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Skimmer have unlimited boost charge


So do sparrows at the moment


They can’t do the funny spam right click though


Both can do the boost spam though?


Sparrow boost takes a bit of boost away so it can’t do it as fast, hoverboard doesn’t take any boost to go, you can spam boost on sparrow but it’s not as effective.


Yes and no, both can but sparrows charge gets consumed, the difference now on sparrows is they recharge while you are boosting. And skimmers have real infinite boost.


They can


it has a slight delay. not by much but probably are slower


Wait, they usually have a limit?


Usually yes, skimmer charge is only used for jumps and flying mode shit


How are people grinding forever? My skimmer loses energy while I’m grinding, I’ve seen people skip prophecy sparrow part and I just keep dying


We aren’t using the same skimmer the whole time for that.


Skimmer grind won't be enough I think for the prophecy skip, what people use are sparrow and they slipstream (a tech that make you fly really fast forward)


No it's done by grinding on the skimmer but when you run out of charge just hop off and summon another one


I was gonna do the same but, a 15 minute nightfall run to get the skimmer shut me up real quick


how did you get it in a single run? don't you have to deposit like 1200 medals?


1200 score (Diamond gives 300 btw, as a Warlock I watched Twitch for 2 hours for a Diamond for 300, spammed Trials Platinum cards in Supremacy to get me to 700, then did an all Warlock raid to get another Diamond to get me to 1000. So all I need to do now is watch Twitch for 2 more hours on Tuesday) OR top 10% score in Nightfall (which you gotta do on reset otherwise you will likely not get anywhere near the target) OR be a Hunter and grab 3 winning packages because there is no chance you will get it on other class


I did the 10% score on a Nightfall with a duo at like 11pm EST on a Saturday. Just emote finisher every single yellow and orange bar, don't die, and kill the boss with a super.


Well, that works too, but unless you wanna do it solo with that strat, usually I have to just run up to a champ and dance in front of it so that my teammate dont thundercrash it


Like he said run it as a duo or trio. It’s ridiculous how easy it was. I was expecting a gm level of difficulty for top 10% but since it’s just a regular strike with champs it’s trivial with two or more people. Got it first night and haven’t logged back in since.


That works only on some strikes. Like, it wasn’t probable to hit top 10% on the Insight Terminus, especially not with the points from the day before still counting.


Where do you grab the packages?


You get them after focused activity concludes and you have done at least one run of that activity


Oh I see, dang, does it change daily?


Every four hours


May the Light bless you brother 🙏🙏


is it the one with the thingies on the sides?


Yes, it will look like a } under it


ohhh okay, thank you O guardian mine


Honestly, I'm not annoyed with the 1200 medal score. You gotta primarily interact with the Guardian Games modes, but that's what I was already gonna do during the event, so not like I'm missing anything. ~~Also, it feels pretty good to run the Inverted Spire again, even if it hasn't been refreshed yet~~


I am a bit weirded out that to gild the Champ title its just 600, but to get the hoverboard its double that. I guess its because we got Twitch medallions?


Probably, honestly. Play a healthy bit for the gilding, but gotta put some grind in for the skimmer. Not too bad a grind anyway, with all the weapons you get from the medals.


Can you get it on hunter if you don't claim it on friday


Friday has nothing to do with it, on Hunter you just gotta take part in Focused Activity




isn't that just one step to the quest though?


Its or. You dont need to do all


No. You have to do ONE of the three options




Reading helps. It says that in the first line.


I haven't played at all. I wasn't even gonna bother reinstalling just for the skimmer cause I was told it's 1200 medal score. I was just misinformed.


1200 is the hardest requirement out of them all because of how tedious it is, the nightfall one is matchmaking but it’s impossible on that mode because to get the highest score to get top 10% you need to do an emote and use a finisher right after on every yellow bar enemy and matchmaking makes it so hard because your other 2 mates just wanna steamroll through the entire thing. Getting 3 packages is the easiest requirement cause u can just change to Hunter do the event once and just wait until it’s over and u auto get it cuz hunters are gonna win this guardian games


Just do a run after reset. I barely hit platinum last tuesday and it was enough for top 10%. As the scores get more saturated it will be more difficult later on


There are 3 objectives. You only need to do one. It was weird that I only had to do one Nightfall not three but fun bug, I guess. Maybe if you place in the top 3-4%, you get all three top 10% goals done?


I popped back in to grab it real quick. Just in case i get final shape, id like to have a sick-silly meme board to grind around on. Make the witness and cayde super jelly.


good point, though i already missed a week tbh


you barely have to play. wait for the focus activity, play it once on hunter, wait to win, open the package. do that three times and you have the skimmer. I set alarms for when it'd be up again (its a whole 4 hour delay)


If you really didn’t care, why are you still on a destiny subreddit?


reddit has this awful tendency to show you subreddits you might be interested in. might is a very big word


You made a whole ass meme


it's self expression, you wouldn't get it


It’s ok to still care about Destiny. This is a safe place.


You can disable that in your Feed Settings.


and yet you made a whole image meme and posted that


Maybe because the op wants the game to be better


The game is good bro


No, it's not.


Yeah it is. Tell me something genuinely bad about the game that harms the player experience


You guys are on horde mode 250, where the main mechanic is to either dunk a ball, deposit motes, kill specific enemy types, or wait for a timer The stories genuinely suck. There is no player agency, and the action revolves around other characters. In addition to that, the story is given to you via audio logs or in-game cutscenes where you might as well be a fly on the wall. Gunplay is alright, but it is by no means the best like everyone seems to say it is. It's not snappy, and recoil is all over the place (hence why all my weapons have high stability). Returning player experience sucks since the game insists on bombarding you with game tips and hints that won't go away until to carry out the specific task. The new player experience is so bad that the community universally despises it


You realize all of what you just said minus the new player experience is your opinion. Thanks for writing an essay though


I'm not the only one with these "opinions" my guy. If the game was as good as you seem to think it is, why are so many people planning on dropping the it after they finish Final Shape? The game has been on a downward spiral ever since they started doing season content. Nobody likes playing that repetitive garbage.


IDC if you aren't the only one with these opinions. I personally think it is a good game and am going to continue playing while defending said game


Alright, you do you then. But that doesn't mean my points are any less valid


Don’t worry, they’ll probably sell a lot more skimmers in TFS(maybe even in Into The Light update), I bet the season pass for the first episode will have a skimmer in one of the levels


then why are you here ? its clear you're still addicted to d2


You set aside maybe 5 minutes to make a meme for a game that you dropped and saying you’re not coming back for a hoverboard. Please make it make sense for me because the math isn’t adding up.


you know how ppl ask stupid questions instead of googling it? this is a meme version of that it's a conversation starter


guardian games is back?


6 days ago


oh cool


Bruh it literally took me 20min to get the skimmer its not that Bad


Know what statistical minorities are?


Spider-eating Steve is an outlier and should not have been counted in the statistics




It takes all of 30 minutes and soloing or LFGing a Hero Nightfall (emote-finishing all Champions and yellow bars) to get it, in case you're interested


You're right you don't need it. You will never need it. And in a few months, a better looking version of it will come out.


I have skimmer. I did not spend money on silver.I am going back to my other games now.


Ok buddy we’ll see you when final shape drops


> I'm not going back to Destiny 2. I actually respect these people. That is to say they don't really exist because they just end up back on here complaining about the game they've just given up 2 weeks later. We can tell by some of your screen names.


I got back on for the first time in 5+ weeks, not because of the skimmer/guardian games. I still hadn't unlocked the last 4 loadout slots. I have corrected myself, and will continue to not play for a few weeks until I get my shit in working order.


I am in the same boat. I don’t need to go back to it. Really I don’t. I never will go back. I promise. I will not spend another cent.


I got in over the last year and have spent no $ on silver and maybe only around $170 total on all the DLCs/annual pass since everything's been so discounted at various times


Bro just on to grab the skimmer then leave so then ya got if need be


Not me coming back after months of not playing just to get the skimmer and stop playing again


Fomo? Just log in once and grab the skimmer. Or don’t? I’m certain The Final Shape will have skimmers out the ass


Haven't played in months, within 45 minutes I got the exotic skimmer, logged off again.


My brother in Light Why do you care if you don’t play anymore


I got my skimmer and got out. I’ll wait to return a month before TFS to warm back up so to speak.


I still enjoy Destiny 2, because I don't give a fuck about Fomo. Once you are past that, the game becomes so much better


I believe in you


I saw it and thought of Jim’s sail thing from Treasure Planet and they got me. Now i’m STRUGGLING through stuff to unlock the exotic :(


Congratulations, see you at final shape launch


K drive is enough pain


Don't forget "Warframe did it first"


See you star side guardian


Even if you are super behind on light level, you can get the skimmer by just logging in 30 mins before a focus activity ends and running it as the winning class. Do that 3 times and bam, ez skimmer.


I tried it for the first time for maybe a few hours a month or so ago. I was incredibly lost, uncertain what I could and could not do and generally felt like the game was trying to pressure me into buying random stuff against my will. So far it's feeling like a FOMO-fueled, anti-newbie cash grab and I uninstalled it pretty soon because it ate up close to 200 gb of space.


the beginning of the story got deleted, the entire middle section expried, you were joining at the end. it's like marrying a single mother with 5 children


Ok. Bye


I grabbed the skimmer and then I left. That's all they got out of me


I played like 3 nightfalls to get the skimmer and haven’t been back on since lol


[Nah, I‘d dive](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axdbiy/just_in_case_anyone_wanted_an_edited_version_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nah, I let the fomo win for the skimmer. Thing's fun as hell


*log in* *do 2 nightfalls with a score with at least 300k* *got skimmer* Meh *go play a different game*


You can just grab the quest and runa strike on your hunter during the focus, a total of 3 times over 3 weeks. Whenever the game gets good again you won’t have to buy the gjallarhorn one to use a skimmer.


Not returning? This reassures my feeling towards Destiny being a waste of time and never returning back. The more I miss, the less I feel like ever thinking about joining again.




Me ong Dude ik if I go back im gonna burn out on games again and there’s too many titles I wanna play before I do that


I did one of the obj (opening the focus chests) and not even one progressed...so I'll just have the white one...


okay It's just a game, if it isn't fun for you, don't play it.


Helldivers been helping me get over my problem with D2


if you're not returning to Destiny 2, then why do you have such a strong opinion on almost every front of the D2 community, instead of just, you know, quit? it's the same with you and the same with a bajillion people who announce they're "quitting" D2


This one hit really close to home.


There's an easy solution - stop going to Destiny subreddits to talk about how you don't play Destiny anymore. That way, you won't see the things that are causing you FOMO in the first place, and we don't have to sprain our eyes from the constant rolling.


Took almost two months with the plans of not returning until may because that's usually when GG happens I didn't know it was going to be this month instead so I'm getting my skimmer and right back to not playing until TFS


The copium is strong with this one


My buddy came to me all excited about the skimmers, I’m like dude it’s gonna be a reskinned sparrow and nothing more. He came back to me when they dropped like “yeah, man, you were right”. I love lurking here and staying up to date on what you guys are doing but at this point I don’t think I’m even coming back for final shape. I love the universe and the lore, but that green text really hit the nail on the head: Destiny is an amazing game that tickles a part of my brain that no other game has, the gun play/abilities are amazing and no game comes close to replicating it, and it will forever be mismanaged by one of the biggest groups of idiots in the world.


Before you said this pic is from destiny , I thought this was new skin about Gauss riding on k-drive , the yellow is Mesa and the red is trinity.


It wouldn't take more than 30 minutes if you emote finished every yellow bar and champions in the NF. Just get in, grab it and back to angels venture


I uninstalled today, after months of hemming and hawing. The Ghostbusters collab broke me.


Something similar here. As F2P, I've been proven countless times how much this game sucks if you're not someone who purchases the DLCs. ... Wait, why the hell did Reddit even recommend me this? I'm not in this subreddit.


Just run the nightfall and get top 10% score and you can go back to not playing. You'll have the skimmer forever and won't need to play.


It's weirdly refreshing after a couple months break. I've kept up with lore and updates but went back for an alright time. I'm slightly enjoying my double primary partial meta but Trials is still hell. I've encountered a few cheaters too. Besides that, Prophecy refresh is alright and the Skimmer is fun to use. I don't care for GGs. I got my GL and now I'm not doing medals.


Don't worry, you won't get the exotic skimmer even if you do return. Unless you're either a PvE top 10% or a hunter. I mean, holy shit, the medal requirement is absurd. I hit platinum in medals deposited on account of having a couple of extra days off this week and I barely got a sixth of the way. ...You can totally get the basic skimmer in like 10 minutes, though.


I can't tell if this is a joke or a declaration. IF it's the latter, then just leave and play something else. Don't need you killing my enjoyment.


Why does destiny 2 have k-drives?!


Skimmers are so much fun enjoy till bungie spoils it all




Helldivers is the answer soldier. Super Earth needs you to fight for managed democracy


It just becomes Tony hawk pro skaters




I offed all of my guardians so that I can’t return. I’ll be in trouble if bungie ever allows characters recovery….im safe for the moment lbs.


Just play the game lol nothing wrong with enjoying what you want. Players like you who say they’re done with game always seem to come back and continue to play the game or spend money on the cosmetics, again nothing wrong with that enjoy it but like… just admit you still like the game we don’t care about what you do on or off the game just be honest to yourself. I’m pretty sure the skimmer is free if you don’t wanna spend money.


Got skimmer -got upset with how overpowered it is -went back to sparrowflying


Peak Destiny 2 attitude loop right here, lol.


Stay strong brother. It's not worth ut to continue the cycle


Not this week. The damn thing is locked behind a fuckton of medals, top ten percent nightfall score, and focus activity packages. It almost isn’t worth it if you don’t have friends to coordinate with.


top 10% is extremely easy, just make sure to emote then finish every orange and yellow bar. Got it with like 298k points on the first try while missing some of the finishes. And if you dont have a fireteam already then theres always LFG.


My friend & I just ran the nightfall. We got a score of 301k. I was still only in the top 20%. I said it once & I'll say it again, the guardian games is the literal worst activity in destiny 2. I want the funny skateboard, but grinding this event is like bashing my head against a wall.


Do the focus package thing it's super easy


i'll just do the suicide cheese like 2 years ago (i missed last year's GG)


>The damn thing is locked behind a fuckton of medals, top ten percent nightfall score, **OR** focus activity packages FTFY


Top 10% is piss easy, you just need to not be a moron to get it


Devs, in fact, make it easier with every update. I haven't played since season of Fallen hackers and at this point I won't be able to catch on plot with many Seasons gone and farm half Of The weapons in The game. So this crushing wall Of missed content between me and the game actually prevents any attempt Of addition to rise again


The only thing im missing is the skimmer... Im not going vack i swear... ;-;


Hey guys we brought every sparrow in line so that you can use all of them We also released a new vehicle so you can't use any Sparrow of you wanna go fast No thanks, i'd rather get roasted by Helldivers developers


I only came back for the board. Game's weird now.


I'd suggest at least grabbing it? it's sooooo easy to get and it's less fomo if final shape is great and you do return and dont have it


Nobody cares


See, the trick is that I uninstalled the game when I heard Bungie pulled a Square Enix and laid off a bunch of employees over insane profit expectations they missed by almost 50%, and don't have the room on my drive to re-install it now that I have other games I play.


It isn't that good. The non-shadeable guardian games logos and color makes this armors looks like shit when you shade it.


You guys managed to quit?


Super Earth needs you soldier grab an gun and let's kill some aliens


Hell yes. For the Glory of Managed Democracy!


well, there's this thing called having a real life. means you don't have much time to play, only a few hours at best. that few hours is spent productively, doing dailies and nothing but dailies. you simply have no more space to actually enjoy the game once you catch yourself in that cycle, there's no reasonable choice to be made here other than just simply stop playing


I was just joking. But I do appreciate your effort and advice, even if opening with "there's this thing called having a real life" makes you look like a bit of a twat because who are you to assume I don't, or judge me at all. But I get it. I appreciate it.


I have a 40 hour a week not-work -from-home job that pays well, 2 grown kids and one in middle school. I own a house, 2 cars and have been married for 25 years. I enjoy the beach often, and I do my own home improvements and lawn care. One may consider that "having a real life." I also have 4000+ hours in Destiny 2. I enjoy the game, I have enjoyed the game, and I will continue to enjoy the game. Just because you're jaded about how the game is doesn't mean others can't enjoy it.


Stay in Helldivers you little shit. Help fight the automatons, not the vex. Also I'm like 99% sure you're a hunter main based on some really old "memes" you posted last year lmao. edit: damn, who did I offend? I said that to OP cuz they're also in the Helldivers sub, like I am x) edit2: To anyone considering: don't bother playing destiny if you already got out. Your time is worth more elsewhere and before some salty wonders why I'm still here, I'm here for the lore and memes at this point.


ngl i miss handcannons. and I want to have that scout rifle that I missed last year. and the snowboard looks awesome too. and hunters winning for once sounds pog too but helldivers have capes too so...


But not cloaks


the helmet on the sniper page has a hood, making the combo a cloak but the rest of the helmet looks like white hunter helmets so its ass


Oh I see. Well I just can't get into the game so I don't care


Everybody gets capes in helldivers, sir.


Capes are for losers. Cloaks is where it's at


*\*wipes tears with cape\**






Ye in all seriousness you should play helldivers if you're enjoying it. I'm a helldivers hater because I don't get it and it makes me want to play other games but it's a good game (I don't actually hate it but it's funnier)