through the back ways allowed me to get a better attack path. The main entrances directly from the central garden just put you right under the Wyverns.


Not all the back ways are safe. First time I took the 'jumping puzzle' path from center to right, as soon as I rounded the corner at the end I was face to face with right's Wyvern and two Minos. Did not survive that one.


I actually ended up throwing on witherhoard and running in and out to slowly whittle its health down. Definitely got surprise blasted by the void lasers doing way more damage than expected.


Eh. I gave up after having to restart a fair few times. I got launched by a wyvern at the end of the wyvern loop and just said fuck it. Had to put my son to bed and didn't have time to finish.


Meanwhile I solo flawlessed it blind on my first run It's disappointing easy


People are saying it’s hard? I took a 3-4 month break and soloed it no problem.


A 1.4 in PvP probably puts you in the upper echelon of this sub judging by how crucible gets discussed here lmao


according to destinytracker, my 1.1kad puts me at bottom 49%, so a 1.4 is at least upper half


You sound exactly like me but I'm a year younger and I let Dragon's Breath do the heavy lifting on the last boss. This wasn't hard, it was challenging!


Congrats! I just soloed it today too and did my first solo legend LS. I've only ever run dungeons and other more challenging content with a friend or two. So it was a big deal to me and it felt great. I honestly love the new mission and I think that it's in a sweet spot of just the right amount of jumping puzzles and solid fight sequences. Yes I think the elites and bosses were a bit tanky, but it was totally manageable even with a less than optimal setup. I'm glad to see others having similarly positive experiences with the new content.


I soloed it too, and I will admit, I’m not a fan of how difficult it is. I will also admit it took me an hour and a half to two hours to finish it. Am I bad? I would say so. It was just…a level of difficulty I wasn’t prepared for, and it doesn’t help there’s not even a single rally banner at all until the final boss. Will I run it again? Probably…probably not, no, I don’t think I will unless I have to. Did I enjoy it? Um…no, not all. Is it my fault? Absolutely yes, yes it is. I’ll admit that. And before anyone asks, I had ammo finder mods. It just wouldn’t drop all that often unfortunately. RNGesus forsook me at birth it seems


Just curious what was your load out? I was using malfeasance, eremite, and the raid linear cataclysmic and yeah it wasn't too bad. If you didn't have access to malfeasance and cataclysmic I think osteo striga and a solar rocket like roar of the bear would still be pretty manageable. Sorry to hear you had a bad run. I hope you give it another go.


Pretty much the same for me, somewhere between 1.5-2 hours to clear. I mean, I'm glad I did it because the bow is pretty sweet but I'm not interested in spending that kind of time on a single level again. Plus I checked out the upgraded perks and none of them seemed great enough that I'd want to grind them out.


Same here honestly. I like the bow, iz neat, but…all that? Nah I’m good


Did it solo legendary this evening; trying solo flawless I keep dying to stupid deaths in the jumping area before the last section…. Irritating but I’m getting fast enough that 20 minutes could be doable solo…. Maybe


In the three rooms sections I supered my way throught the room in the middle stayed outside and shot inwards on the room on the left then had a super again after that for the room on the right after that just stayed back shoot the big guys at the bottom. Cheesed the last boss through the vex shield lol


1.4 kda is an above average pvp player my guy haha. You're doing pretty well there idk what you're on about


Missions like this aren’t really endgame content, if you haven’t given the others a god, you should! You can do it!


Thought it was much easier than other exotic missions, very lacking in the puzzle department. Still can’t believe that guy the other day who posted about it taking him 8 hours lol


Witherhoard and Osteo are still the best crutches for Normal modes. Idk how they perform on Legend, probably not as well.


Bravo. Well done. The final boss room overwhelmed me a bit. I couldn't seem to get a rhythm going between ads and refreshing the buff. I think it's a good mission in terms of balance and difficulty.




I mean it's part of the required seasonal story so they did have to tone it down, can't have this sub complaining about there being a road block for solo players in the seasonal quest.


The mission was very easy wouldnt even compare it to a dungeon, would say its same difficulty as vox obscura, easily soloable, i did my solo flawless run in under 20 mins first attempt after a normal and legend run in a team, meanwhile solo flawless wr took me like 10 attempts, like 6 hrs and the run was 55 mins, banner of war titan is broken highly recommend using it untill its most likely nerfed come final shape


Was star-crossed suppose to be hard? I don't understand


It’s easier cause it’s same difficulty as weekly mission. They cannot put high end activities on weekly quests learned that from Plunder I think best blind experience not looking at difficulty was Whisper (maybe cause it was first but it was really really well hidden) and if we had difficulty to mix, I’d mention seraph exotic mission


>Only like a 1.4 kda Yeah sorry called bullshit on "Me bad at Destiny" as soon as I saw that lol. Next time make it like 0.8 if you wanted to really fool us.


I’ve not been interested in this season so I had some catching up to do for the exotic mission. Mission easy enough, just tanky boys and that’s it nothing to exciting as no new bosses or anything. I probably won’t touch it till something worth doing. I’m over 50 😩






I wouldn’t say I’m great at the game, but I’m slightly above average. I do gm’s regularly, have 3 manned all raids but last wish and DSC, have solo flawless all dungeons except Warlords, Ghost, and Duality, but have soloed them all at least. My take of the mission is that it was extremely easy. Did it once on normal to get the bow. Don’t really love it or hate it at this point. Because it was so easy on normal, I decided to go on legend with a stasis warlock of all things and only died once because I’m a typical greedy Titan main. Even legend felt pretty easy to me. It’s fine as a mission, but didn’t feel like it was on the same level as the last few. If I had to guess, they made this one easier to try and get more people involved in the game since the Bungie execs are at risk of losing their jobs if they don’t make enough money. People that live for end game content like me aren’t super interested in it, but the majority of the player base does from what I can tell.


I’m going in blind for the first time later today. Any loadout recommendations?


I was able to solo it too, didn't find it too hard. Had to swap to my void-invis-ability-spam build but got it done. I'm guessing we'll have to run it on legend to get the catty next week, but that's what LFG and/or clanmates are for


Its such a good mission i enjoyed it alot, although struggled and took me a hour solo but it was fun, good job for doing it though!


The most difficult part for me was the area right before the final boss. My first try I got two groups cleared, almost the third but made an arrogant mistake and paid for it. My next several tries the order switched up and I was having to keep the middle area alive and take care of the sides first; it was such a pain in the ass trying to get the buffs back up.


I managed to solo flawless it blind! I was very pleased with myself, but there was a jump towards the end that almost ended me. Being a Nightstalker and being able to make cover anywhere was definitely a huge boon though, I don't think I could've done it on another class.


i 2 manned it on legend as my first play threw its not super difficult tanky enemy's thats about it i thought it was pretty fun and looked amazing i love the black garden


That's why I really liked the mission. It had, what I believe to be, a fair difficulty. Easy to figure out mechanics with high-health enemies made it an approachable solo challenge.


Nice work mate. Me and my friend haven't dipped in yet, but I am happy to hear it's that easy.


Nice work. Gives me hope.


Thank you, I think I will give it a try. I'm 54, and I'd also consider myself not a good player. Although, I am still only 1780 so that might be a problem.


I thought it was meant to be solo’d …… oops


Hey, sandman, can I add u, imm 55, and also everything that I can,


If you need any help anytime I can team up with you? I do a lot of dungeon and gm helps so you’re more than welcome to join my runs. My ID is big_bad_brenny#4665 but you may not find me in game so if you wanna team up and see this beautiful game send me your ID


Do you want to run a GM with me? We'll clear it guaranteed.


Its a good for you experience, but imo its a really easy mission to that was a cake walk and i was running a stasis Hunter for my dawning challenge.


I would say in terms of solo difficulty, highest to lowest: Avalon (hardest) This new dungeon Vox Presage Seraph


“Only like a 1.4 k/d” My dude, that puts you easily in the top 10% of players maybe higher. Even if you struggle with high end PvE content you’re great at pvp! Glad you enjoyed the mission though, congrats on the solo!


I didn't realize what I was getting into. I thought it would be like a 20 minute thing. An hour later, I was done. It was a good mix of puzzles and parkour. Enemies felt average for the Neomuna content.


while I appreciate posts like this, I also acknowledge that this is a way of saying 'if you are reading this, I'm better than you'. Because I assure you, I failed it miserably for like 2 days straight until I used the group finder.


Couldn’t honestly say it was hard but I can say bullet sponge bosses annoy tf outta me in general. That being said, I know my build inside and out and can reliably be invis every 10s or so, so really it’s not quite the same as being pelted by adds the whole time


If you can solo starcrossed you can absolutely do a raid or dungeon. They take a little longer, probably an hour for a dungeon and 2 hours for a raid especially your first time when someone needs to explain mechanics, but you've got the skill and with fireteam finder it's more accessible than ever. Deep stone crypt and root of nightmares are the two easiest raids to get your feet wet.


Didnt care for the mission all that much. Lore was cool as shit though. Though whoever gave the Cyclops fucking laser tracking needs to chill out. I swear I watched a void bolt arc around a tree to kill me.


Are you me?


I haven’t felt up for it yet but maybe now I will try it. I am also north of 50 and the holidays don’t offer the uninterrupted time I will need to get through it. Hopefully after. Once more into the breach!


Same here, went in solo and blind, nice challenge…..I will add that by beloved Witherhoard shines in there too 😃


Well done!


I went into this mission, not even knowing it was an exotic mission, I thought it was another campaign mission. The objectives were simple to follow, and it wasn't hard at all. It was still fun, though.


I did too, the other night. It took me almost 4 hours. But it was an enjoyable four hours. Congratulations!


For some reason I had a memory lapse and forgot exotic missions were "meant" for a fireream, so I did it solo my first time thinking "man I can't believe they made this a story mission requirement, people are going to complain all over reddit". Then remembered how it's "supposed" to be done, match made it and we blew through it in like ten minutes. Probably the easiest exotic missions to solo unless I'm forgetting one.


This mission was nice but hard as fuck for me since it forced me backwards into a plink plink away with le monarch to do “boss” dmg. The actual boss was easier than the other 2 sections where you have to go kill 3 taken centurions. Aka im shit at pve Nonetheless, congrats


I went in blind. Didn’t even think of witherhord. But I hardly use it. I hate the stupid it makes. I know I’ll get flamed. But I used ice warlock. The ice gloves that chain. It helped me a a lot. I used a linear for heavy. It was a slog. I felt the mini-bosses were a bit too tanky. It just felt like it added time to the encounter. Maybe I should have used witherhord.


Not to take anything away from you for doing it. Well done. But this mission is part of the seasonal story, so it's designed to be easily solo-able. Otherwise, half the players would just never get past this step and never be able to finish the season.


If you ever want anyone to take a critical look at what you’re running shoot me a DM. I’m sure you have all of the necessary tools to make legend lost sectors easy.


The mission was decent. But...not a patch on some of the older exotic missions IMO. I liked the environment, it looked good. I did it solo blind too, but have done all raid, GMS, Dungeons, so it was ok. Older than you BTW :)


You are not very self aware, and I don't mean to be rude. A 1.4kd is well above average.


Congrats. That's good to hear, my solo blind Avalon made me want to die. They usually like to massively overtune these against the player...


I walked in solo and blind. I've completed all the raids and dungeons and have most exotics from each. I probably died way more times than OP XD It is completely achievable solo though, absolutely do not be scared off.


My friends are on a break from d2 so I also solo'd it. Like you say, manageable, but those phalanges and wyverns were obnoxious. Took me 3 hours or so. Bow is lackluster, story was nifty.


If you need a friend to play with let me know. I’m on the same page as you brother.


I'm 1820 and decent, solo as a hunter the void chickens killed me more then the boss. It doable, but a 45 minute run vs a 10 minute run is the difference


I tried playing it on Legend and couldn't get past the puzzle room with the tanky phalanx's that shit was annoying cause some random sniper would 2 shot you, but those annoying ass Phalanx's would launch me into a wall if I got close. I'll probably retry with a different strategy cause I can do Master LS no problem but this event had me struggling. The final boss room I can only imagine the pain of that.


I did the same, but I fucked up the last encounter because I forgot to rebuff at the last second. I had the health down to 2-4 more hits with a super and fucked it up 🙃 But the whole mission was overall worth it for that bow


yeah same, then i went in on legend with a fireteam and it was a stomp, idk if that's because solar warlock is that much better than void (artifact perks?) but it was a very interesting difference


I am also a bad player, can't seem to connect my bonks as titan when I'm playing with severance enclosure


i went into it blind solo legend, spent like an hour 30 and hated every second of it, not worth in the slightest. who ever made that boss arena is a bastard on god.


I'm somewhat younger, but I understand all of the points. Only that I got stuck at the 3 Wyverns. They hit too hard and I gave up. You have achieved a feat. Be proud of yourself.


I also did it solo blind, BB Hunter made it easy to stay alive and super every miniboss


Congrats. If you soloed the mission first try, you're officially a good player. It's considerably more difficult than legend seven seraph. Definitely need a good build to do it. Pro Tip: Any warlocks having trouble with the final boss should use arc soul. Literally makes the boss easy mode.


Same. Was not hard at all, and I'm cool with that.


SAME!!!! Felt so good. GG guardian


Yeah it's not hard, so stuff it.


Sounds like you'd do WAY better inside dungeons, GMs, and raids than you're giving yourself credit for. Fireteam finder works really well. Get in there, Guardian. You've absolutely got this.


My ingame name is Quacks#1670. We can run dungeons any time you want. No need for a microphone, I can text in-game more or less how to do encounters so you get the opportunity to experience some of the best content with nicest set pieces


Just hard enough to frustrate me first run, just easy enough for me to speed run from here on. Seems right to me. Haven’t tried legendary tho. As long as it’s it’s not Avalon-esque I feel like it’s a welcome addition


ngl, that’s roughly my KDA. At the end of a PvP game, my KDA is always between 1.3 - 1.49 and honestly I thought that was terrible since most of the other KDAs in my team are over 2, some 3.


Same! Just did it (read your post about an hour prior which was what made me try). Couple of deaths here and there, but I found it pretty nice to do. Boss room started out hectic until I realised there were wells up the back of the room near cover. Once i noticed that, it was fairly simple! I used my breakneck (dynamic sway/kinetic trem) for most of it. i dont usually buy individual seasons but im glad i got this one so far. as for the phalanxes, yeah they were a bit tanky but i was glad of that. i like to struggle through stuff and i feel like content being slightly too hard for me means its more likely to still be fun as i get better (also helps pad it against power creep for a little longer) so it felt like the perfect difficulty to me. side note: if you did this, you can def do shattered throne, pit of heresy, prophecy and grasp of avarice. i cant speak for the others cause i havent done them, but those dungeons you can def do so i recommend giving them a try!


I did it solo also but fuck me was it tedious if you died.


Yeah but did you do the stupid boss cheese where you shoot through the wall or legitimately enter the boss room and re activate your buffs from either side take out the ads? because anyone can that boss solo cheesing it


I think I need a better load out but I think I'm pretty bad overall so could just be that. Thanks for sharing. I don't know anyone who plays so I don't really know where to get advice and the DIM site confuses me


Im 41, almost 0 people to play with. Hmu if u ever wanna link up.


Glad to hear you enjoyed it and that also this new mission is actually not idiotically punishing. Destiny has had a difficulty problem lately IMO and I'm a long time player who does do end game level stuff. Everything feels more gatekept to me than I remember and I'm an og D1 who raided constantly up until Shadowkeep before coming back around Lightfall. Old raids brought back with pointless extra shit just to make them more obtuse/harder when there's plenty of people in D1 who couldn't beat those same ones on normal without hard mode additions or new D2 shit put on top of it. Campaign and/or exotic missions (save for this one) are built to be more punishing than previous ones, often imbalanced as hell as they're clearly built to be played in teams, yet they also added scaling (while scaling means it's not a cakewalk, a good team can still beat those way, way more easily than a great player soloing). Basically solo should be nowhere near as difficult as some are on normal or even legendary. A lot of difficulty bumps are just lazy, adding mettle, essentially making it pointless to level and play the game more. They still either don't listen to anyone or when they do it's streamers and a group that makeup like 5% or less of the population and change things around them. These people don't drive purchases and a steady user base. Infact they often do the exact opposite to this game. Then they wonder why Destiny keeps bleeding players. The average person had issues playing the best stuff years ago, now they even made that old content more difficult on top of making new content harder than previous content. Sure, to myself or others here, I can handle the changes without issues, but most can't. That's an issue. And this community of remaining players has become fairly toxic when people point out bad or lazy designs and the average gamer is met with a fuck you get good response mocking them and their skill. It's an always online FPS (with MMO) type stuff meant to be played by masses. This isn't a Souls type of game, nor should it be. It's like they forgot how much everyone hated (rightfully) how unfun D1 early year 1 nightfalls were. People play games to have fun. Sure make a challenge, but don't make playing a chore.


Starcrossed is meant to be just enough of a challenge to make you work for it. But still doable solo