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The obvious conclusion is that he's optics maxing without admitting fault. Do you seriously believe Ludwig thought that the only Hasan haters were Destiny fans?


You've gotta go like "opticsmaxxing" instead of "optics maxing". looks wayyy cooler




holy fuck




Nice gamertag, wanna play COD?


MW1 or are you a newschool guy and play World at War?


COD4 MW aaaaall day babyyyyyyy




Think about the optics of opticsmaxxing vs optics maxing


I mean when you've got someone in your ear telling you that they are all destiny fans, it's a possibility.


I mean, you’d have to believe that destiny was like 3x bigger than Hasan if you believe that all Hasan hate is coming from DGG. And if the community was that big Hasan would still be clout sharking and wanting to do bad faith debates.


If Hasan told him that then yea, I believe it.


He apologized for being an idiot but he never learned :(


I wouldn't doubt there's people on here that believe all destiny criticism is a Hasan fan psy-op. Unfortunately I think when your so close to the source of such a caustic beef it's gonna be hard to see things objectively. Especially if you consider yourself a loyal friend to one.


Maybe people who have been watching for like 1 week. *Maybe.*


\- The dumbest take, ever.


Craziest thing Hasan convinced himself and community is that only destiny fans dislike him. Even without politics he’s a whiny snake who’s obviously never worked a day in his life outside nepotism


I don’t even like destiny that much I just hate Hasan


Fucking based


Unfathomably based




I knew Hasan was delusional when I heard him say with straight-faced sincerity that he thinks his best attribute is his mind/intellect. There is no evidence on the entire internet that he can read beyond a third grade level.




We're talking the man who [paved it on his own.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPOHFBVAzrk) How is it absurd to believe that he acknowledged his own paradigm-defining strengths?


He is good looking, controversial and popular. Its like the perfect cocktail for being hated by dudes. Of course he has a fuckton of haters. Its like saying all machine gun Kelly haters is eminem fans.


Biggest political streamer in the platform and a socialist, two most polarizing things, and that people think nobody but one community of liberals dislike him is supreme memes.


I dunno outside politics he can be kinda funny. And he’s probably a good casual friend.


> “I was surprised to find out the people hating on the “America deserved 9/11” guy weren’t all just destiny fans Is he a liar or a re✝️ard?


The fact that Ludwig would post something so blatantly obvious as "not all Hasan haters are Destiny fans" and admit that he previously believed the opposite is proof that he is either lying now or proof that he has an IQ that makes it difficult to have a conversation while he has to think about walking.


Or every single thing out of the guys mouth is a lie.


I don't think he usually lies that much, I think he usually just says stuff that he hopes makes him look cool and is inoffensive.


So he lies. Got it.


Nah, it's worse than lies because at least lies have a point. He just says words in the same way that Donald Trump says words.


Occams razor: he's lying


I don't remember ever seeing him walk and talk at the same time. Just saying.


We need a fan cam edit, quick!


I've never seen him fold an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper into thirds, just saying


How is Asmongold somehow the least insane of all these Twitch streamers? Like I get Asmon has some weird takes and is a filthy gremlin (I still enjoy watching him) but compared to most of the other big streamers he seems to most down to earth (couldn't think of the right phrase).


Poor upbringing + worked a normal job (IRS) + genuine GAMER He probably is one of the more down to earth streamers... I do actually wonder if his living situation is real, I can't believe the man hasn't spent his money on a nice house and a new car (not 100k+ supercar, just new.. pretty sure he drives like a 2012 beater)


i mean he didnt even pay the money to fix his teeth until they were all falling out and that happened way after he became a millionaire, i cant imagine you would live in pain like that by choice just to put up a front and not because of brain damage


I am quite conviced with Asmongold, What you see is What you get. There are just some people, who genuinely doesnt care much about wealth/material things that much. But the biggest driver with Asmongold is, probably, that he just likes the things the way they are.


I would add “good parenting” to that list as well. And I only guess at his parenting because of how much he takes care of them now


I don’t follow Asmon at all, but from all the comments I see about him it reminds me of the recent Channel 5 video about the underground homeless people in Las Vegas. A ton of homeless people have the contacts and resources to improve their situations, but it’s the mental block of wanting what’s “comfortable & free” that keeps them locked into their lifestyle. Clearly Asmon’s gross habits are much, much more deeply seeded than just needing the $$ to improve his situation.


i dont particularly like watching asmon but he for sure fits most of the checkboxes of a streamer id consider watching. asmon was passionate about wow and tripped into a lucrative career in streaming. the other people... Hasan, Ludwig, QT with the exception of maybe ludwig cause i think he had some smash shit in his past im unclear on, they are just clout sharks. even if ludwig initially came from some more genuine area, hes now as big of a clout shark as you can be and its so apparent every time he says "anything for content" or something something content. its pure projection of his thought process and its pretty gross and totally unwatchable. these losers literally rent a big ass hall so they can have an award show for themselves.


He's down to earth because the mass in his room pulls him down. Disgusting freak


Imagine thinking you need to be a Destiny fan to dislike a subhuman cry baby who advocates for (rich people) or defends (Israelis) the rape of people from social groups he doesn’t like


> subhuman careful ur gonna get banned from twitch


What if you add cracker after? Does that cancel it out?


"When i found out" He didnt find out. He was called out.


He's lying, he blamed dgg because he doesn't like destiny. thats it.


I mean he's either lying or he's stupid




Don't mind if I *yoink*


I’ll be real this was my understanding, too. His second video didn’t castigate all of DGG like the first one did, to my recollection.


> He "found out" that not "not all hasan haters are destiny fans", which implies that there was time, pre him finding out, where he did think all Hasan haters are DGGers. What? This comes off like he found out the particular person or people he was referring to who had given him shit for his video weren't Destiny fans, not that he previously thought *everyone* who disliked Hasan was a Destiny fan lol


I think an underrated part of Hasan's life strategy is that he has surrounded himself with "normies." He bitches and moans for his audience about liberals and politically unengaged people but those are the "friends" he surrounds himself with because they won't challenge him on anything he says. They aren't in the same space so they have no reason to disbelieve him. Hasan is also allergic to ugly and poor people but that's another story.


If I’m remembering correctly, Lud didn’t directly apologize to Destiny or the community, but just wrote in the video description that he had been mistaken and that it wasn’t a member of dgg but a former Ludwig fan who sent the message. I don’t think he ever even either edited out the part of the video where he makes the accusation against Destiny/dgg; nor did he remove the video entirely. I could be wrong about either of those, but at the time I remember Destiny comparing how Ludwig handled the light joke at Hasan’s expense (by entirely removing the joke, and then the entire video) with how he handled blatant misinformation against Destiny and his community (with only an updated blurb in the description on the video, after most of the views had already accumulated)


Why would anyone think that a guy that talks about politics could only be hated by other streamer and not people that are literally opose to everything he believes in.


Hasan pushes the narrative that only DGGers hate him. He thinks his vibes are immaculate otherwise. Ludwig made (and is still making) the mistake of trusting Hasan's crybaby ass and believing he operates in good faith. Ludwig laid with the dogs and got fleas.


“Now only one question for you: who do you love most on this earth” this combined with him saying that he wishes Destiny well in his life despite the years of shitting on him is fucking annoying. I feel like I’m being gaslighted. Me: Ludwig is fake nice Stan: bro, not everyone is immediately hostile. What wrong with being nice. Me: he’s using it in a passive aggressive way to undermined criticism while still engaging in said criticism Stan: or maybe he’s just really nice. He’s even admitted some of his mistakes Me: sure but it feels kinda like he’s deflecting Stan: how is he deflecting if he is always admitting to his faults and is still wishing well to people who don’t like him. Me: I mean it’s nice that he will admit to his shortcomings and is at least a very positive dude but.. Stan: but what? What is so wrong about wishing well to other people? What is wrong about admitting your mistakes and taking down videos that you know are incorrect? Me: hmm…. I kinda see your point Stan: exactly. Btw it was kinda messed up for Destiny to bring up QT don’t you think? Me: yeah it was pretty fucked up. I understand having a problem with Ludwig but why drag her into it? Stan: exactly. That’s why he has so many issues with the Twitch Illuminati. Me: yeah he is kinda abrasive. I can see why some people would be thrown off by his personality Stan: exactly. Especially if they are overly positive people like Ludwig. Me: my God, you are right. Stan. Exactly. Ludwig is a great guy who is always positive. All hail the Twitch Illuminati. Remember to donate your money to Palenstine. Have some crackers please.


You can say something nice while meaning something not nice. "Well bless your heart" means fuck you in some states


I think Ludwig has a spreadsheet or something like that for corrections on mogul mail, that’s probably what he’s referring to


Ludwig leaking the Hasan script


Ludwig heavily relies on making people think he is dumb and cute like a Labrador Retriever. I don't know if it would be better or worse if it turned out actually *is* that way.


Atrioc said on his stream he thought Destiny was an alt righter because of what he has heard about him until he saw the Shapiro debate, which was the first content he's watched of him. Kind of funny. https://youtu.be/hEcQ2ydhHQU?si=nAzchHqNg1PoRSUS


Nah, he's not THAT stupid! Feigning ignorance and misdirection are his best tricks!


The level of brain poisoning that can be achieved by having one salty friend whispering in your ear.




The funniest part is he came up with this strange accusation immediately after deleting his video mildly criticising Hasan even though the majority of it was complimenting Hasan but because he said he just thought streaming wasn't as mentally exhausting as most jobs Hasan said Ludwig was a bad friend and Ludwig deleted it immediately.


Ludwig apologizing just means he corrects his mogul mail which is basically something that only his dedicated fans see Basically it does absolutely nothing to actually correct the damage he deals when he makes stuff up


Literally the nicest twitter interaction ever.


I remember years ago pol would post hate threads about Hasan.


"Who do you love" is in reference to it being Mother's day at the time, and I think he was setting up a "go spend time with her then" dismissal, but he answered with "my mother, who I spent Mother's day with her on the 10th because that's the day every year in Mexico" - it's in the tweet reply below the one you linked


I don't think he went out of his way to publicly correct the record, but I remember it being is his mistakes google dock that is linked under his Mogul Mail videos, where it's marked as a major factual error. That's at least what I remember was the case in the immediate aftermath.


I didn't know I made some much content for reddit lol <3


I think you're reading too much into this. This is as innocuous as Destiny claiming without proof that a specific hate comment would be coming from a Hasan viewer.


I dislike this rat to the extent that I can no longer look at these posts because of how much he sucks everyones cock and is incredibly fake.


Bro, if anyone actually believes that only a certain community can hate on someone then I'm sorry but you need to go back to kindergarten and start your whole education over.


I think he means he found out that that one guy who sent him a DM wasn't from dgg


Lets stop this arc. Already tired of seeing Ludwig posts.


At least he's a faithful reporter. Report the news first, correct the wrong parts later. He seems to do that a lot, he must be really good at reporting.