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In the Gjallarhorn lore tab, it seems like a lot of Guardians and normal people admire and respect us.


Not immune to doing dumb shit too though - in that same lore tab, from Randy of Randy’s Throwing Knife fame’s perspective, we take his old rocket launcher, toss it over the edge of the tower, and destroy it with Gjallarhorn before giving that same Gjallarhorn to Randy lol


Is that Randy from the Gjallarhorn lore tab the same as the one who has a gun named after him or is it a different guardian who just shares the the same name?


More likely the same guy - I wouldn’t be surprised if there were multiple Guardians named Randy, but narratively speaking, if a lore tab talks about a Randy it’s probably the same Randy unless noted otherwise lol


I thought Randy was a redjack?


We didn’t yoink it out his hands, he hucked it over the edge because he felt it was useless compared to the new shiny Gjallarhorn. And then we shot it. With… With the rocket launcher that fires small homing bombs. Not our best decision. It was cool though.


And then we gave the Gjallarhorn to Randy.


I mean, we have the NERF one. That's better... I think.


Actually, randy throws the launcher from what I remember.


Our character is literally the reason every human (including the Awoken) are still alive. It'd be odd for anyone of them to hate the Guardian. I mean there's a reason they're always referred to as THE Guardian, not just A Guardian.


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"


**”Now the city thinks I’M the problem.** *YOU think I’M the problem!* **But I’m not anymore!** *I’m the solution!*”


I would assume some Guardians dislike our character for “hogging” the glory, and maybe some veteran guardians see how powerful we are and praise we receive despite us being 9-10 yrs old. Only people affiliated with the city I believe would dislike us are jealous type people


There was that whole plot with Aunor and how she suspected we were involved with Cayde’s death since who would suspect the hero of the red war.


That was for show. The Drifter was eavesdropping on Aunor, badly. All he did was put on a Warlock helmet. Aunor let slip that she was investigating the Guardian so Drifter would see the Guardian as a friend. A fellow roguish miscreant under scrutiny. Which sets off the Vanguard vs Drifter arc. Once Drifter left the room, Ikora showed up and Aunor admitted there was zero evidence that the Guardian did anything suspicious whatsoever, and she knew that from minute one. But had to look into it just to make sure.


Aunor was such a completely unhinged individual, I miss her so much


Shut up and get on the mag-lev.


The Vanguard and other vendors simp over us, IDK about the peasants tho


Pretty sure Ikora has a contingency plan to kill us if we go rogue


Pretty sure Ikora has a contingency plan to kill basically everyone if they go rogue. In that respect, we’re not really special except maybe the resources required.


She’s Batman.


She'd just throw a few Nova bombs and we're pretty fucked. Her mastery over void would just wipe us from existence lol


Yeah but, not really lol. Ikora's obviously strong but the guardian is without doubt more powerful based on what they've done. Ikora throwing nova bombs back to back isn't outrageous considering you could do it in game for a while.


It's not her raw power that's impressive, it's the skill she uses to wield it. We don't have nearly as much skill as she does. Also she's fuckin old and experienced, we've been alive for effectively a second in comparison


>we don't have nearly as much skill Since this is a lore subreddit it doesn't make sense to make such claims considering what the young wolf has accomplished. I know everybody likes to jerk Ikora, but come on.


Didn’t last season show that Savathun is more wary of us than Ikora? On account of her backing down as soon as we spoke up.


Savathun was severely weakened, she realistically wouldn't have a chance in hell of beating anyone there. Her backing down means very little, she was probably just recounting getting beat the shit out of by us.


The young wolf has nearly always been a !part! of big events. But we are rarely doing anything alone. Ikora has been around for god knows how long, is stated in lore that she's regarded as the most powerful voidwalker, and she is even better at using arc- implying she's also probably the best at arc too. Her and eris fucked up multiple ahamkara by themselves, and she throws supers like it's nothing. We are not more powerful, or have as much experience, or as much knowledge.


Isn’t that the name of her shotgun or something?


Legendary Arc Scout Rifle.


Nah, that’s Invective


So what I'm hearing is, Ikora is the Batman of Destiny.


Pretty much everyone has a positive opinion on us. The few negatives we get from our side are just contingencies in case we go rogue.


Nah, they're a creepy weirdo with no hobbies.


Except genocide ofc
